Masters Running


Sundaily, 12.17.23 (Read 38 times)


    Thanks for starting us off, Jay. I'm glad you resisted the temptation to just "try out" a little racewalking. It will come back soon enough.


    Nice to see that Henry and Jeanne both got walks in this morning. Henry, our one time in NYC was simply overwhelming for us although it was partly due to being close to a holiday weekend (Easter). I hope never to be in crowds of people like that again! Was MOMA worth it? Some particular exhibit or just a basic visit?




    Roch- been to NYC many, many times but yesterday was worst I’ve seen (not counting one New Year’s Eve).

    We really enjoy MOMA- easy to get to via subway and it does’t hurt that our SIL is a member and we get in gratis. Saw the Ed Ruscha exhibit(a pop art artist) and a floor of Impressionism. We’ll be back when it’s not a holiday.


      Congrats to Mrs. Twocat! That will be a great memory, I am sure, even without a nice medal.


      We left NH too early this morning for me to get my run in, so I decided to try my luck when we got home. I just had a little bit of time left before the rain was set to start (that same monster rain that Twocat mentioned), so I set out thinking I might get in 4 or 5 miles. It was so mild out that I wore shorts! Ended up with 8.1 miles.


        Congrats to Mrs. Twocat! That will be a great memory, I am sure, even without a nice medal.





        Rest day for me. My second favorite day of the week, just behind interval day.


        I don't know about trail shoes, but I loved my Hoka Clifton 8 shoes and the 9's are even better.


        Cindy and I went out to lunch after church today. We went to my favorite restaurant in WV, Oscars. But that is beside the point...  When we got the bill it had a senior discount computed (that we didn't ask for). About $3.75 taken off the bill. On the way out we said hello to some folks from church. The guy, who I meet for breakfast once a month, called us Mrs. Begley and Mr. Begley.    Not often an adult calls me Mr. Begley. Maybe it was because his kids were with him. Or maybe we were really showing our age today.



        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Congratulations Twocat and Mrs Twocat on great races.  I did Rocket City with Ryan in… I think 2013.  We had great time.

            Y’all be very careful out there.  We had a tragedy yesterday here in Franklin.  At 8:30 am yesterday morning a cyclist was hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light just a couple of miles from my house.  The cyclist was killed and another cyclist crashed but is OK.  The driver (from Washington state)  has been charged with vehicular homicide and DUI.  Ken and I did not know this cyclist, but a lot of our friends did, and the whole community is devastated.  He was the parent of two high school aged kids.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


              Good Evening, Friends -


              Most of you are probably in bed already, but this is the first chance I've had to get in here today.


              Congrats to 2Kitty's DW on her AG placement.  Nicely done!


              KSA - Very sad about the cyclist.  Eureka isn't very bike-friendly, so I'm very cautious about the routes I take.


              Erika - Are you driving or flying?? Either way, I wish you luck in your travels with your hip.


              Even though it was only supposed to be a 35% chance of rain today, it's been raining off and on since 8:00.  Started just as The Hub and I began our regular Sunday grocery shopping adventure.  First stop - Grocery Outlet where we were very happy to find more of the bread and butter pickles we found a couple of months ago.  Four big jars for $2.69 and only 4 left on the shelf, so we grabbed all 4 of 'em.  If there'd been more, we would've bought more.  If you find a good deal at Grocery Outlet, grab it because it's most likely not gonna be back again or not for a long time.


              We even girded our loins and went to Costco.  Hit it when it opened at 10:00 a.m. and wandered around a bit.  We cruised through the meat department and just shook our heads at the beef prices.  It's almost enough to make one become a vegetarian.  Suffice to say (1) we will be sticking with Winco (our regular low cost grocery store) and (2) with chicken and some pork and hamburger.  Not sure who's buying beef - example, prime rib eyes at $24/lb. or even $15/lb. for choice, but it's not us.


              Exercise - 5 trail miles yesterday, 30 min of stationary biking and 15 min of core work today.


              All the stretching my PT has had me do has irritated the ischial tuberiosity (aka sitz bone) on the right side.  I have an appt Friday, so we'll be discussing what the *bleep* is going on. In the meantime, no stretching and trying to not sit on that side very much.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                Jay - Sweet three six!!!


                Bioguy - Geta date night.


                JLynne - Love the family time.


                Tetsujin209 - A double moonset sounds like a rarity.


                Woot Mrs. TwoCat!


                KSA - The poor family of the cyclist.


                I did a volunteer stint with another breakfast with Santa.  It turned out to be 6 hours.

