Masters Running


Tuesday's Daily, 3.24.15 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Just a quick drive-by this morning. We had the start capacitor (Back To The Future?) for the condenser on our heating system replaced yesterday, and it is working fine again. MS is right that cold houses do wear you down, so I was glad for the quick fix. I had a great meeting with members of the conservation commissions from 5 other towns in the immediate area yesterday morning. I've been wanting to put this together for a while because I felt there is a lot we can learn from each other, and a lot we can accomplish collectively. We kept the meeting to an hour and a quarter, but could have easily kept talking for another two hours. We've already got our next meeting on the calendar. It's another busy day today, so I'll be on my way.


    Oh yeah - I grabbed some extra zzz's this morning, so no workout. So it goes.


    Have a greta Tuesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


    Trails are hard!

      Morning, Jay.  Pesky electronics.  Collaboration is a good thing.


      3.1 miles in a balmy 19F.  Not as cold as I expected, so jettisoned the fleece I had out and was pretty comfortable the whole way.


      Hope everything is all good again, TC.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Lots of action here yesterday what with RAers not following doctor's orders (must be the first time that's happened!) and getting trout slapped (but not by a trout). Who knows what's next.


        TomS, be sure to take it slow and easy with that cough/cold! Respiratory ailments can be hard to shake, especially when the weather's not cooperating.


        I'm definitely on the inactive list today as I have to stick around for some tradesmen coming over to work on rerouting a gas line so we can get a new stove. I hope it doesn't take too long since they'll obviously have to shut the main gas line off and it's pretty cold outside again. So go out and run a few for me!

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


          Good morning guys. Glad the heat is on Jay. Sounds like a productive meeting too. Nice "comfy" run for you this morning Kevin. Won't it be nice when we don't have to worry about fleece and layers any more?


          Hope you're feeling better today, Twocat. What do you think triggered such horrible head pain?


          Nice running, Mike!


          5 miles for me this morning before all hell breaks loose with our weather. This has been one of the nicest February/March running winters we've had in a long time, but they're predicting freezing rain/snow tonight and into tomorrow morning. At least by this time of the year you know it won't stick around long. (Hopefully)


          Has anyone started watching "Better Call Saul" on AMC? It's supposedly the prequel to Breaking Bad and I'm really liking it. I also just finished reading "Girl on the Train" which I highly recommend. These are my non-running remarks for the day. Carry on, people, and make it a terrific Tuesday


            Continuing the terrific tuesday - ran 4 this morning in the 19 with a sea breeze - haven't had that in awhile.  wanted to run this afternoon when it's warmer, but since i have to continue to support my dentist's horses (getting a crown) i knew it wasn't going to happen.


            on the non-running remarks we saw movie woman in gold last night - to be released in april.  excellent film - helen mirren was awesome.


            and, we're supposed to hit 60 on thursday (believe, believe..)






              Howdy, masters!  I've been awol - having a great time in Greece, but no running, because I have a cold and sore throat.  But lots of sightseeing, so it's all good.  Today we're exploring old town in the city of Rhodes on the island of Rhodes.  Wonderful sense of history here.  Hope I feel like running again soon - I miss running!   Hope you're all doing great things and having great runs while I'm away.

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Good Morning!


                Here are some {{{Healing Hugs}}} to all those suffering from colds and aches and such, hope it all gets better before the good weather gets here.


                Carolyn - you are posting some fabulous pictures of Greece on FB!


                Once your child gets to middle school, teacher conferences are generally optional unless either the teacher or parent requests one.  I received a request from DD's teachers for a conference, which will be this afternoon. (sigh)  DD has a history of talking and boisterous behavior that is not always welcome in the classroom but I suspect with the 7th grade came some additional "attitude."  (I know I am getting it at home.)  We shall see.  Unfortunately these conferences take place with the entire staff of teachers at once, so I will be sitting on one side while 5 teachers sit on the other.  Not looking forward to it.


                50 minutes on the bike trainer today.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Sayhey! MM#130

                  Good still Morning!


                  Was the guy or the trout more surprised in Kevin's picture yesterday??  Still chortling over that.


                  So I'ma gonna ask agin: what's the word on the long runs 4 weeks before Boston?  I thought it was usually 3.


                  "Girl on a Train" is on my list.  I'm finishing David Grossman's To the End of the Land and then will just pick out a give-away paperback from the stack at home for the trip to Reston.  Any chance of a Tramps sighting there??


                  twocat, that sounds serious.


                  the department I'm in encourages volunteer time so I'm off soon for a few hours to mentor a high school student.  If she hits all her marks in the program (including our meetings, poor thing), she's guaranteed a full tuition scholarship at any FL state school.


                  Yes, keep those Grecian photos posting!


                  Too many sore throats, etc. here.  Any allergy related, you think?


                  Holly, I'll always remember you telling us about your rule of no eating on the LR carpet, and DD standing on edge of  the linoleum, eating  her cookie.  She's got spirit, that one .


                  Only saw 5 innings yesterday before the game was rained out, but good pitchers' duel.  Pocello looked good.


                  Six and a quarter for me this am.  NO Speedsters tonight (prudence!)



          (for a piece or two of my mind)


                    Congrats on the race, Holly.  (And good luck, today.)

                    No trout slap from me.  But if you ever need an eel slap...


                    Welcome back, Carolyn.


                    Out for a nice 9 on the trails today.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      Holly, I'll always remember you telling us about your rule of no eating on the LR carpet, and DD standing on edge of  the linoleum, eating  her cookie.  She's got spirit, that one .



                      Wonder who she gets that from?


                      Been loving your Greece pics, Carolyn.  Sucks being sick on vacation, though.


                      I've always liked Helen Mirren.


                      {{Healing Hugs}} to the sickies.  Our dept secretary is out with the crud.  I'm thinking full on hazmat suit and a hose attached to a gallon of disinfectant might do the job in her cubby.


                      7 EZ miles this a.m. in rain, rain, beautiful rain (2Kitty's favorite weather).  I was completely soaked by the time I got home, to the point of being able to wring out a little water from my capris and my shirt. A warm shower felt good.


                      The left hammy is still not happy, but oh well.  And my right one is trying to stiffen up on me, so I'm getting up and walking around as much as I can.  Thankfully, my back feels MUCH better.  Trying to decide on another race.  There's a new 50-miler in Chico, CA (about 6 hrs east of us), but not sure I would want to be the guinea pig while the RDs work out the kinks.  It also might be too close to my run in late July, so we'll see.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        Hey friends!!


                        Head cold easing up slightly here - skipped my 6am coached swim as I felt the extra sleep would be better than an hour in the pool today.  Went to my computraining at 9:30 - an hour bike workout using my own bike hooked up to a computerized workout - hard to get through with only mouth breathing but I got it done.  Went outside for an easy 2.3 mile run to test the outside running on the heel - so far ok.  Now doing my hip stretching/strengthening exercises, have detox carrot soup cooking on the stove then might soak in the hot tub -- should relieve some congestion right??


                        Feel better all who are ailing!!

                        TwoCat - glad you went to the hospital to get checked out.  When I worked in Neuro that one phrase "worst headache of my life always prompted quick action



                        Trails are hard!

                           .  Trying to decide on another race.  There's a new 50-miler in Chico, CA (about 6 hrs east of us), but not sure I would want to be the guinea pig while the RDs work out the kinks.  It also might be too close to my run in late July, so we'll see.


                          It was fun being part of the first running of the marathon that was my first (double header premier).  They did a fabulous job of putting it together.  The only minor complaint was not enough portapotties.  But that's not as big a concern for trail running, right?  Any way to research experience level of the organizers to get an idea if they have an idea of what's involved?

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                              Any way to research experience level of the organizers to get an idea if they have an idea of what's involved?


                            From what I've been able to find on their FB page, it looks they have ultra trail running experience which is important.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                              Jlynne I believe my symptoms are due to needing people to sign up and send a check for the Rosie Ruiz Relay team for this fall's New Hampshire race!  Feel free to help out.  To all others:  Feel free to help out too!  


                              deez4boyz they had the same attitude.  I have never gone so quickly from check in to doctor at an emergency room in my life.


                              SteveP I do not think they know what triggered my headache.  My DW tells me she told me the diagnosis was that I had a headache.   No, for real that is what they told her.


                              Mustang Sally nobody would ever call you an old trout!  An old nag  maybe, but not an old trout! 


                              Today I am still under the weather.  Not a chance I would go running.  I am starting to think I am going to have to pick a new marathon date.  (No, no, people my wife will still be coming with me!  Sheesh!  I mean date on the calendar!)  My early May target is starting to look dicier and dicier with my having to skip races and days running at this point.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                                Twocat must be feeling a little bit better since he is becoming very creative with his postings again. I must admit, the Easy Pacer and I have been worried sick about our beloved pal, twocat.


                                Jlynne, please join us at  the relay. You will have so much fun, I promise.


                                Jay, I work now at the local Conservation District, which is part of the Conservation Commission statewide. I hope your experience with them is a good one. I sure am enjoying my new gig, but scared to death too as I am doing the program management for the Carlton Complex about big profile job with a lot of pressure, but then again my job is to keep the Conservation planners and scientists focused and on schedule for their project implementation and not the one making the decisions of which practice to use for the land.


                                Trout slapping weekends is one thing I miss sorely and one reason why I wanted to run the marathon in Michagan this year, but that is impossible for me at this point, so I will just enjoy pictures of the gathering.

                                A view from my run this afternoon. 8 miles going downhill while enjoying this view. My wings were flying.


                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
