Masters Running


Mondaily, 8.28.23 (Read 39 times)

    Too much eating and lazing about at the cabin the past weekend but I did get DD out into the lake with me for a swim.

    MBE even went in.

    I went back after sunset for a moonlight swim. MBE and DD stayed on the dock and watched me float around and the stars emerge. Was serene. Would like to do that again this weekend when the moon is closer to full.

    Still not hiking (wasp avoidance) but will start back up soon with local walk/jogging.

    Tomorrow we are to get significant rain, and highs of only 64 F. Feels like summer is ending. Too abruptly.

    Having a dental crown and another tooth's filling replaced on Wednesday. I just assumed they lasted forever but I guess this crown, about 20 years old, developed a tiny crack somewhere.

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


      Good evening, everyone.


      Bio, we also get assigned many hours of those safeschools videos. We have time to do them during PD during the year, but if we finish early we can skip those hours so we have a big motivation to get them done! Which I did about a week before school started. Luckily we can test out of many, so I didn't have to waste much time this year. Always nice when they're finished.


      I never made it here to check in yesterday, but I did 5.1 at exactly the same pace as my long run (though it felt a lot harder!).

      Today was 5.1 again, but quicker this time. So nice to be back running early in the morning. That warm ocean breeze feels magical in the dark.

        Hi Dee Ho, Friends -


        I didn't make it in here over the weekend - too tired and too much side work that needed to get done.  I did over 7 hrs of transcription yesterday. Oofdah!


        I'm glad you're getting out of the smoke for a few days, Tammy.  Just bleck!  The Hub is headed to Eugene Friday for the Ducks game.  I'm guessing he's going to have to go up the coast then cut over.


        Good luck with the new school year, Bio.  How do you have classes without supplies??? 


        Saturday, I ran 15 at Headwaters, 2,365 ft of elevation.  I was disappointed in the outcome as it took me 5 freaking hours and I had figured on 4.  The wheels fell off around Mile 11 and I don't know why.  I thought I was getting in enough calories, but I guess I need to go back and give everything a hard look.  I felt pretty blah the rest of the afternoon and unfortunately for The Hub, I was in no mood for the spaghetti he had labored over after working most of the day himself.  I just kept eating small amounts until my stomach stopped feeling icky.


        Yesterday it was 5 EZ miles that felt surprisingly good, so I guess I ate enough recovery-wise.


        Today is was a SRD.


        Now I'm off to do more transcription.  Yay!!

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          Leslie - yep, he'll have to go up coast and cut over. LONG drive for a Ducks game! sure hope it's a good one to make that trip worth it.  We'll be staying at Fern Ridge Reservoir which is about 16 miles west of eugene, but leaving Friday about noon to drive home. that campground was booked solid for Labor Day wknd but had quite a few vacancies this week. But we don't like camping on holiday wknds anyways and then have to deal with all the traffic of getting home.  Hopefully this will be better. And then Saturday it's supposed to rain here at home so I sure hope it helps clean the air a bit.



            Good evening Masters!   I had a nice moderate bread-and-butter effort swim workout this afternoon, right after work.  2,350 yards that included 300 yards of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, all pull-only with a pull buoy, and 300 yards each of flutter kick, backstroke kick, and breaststroke kick only, then 10 x 50 yards freestyle for a main set.  Cool down wasn't really a cool down but it was the end of the workout - 50 yards of backstroke and 4 x 25 yards of freestyle sprints.  I have to point out that it was supposed to be 300 yards each of all of those things but for some reason I stopped at 200 yards during the freestyle warmup.   So I finished with 2,350 yards instead of 2,450 yards.  Since I'm supposed to be averaging 2,450 yards a day these last 4 days of August in order to hit 35 miles for the month, it just means I'll have to swim that extra 100 yards sometime during the week between now and Thursday evening.  DW goes out of town tomorrow morning and returns Thursday evening so I have a little more freedom to stay out and get in the yardage over these next three days.


            The 10 x 50's were a little challenging, at least when I got to the last 4 reps.  Mentally those are the easiest b/c I know I'm almost done when I get to number 7.  But physically they were a little taxing as I needed to put in some effort for the last 25 years of each 50 in order to keep hitting 38 seconds or faster, for each rep.  I did get one 37 (rep #9) to go along with 9 38's.   One of the neighboring Y's is closed this week for their big annual cleaning of the pool and pool deck, hot tub, sauna, etc., so there was a young and fast swimmer (college age? college level?) swimming in the same lane with me.  It's always good to see that there are much faster fish in the sea, to keep one humble.


            tomwhite, I think that's a good idea about offering to swim a race for money with that other guy from last night.  Definitely not with this guy from tonight.  Ironically, he was a much friendlier guy.

              coastwalker just hear me out. Try adding chopped up carrots to your marinara sauce. Do not chop them too fine. The goal is to produce a sauce with some chew in it. Same for onions. They should be added at the start, when you are simmering the concoction. I know, it sounds crazy. Who puts carrots in a marinara sauce? But, I saw it on Restaurant Impossible and decided to give it a try. Just try it. If you hate it, you never have to do it again. But if you like it, you get to keep doing it.


              Also, about cold weather. (According to the local paper, this will soon be the officially coldest Connecticut summer in the past 10 years.) If you want unusually cold weather I am your man. When I went to Geneva, one of the locals complained about it being one of the coldest and rainiest summers in years. Oh joy.  I wonder if Alaska will pay me to stay away?

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                Tammy - He doesn't care.  It's college football season, it's the Ducks, he's not working, he gets to get out of town.  It's all good for him.


                Hey - You ever been to the Creswell Bakery there outside of Eugene?  If not, you gotta go some time.  They have the best baked goods.  Their whole wheat sourdough bread is delicious, and I also love their white sourdough.  The white - when it's fresh, it's so soft and yummy! I usually buy a few loaves of each then cut them in half and freeze them.  The ciabatta is okay if you're going to eat it right away.  Basically I like almost all of their baked goods.  It's a good thing I don't live near them!

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  enks - nice moonlight swim.

                  This is the first summer that hasn't been amenable to the splashing through the shimmering, sparkling moon lighted lake waters that are almost as much fun as skiing under it used to be.  The Midnight Madness group swims with one guy with glow lights on his ankles swimming down 10-12 feet fizzled out a long time ago with the demise of his cross lake Washington blood drive swims (or maybe I got to old) but it is such unique sensation to be swimming under the light of the full moon that I continued it whenever we were blessed with clear skies on the full moon nights in the summer.  Even though the moonset drastically goes three hours from 4\:02 am on Tuesday to 7:02 am the full moon rise only slips 43 minutes from 7:50 pm on Tuesday to  8:13 pm and 8:33 pm, respectively, perfect for splashing round as the sun sets over the moon hued waters at 7:55 pm, 7:53pm and 7:51 pm, . . . except that today was so cloudy and felt so much like fall even before the summer around here usually ends on September 1  that I'm not likely to be doing anything but looking at it.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    Yes, Creswell Bakery is amazing! I'm glad I don't live near there either. Bigfoot Fudge is also in Creswell and even though I'm not a big fan of fudge, but their's is amazing!



                      I wonder if "Thanksgiving in New Mexico" will be a Hallmark Movie.


                      Jay - Good luck easing into racewalking.


                      Dave59 - I'm glad you got three in.


                      Rochrunner - There are few things as greta as a good cheeseburger.


                      Cripes...Opie has some stalkers.


                      Holly - Good luck to you and DH.


                      Bioguy - Budget cuts stink.


                      Enkephalin - The starlit swim sounds ideal.



                      . So nice to be back running early in the morning. That warm ocean breeze feels magical in the dark.



                      Tetsujin209 - Full moon group swims sound lovely.


                      It was 40F when I went out for a mile.  Gotta dig the gloves out.


                        file this under

                        ''just when you think it's safe to go back in the water''




                        got to the Y

                        two steps out of the car got a catch behind my left knee


                        hobbled into the gym

                        spent about 5-minutes trying to loosen up the catch on the StairClimber


                        hobbled back to the car


                        15-min on x-bike at home


                        no idea why that happened

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
