Masters Running


Fryday July 6 Daily Thread (Read 375 times)

    Like many of you, we’re in for another triple-digit scorcher today, just the way we like it.  80F at 5am already.  I aimed for 10 at a slow pace but my stomach decided 8 was enough.


    Be careful out there.


    Doug—Yeah, I make that exact comment whenever I finish a project: Now I actually know how to do this!  Too late by then, of course.

    Karin—sounds like a fun race.  Paul Revere, eh?  In your version, was he running?

    Steve—Wow, we think alike…..wait…should I be worried?
    Tammy—sweet-looking dog.  She’ll be missed, I’m sure.

    Wildchild—welcome home.  That was a lot of driving!

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Mornin' tramps, and those still yet to wake/report.


      Mary, I'm glad your mom is doing OK. Moving them to assisted living is about the toughest decision one has to make regarding a parent. It helps that your mom is at least partially on board, but it's still tough. But I'm sure she understands that you are trying to do what is best for her because you love her.


      Gorgeous photo, Nancy!


      Nice racing on MDI, CNY, although the Barbie baton is a little weird for my taste. I'm glad you enjoyed the fireworks on the way home - sometimes drive-by fireworks are very cool, if only for the wonderful little glimpses of spectacular shows that you snag along the way.


      It wasn't quite so warm here (yet): 64F with a nice breeze at 4am. I racewalked 6.4 mile, and wore a little clip-on metronome that I bought based on Tet's comments in the Cadence thread. I figured it will help me increase and maintain my pace over distance and different terrain. I was cruising at 144 bpm in the middle of my workout, and working fairly hard at 168 for the last half mile or so. I want to see if I can get up to 200 (which is the max for this little device). The most interesting sight on my workout this morning was two young men walking out from a guest house on a property near the coast. They both had towels around their waists and were wearing odd hats (one was a huge beret). One had a bottle of champagne, and the other had two glasses, and they were chatting up a storm as they strolled to the coast to watch the sunrise. It was a bit early to be drinking for me, but to each their own, I suppose. I also saw rabbits and a pair of deer sitting in a freshly-mowed farm field. All of the critters were sans towels, funny hats and champagne. The cat I saw this morning wasn't as inscrutable as yesterday's, and it turned and scampered away as I walked toward where it was about to cross the road.


      Enjoy your Friday, and best wishes for successful outcomes to all of this weekend's racers!  -  Jay

      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        I still have limited Internet service so I cannot really reply to anything now. Although, I have a feeling Tramps' quip the other day was rightfully shared by many. I am no longer in Venice. Now on a cruise. It is our 30th anniversary present to each other. It is the first time we have been on a two week trip together that did not involve my work, other than one in the 1980's, yes 80's, when my parents took us along for a trip to Germany. Alas, as both suggested at the time it was their last trip to there. The closest I came to running today was a hike up to an old fort in Kotor today. Well worth it if you are ever here. Pictures will come when my DW and I cave in and buy the ship's insanely expensive wi-fi.

        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



          Good morning!  We finally got some rain yesterday - yay!   Not a lot, but we'll take anything.  Nice and cool, too - the weekend highs are only predicted to be in the mid 50's!   Woot!


          I did a 5 mile RAW yesterday, and it kicked my butt running uphill at 9,600 ft after 11 days at sea level!  But I love the cool air, and the fireweed is in bloom.  Nice to be home.


          I have to drive to Laramie after work to pick up my wayward doggies.  I don't think my sister will be willing to watch them again - Tazzie can jump her fence, and my sister sprained her ankle a couple days ago when she was taking them for a walk and she tripped on the sidewalk. She's in a walking boot for 3 weeks.   The house is too quiet without the dogs home, so I'm looking forward to seeing their furry faces, and I have no doubt at all that they'll be happy to see me too!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          MM #6177

            Hi everyone. I have a question I need answered, and I'm having problems not taking the circumstances of this situation personally, so I was hoping all of you here could help me out. There's a guy in my running club who has taken it upon himself to organize the weekly long runs so that whoever is training for a fall marathon (NYC is the primary one) can have a group to train with. Last year it was organized by someone else in the group, but that other person isn't running NYC again this, so it's now gone to this particular person, let's call him "K".


            So while K isn't running NYC himself, he's planning all these Saturday morning long runs in different areas each week. My long runs are currently all scheduled for Sundays by my coach. I used to be FB friends with him, but recently I realized he had dropped me. Whatever, we were only acquaintances at best, even though we shared a van at the Ragnar Relay we did last year. Again, whatever... so I post on my running club's group page on FB that I'm looking for someone to run with last Sunday, and also this Sunday, and all the responses point me to K's organized Saturday runs. K has dropped out of the running club's group page as well, so he doesn't post the details of the runs there. But I'm not getting any emails either (which I used to get last year, even though I didn't participate). I messaged K about being included in the runs, and even spoke to him in person at a club workout last week, but he brushed me off without a response. I finally asked someone else this morning, the woman I ran with last weekend, to forward me this week's email. Now I really don't care to be this guy's friend, on FB or otherwise, but if he's putting together these group runs for people training for NYC, and everyone in the club does know that I'm doing NYC, then why not include me?? So here's where I'm struggling not to take it personally.


            The woman I ran with last week told me she shared my predicament with another member of the club, who was also annoyed at K on my behalf, so I know it's not just me. Right now, my long run is scheduled for Sunday, so I just emailed my coach to see if it was possible to flip-flop it for tomorrow. If nothing else, I would run with MrOM tomorrow (he can't do Sunday) and not bother with anyone else in the group, rather than run long all on my own on Sunday. But honestly, that would be more like cutting off my nose to spite my face, if I didn't join the group on Saturday and just ran with MrOM alone. (He's also a member of the running club, btw). So now I really don't know what to do. If I run with the group, it could appear I'm muscling my way in where I'm not wanted, even though several others have noted my running improvement as of late, and say I definitely belong and deserve to be with the group. Do I email K and once again ask to be put on the distribution list, totally ignoring the fact that he has been purposely snubbing me? Sheesh, when did running get so political??


            Sorry about the rant, but this has really been bugging me the last couple days. Thanks.


            MM #6177

              Whew! And now a post NOT about me...


              Happy 30th anniversary, Twocat! Hope you and DW totally enjoy your vacation and cruise. Smile

              So glad to be hearing about the rain, Wildchild! I'll continue to be sending good moist thoughts out your way...

              Tammy, your photo and post about Jasmine brought me to tears yesterday... and I've never been a pet owner... {{{Tammy}}}

              Yay for power, Tramps! Now why do I get an image in my head of Tim the Tool Man grunting... 


              Hot here too. It's summer after all. Have a great weekend, everyone!


                I ran an hour in the soup.  Looks like things are supposed to return to "normal" on Monday with highs in the lower 80's.  After few days of that I think it is supposed to heat back up but I'm not going to that far ahead.


                Wish I could offer some thoughts for you OM but after 13 years of working from home I feel like my ability to understand why people do what they do is non-existent.  I really should try to get out of the house more.




                  Tammy, you have one sweet and gentle boy in David. Butterfly  hugs to the family.

                  Tramps, 80F at 5am, that is insane!!! Do you have electricity back?

                  Wildchild, welcome home! Sorry to hear about the dog having to use walking boots for a while.

                  Jay, you sure have the  most interesting encounters during your walks. A sunrise with champagne to welcome it, sound pretty good to me!

                  Twocat, don't worry about posting pictures, just keep the camera clicking away Smile you can always post them once you are back.  Have fun in your honeymoon!

                  MikeE, how is the first week at work going?

                  Karin, how fun! You sure have a blast with your running! When I grow up I wanna be like you!

                  Taperboy, did you know that my son was going to visit my family in Paraguay and did not tell me?


                  Yes! the last tempo day before the marathon is done! 2 easy, 3 at tempo, 1 easy and ankle felt pretty good. Tempo paces were easily maintain.

                  Off to work now. Today is Hawaiian day at work, with a great tropical potluck lunch at noon, everyone will enjoy my Caribbean Chicken salad, but me since I have a working lunch meeting. 


                  Hydrate well folks!!!

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                    OM, if you really want to do your LR's with a group then by all means show up Sunday morning and run with them.  They can't very well say you can't run with them.  I wouldn't take it personally.  It sounds like "K" is just not managing the group very well.  Communications is Key to everything.  Just go run.  You'll find people in the group that will run with you and you'll get to know them and they you.  You've been running well and maybe the people you trained with previously are a little slow for you now.  You'll find others who run your pace.


                    I ran a solid 8 miles this morning, because I won't be able to get in a MLR this weekend.  Too many things on my plate.  8 is not a lot for an MLR, but it's the best I could do in the time I had available.  I felt fine even with the Sprint Tri race I did on the 4th.


                    I'm considering doing another Sprint Tri later this month, but it swims 1/2 mile and then for the run leg only runs 2.5 miles.  A little long on the swim and short on the run for my preferences.  But maybe I will.  I could use the swim practice, though I'd hate being last out of the water.



                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                    MM #6177

                      Thanks Byll. I knew I could rely on you clear-headed people here. The group run in Saturday btw, and I'm scheduled for my long on Sunday, which is why this whole discussion is even more confusing. I just heard from my coach, he says it's ok to switch, so I'm going to run with the group after all. Life really shouldn't be so hard, ya know?

                        Another rest day for me due to sore legs from the July 4th 10K (sore from a 10K, rolleyes!).


                        OM, it may be that the running group consensus is for Saturday; I guess if I were in your situation, I'd do my long runs alone and show 'em at the marathon how far you've come.  

                        King of PhotoShop

                          OM:  If running the LR's with a group is very important to you, and I sense it is, then just have the coach reorganize your week for the LR on Saturday, which is a snap to do, then go join the group.  There is nothing wrong with you personally, and you are a fine runner.  It's just that this guy is not very well organized.  Hard for me to relate to this as I like to do my LR's by myself, but I take your point.


                          Did a short run today (3.3) as I am racing tomorrow, so while I'm out there I pass a guy walking and after I get back to the car, he shows up at the car next to me and we chat. I asked him how he did today and he said he "jogged but mostly walked" about 2 miles at 14 minutes a mile. I told him that was good effort, especially in this heat.  He said he would like to do more but he had triple bypass surgery two years ago and is still building up.  I told him I also had triple bypass surgery 4 years ago and that he will continue to improve.


                          Then he said that it's hard for him to get out because of all the travel he does.  I asked him what he did for a living and he told me he has his own business as a corporate trainer. I told him that's what I do.  He must have thought I was nuts!  But I gave him my card and he just wrote to me, so I have made a new friend today with much in common.  Spareribs



                            Posie, it's my sister who sprained her ankle, not my dog.  Don't think I've ever heard of a dog spraining their ankle!


                            OM, I think I'm glad I usually run alone!  But like Byll said, I think with a group, you should be able to find some folks who run about your pace.  Just keep being nice to K, even if he doesn't deserve it.

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            MM #6177

                              I stopped listening to music on my runs in March, and the longest I've run by myself is 6 miles so far. So the prospect of running 13 miles completely unaccompanied is a bit daunting. I think the truth of the matter is that I do feel offended at having been dropped... especially on top of existing entitlement issues relating to running... I'm still viewed as a back of the pack runner even though I've been placing in the top 5 in my AG lately.... I know, life would be so much easier for me if I just felt more entitled to doing well and being competitive, instead of feeling apologetic and then being left out of things. And yeah, learning how to just not thinking so much!

                                thanks for so many nice comments and sentiments on Jasmine. I appreciate it. It really does help ease the pain.


                                OM - good advice so far. I prefer solo running, especially on long runs, but if it's important to you to run with the group, then join them. Just because the organizer of these runs doesn't seem very organized at all, doesn't mean you aren't welcome. Although I admit that based on what you've written about him, he does sound a bit cliquish - which are the very people I tend to avoid - but I'm sure there are plenty of people with varying paces that show up at these runs, so I would just disregard him and enjoy the company of those you end up running with.


                                went for a 1.5+ mile walk with the dogs last night - they needed to rinse off at the creek. Then it started finally feeling 'coolish' around 8:30 pm so went out for a 4 mile run . . . with bats swooping around.

