Masters Running


Middle Wednesday, 7.11.12 (Read 381 times)


    Mornin' all!


    "What UnGodly Hour did you get up THIS morning??


    I gotts'ta know."  - Tomwhite, I slept all the way till 5:15 yesterday. For some of us (OK, me), that's late.


    Lots of good runs, good fruit, and good coaching and advising yesterday. Good to see folks gearing up for challenging and exciting races to come!


    Because I got home late from a Mac-users group meeting last night (discussing various back-up options, from external hard drives to the cloud), I slept a few minutes late, till 4:10. So I rushed around, fed the cat, and was out the door by 4:25 for 5.7 RW miles. 'Nother nice NH morning with 60F, relatively dry air, and just a whisper of a breeze. I wore my metronome today to ensure that I kept the tempo up (and I did). Getting down to the ocean, I heard a lobster boat put-putting from trap to trap, but I couldn't find it in the expanse of the water. Reminded me of Where's Waldo? Must have been around the other side of a point, or in a cove somewhere. It always amazes me how much sound travels across the water. I kept my pace pretty steady in the low 11:50s, dropping it to 11:20 and then 11:04 over the last 1.7 miles. Later, I rode my bike to work again to give some other muscles a chance to work a bit. A right nice start to the day.


    Enjoy your hump day!  -  Jay

    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Another idyllic description from Jay to start the day!

      Dave--yeah, I love Woody Allen, too.


      Interesting to read about 50-milers, upcoming marathons, and serious training going on out West.  None of that here!  Only 71F this morning though still very humid; not comfortable but certainly more bearable.  I threw in some striders on a 5.1 mile run.


      Enjoy the day!

      Be safe. Be kind.


        Perhaps it was one of ghost trawlers Jay. 


        A good first run of the day for me. Just 3 1/4 around a neighborhood lake. Why won't those Canada geese move from the path. I had two hiss at me this morning. They were quite startled when I hissed back and they took off for the water. Heh.


        Time to make some donuts. Have a great day all. 

        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          4 easy miles this morning.  I may run a few more at lunch to get a break from work.  I now have 3 meetings every week with 3 different managers discussing the status of on-going projects.  Running keeps me on the sane side of the line (just barely.)


          Today starts week 6 of my low heart rate experiment.  I'm starting to see some improvement.  My second mile today was almost under a 10 minute pace and the overall average pace for the run was under 11 minutes.  If this stuff really works I could be in for a good half marathon in the fall.


          mta: Get your free Slurpee at 7-11 stores today.  (Only from 11am to 7pm.)




            Good morning Jay, Tramps and all to follow. Jay's early morning descriptions of his runs are so vivid I feel like I'm out there with him. Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us.


            Hope your weather cools off a little soon Tramps. A perfectly lovely morning here with 60° temps and very low humidity. It's back to running in the dark again at 4:30 again, at least at the start. Got jolted out of my sleep by a loose dog around the 2 mile mark. It chased me all the way down the block, barking and growling. Glad I wasn't wearing a heart-rate monitor this morning Shocked  5 miles, 9:27 pace.


            Good luck Mariposai. I hope the temps go down in time for your marathon.


            OM - your training is going so well. Wish I could afford a trainer (and was maybe around 20 years younger)


            DH and I celebrate 15 years of married bliss today. There could be a restaurant dinner tonight.


            Have a great Wednesday everyone.

              Happy Anniversary Jlynne!!

              Nice to see PBJ yesterday!!


              I did beach boot camp this morning then ran 3.3 miles back to our part was one of the other women was running back to her rental which was about halfway to mine so we ran together and talked the whole time!!  She was this small little powerhouse and told me a year and a half ago she lost 70lbs thru healthy eating and exercise - inspirational!!


              Happy  Wednesday friends!!


              Marathon Maniac #957

                 Wish I could afford a trainer (and was maybe around 20 years younger)




                +1  to both of these....


                Happy Anniversary, Jlynne!


                The weather was a lovely 69 degrees this morning, but for some reason my tummy was a bit upset and my legs were dead, so I just ran 5 slow miles and then did 60 lunges on each leg.


                Happy Wednesday!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  C-R  'time to make some donuts'  Big grin


                  Ran on Signal Hill last night - 5 miles.  Every Tuesday night since the beginning of June, this is the first time my legs were happy to be running uphill.  Cool


                  Runners run

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Happy anniversary Jlynne. He is a lucky man.


                    Speaking of lucky men, the Saint is almost finished remodeling our bathroom. She replaced all the old brass fixtures (lights over mirrors, towel bars etc.) with new brushed nickel, tore down the old wallpaper and is now painting it a bright, light color.  Although not finished, it is beautiful.  She can do anything around the house.


                    Here is some news re my DMN running blog. I recruited a good friend from my club to post on Tuesdays, and her first two posts were so interesting that now I am needling her about it that everyone is now reading her stuff and no one reads mine any more!  Yesterday she posted on how to crew for someone running a 100-mile race, and I thought this was great content that is rarely written about.  It got a lot of opens and I am so happy for her.


                    Just 3.4 easy today as I want to keep this week fairly light because of Sunday's race.   Spareribs

                      JLynne- Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the day as much as you have the past 15 years.


                      Jay- Thanks for the RW in NH this morning. Hope I was keeping up with the metronome.


                      Ribs- Are you going to become the Wally Pipp of running blogs?


                      5 more miles along the Erie Canal today (no mule named Sal). Now it is time to keep organizing and removing clutter from my home and my life. Enjoy the day all.

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        It must be the egging on I got yesterday from Tselbs and Holly but I looked outside at such a beautiful sunrise this morning and thought, “what would jay do?” so ran for an hour followed by a refreshing dip in the lake.
                        With Sunday’s marathon being this year’s best chance to sub-six, I followed my advice to OM and moderated my pace of the last two days to avoid any undue soreness for Sunday.  I haven’t trained for a while <<<(threeyears/threeyears)>>> but, unfortunately, it seems that my slow and fast paces are now the same.


                        • ilene - is that the same Signal Hill that's too steep to drive up?

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Dear Dr. Tom;
                          How are ya doin’? Your posts and running continue to be a huge inspiration in keeping me running already far beyond what I ever dreamed would have been possible when I started in 1977.  I still can’t thank you enough for the treatments, especially the purple stifle pills, you provided back in the fall of ‘07 when you’ll remember I got so fixated on excessive training runs in the hope of keeping up to my ultra-nemesis Paul Piplani.  Incidentally, I know you don’t want me to call you doctor but you’re the best one I ever had in my life.  Your help allowed some wonderful runs together with Paul that fall and throughout 2008, especially memorable because he passed away the following year.
                          Without any other motive in my running anymore except to keep/get in shape and enjoy the scenery and camaraderie in various fun runs and marathons of convenience, I’ve been okay for the last four years. In fact, I went from February 2009 to February 2012 without a single training run.  However, just when I thought I’d gotten over it, the one I did in February this year, has now been followed by three days in a row!
                          It seems that, after five fizzles so far this year, I’m getting obsessed with training again in the hopes of breaking six hours in this weekend’s Light-at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon. By coincidence, one of the runs with Paul back in ‘08 was the very same Tunnel Marathon when I ran the first 22 miles with side-by-side with Paul comparing our footfall strikes, strides, efficient arm swings, feet barely leaving the ground, chatting about past events, planning future ones, etc.  Then, when Francesca caught up with us from her regular start, I ran with her for the last couple of miles for a solid 5:30 and a rare finish a little ahead of Paul. Last year's Tunnel was also mariposai’s BQ marathon when her DS and I encountered a rather large black bear that detained us for about five minutes until the bear climbed a trail side tree allowing us to pass. 
                          Tom, I know you don’t dispense the pills lightly but, to show you how serious it is, after a steep 5k race on a rocky, mountain trail on Sunday that took almost an hour (56min, the second slowest of my life), I ran for another hour on Monday and not only again on Tuesday but also this morning (Wednesday). I really need to taper now for the weekend’s 26.2 miles but can already feel the urgings to train and know it will happen again tomorrow, if not tonight, again unless you can express some of the needed pills.  Please.  Thank you.
                          ps - I promise I won’t tell anyone.
                          pps - .I’m hoping divechief’ll be there too but I can get you another pirate shirt from the SeaFair Torchlight Parade 8k at the end of the month, if okay. <<<(bribe/bribe)>>> 

                          Thanks buddy.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                            • ilene - is that the same Signal Hill that's too steep to drive up?

                             That's the same one!!   It seems steeper in real life!


                            Runners run

                              Tet, I'm shocked, really shocked!  And I hope that sub 6 is yours!

                              Mariposai, can you take the early start?

                              PBJ - dreaming is good!

                              OM - that is pretty speedy young lady!


                              PERFECT IRC this morning, up at 5, out the door at 5:30, gosh it is so darn light out then, certainly doesn't feel like 5:30.  NO WIND, the air just dead still, love that right there I do.  58F, again, perfect, and only a little bit humid.  And, I went further than I expected - 6.35 miles, I could even call that a mid-week medium long run since my long run has only hit 7.4 since I've started ramping up again, with NO CALF, ACHILLES or FOOT PAIN.  Woohoo!  Although I can sense the foot pain lurking, so I am still being careful.


                              I think I'll do some more running at the cabin and canoeing and kicking back sans any extra children that didn't come from my own womb this weekend

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                ''Urge to Train''................ok, did tet sleep next to a Pod????


                                ..........Stiffle Pills boxed up and mailed out.





                                Jay has OBVIOUSLY turned into a Slacker,

                                I skipped hiking today



                                it was raining like hell,,

                                ,,,,,,we didn't actually recognize it at first,

                                but one of my buddies remembered seeing Rain and said ithat was what it was,




                                ,,,24min poolrun,

                                popped off the vest,

                                felt like I was DROWNING,

                                popped the vest back on.


                                what's up with that????


                                will have Pickles' Cooking checked for Lead Contamination later in the day.


                                ..................good running guys....Happy Anniversary jlynne////

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
