Masters Running


Memorial Day Monday, May 30 (Read 441 times)


    Leslie, the is the first year we've not had to deal with them masty things in some time. I spray the damn things.


    I didn't find out about the race until a niece called last night. I thought the 5K was a PW and was very bummed. 32:01. Turns out the course was 1/2 mile too long. Whew. Saw lots of people. After Sunday's run, Tag was tapped. In the home stretch, I kept petting him and telling him he was a good boy. We got into some shade and he laid down. He drank over 4 cups of water and lots of kids gave him petting, hugs and other attention. One woman was ranting about there not being water stations  on the course. Some chuckle head said, "it's only a 5K"...I looked around and it was me that said it. I did not make a new friend. The age groups were: 11 and under; 12-17; 18-29;30-44;45 and up. Avenger Doggie and I got 3rd in our AG.By the time we left, the over all results had not been posted. There may have been only three of us old duffers. My niece was 1:00 behind me, but she crossed the line and went right to her car. 



    Trails are hard!

      Up in Maine for the long weekend of opening.  just finished reading all three day's threads, which pretty much garentees I'll remember very little. Roll eyes


      Lame--I waved as you went by on Sunday.  I had at one point contemplated the 25K and after a while of rational thought, maybe the 10K on Saturday.  For once, it was probably a good thing that camp work got in the way--I made it all of 2 miles this morning when it was 73 and humid.  Bleh.


      Mike--a little late, but my thoughts are with you as you deal with your son and his illness(es).  For all that we may go through personally, anything with our kids is many multiples of harder.


      Hi, Kerry.  Glad to see you here.  I was so proud of myself--I remembered your real name when I saw your screen name BEFORE I got to Erika's post.  Small victory for someone with NO memory for names.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Steve - Smile 


        I know I should probably do something to get rid of the caterpillars, but (1) it just looks so cool, (2) what could I kill them with that wouldn't affect my cats if they got into it, and (3) I hate those trees, I don't like the apples they produce, and wish they would die (although The Hub doesn't share my sentiments).  We inherited the trees when we moved here.


        40 min of stationary cycling, followed by 1 hr of core/strength training whilst watching my favorite I-Am-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar-And-Watch-Me-Kick-Your-A$$ movie, "G.I. Jane."  My arms are totally and completely pooped.  Even my fingers are pooped.  Now I'm watching one of the best sports movies ever, "For Love of the Game."  Yep, it's a movie kinda day for me.


        I've also test-driven my foot a bit, i.e. walking without the aid of crutches. Wanted to see how it feels before I go to the doc tomorrow.  It feels weird, but doesn't hurt.  It's like my AT is trying to remember what it's suppose to do, and there's a minor burning sensation across the top.  No plans to push it, but at least I'll be able to give an accurate report.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          fatozzig maybe you do not want to spray the tree so that the little worms can kill it.  But your DH may figure out that a few chemicals and he will have a caterpillar free tree!  As to your foot, yea healing takes way to long.  At least it is proceeding apace in your case which is all one can ask.


          Not too exciting a day here.  I did an hour on the elliptical.  I also did a spin through Home Depot with my DW.  I wanted to buy about 4 plants.  She ended up buying 8 or more!  Ugh!  Why ugh?  Because I am the one that had to then spend the afternoon planting them in the hot sun.  I was drenched in sweat and dirt by the time I was done.  Roll eyes  Next time, well next time, well next time I will just give in again.  Sad  Such is the fate of men.

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Leslie - wow!  Can you just hose them off?  Of course, they might climb back up again....

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Leslie...Dish soap and water in a spray bottle break down oils on the nasty things. It makes them more prone to disease and predators. Some people I know torch them. However, I would put our cat in the bad chair for a time out if she eat those things. Bleh



                 Leslie, those are serious catepillars!  Sounds like you and Hub had a good weekend andhe is doing well.


                I ended up going for a bike ride, 25 miles or so. I biked to see the parade and DS and figured my legs were ok so then came home and changed and went out. Legs loosened up; back is sore.  . Warm day, nearly 90 but in the afternoon a good breeze picked up and the humidity seemed to go down.


                My body may be toast tomorrow....

                  Busy weekend here and everywhere---I read some of the past days’ threads, but am likely still too far behind. Way to go lamerunner on losing that ultra virginity. A late bloomer always, I’ll lose mine in September I hope.


                  Glad the weekend went well Leslie---here’s hoping the healing continues for you and the Hub. We use boiling water on the tent caterpillars who just love our crabapple trees---hasn’t killed the trees yet and the caterpillars are gone.


                  Hugs to you Mike E and to your family. My almost 41 year-old brother has been lost in drug addiction and mental illness for so long now. I have hope, but the string it’s attached to is thinner than thread. Keep fighting for it.


                  Lots of triple H running for me—hilly, hot, and humid. The half-marathon in Lenox, MA on Sunday was a hilly beast and I left gallons of sweat out there on the course. I got to see Walt RB a whole bunch before, during, and after the race so that was great. Then on Monday I ran a local 5k race with the proceeds going to homeless vets. The race (including a chin scraper hill) ended up with the town Memorial Day parade. A poignant and bittersweet day and I was glad I could support a great cause and say thank you in person to so many veterans.  Back to back races and more gallons of sweat, but all good. I picked up some prize swag too and that’s always fun.


                  JLynne! So sorry about the surgery, but thank goodness it was done now and before some serious internal damage settled in. Heal well now and I’ll run miles for you for the next weeks.


                  Dang it Heme! Here’s hoping the calf tear is a minor one and your PT can do some wonders. Healing vibes to you too.


                  I am thinking Erika and Maraposai are going to just rock Newport!


                  Great to see you here GGPrunner!


                  SteveP! and Tag! Nice racing there and you are no chucklehead...No Way.



                    Karin, congrats on the prize swag - we need details!

                    Lamerunner, congrats on your 1st ultra! Sounds like tough conditions.
                    OM and Jeanne - Glad to hear you're both doing some walking and just saying "no" to drugs!  Wink
                    SteveP, how could anyone make a 5K that's 1/2 mile too long?  Geez.


                    Sorry to hear about the H&H some of you are having already.  Gee, I'm so  happy we have more snow. Joking I just got home from driving DD over to Leadville for a 10-day Wilderness First Responder class, and it was snowing for pretty much the whole drive.  We had to cross two  11,000-foot passes, and I wasn't surprised to see snow there, but it was snowing at my house when I got back - probably 2" already. Lovely and cool - JTWILI.


                    Oh, yeah, I took the dogs for a 3 mile run, after DH and DD and I took them for a 3 mile hike this morning.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Karin - Thanks for the info.  I looked up tent caterpillars, and they look/act an awful like what we have, including how they spin their cocoons under building eaves.  Last year, there were hundreds of cocoons on our outbuilding.


                      I don't have anyway to safely get boiling water to the tree or a squirt bottle big enough or powerful enough to spray soapy water on them.  Heck, I'd need an entire hose at this point!  But the info I found online said: "One effective way to remove them is to place a bucket 1/4 filled with water near the infected tree; the tent caterpillars will be attracted to the bucket and drown."  I'll have to give this a shot.  As much as I hate that apple tree, I wouldn't want these little suckers to move on to bigger and better things, like someone else's yard where that person loves their tree.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                      Marathon Maniac #957



                        Sorry to hear about the H&H some of you are having already.  Gee, I'm so  happy we have more snow. Joking


                        No no no - I wouldn't swap for a minute.....I like it hot...don't necessarily run so fast in it, but I don't care......

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
