Masters Running


Windy Sunday Daily 10-26-14 (Read 39 times)

    Hey everyone,

    Getting ready here at my house with Mariposai - she made a lovely dinner last night.  It was incredibly windy all night long, and the power kept going out, and the rain was pouring down.  This morning, no rain, but the wind is still kicking hard.

    Looking forward to the race.....and very glad I am not doing the 20 miler or 50K, the latter which goes down to a hiway and up a 2nd mountain and back!!!

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



      Good morning Enke!  I hope I brought enough clothes for this race!  And it's not windy here at DD's (in Queen Ann neighborhood) so I hope it's calm at the race. See you guys soon! :-)

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

        ..Have Fun Guys//.............Good Company =Good Racing........




        very foggy here,

        headed out and couldn't even see the end of the road......


        kinda creepy when you have to Listen for the cars coming


        .......60-min bike ride

        7-up and 7-down


        bookwork and getting Pickles ready to leave (she takes about a 5-day effort)


        ........good running to ya

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


          Sounds like a fun day out west.


          Rest day for me.



            Sounds like a fun day out west.


            Rest day for me.


            ..Rest Well dave, you probably need it......




            ...oh, anyone still Mowing Grass??


   one in middle  tennessee EVER mows into October,

            a very odd Growing Season here

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              All this talk about Charlevoix has me thinking.  I don't see me running a half, let alone a marathon.  The area is special to my wife as her parents had a cottage about 12 miles south of Charlevoix during her growing up years.  They kept it long enough for our kids to have good memories visiting the grandparents there.  I'm wondering if I should be thinking about going up there to meet my RA friends and cheer them on.



              There are also a 10K and 5K ,Tom. Now you know you'll have to be there!


              I'm on the fence about this Michigan meetup - I haven't done a race in Michigan, and would love to meet some new RA friends -- but the race doesn't sound like much fun (paved and flat and crowded).   Hmmm....



              Crowded? This is generally considered a "small town marathon" with just 1000 runners starting the full distance. By contrast, the Detroit Marathon is not rated as a premier event, but there were 27,000 people running it last weekend; now that's crowded (and one reason why I wasn't among them)! The course is flat & paved (blacktop -- not concrete), but I talked yesterday to someone who's run it and he said he also wasn't expecting much but ended up enjoying it. But compared to where you live, it might still seem downright metropolitan! 


              No running today, and in fact I'm nursing a bit of a sore knee . But I will probably try to get out this afternoon for a bike ride since the suitable days for that are definitely dwindling.


              Good luck to any weekend racers who aren't already out on the course as I type this!

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

              King of PhotoShop

                Have fun ladies!


                Missed you all yesterday so let me catch up. I got shellacked in yesterday's Tyler Cup, finishing last in my heat. My strategy of getting behind Billy Rodgers so I'd have better control of the pace, did not work out, as he simply ran away from me!  Frank Shorter ran one of the earlier, slower heats, so I didn't compete against him. I ran 16:40 for the 2-mile, or 8:20's.  I'm not at all disappointed, for two reasons.  First, I had a very strong week, 36 miles, 14 on Sunday and a good Wednesday speed workout.  I'm just tired is all. And second, I had a ball with Billy and Frank. This is a small, invitational event and I was honored to be asked.  I'm writing about it for tomorrow's DMN blog and I'm going to post the link tomorrow here. Governor Perry spoke at the post-race lunch, and Dr. Kenneth Cooper, our host, gave a great and informative speech.


                So tired this morning! The Saint and I went to the Lake and volunteered for water duty, so we got out there early and put out the jugs and cups, just as we did last week.  Thank goodness another volunteer agreed to pick them up later as we were beat.  I did 6 slow miles and the Saint got in 8.  We leave for Puerta Vallarta in the morning.  Spareribs

                Marathon Maniac #957



                  ...oh, anyone still Mowing Grass??




                  Yes!  The leaves are falling but the grass is still green and growing.....


                  Good luck Ladies!


                  Ribs - safe travels and good weather!


                  We are back home in Ohio now.  Much to do today to get ready for the workweek, so I will check in later to see how the western group did...


                  10 easy-paced miles for me this morning in 47 degrees.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."





                    ...oh, anyone still Mowing Grass??



                    Just cut it yesterday. Still a weekly chore here as long as the weather stays above freezing. I had to rake first because the leaves were so thick. Lots of cross training yesterday!


                    Is there a half option for the Charlevoix? Would love to be part of this group but don't think I have a marathon in me anymore.


                    Welcome back Holly, and have fun Ribs!


                    Good luck Enke, Mariposai, Carolyn and anyone else racing today. Enjoy your rest day Dave.  Hoping that Pickles is traveling light Tom


                    6 1/2 miles this morning in absolutely perfect weather. 39° at 5:30 when I took off. No wind and a sky full of stars. I didn't get 35 miles for the week, but did get 23 which is a pretty big number for me these days.


                    Did anyone see the end of the Detroit/Atlanta game? Wow! And I'm looking for a movie critic to tell me what they thought of "St Vincent" with Bill Murray. It looks like one worth paying movie theatre prices for.

                      Good luck to today's racers.  I hope the weather out west for that Cougar Mountain (let us see if we can die today) race holds out.  enkephalin normally if the rain just stops pre-race that works just fine.  But on a trail race like Cougar Mountain?  I sure hope it is quick dry dirt up there.


                      I ran a HM today.  I felt pretty strong.  But it was not one of my faster times.  The official results are not in yet but by my watch I finished in 1:39:30.  In my legs defense, it is one of the hilliest courses I know of for a HM.  No matter, it was just a final tune up prior to the Savannah Marathon on November 8.  Next Sunday is the NYC marathon and I know quite a few people running it.  Today's weather was superb for racing, I hope they get the same next Sunday.

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        Sun is out now, but windy still!  Carolyn snagged first in our AG50-59.  I got third (out of 3!)  But, hey!  At least I wasn't DFL (although again, pretty close to it!)  Utterly shocked that she can run up all those hills without walking.

                        Mariposai is still out there, hopefully doing the 50K.  It was chilly at the end, standing around.  The trail was in good shape, not that muddy, just lots of leaves down and huge a number of fallen branches and trees from the windstorm last night.  So, lots of jumping and even climbing over obstacles, but it was great fun.


                        SR - cool company you keep.

                        Twocat, not all races can be your best.  Sounds like a solid effort.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                          Hi  : )     Also checking in for tales of the wild west.    Hope they are having lots of fun.    Special good luck to Nancy!   

                          Welcome back Holly!

                          This is not really a post because I'm just popping in from cleaning my car & garage & etc.    Going to rake leaves in a minute, probably should cut the grass but I can't find it.   ;  Wink


                          Hi Jeanne!     I think there are all kinds of options for this Michigan race.    


                          Glad you had such a great time, Ribs.


                          5 miles this morning,  not pretty.   but fairly hilly.    I don't think I've really posted since after I'd walked 2 miles & was very excited about that.   Two kitty,  (nice half)  you were right, the words of wisdom you shared that day.      Well, I think later the same day I tripped over a mat at work & landed splat flat & heavy on the knee caps.   About which my pt had said, that same morning, were the biggest problem area.  didn't crack the patella, yay, but ortho doc said the joint(s) were contused, & so that ended up being about a 2 month setback.   Other odds & ends have popped up.   But I finally started a return to running program, 30 sec. x 6.  that kind of thing.   Slow going!   Last week was 7 with the hill that I love/hate... & the downhill was doable.    Had been afraid I wouldn't be able to do that anymore.    yippee.   Longest before that was 4.5.   Then I stoopidly forgot that I don't kneel much anymore & filled in dirt next to my driveway (recently replaced) where the forms had been.    So, my knee has not been too happy since.     Um. guess I am posting.   did Not mean this to be about me!!!!       I have no idea about next June, but love reading about this MI meetup.

                          I'd better get outside, it's a ridiculously beautiful day!          I'm way behind, only getting bits & pieces now & then.   Sorry for all that I've missed.    I hope you all are well.

                          Sayhey! MM#130

                            Wow, Ribs, looking forward to the story in the paper--you'll post it here, right?


                            Yes tselbs, what roch said!


                            I think wild is wildbeastrunner in all best possible senses!!  Congrats on the AG and congrats to enke on the AG award!


                            C'mon Mari, our wingedbeast......with gumption galore


                            Welcome home Holly!!


                            Must run--promised Dh I'd go to the  pool with him, and he drove us up and back to a race this am so he's due!


                            we don't mow but mowing continues here, it's just less frequent, all year, I do believe.....


                            I think I sucked up the half marathon karma today, twocat; got mine in at 1:36:07.  Yours to have  next time!


                            grins and happy rest of Sunday......


                    (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              Now it's raining really hard....poor racers!

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                                Is there a half option for the Charlevoix? Would love to be part of this group but don't think I have a marathon in me anymore


                                Did anyone see the end of the Detroit/Atlanta game? Wow! And I'm looking for a movie critic to tell me what they thought of "St Vincent" with Bill Murray. It looks like one worth paying movie theatre prices for.


                                Yep, there's a HM and that's what I'll be doing.


                                I tuned in to the game in the first quarter, saw 21-0 Atlanta, said "Same ol' Lions" and turned it off. Luckily I tuned back in when they made it 21-13 and watched from there. Unbelievable finish (especially for them)!


                                Went for a bike ride -- certainly one of the last of the season -- but cut it a bit short due to the wind. At least it was a good tailwind on the way home! And yes, I still have two or three lawn cuts before it's over.

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
