Masters Running


It's Thurs Mar 13 Masters Runs (Read 537 times)

    PDR--I had counsins and an aunt and uncle like that. I'm sorry. Hope you find space for the long one in Wisconsin--that should help ease your heart a little, I hope. Holly, such good news! I bet some new ones go on the market this weekend--spring and all that. seemomgo--is there a seam sticking out inside? A shoe I really liked changed to put a seam in the exact wrong place for me in the new version--big blister. Return them for sure, as advised above. I love Brinkley's run. Big grin off to the gym with me! grins, A
    Masters 2000 miles

      I started on household tasks today, before running. Nearly talked myself out of it. A few things got done and the dog and I put in 4 miles today. I year ago I was wearing knee braces before and during runs. As well as an ankle brace before and after runs. I came across them in a box today. This is kewl. I'm still slow, but....



        congrats on selling your house so quickly Holly. That's great in this stagnant real estate market right now. I'll break the rules too and post my run from last night. I'm a DST lover as it means I can do my mid week long run outdoors after work, rather than resort to the TM. Last night was 8 miles in 1:16. And I finished about 3 min before the PNW drizzle started. Although I would have welcomed some drizzle during that last mile or so of my run as I was getting warm with my short sleeve shirt and Eugene Marathon shirt that I won from Tet Cool . I leave tomorrow a.m. for Eugene for a CLE seminar. It's just an overnighter, but I'll get in a short run at the hotel tomorrow evening and then I plan on slipping into the seminar a bit late on Saturday a.m. as I pound out a 17 miler first. I'm meeting Econo for lunch when I get to Eugene tomorrow and she'll give me a route to run from my hotel and I believe it'll somewhat be the marathon course, so it'll be nice to run that and get familiar with it a little.


        Marathon Maniac #957

          I did get down on my knees to check out the fort! Wink PJ
          Smile My DD (age 5) wanted so badly to build a fort in her room the other night, using blankets and sheets and umbrellas, but with people popping by at a moment's notice (2 more showings today), I'm frantically trying to keep the house in perfect order (ha!). I promised her that if she will wait until the house sells, I'll buy a real tent for her to put up. We've already got an offer on the house, but it's too low, really. Several other people are interested, so we'll see what happens. Tramps - I was thinking something very similar to that....Big grin

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            SteveP - I am sure it's amazing not to have to wear running braces anymore and run free. Congrats Holly - Congrats on selling your house so fast, must be a relief, although now it's time to buy a new one (yikes) 10K just now ahead of you guessed it more snow (how much can we get). Anyway ran the 10K in 46 minute and felt pretty good, legs were awesome, lungs still suffering. I obviously still have a cold, since (excuse) me my nose has been a faucet for two weeks (yuck). Looking forward to running the 10K race with my lady friend on Saturday and then out for a movie and a dinner date. We also actually get to spend the whole Easter weekend together as her kids will be with their father on that weekend. I will have the girls for two of the four days. Hope everyone is getting better training weather than's been a tough one this year. Take care my friends Tall

            Recent Best times: None recently


              Good afternoon folks! Smile SueT- Ok, off to the corner you go! No such thing as bad dogs, just bad owners. Wink Gotta love that corpse pose, they don't call it that for nothing. I have a dog medical question for you, but don't want to impose. Do you feel comfortable being asked something along those lines here? Tramps- you had to break that "groundhog day" cycle that you've been in the past couple of days anyway, so oversleeping was a good thing. SteveP- You've come a long way in a year Steve. Congrats on losing the braces. Now we have to work on losing the dog biscuits. Wink Tammy- have a good trip to Eugene, good luck with your run there, and good luck staying awake in your seminar afterwards! Tallrunner- speedy run today! Sounds like a nice weekend coming up, aside from the weather that is. CNY- did you survive the field trip? Had a very wonderful 6 mile jaunt in the trails at lunchtime, under bright blue skies, temps in the mid 40's and no wind. Just glorious out there. Ran tall and strong (thanks Mariposai!), the feet seemed to just skip effortlessly across the cushiony trails today. The time out there unfortunately passed too quickly. Just 290 more miles to go. I hope everyone enjoys their evening! Smile

                I can remember building forts with blankets and furniture. They were so much fun. We also used to slide down the stairs on our butts, sometimes using pillows, sometimes not. After a while we would be making so much noise that we would get the proverbial "stop that now before someone gets hurt" shout from mom. Now those were the days.... BTB: the incident yesterday was a new pilot picking up his new purchase that landed him in very hot water. He was very close to the capitol (and I suspect he didn't understand why there were F-16's escorting him about Big grin) which is what created the massive call out. Most of these incidents are intercepted much further away, and yes, they happen several times a year lending to our desensitization. What I don't understand is why they keep happening. I am not a pilot, so I don't really know. What part of restricted air space don't they understand???? I went for a 30 min swim today. No running. Well, not really, but I am about to find out how well my foot really is. I had a very important meeting this morning and needed to run to catch the train. I was in my dress shoes, and while it was only for a few seconds, that is not good for me and my foot. It does not hurt...yet. I am hoping it will not hurt tomorrow. Good runs and good afternoon

                Trails Rock!


                  I ditched my running plans, hopped in the car, drove north about 85 miles and spent the day cross country skiing. Hopefully I'll get caught up on everyone else's day after I get the family something to eat. (For you fellow Michigan people, I went here:




                    Smile My DD (age 5) wanted so badly to build a fort in her room the other night, using blankets and sheets and umbrellas, but with people popping by at a moment's notice (2 more showings today), I'm frantically trying to keep the house in perfect order (ha!). I promised her that if she will wait until the house sells, I'll buy a real tent for her to put up.
                    Holly, these are pretty cool. They attach right to your kids bed, and fold up flat when you're done, so you can slide it under their beds. I want one!
                      Not sure yet if I'll run today. Planned on 10 and I'm supposed to meet a friend for my last 3. He just had to put his dog to sleep that used to run with me and my dog. Sad Think I may be picking up DS 's bug (he'smissed 8 days of school n the last 3 weeks). PDR -- I'm sorry about your loss. Safe travels to Wisconsin. Wish I knew the Racine area to help you plan out your run. Tall -- I've often wondered how your daughters deal with the new woman in your life. Going through a divorce myself with two kids, I really can't imagine my kids spending time with any new person in my life very well, especially so soon. Your kids must be very strong.
                        Soundrunner Good question: I spent a lot of time talking to my girls after the seperation ie: talking about what the future would hold, then when I started dating I told my kids about it and they asked some questions. Then when I told them a month or so later that I was serious with someone we talked again. I never in my wildest dreams expected to meet someone so special so soon. But what can you do! So I too struggled with it and felt guilty. I did go talk to a well respected counsellor to see if I was approaching things correctly. And she thought I was. I was also very very clear that "NO ONE WOULD EVER REPLACE THEIR MOTHER" NO ONE. The first time they met my lady friend they also met her children who are a little younger but close in age to my girls (so that helped). We also have been doing fun things together, bowling, playing scattergories, etc.. It's definetely easier for my ladies kids since it's been a few years since the divorce. My girls are easing into it and my lady friend is a psychotherapist so is very accepting that it will take time and is letting the girls come to her vs her pushing it. My oldest is very outgoing so it's easier for her. My youngest internalizes more so it's important that I keep my eyes on her. Open dialogue is key here. It's not always easy but with love and honesty it's going along well. The girls are supportive but are taking a wait and see approach. Hope this can help you. Good luck with everything. Tall

                        Recent Best times: None recently

                          Wildchild wrote: "Breger Bill: Hope the skiing is fun! I hope to ski on Sunday, as a snowstorm is heading our way"
                          Yep, they're predicting 1 to 2 feet of snow tonight. I'll have to learn how to ski in powder tomorrow - I have no idea. Another 6 miles and another day of skiing today. Skiing was harder today as the conditions were cruddy, but it was fun. Hot Tubbing every day too... Bill

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                            Soundie and Tall, my youngest son was 5 when his father and I separated. It was a tough time for him, because his dad had his new friend move in our old house right after I left. I took him to a local church that had sessions for children whose parents were going through divorce. That way, he got to talk with other kids going through the same emotional issues, and also had some one on one time with a therapist. When I started dating, I only went out on the weekends that my son was scheduled to be with his dad because I didn't want him to be confused about what was going on. When I finally met someone special, I had him come for dinner one night and gradually added him to doing things with us. His dad has since divorced wife #2 and has married wife #3. Try and explain that to your kids! Divorce is never easy on children, but it sounds like Tall is doing all the right things. The most important part is keeping the lines of communication open so your kids know it's okay to share their feelings. I've been remarried for 11 years, and we still hear "you're not my real dad" when his stepfather tries to discipline him. But for the most part, I think my son loves and respects his stepfather. My heart goes out to both of you - I know you're going through some trying situations. But time heals all wounds, and I think we're better parents if our own lives are going well. Just thought I'd share my experience, for what it's worth. Good luck to both of you! Jeanne
                              Hello all, Good reading here today. God speed PDR and WRFB--travel safe and PDR, I am sure your aunt knew she was loved. I hope this weekend will be one where the great memories will sit side by side with the pain and sorrow that will be present. In the time the memories will sustain you I hope. Hugs to you. Holly! Way to go on the house, but wow....speedy action. You can stay with me at the hotel when I am in town next week! I survived the camp-in field trip at the Museum of Science in Boston very well. It was quite fun and so interesting. Too many details to share here, but we arrived at 5 PM yesterday after watching "Night at the Museum" on the bus...pulling in as EWF is playing "September" (my favorite song---b-day month for moi) in the closing scene. The camp-in staff are full time staffers and MIT engineering students who intern at the museum---they rock. 200 sixth graders from my son's school and 150 second graders from a school North of Boston. All the programs were wonderful, I am sleep deprived and also happy I signed up. My kiddo was in my group with five other nice boys---little bit dorky, all attentive and very sweet. One even slipped and called me "Mom" when he realized he forgot toothpaste and had to get me out of my sleeping bag at midnight. My favorite activity was this morning in the Omni Theater...they showed "Wired to Win" in the 180 degree theater dome. It was a close-up look of the Tour De France in 2004 and the footage followed an Australian rider. They flipped from phenomenal Tour footage (felt like I was in the Alps or on a bike) of him biking to how the neurons in his brain were sending messages to his body about pain, endurance and so forth. He wipes out at one point and they show you his MRI.....all totally cool. They also spend time taking you into the brain and what happens with endurance athletes. How perfect! Biketm and all you cyclists would have loved it. Anyway....we all made it back. I decided to stretch the old legs after bus-sitting and floor sleeping and went out for 10.3 miles at 3:30 in 1:31 (8:45) pace. I felt oddly strong and steady and just kept on going. It was 38F and sunny. This will allow me to reduce one of the weekend runs and that's cool anyway. It must have been all that 11-12 year -old adrenaline. Good run, good day and I'll sleep soundly tonight...My turn to do some good snoring! Until tomorrow, CNYrunner


                                ... I was all about MaryAnn! Wink ....
                                I'm with evryday Mary Ann is hawt! And she's gotta get off the island some way. Thinking of ditching today's run. Currently in slouch mode. jjj
                                Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.