Masters Running


Saturday January 21 Mid-Winter Runs (Read 388 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    Nice Racing Sarge and  Wild!!


    Nice seeing you starting up again Anachrotech!  A very slow buildup will payoff in the long run!


    Wow Mari!  18 miles on fresh snow... what a workout. Bet you'll be a bit sore tomorrow!



    2 Magical Healing Miles with Tory and Sadie on a few inches of fresh snow.  They love it!

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      Skip, sorry to hear of the loss of your friend last week.  My thoughts are with his family. Mike, belated happy birthday to your wife.  fatozzig, happy birtday to your husband.  PBJ, good luck with your knee.  wild, sorry to hear about the $$$ outgo. anachrotech, it's good to hear from you.  Good luck on starting back up.  wild, nice race.  Sarge, good racing in the snow with matching 3rd in AG for you and your wife.  mtnchk, way to beat your goal in your race.  Mike, congrats on 5th OA in your race.


      Nice long runs for jdmom, perch, mari, and wild (including above mentioned race).  Good job on the speedwork for lame and CNY.


      This morning, I did a 5K race.  Like several others today, it had an appropriate name, "Freeze Your Fanny Run".  The temperature was probably in the high single digits, it was almost calm, and the roads were a bit icy with a touch of snow on top.  Along with many others, I wore my Yaks.  One guy ran the race shirtless.  It took me 28:19 for a 9:08 pace.  I was 61/91 OA and 2/3 in my AG (65-69).  I did a warmup of 1.15 and another 2.75 miles afterwards for a total of 7 miles for the day.  A lot of my racing friends were there, including several who are running a night trail run tonight.


      A good day and good runs for all.



      Marathon Maniac #957



        Gorgeous weather for the Frosty's Frozen 5&10 this am in Littleton! Little breezy & around 50* F at the start. 


        Okay, that's just wrong somehow.....nice race, though, Mntchk!


        TomS - nice racing in the single digits!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        aka FlyingFinn

          Hi, anachrotech, good to see you.


          Congrats Sarge and Mrs. Sarge, wildchild and Mtnchk, Mike, and tselbs.


          Great long run on snow Mari!


          Nice action shot of your DD, Holly.


          Heme, it looks like heaven in those woods.


          The storm gave us all snow, no ice, and we were surprised to wake up to 6 inches of fresh powder.  We skied around the fields and down and up the paths through the woods. After skiing I did a hilly run, 1:28, lead legs.  Tomorrow morning will be our last chance on this snow as it’s supposed to get up to the mid 40’s and rain next week. Crud.

          Instructions for living a life:

          Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver

            Congrats to our racers this weekend.  And TSelbs with another great 5k!  Mr. Consistency, yes indeedy.


            Great puppy and kids pics!  I couldn't get into the video. Sad


            18 miles today out at Headwaters.  Had the place to myself except for the last approx. 2.5 miles.  Once I got to the top, I did nine .5 mile loops before heading back down the 2 miles then up again, then back down and out.  There was a nice large more than ankle deep puddle of almost crystal clear water I had to traverse on each loop, plus a nice section of sucking mud I went through on each climb and descent.  Very slippery, and I almost lost my shoe the second time down.  Needless to say, I gave my new Drymax sock a run for their money.  Although my feet were pretty cold from going through the puddle over and over, never got a blister.  Nice!


            Lots of flooding in the pastures around here with the water at road level on the road I have to drive to get to Headwaters.  Thankfully, the rain stopped about 15 minutes before I headed out and pretty much stayed away for most of the run, except for the occasional light shower.  Gotta get up bright and early tomorrow as the weather peeps are predicting high winds and lots of rain again starting tomorrow late morning/early afternoon.


            Later -

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            King of PhotoShop

              Skip, sorry to hear of the loss of your friend last week.  My thoughts are with his family. Mike, belated happy birthday to your wife.  fatozzig, happy birtday to your husband.  PBJ, good luck with your knee.  wild, sorry to hear about the $$$ outgo. anachrotech, it's good to hear from you.  Good luck on starting back up.  wild, nice race.  Sarge, good racing in the snow with matching 3rd in AG for you and your wife.  mtnchk, way to beat your goal in your race.  Mike, congrats on 5th OA in your race.


              Nice long runs for jdmom, perch, mari, and wild (including above mentioned race).  Good job on the speedwork for lame and CNY.


              This morning, I did a 5K race.  Like several others today, it had an appropriate name, "Freeze Your Fanny Run".  The temperature was probably in the high single digits, it was almost calm, and the roads were a bit icy with a touch of snow on top.  Along with many others, I wore my Yaks.  One guy ran the race shirtless.  It took me 28:19 for a 9:08 pace.  I was 61/91 OA and 2/3 in my AG (65-69).  I did a warmup of 1.15 and another 2.75 miles afterwards for a total of 7 miles for the day.  A lot of my racing friends were there, including several who are running a night trail run tonight.


              A good day and good runs for all.



               One reason why you continue to race so well is that you go out there and race.  Once you're in shape you have to make yourself do some anaerobic work to race well, and you just keep at it.  Good for you Tom.  Spareribs


                Nice winter racing around here! I really like hearing about all your runs and races, and have a special shout out to Carolyn for her PR, and Sarge for racing with DW, and TomS for being so consistent in your racing. What's your streak now?


                Heme, that trail looks really nice but I really. don't. like. running. in. snow.... bleh. But when I ran in Juneau, where the snow was wetter, it felt easier because it packed down so well. Our snow is dry, fluffy and shifty... very hard to run in. But, no matter because I haven't run outside in ages.


                I did run today! 3.1 miles, around 9 m/m pace and that was just fine. Tendon barked a bit (whined?) at the halfway point, but I kept going and it's ok now. Picked up DH afterward and we did the elliptical (3 miles) and upper body weights to finish up the day. Did shopping and laundry beforehand, and feel like I spent the day in the car and doing errands. 


                Tomorrow? I'll see how I feel and might try another short run, or might wait a day or so. No worries.


                  I'd offer to fax Holly my birth certificate as well. The stone tablet jams the paper feed. Don't be too hard on your DH. It's a little known fact that a man getting a cold is tougher than child birth. Thanks for the picture!


                  Anachrotec! Good to see you!!


                  Good grief Nancy, reading your post made me tired.


                  Hemerocallus, That trail looks heavenly.


                  Wow, WildChild gets back from the tropics then scores a PR!! Heck yeah!


                  Nice MikeE.


                  Nice racing TomS


                  Very hardcore Leslie!


                  yeah for Erika's 3.1 mile run..


                  DW and I took Tag and Honey out for an hour twenty snow shoe romp. It's the deepest, fluffiest snow that DW had gone through. Fun fun fun. I wish I had pictures of Honey bouncing through ear deep snow.


                  Marathon Maniac #957

                     It's a little known fact that a man getting a cold is tougher than child birth.


                    Big grin

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
