Masters Running


The Sunday daily...aka OrangeMat's first marathon daily!!! (Read 482 times)

    All done. 3:32 and at least a dozen character pics.

    Congrats.  Of course, we expect photo evidence.


    Well done racers!

    Be safe. Be kind.


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Thanks gang. All done. 3:32 and at least a dozen character pics. Decided to have fun and run. This was a blast. Can't wait to see OM and Nono for a beer in Germany to hear their stories. Weather can't be better.

       Congratulations! So happy for you and what a great time WITH photo ops!  Remarkably fast and fun for you. NICE.

      SO happy that you had Ideal Running Conditions. IRC and WDW!  

      Hi Noel!
      Hi Esther!

      (I wish I was going to "Germany" for a beer!) 


        Rest day. Dim Sum. Cool

          wow - great marathon times!!  can't wait to hear more details - wish I was meeting in Germany for a beer too!


          13.1 miles with my MVS friends - 2:17 ... a little slower than I planned, but all about the company on these hosted runs!



            Great job races!

            Fun half marathon group run Denise!

            C-R, way to go!!!


            10 miles for my wings on pure ice. It snowed last night just a little bit, not enough to use the yaktrack, but enough to make it icy. I should have ran on the TM, but with 32F, I did not want to run inside. I saw three bald eagle during the run.

            Time time to rest up a bit, then we will drive up to the woods for either cross country skiing or snowshoeing!

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


              I was out for 3.6 miles this morning.  Very quiet out there.  Only spotted a couple paper boys.  I think everyone was down at Disney.  Congratulations to C_R, OM, Nono, and LMRS.


              (Day 3 of eating better.  If you ever want to slow down time, try to quit snacking on junk food.) 




              The Dovenator

                Yay marathoners and half-marathoners! Sounds like fun times!!!

                "it's just like having fun, but different"


                  Met OM and Mr. OM irl. A perfect part of such a great race day. Yeah.

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                    It sounds like a real RA successful day at Disney for C-R, OM (AT must have behaved), SisRosa, LMRS, and Nono.  Nice half deez.  wild, loved the pictures expecially of the Kira monkey and Kira sloth.


                    Nice long runs for fatozzig and mari.


                    This morning, it was about 30° and there was a light wind.  I got in 5 miles in a little over 54 minutes for a 10:51 pace.


                    A good day and good runs for all.




                      (Day 3 of eating better.  If you ever want to slow down time, try to quit snacking on junk food.) 


                      ...ain't it the truth// a really BIG book dave........

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Great Job, Racers!  Can't wait to hear the details. I had forgotten Nono and LilMissRosy were there, too - very cool!


                        Today was my first attempt at any speed in 2 months, a planned wave run, with a 2-mile WU, then every other mile somewhere betweem MP and tempo.  I made it through with mile #3, 5, and 7 at (8:40, 8:31, 8:31) before I ran out of steam and went back to slow chugging.  Kept at it, though, and ran another 7 slow miles to make it 14 for the day.


                        Those poor little fast-twitch fibers have such a tough time getting started after a lay-off, and the cold doesn't help them at all.  29 degrees may not seem cold to some of you, but my butt cheeks were frozen by mile #3 (and in my winter fleece, too), and my hands were painfully frozen by mile #8.  I need to get some Hot Hands....


                        Here's a mystery to me:  Last night at 5pm when we drove to church, the nearly-full moon was high in the eastern sky.  This morning, when I got up at 6am, the same moon was still high in the sky, but on the west side.  This was 13 hours later.  I would have thought the moon would have been long set by then.  How can the moon move across the sky slower than the sun?  I wish MCSolar were here - he'd know the answer.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          congrats to all the racers today.


                          4 miles for me today. Nothing special just enjoying the time outside right now. I won't get any runs in the next 2 days because of 18 hour work days but I hope to get in some miles later in the week. Right now its just taking what I can get and being happy with it. Things should get a lot better after inventory is over.



                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                            Congratulations to C-R, OM, Nono and LMRS down at Disney!  I hope all of you managed to get a lot of character pictures while wearing your medals!


                            Dave59 works better than flying close to the speed of light!


                            Mariposai bald eagle! What a sight that must be!  Just now my DW announced there where five turkeys in the back yard.  Somehow, not quite as inspiring.  Roll eyes


                            Holly S. the good news they will wake back up with some prodding!


                            Here is my "race" "report."  Both words are in separate quotes for good reason.  Race is in quotes because I did not really race.  It was a 10k and my longest run since restarting again has been 4 miles.  So, there was no chance of really racing even if I had wanted to.  Plus my number one goal was to avoid doing any damage despite adding two miles in one run. That meant no pushing it let alone racing.  My second goal was to spot all the mile markers along the route and remember to hit the lap button on my Garmin when I did.  I am pleased to report I managed both goals!  Now, report is in separate quotes this is the end of the report!

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Wow!  Geat job marathoners!  Norm--very nice time!  And OM--you are a marathoner!!!!  Congratulations to all!


                              How about Tim?  Has anybody heard from him?


                              I did my 10.2 miles in an easy 1:19:42, this morning, before Church.  It's Eric's birthday, today, and I wanted to be available to spend the day with him. 


                              We just got back from lunch and, now I think he wants to got to a friend's much for spending time with the family.  But--anyway--our youngest is 19 years old!  Unbelievable!  I know that I have shared some of the crap he's put us through over the last 3 or 4 years, but he really is a sweet-hearted person.  He cares about people and their feelings...although, sometimes, it doesn't seem that way.  I wish I could go back and do some things differently with him, but I can't.  I can only move forward from today and where we're 


                              Yeah--I used to drag Eric along for races, too...he just never liked it.  Here's Ryan, Eric, and me after one of those races...



                              I always thought, if he was lucky, he might be as tall as me...



                              It's like he grew up over night.


                              Anyway--it's Eric's birthday.


                              Okay--I better go so I can be ready to go on a moment's notice.

                                Happy Birthday, Eric!!  Your dad loves you loads.  Don't ever forget that.


                                Congratulations to all our racers this weekend, ESPECIALLY OM!!!  This is for you:



                                And a special one for Twokitty, too:


                                8 sort of lead-legged miles out at the McKay Tract this morning.  Would feel good for awhile, then blah.  Then the legs would feel good, then blah.  Got 'em done, though, and now I get to do housework.  Yeah!

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

