Masters Running


Weds 2/25 Masters Daily (Read 514 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    So wine's good for guys, bad for women? Is that fair? 13.4 hilly.. really hilly, miles today. I ran what was to be my normal 13 mi loop but where it said road closed at the bottom of a 1.3 mile long hill... it really meant it. the bridge was disassembled so I got to run back up that hill which was not as bad as I I feared. It turns out that the out and back is a better route, some really steep ups and downs. Overall 1:55:38 (8:38 pace, AHR 153) last 5 miles MP.

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      This wouldn't normally be a running day but I'm about to head across the state to take my mother to a doctor's appointment and will be gone a couple of days. I'll take my running stuff but don't know if I'll get a chance to use it. Nice long runs for dive and perch. This morning it was about 20° with just a light breeze. I did 5 miles in about 46:50 for a 9:18 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
        Nice run for you too TomS... 6 easy miles for me and T...8:22 pace
        Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Wow! Did you guys see that you can now import your Garmin data directly into the RA log? Cool! I have to try that later.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Thanks for that Holly! I had not noticed the new Import button. I'll be installing this at home tonight and trying it tomorrow (or Friday). Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              Wow! Did you guys see that you can now import your Garmin data directly into the RA log? Cool! I have to try that later.
              It is Cool Holly! Check it and see..Now I'm using it again.. at least getting the Garmin data in there.

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                Damn! Wine's out too? It's a good thing I gave up drinking for Lent. Did anyone else notice the links to bipolar disorder and alcoholism with that story?? Shocked
                  Damn it, well I'm not going to give up my "one to three" cardiologist sanctioned glasses of wine per week! Byll, you keep running so well... Tramps, more miles and more hills eh? Got to try that. I think I am already relaxed enough Tongue I was inexplicably tired yesterday and today I feel pukey, so no running. Gotta check out this Garmin log thingy.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                    Perch, I don't know how you run so fast on steep hills, and for 13 miles, too! I run hills all the time, but I can't do them fast, and usually have to walk on the steeper parts. After all these years of hills you'd think I'd be good at them. Sad Nono, congrats (I think!) on signing up for that November marathon. My condolences to those of you running in cold and snow. It's freakishly warm in Denver this week - it was 65° yesterday, and supposed to be that warm again today. This is in the flatlands, of course, but it's supposed to get to 40° in the mountains! Yesterday I worked thru lunch and left early to run after work, so I could run on a trail halfway home for a change of scenery. It was a bit hot when I started out, but once the sun dipped behind the mountains, it felt great. I ran 4.8 miles at an avg 10:40 pace. Very pretty single track dirt trail through the woods around a lake at Chatfield State Park. I originally wanted to do a tempo run but had no sproink, maybe because it was too warm, but after it cooled off I did manage to pick up the pace for mile 4. Splits were 10:48, 11:00, 10:54, 9:51, 10:54.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      I guess I missed the blue haze. All appears normal around here now. I guess attending Ash Wednesday Mass saved my eyes. Tramps, funny that I should read an article in my newspaper this morning that cites a study finding that people who do not drink have a higher rate of cancer and then come here and find that drinking wine increases my risk of cancer. Seems I am damned if I do and damned if don't. Enke, sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. The stomach bug has hit my house and dd1 is down and out today. I am crossing my fingers and knocking on wood that nobody else succumbs. This thing is running rampant through the school system evidently. I needed to make it to Mass this morning, so I ran 5 miles and skipped my pilates class. I'll do some body weight exercises tonight with my 7 yr old dd. She can do more pushups than I can. Shocked This morning's run started off kind of sluggish, but the last couple of miles were 7:30s without much effort so I guess it turned into a decent run. The weather was super nice for running - sunny and 40 with light wind.

                      Once a runner . . .

                        Since I don't observe Lent, I'll keep drinking and eating for the lot of you. Would you like me to post my progress in those arenas so you don't feel left out? Big grin Holly - Sorry, but had to chuckle over the mumbling statement. Hope all turns out well for you.
                        Based upon this article, I'm amazed my breasts haven't just spontaneously combusted....
                        Nono - Thanks to you, I am now having to clean spewed coffee off my screen. 45 min on the bike this a.m. whilst watching "Legally Blonde" (love Reese Witherspoon), followed by 30 min of light weights for the upper body and some light leg work. Some niggling sensations in the abdomen area, but nothing overt and I'm generally feeling good, with the exception of some residual soreness in the legs and hips from yesterday's power walk/minor run. Boy, sure doesn't take long for things go awry, does it? Tomorrow will be a rest day as we will be traveling to Concord for a conference. Friday will be a walking day, and don't know if I'll have time to work out Saturday. If so, I hope the hotel has a stationary bike.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          Colder day today cycle to work 4 miles, cycle back 14 miles over a hilly route then just under 5 miles easy running as I have a duathlon early April and need to get my legs used to the change from running to cycling and vice versa.

                          Old age is when you move from illegal to prescribed drugs.


                            Bill - I agree -- Tim ...and Lyndenrunner both have fast easy paces ... like my tempo too. Tramps - nice progress with the training. It certainly seems to be working. I'll be watching with interest. Re my own plans, I am registered for a half in May, but given the slow recovery from this lower ab tear, I'll have to see. If everything works out, I'll probably look at racing some half marathons in the fall. I thought I might back off marathons this year and save up my energy for Boston in 2010. That would be my 10th. I've have been known to change my mind though. Ran over the lunch hour today - 3.4 easy miles @9:52 w/145 hr. Temps around 32F/0C ... nice day for running. Good running everyone! PJ

                            One day at a time

                              Still cold here, and our street is about two inches wide between the snowbanks! Two cars can't pass by each other right now. So I went to the Y and ran 114 times around the track to make it 6 miles! Actually felt great. Gosh, I can't wait to get outdoors again! I need to drive around and see if I can find a better road to run on. My usual routes do NOT look good. I'm taking DS16 down to Austin in April to see the Texas Relays and talk to the assistant track coach at UT! The coach sounds very interested in him. What a nice guy - he writes the best e-mails. Here is one: "I have watched a lot of young men come out of your area of the country and really take off in college. Your times are not the most important thing- who you are is. You have to be prepared to make sacrifices that “normal” college students do not have to make. You have to be able to communicate to me. Above all, you have to be VERY TOUGH. These are important attributes that elite athletes have. My number is ---. Keep in touch and let me know what you are thinking. We will have a roster spot for you next year if we see the toughness and drive to succeed that is so important in distance running as well as life. Good luck! I look forward to getting to know you!" DS's current coach has commented on how tough he is. He loves being pushed to his limits, physically and academically, so we'll see what happens! MTA: For those of you having problems with RA's background color, here's what you need to do (according to Eric): On Windows based browsers, you need to press Ctrl-F5 to force a reload.
                                What if you aren't Windows based? This blue and white banding background stuff is strange and the blue on blue I get is really tough on my eyes. I'll go look at the help postings on the main part of the Forum. The Texas coach does seem great Teresa. Good luck with the decisions. CNYrunner