Masters Running


Monday March 16 Runs and Chuckles (Read 460 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! A few comments on yesterday’s thread: Jules2 – congratulations on your AG win in yesterday’s HM! PDR – excellent 20-miler yesterday! Teresadfp – 7.2 miles nonstop – good job! Tet – were those your green feet? I never thought about how barefoot runners attach their chips. Wildchild – happy anniversary! Henrun and Marge – nice HM yesterday! Halllar – thanks, I hope so. Busiman – I like your frozen lake/sweaty guy pic. Today will be 3 recovery miles on the TM, followed by my usual weights and core work. Happy Monday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Good morning, everyone! (nice summary, Holly) Ah, recovery. Got to sleep in late (!), until 4:30. Sigh. 3.1 miles, 30:07, 9:35/mi, AHR 127 (64% mhr)

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


      Marathon Iowa 2014

        PBJ drive-by: Spin cycle and fizzy lifting this morning. Very sweaty. Yesterday I tried a tempo run squeezed in between a warmup / cool down. (I haven't been able to do any speed work this year, due to injury). I ran from my house to the Airline trail (a flat, dirt/crushed rock path that has mile markers that are somewhat accurate). So the stats were: warmup 3.5 miles (untimed), 12 miles at tempo - 1:30:00, and 3.5 miles cool down (untimed, but significantly slower). First PBJ special of the year. This run felt much better than last Sunday's long run. Last Sunday was 3:35 of slow pain. I had intended to go 24 miles, but took the wrong route, and ended up going 26. The last mile took over 10 minutes. At least I ran (if you can call it that) the whole time. I figure I could run Boston anywhere between a 3:15 and a 3:45. This will be the year to enjoy it as the reward for previous training efforts. This past weekend was my town's 19th annual Maplefest. We had perfect weather (mix of clouds and sun, little wind, temps in the 50s). It was a very popular event. The gallon of maple syrup has been ordered... Blood donation later today. We'll see if it impacts tomorrow's run...
          Today was one of those wonderful days where the training plan goes perfectly. I got a good night's sleep of 9 hours. Feeling great. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Hill Runner

            Good morning gang, The rain finally stopped this morning...a dry run for a change Wink 10.53 miles of hills @ 9:18 pace. A family of deer bolted across me this morning with the fawns in tow....very cute! Nice runs yesterday everyone and good running today.

            Upcoming Races:

            Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
            Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
            Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

              Hopelessly behind in reading here. Woo hoo! for PBJ's first PBJ Special in quite a while! Easy 3.5 @ 8:15.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                Good morning, all! Holly - nice kickoff summary this morning! PBJ - sounds like the Airline trail is clear for running again. Yipeee!! 20 miles on the Montville High School track Saturday morning. It was 22 degrees when I started but made it into the low 40's by the time I finished. It was a gorgeous day for running. I kept my heart rate in the low 150's, so I was pleased with the run. I did absolutely nothing exercise-wise on Sunday, and it felt great. 7 hilly miles this morning - 30 degrees with no wind was delightful along the shoreline. I can certainly tell I haven't done hills in awhile, but my average heart rate was only 157, so I'm happy. Core and weights on tap for the lunch hour. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  Did you say 20 miles on the high school track? Shocked Nicely done!
                  Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                    Good Morning and Good Start Gang ! I didn't get my long run yesterday. I did manage to log 11 miles between 2 runs. (Before and after work). My 2nd run was quite fast and felt very easy. 6 miles at a 8:05 pace. I did manage my goal of 3 consecutive weeks of 50 miles....... This morning was a great swim. I opened with 1300 yds and felt very strong. Followed up with some drills. Tonight I'll try a sneak in a quick run. This will be a down week for me. We're taking an extended weekend for this upcoming. A total family get-a-way. My 3 sisters, 1 brother, thier spouses, all the kids and my Folks........24 of us all total. Heading to an area in central Wisconsin that is quite possibly the Water Park Capital of the World. To bad it's no longer known for the natural scenary it once was with towering granite bluffs guarding the Wisconsin River and lake........Anyway, we have three condo's reserved and a pool side cabana......Indoors of course ! Happy running All !
                      Spareribs while the Saint's PR is quite impressive it, in my humble opinion, pales alongside the fact that you were pacing a HM at all. Here you are running a race the vast majority of the world could never do at a pace that would collapse most in less than a mile. More to the point it was not all that long ago you were in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery! Your recovery has been simply amazing. It also shows that if you stay in shape and seek to get back into it after a major setback you can and will make it! Very, very impressive on your part. jules2 congratulations on the first place AG award! henrun nice job on the race to you and Marj. wildchild you are not married until you are married. Sorry you only get 20 years credit according to the official what anniversary are you on manual. Wink But the good news is 20 is one of those big number years so you should be able to extort collect a big time present! Holly S. I would go for hot chocolate. Anything that takes any work will likely be safe from the local poachers. I did some gym work today. Now off to my workplace office for the day and meetings this afternoon. Yech!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        We're taking an extended weekend for this upcoming. A total family get-a-way. My 3 sisters, 1 brother, thier spouses, all the kids and my Folks........24 of us all total. Heading to an area in central Wisconsin that is quite possibly the Water Park Capital of the World.
                        This sounds like such fun! Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Short run this morning so I managed to squeeze in some catch-up reading.… belated comments… Slo-hand—I’m always impressed by your well-rounded cross-training. Well done. Ribs—to be honest, I have very mixed feelings about your conversion to a dog-lover. There was something endearing about the grumpy curmudgeon persona. And now you’ve become one of those people who dress their dogs in a party hat. Sad. Wink(Nice pic of Riblet, though.) stumpy—sorry to hear of your problems; best of luck on the recovery Holly—that was a super race! Nice job and #1 AG! Francesca—18 in the rain; you’re tough! Followed by 13 in the rain? Wow. Moose—glad to hear you’re having a “do over”; you deserve better weather. Have you picked it yet? Byll—nice MP run on Sunday! Perch—20 in the rain! (see Francesca above). Ribs—nice race for the Saint and nice job pacing, despite the early pacer problem. I’ve given up on pace teams. The two times I informally started with a pace group, the pacer went out way too fast and (fortunately) I let go of them within the first two miles. Eliz—great job hitting double digits in a training run! jules—congrats on the HM AG win! And this after an injury?! PDR—nice 20 miler bouncing back from last week. Wildchild—that’s funny about your anniversary. We do the same thing. DW and I were together for 20 years before we got legally married. I may have mentioned that we first resisted getting married in part out of solidarity with gay/lesbian friends who didn’t have that option. Fast forward twenty years and the tables had turned. When I left my job and needed to get on DW’s insurance, we had to get married because her employer offered health insurance to unmarried gay/lesbian partners but not straight partners! As we joke, “Solidarity has its limits.” Henry—so great to read about you and Marj racing together. I agree with Ribs’ comments, too! Marj—neat to hear your positive take on negative splits. srlopez—I’ve always appreciated that you march to the beat of your own drummer, doing marathons on your own terms. 200 are just amazing; 200 in eight years is unfathomable. I assume you’re donating your body to science. busiman—that sounds like a wonderful VT run…and quite the pace, too. Sue--twenty on a track?! 80 laps? 320 corners? Wow!

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Is it lazy to echo Tramps comments? (and Holly's excellent summary) I have been catching up this morning on the reading, as I'm on spring break Big grin Only 3.1 for me this morning , followed by a mile swim. Legs are still a bit stiff from HM. I hope to work my way back up this week and do a really long run on Saturday.

                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              Just a quick hello....hello everyone Smile Hey, I finally learned how the post a Cool. Here is just a random race picture at the end of a 1/2 Ironman... experimenting around posting a picture for the first time. O7 ENDURATHON RUN I will have to work on getting pictures bigger, and more clear though. SWIM Still goofing around with posting thats better. Before anyone asks, that is too small swim cap and my swim goggles on my head, as people have questioned about before. Now if I only had a picture phone, I could post some really cool and silly stuff I see. Hope everyone has a great day....I am waaaay behind here, but trying to get caught up with my good friends here at RA. TimBo

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                                Holly, good job on Saturday's 5K. First in a big AG is impressive. Congrats to the Saint for a PR in her half and good pacing job, spareribs. Jules, congrats on your half with 1st in AG. wildchild, congrats to you and your husband on your anniversary. Way to go, henrun and marj on your half. Nice long runs for Franc (a couple), rbbmoose, Tammy, breger, perch, WRFB, eliz (first 10 mile training run, and fast, too), Holly, PDR, Peter (a couple), evan, hallar, PBJ, and Sue. This morning, it was about 30° and calm, a nice morning. I did 8 miles in about 1:19 for a 9:52 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS