Masters Running


Wednesday's daily, 11.12.14 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Looks like two good night's sleep in a row are all I get - not so good last night.


    6.6 RW miles this morning in dense fog and 51F temps. My headlamp was useless, as it just lit up the fog, so I turned it off after a couple of minutes. I saw better without it, and I had my flashers on so I could be seen.


    I have meetings at 7:30, 10:00 and 12:30, and then a presentation at 5:30. Maybe that's why I didn't sleep so well last night...


    Have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Heavy fog here, too.  And humid.

      Cooler temps rolling in tonight!


      EZ 3 for me.

      Be safe. Be kind.


        I thought the fog had lightened up by the time I went out at 6:30, but Henry and I passed each other and never saw each other (dense fog or perhaps truck - one of us on the sidewalk & one on the street)!  5 miles in shorts and t-shirt - 52 and humid.  clothing varied from what i was wearing to long pants and jackets.


        happy runs, walks, and meetings,



        Trails are hard!

          Heavy fog here, too.  And humid.

          Cooler temps rolling in tonight!


          EZ 3 for me.


          What Tramps said.  Same workout for me.  Now all I'm asking for is the same speed.


          Went to Salvation Army and got my starting line clothes.  The Cashier asked if I was a veteran or a senior.  I asked what the senior level was and it was 55.  So since I have no pride, I took my very first senior discount and got $7 worth of sweats for $5.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            Good move, stumpy! Do you plan on just ditching them? 52's just a distant memory to me now, Marj.


            Tried out an early spin class this morning and it went pretty well. I am really not a very strong cyclist, but I'll try to stick this out over the winter and see how much difference it makes by next riding season. Ditto for the strength and swimming sessions, and I think I'm already starting to see results. I just hope I can keep fitting running into the schedule!


            Still not sure about Sunday's 10K, but I am sure that this is the last time I'll sign up way in advance for a race at this time of the year.

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


              Good morning  guys. Stumpy, way to save money.


              Tramps and Stumpy are going to rock the marathon this weekend.


              With 8F low and 30f high today will be a TM run for me this afternoon.  The wind is blowing hard and my asthma does not like the wind.


              How are you feeling today Holly.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



                I got  my second more-miles-than-degrees run in today already!  And I didn't even have to run, since it's -7 degrees.     I think it'll be a cross training day.


                Doug, with all the biking and swimming and running, are you training for a tri?

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Jay - rough day ahead!


                  Stumpy - hey, take it where you can get it.  I do the "thrift store throwaways" for races, too, so I can be warm at the start.  If it's pretty cold, I keep them on until the first aid station and then leave them there.


                  Carolyn - I heard on the news this morning that Denver set a new record for cold temps on yesterday's date.


                  As usually happens, the second day of the cold feels worse than the first.  Weirdly, I felt fine running, though, but felt like carp again not long after.  I dragged myself to work because I have a client meeting scheduled this afternoon, but then I called and rescheduled it, so I will hold out here until lunch and then go home and rest a bit.  I can always log on to my work computer in the evening to catch up.  A little sinus medicine might make all the difference.


                  5.2 miles for me this morning on the TM watching DWTS.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Mariposai, if I didn't make trouble on this site, who would?  Besides, he had it coming.


                    And thanks for the kind words about the Saint's applesauce day.  Very noisy in the kitchen when someone is doing canning. I was trying to read a book and several times had to tell her to keep the noise down.


                    It was 33 degrees and a light wind, but sunny today as I went out alone for 4 miles. Tomorrow is track day with the Saint.


                    I have a client on Whidby Island. I think I'll go there in February to do some work with them. Got another in Tacoma, same month.  Spareribs


                      I went to Midland City Forest and ran 10 miles on trails.  32° and light snow.

                      Started out the first couple miles feeling tired and figured there was no way I would make my goal of 10.  Then somewhere during the 3rd mile things got better and I was enjoying the run.  I was pretty much in the zone when I hit a tree root at 5 miles and fell.  I did one of my world famous rolls where I keep my forward momentum going, do a complete 360 on the ground, and pop back up without hardly missing a step.  But then at 5.7 miles I did it again.  This time I was on a slight uphill and making a left turn so I had very little forward momentum and thudded on my right shoulder.  Well, that one woke me up.  I had a Peanut Butter Gu in my pocket that I didn't think I would need, but I took a little walk and ate that.  I vowed to watch where I was going and I finished up the last 4+ miles without anymore accidents.

                      I wore gloves but I'm still trying to get my hands warm.


                      (I worked a couple hours and didn't like it so I took the rest of the day off.  I wanted to carry a bunch of junk down to the road for the trash and put some more furniture away. I got all that done before my run.)




                        Hey all. Ran in mid 30's at lunch and will go again with our club at 6pm tonight. I'm not sure I like the cold but since I can't do anything about it, I will tie a jacket around my waist as recommended by Ribs and make the best of it.


                        That's a lot of stuff Jay. No wonder sleep didn't come easy.


                        Way to work the deals Stumpy


                        Spin classes intimidate me roch. good on ya for doing those.


                        I'm no longer complaining with Wild and Mari's temps. Brrr.


                        Get better Holly.


                        I may be in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks Ribs. Keep those trails open.


                        Hey Dave - I worked a couple of hours - didn't like it - and had to return to it.


                        So a quick brag on  Patrick. Today he was honored at a Leadership breakfast along with 19 other 8th graders. Those were the top 20 academically, athletically and service wise for the 1250 in school. I'm a very proud pop and glad he gets all those good qualities from his mom.



                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel





                          Looks like two good night's sleep in a row are all I get - not so good last night.



                          Welcome to my world Jay. Because I'm responsible for opening the Y three days a week, I NEVER sleep good the night before I work. I have this continuous nightmare about oversleeping and having 15 angry Y members pounding on my front door wondering why I wasn't there to let them in.


                          Nice discount on the clothes Stumpy. What's cool is they'll probably end up back where they started so they can get sold again.


                          Feel better Holly.


                          How about sending some of that homemade applesauce north, Ribs?


                          WTG all of you who got outside and braved cold temps for your run this morning. I think there may be more where this came from. I did 6 in 30ish degrees with a stiff breeze out of the northwest. It was raining just a little when I left the house. The last mile I was getting pelted in the face with freezing rain. That was over 6 hours ago and I'm still cold!


                          Congratulations to Patrick, C-R! I'm sure those wonderful traits came equally from both parents.


                          Off to clean the house for yet another showing tonight...

                            [[[holly]]]...........wish I had some Words of Wisdom for you, but I had the flu for 3-weeks.........Endeavor to Persevere........




                            ...30's here,

                            .....30-min bikeride

                            ...34-min poolrun, deep end only,,,,,,,,,had to wear a belt, darn Back was popping me



                            .............good running guys

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Sayhey! MM#130

                              That's a lot of stuff Jay. No wonder sleep didn't come easy.Way to work the deals Stumpy.Spin classes intimidate me roch.good on ya for doing those.I'm no longer complaining with Wild and Mari's temps. Brrr. Get better Holly.Hey Dave - I worked a couple of hours - didn't like it - and had to return to it.

                              Agree with this [edited]summary, and with Mari's insight: "Tramps and Stumpy are going to rock the marathon this weekend."  Yes indeed.


                              And ditto what Jlynne said to you, C-R.  Cheers for Patrick.


                              Also, still chortling over marj and henrun missing wach other in the fog.  How'd do that, you two


                              Decent workout there, tw.


                              Jlynne, condolences, and that's why we call it "jay o'clock."  say, maybe you should simmer apples and cinnamon on the stove when you're showing the house?  Or offer the new Dorito flavored Dew to the viewers?


                              Appears I've lost another running partner--you may recall my young friend I'd meet some ams and ran a half with last January....well, she is 13 now, and while I bested her in a recent half (she'd been on the amusement rides at a nearby fair the night before), she outran me last night at our Veteran's 5K to finish 3rd female overall.  I was 7th female overall with a meh run of 21:33.  It was over the Midpoint Bridge and back, in the dark, and there was that marathon a few days ago...and I was hungry!  Darn race didn't start until 7:07 pm.  Probably why I had any speed at all.......(ooo, but I'm a champion grouser, ain't I?)


                              Seriously, it was a super turnout on a school night for the Vets.  The young man who won it overall told a reporter that while he ran,  he was thinking about about his former running chum who is now an infantryman, so even the new story was decent.

                              Veteran DH finished in 38:27, a pretty zippy time for him, and he'd just been in the half Sunday.


                              Got a note from Roseclolored glasses recently ....she and the rocketscientist, remember them? are closing in on the 50 states, well he is, she's doing half marathons more often.  He's got a few in the future, and after that will be down to 7, including Alaska.  I'm hoping maybe Erika will suggest a good one for him to do?  I'll pass along whatever recs anyone has.  Hawaii, Oregon and Wyoming are on the To-Do list, too.  Wild?  West coasters?  I think if there's a half included, that'd be a nice option for Barb.    Arkansas is on there, as well.


                              Okeedokie, I'm due back at the old cube.    I won't mention our weather as from now until about May, it', it's why everyone in most of the other states come visit us!


                              Happy Wednesday evenings, all!



                      (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Got a note from Roseclolored glasses recently ....she and the rocketscientist, remember them? are closing in on the 50 states, well he is, she's doing half marathons more often.  He's got a few in the future, and after that will be down to 7, including Alaska.  I'm hoping maybe Erika will suggest a good one for him to do?  I'll pass along whatever recs anyone has.  Hawaii, Oregon and Wyoming are on the To-Do list, too.  Wild?  West coasters?  I think if there's a half included, that'd be a nice option for Barb.    Arkansas is on there, as well.

                                 Amy - having run the bulk of my marathons for the first 20 years (1977 - 1996) up there in the Great Land, if you haven't run the Equinox Marathon, you really haven't run a marathon in Alaska. It's more than a just 26.2 miles; it's so much of an experience that if you tell those who have run it that you've run an Alaska marathon, their yawns will turn to awe if you say, "Equinox."   It's like comparing (insert name of any marathon) to Boston.  Though founded about 50 years later than Boston, the Equinox is one of the oldest marathons in the country.  Besides, be sure to remind rosie who lives there <<<(erika/erika/erika)>>>  . . . and don't forget to have her ask Equinox Holly too.


                                ps - change the subject if they ask how hard it is.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
