Masters Running


Friday Racing excitement is building - Master Runs and whatever (Read 550 times)


    someone should put that boston list over on the boston bib number thread and keep it at the top, so it's an easy reference for all of us who won't be getting a damn thing done Monday morning at work and we can just keep checking the tracking list.


    6 miles for me last night. 54 minutes.


    nothing special going on this weekend. I like it like that too. Will run 16 miles at some point over the weekend - whichever day is forecasted to be nicer I suppose. I'm soft like that.


      Dave59 I had the same reaction to Mariposai's recipe; what bourbon should you use?  Confused  I am quite a fan of the stuff and have a pretty good collection.  I am thinking that given all the brown sugar in it a bourbon with a sweet finish would work well.  Maybe Blanton's?  I tell you though with a full cup of bourbon Shocked do not eat and drive!


      Some gym work for me today and stretches and mini-strength work for my ankle.   Some icing of it too.  Yawn.

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


        I know nothing about bourbon and will use whatever's cheapest, most likely. I think I'll marinate that in a gallon ziplock bag... easier than trying to fit a 13x9 pan in my fridge.


        Good luck and fleet feet to all the racers tomorrow and Monday!! Will love tracking the Boston runners! Will be very bummed out to be missing all the fun this year... Oh well. My 5k is going to just be a fun run at this point. We drove part of the course this morning and it's still extremely icy. So... no worries, it'll just be a supported speedwork run. With a warm up and cool down, I've got 9 miles on the plan tomorrow and 18 on Sunday. It's just another part of the run. No series points for this one and I'll have no problem beating Beethoven for a free concert ticket (you have to finish before the last note of Beethoven's 5th Symphony, and the version they use is about 31 minutes). A Symphony Associate fund raiser so a good thing to support.


        My legs have felt tired for awhile so DH and I agreed no lunchtime workout today. I might go for a walk at lunch, and maybe a short run tonight before dinner, but nothing exciting.

        King of PhotoShop

          Big ziploc bags are the way to go with marinating.  Easier to fit things in the fridge and you get better coverage of the product simply by turning the bag over.


          Rasmussen, good luck at Wenatchee with your new plan, and like Bill, I am eager to hear the results.  Give Mariposai a pat on the back too. I expect her to race well.


          I am bib 20259 at Boston and I don't expect to race well given the tiny injuries that set me back, so my plan is to run it comfortably but slowly.  Predicted time:  4:22.


          We fly out early tomorrow, all four of us.  Have a good weekend everyone.  Spareribs


            Due to my upbringing (fundamentalist Baptist), I still don't do much drinking.  Beer, wine, and occasional screwdriver is about it.  So I went to the "party" store and asked what I could get to (a) cook with, (b) try some myself, and (c) be good enough to serve guests.  I ended up with Elijah Craig 12 Year Old Kentucky stuff. 


            Chicken is in the fridge.  I tasted a bit (of the bourbon) and it is very good. It's not too early is it?  Roll eyes


            I had just cleaned out the fridge and had plenty of room for the whole 13x9 pan.  But ziplock bags are usually the tool of choice. 


            My daughter is back at school after a trip to Green Bay. Her boyfriend had an interview (successful) for a summer internship at the same place as my daughter.  At the Y, my daughter ran into someone on the forum or who knows someone on this forum.  I assuming that is jlynne (unless there is a lurker who lives in the same area.) 


            (My daughter is on the phone with my wife at the moment and only hearing bits and pieces of one side of the conversation.)



              Did just a little 3 miles easy at lunch today, enough to shake the legs out for tomorrow.


              Byll, add me to the list........ I'm out to play in 29K worth of mud and rain tomorrow morning with about 175 friends.  Seaton Trail 29K (and 52K,50 mile) races.


              Best to luck to everyone else racing this weekend and at Boston!!!

              .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

              Go Pre!

                4 miles this morning, a/2 easy, 1/2 at goal race pace. Felt pretty good. Looking forward to another rest day tomorrow, a visit to the expo, a 3 mile run Sunday to stay loose, and then let it all out for Monday.


                For anyone wanting to meet up PRE-RACE, 9AM, between the tent and the gym, by the gym door (the exit only door) I can;t remember the Nth, Est, Sth Wst of it Smile


                MTA: I'll have this hat on...and depending on the temps, my Canada singlet.


                  I think I will have to try that bourbon chicken recipe!  My only hestation is whether or not I will be able to part with a whole cup of perfectly good whisky.


                  DD wants to race up one of the local hills.  It is 400 feet to the top, and just under a km.  She thinks she can do it without walking.  Ahhhh the naivete!


                  Went to the mountain.  I had sort of forgot that it rained a lot yesterday, so the mud was worse than on Tuesday, which made me cut it short, only 4 miles, plus it was raining lightly.  I'll try to go a bit longer tomorrow.  Forcast is for NO RAIN for the next 5 days.  I can hardly believe it!!


                  I saw tons of these.  Smelled them before I saw them.  Up close they don't smell bad at all.  Skunk Cabbage (or more poetically - Swamp Lantern)


                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    Good luck to all racers this weekend and Know that I really want to be in Boston with ya all next year.


                    7 Miles with 7x3 minutes @ 5kpace (7:00) in the middle.


                    No bourbon chicken for me tonight but I did have Pizza and beer Big grin


                    May take a rest day tomorrow as I have to work and my legs are pretty wasted. I have 16 on my Sunday schedule and would like it to be a nice comfortable one. Next week is a forced back week because of a colonoscopy on Thursday.Sad 




                    Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                      Sorry, I was not online this morning, well I was, but I wasn't ...anyway...I did not see the question about which bourbon I use. I bought the cheapest one in the store, Four Roses. I, am a Bourbon virgin, but a friend of mine kept talking about it.. So, I ventured to the liquor store, purchased a bottle (and no..I have not tasted it, I want to save that for a very special  occasion in June) and found this recipe. It is very, very easy to make and Erika, I too, placed my chicken in a big ziplock bag and marinated it overnight. 

                      BTW, I double the amount of meat that the recipe asked and used only 1 cup of the, no worries about guess driving after my dinner.

                       Big grin


                      Off to run a few miles to loosen up a bit. 2 miles in the rain. Odd the legs felt really heavy..hum..maybe giving a workshop for 4 hours on my feet was not a good idea.

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Yeah--so I went to happy hour with my boss at 4:00, today...he left at about 5:30...and I left at 8:00.  I got into a conversation with a guy who had a daughter participating in a big volleyball tounament this weekend at the University of Minnesota.  Then we started talking to a college coach, who was there from a college recruiting kids that were in the tournament.  Very interesting conversation.  Okay... who's volleyball...does that even classify as a sport?  Just kidding...


                        Anyway...I have to get to bed so I can get up at 4:30 to make the four and a half hour drive to Sioux City Iowa to watch my kid in his track meet.  He's running the steeplechase for the first time, so I have no idea what to expect.  Okay--I'll ask you--does it make any sense for a kid who red-shirted his indoor track season because of knee and hip issues to be running a steeplechase in the 2nd meet of the outdoor season?  He's 20 years old, though, and he sure isn't going to listen to me anymore.


                        Okay--I'm done--see ya.

                          Tammy - Did you get hit with any of this rain?  We've been getting dumped on literally all day.  Makes stumping around on crutches slightly interesting.


                          And speaking of crutches, will be stumping around for probably another 4 weeks, at least.  Have to get a bone scan, too.  So now I'm "shopping" around to see which of the two radiology places around here is the cheapest least expensive, including the cost of the radiologist actually reading the scan.  I was also told I have to be more diligent about ye ole contrast baths and nerve stimulation.  He wasn't happy about the fact my foot is still discolored compared to my other one.  My buddy, Karen, has offered to give me two bed pans for free to use at work.


                          *sigh* I sure could've used some better news today.  But when I got home today, we got some neutral news that is giving us a small amount of breathing room for the next couple of weeks.  Every little bit helps.


                          Safe travels for all the Boston runners!  I'll be checking as much as possible on Monday.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Leslie, it's been off and on rain here all day but not dumping rain. just the usual light drizzly stuff we get. and now it's actually clearing up some out there but they say we are supposed to have mostly rain tomorrow and then finally on Sunday we are in for a warmer dry spell for the next several days. I would really like it if they were wrong (like they are half the time) and it's relatively dry tomorrow. DS and DH are going bowling in the morning so that would be an ideal time for me to get in my 16 miles. plus I like getting that done early in the weekend and just know that it's off my list, yk? oh, and I didn't get into SOB. bummed about that. I was only going to do the 15K anyways and there were 12 spots left yesterday. When I went to register first thing this a.m. when I got to work, it was filled! Rob Cain, the RD, said they've never filled up this quickly before. usually the 15K goes until June before it fills.



                              packing for Wenatchee.....

                              .which butterfly wings to take...???/

                              decisions...decisions...will the New York, 5th Ave wing be too fancy for rural WA?

                              Shall I wear my blue wings?, my red one? will it clash with my worrior shirt???????


                              Maybe the Nymphalidae wings will be best..

                              .or the Papilionidae wings

                              or the Pieridae...wings...


                              which butterfly wing will make me faster....hummmmmmmm???

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              Half Fanatic #36

                                packing for Wenatchee.....

                                .which butterfly wings to take...???/

                                decisions...decisions...will the New York, 5th Ave wing be too fancy for rural WA?

                                Shall I wear my blue wings?, my red one? will it clash with my worrior shirt???????


                                Maybe the Nymphalidae wings will be best..

                                .or the Papilionidae wings

                                or the Pieridae...wings...


                                which butterfly wing will make me faster....hummmmmmmm???

                                 You will fly Nancy , no matter what!

                                Have fun!
