Masters Running


Fourth-of-July Racing/Running (Read 344 times)


    Well, I am not smart like Spareribs, so I didn't hesitate to race a 10k last Saturday and then another 10k again this morning.   I did taper by running Sunday on trails, a track workout Monday night and a nice easy run through the park last night though.

    I felt weird and dizzy at the start of the race, but felt better as I kept running, 74 degrees and humid, so nearly perfect.  1st in age group so I won an awesome workout bag.   Cool


    Runners run

      Yeah Ilene!  Yeah Jay!  First in age group, well that is something!

      And Dave, didn't you at least get a T-shirt for your troubles?  It ain't all bad.

      Tetsujin, I really have to try that race sometime.  I guess I could just sleep in the next day and have a nap too to make up for the lost sleep.  For some reason, I thought the race was tonight, amid fireworks, and I'd have to get up early the next day.


      I went to my favourite Bridle Trails and ran 6 miles!  Very happy as it didn't feel all that hard.   About 60F, and SO MANY RUNNERS.  My foot is holding up nicely - seems like my strategy of walking the second I feel any kind of twinge has been the magic answer.  It used to be I could only go about 3.5 miles, and then I would push through another 100m in pain before walking.  Now I know that was really stupid.  Also no more tight calves ever since I started alternating some cushiony shoes in with the flatter ones.  I can almost smell a 10 miler in my future now.


      I saw a barefoot dude, but it wasn't Tet.  I wanted to ask him what the squishy mud felt like between his toes, but he looked so happy, I guess I already knew the answer.


      Right after I came home we went for a 2 mile hike at Cougar Mountain with the kids.  There is a caterpillar infestation right now and DD was walking painfully slowly, commanding everyone not to step on the poor critters.  We kept trying to tell her the billions of them were a pest but she wouldn't listen.  Up there, also TONS OF RUNNERS.  You'd think it was a holiday, sunny and 60F or something!

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        I saw a barefoot dude, but it wasn't Tet.  I wanted to ask him what the squishy mud felt like between his toes, but he looked so happy, I guess I already knew the answer.

        Nice running enki. I'd like to get back to Cougar sometime too.

         nope, the barefoot dude wasn't me but I wish it was, . . .

        unless "Bridle Trails" means the mud might have something else in it! Smile

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


           Mike E..Take deep breaths..I'm sorry to hear about DW's grandmother. Sad


          All of Tag's stories are non fiction. Use those. If any money is earned from them, he has an outstanding ice cream bill.


          Get a goat for the lawn. In the winter, you'll have a full freezer and goat skin gloves.


          Screw up Eric's scrapbook and your DW will take the chore away from you.


          Then you'll have time for running.


          Silly Tazzie. The taking off thing is why we don't run with Honey any more. They'll be happy to see you.


          I spent the day at the in laws doing garage door repair. The old bracket was never screwed or bolted, but glued to the door. It's lasted 10+ years. The glue did not give. The paint peeled off the bracket in two even strips. I told FIL that I did not know what kind of glue it is, but I want some. As it's a National Holiday, I was glad to see our local shops closed, but not so glad to travel 13 miles for parts.  When I got home, we made cookies for a blood drive tomorrow. It's at a local grain and bulk goods store, Most of the ingredients are from the store. Hopefully, that will help boost the bottom line. I love the place, but DW and I don't spend enough to support it.



            I just started reading today's thread but Twocat, go to Lido ( Ledo?).  Island off Venice  with more dry land and beaches you can run on. We went there when my DD was 4 after a few days of climbing and hiking elsewhere. Short boat ride from Venice... and better place to stay with a young child.


            Today I was up at our family lake place ( shared with our family and two of Dh siblings) on Silver Lake in Madison, NH. I ran 7 miles of hills on a dirt road, mowed the lawn and swam. DS water skiied a couple of times, played some tennis and now is off visiting a ski team friend for a couple of days.  


            Happy 4th... now off to read the rest...

              Happy Birthday Peter, Paul, and Econo!


              Mike - Sorry to hear about Grandma, but it sounds like she had a good life and was ready.  And give the job a chance.  It may end up being better than you hoped for.


              9 hill fartlek miles out at Headwaters.  My average pace wasn't pretty, but I worked the hills as hard as I could and was soaked thru and thru by the end.  After, we went downtown and spent 5 hours sitting in a parking lot with some of Shorty's friends watching all their kids go crazy and watching the people enjoying all the 4th of July festivities (I walked around and checked things out a couple of times when the mayhem with the kids got to be too much).  Finally BBQ'd, then Shorty and I came home.  It was going to be another 3.5+ hrs before the fireworks started, and neither of us were up for staying longer.  I said a silent "hallelujah!" when he said he was ready to go home. Smile

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                I ran today! 6.1 mles, and I can't say they were totally pain-free, but not too bad and it was so good to be out running again. The weather was perfect at about 63° and cloudy, with the sun peeking out just a bit at the end. Leg was fine the first couple miles, next couple miles it was talking and I was starting to think I should've had my phone to call for a ride. Last two miles were back up the hill and my leg was complaining by then. But I made it home, and icing now. Hope to run tomorrow too, but I'll see how it feels.


                  Sweet sweet Erica!


                  Marathon Maniac #957

                     People were out baking pizzas on the street.


                    Big grin


                    Twocat - feel free to post pictures of Venice...


                    Erika - nice that you are running!


                    11 miles for me for Wednesday.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Happy Birthday to Econo, Peter, and Paul.  I love 4th of July birthdays.  They're easy to remember.  Smile


                      I did a surprisingly successful Sprint Triathlon on the 4th - especially the Bike leg.  Happy.



                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
