Masters Running


Happy Tues 4/7 Runs and Goofy Stuff (Read 516 times)

King of PhotoShop

    Well Tim, that was one of your more interesting posts. Really enjoyed that before and after look. Holly's RR has had over 330 views. Think people were interested in how she did? Holly, don't do anything crazy this week. Just let it come to you. Breger and Tramps, you know when you go out to do these "specified" work bouts, either an interval session or a tempo run, the basic idea is to give you a prolonged period at a moderately accelerated HR. Tramps had a tempo run last week at about this pace. I may be a second or two off, but that seems to be the pace he feels he can comfortably push. It also suggests a 20Tight lippedx fiveK with the xx portion being below 30, IMO. Breger, you knew what speed to run your workout to get the same job done. There is no magic in a set number. Tramps tempo pace "in theory" should be slower but he seems comfortable where he is. And you got what you needed from your fine workout as well. For me, I have to pinch myself each day, seriously, that I am injury free and enjoying every workout. Today was 4.5 easy, followed by a flex workout at the Y. Plenty of work to do now for a client. Deadline is tonight. Spareribs

      tammy, tammy, tammy you are not trying to be a trouble maker are you? great job there timbo. Oh the safety zone we enjoy when being friends with gay and lesbians! I know I could go to the moon and back with my gay friends and feel totally safe with them. Cool Happy 25 years of bliss Byll. Yeah, you must have married a saint to put up with you for that long Cool I had a fun "date night" with my little girlfriends last night. It is enlightening to spend time with a 5 and 2 years old. Life is much more simple. Pinching ribs enjoy your "concentration work station day" Will run this afternoon,in the sun and in the track. Holly, what timbo says and that piccccture is a great one protraing your effort and will power...ONE gorgeous girl you are.

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


      One day at a time

        Spareribs, I guess I'm biased because I was a third generation Longhorn, but I loved UT! I was there for six years (got my BS and MS). There were 50,000 students while I was there, also. It didn't FEEL that big because I hung out in the Civil Engineering building most of the time, and had a great group of friends. What I liked most was that there were always fun activities, and opportunities to do research with and take classes from world-class profs. My dad is still a prof there, so DS would have an instant connection. He does thrive with challenges, so I really do think he'd do well there. We toured five small schools in February, and I kept thinking, "Wow, this doesn't compare to UT!" :-) Trying to make myself get out for a run right now. A dreary day, but not too cold.

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Just a quick fly-by. I’ll come back and read when I get my work caught up. Went to the dermatologist this morning to have that mole/freckle on the bottom of my foot biopsied, but he didn’t think it was alarming enough to do so (whew!). So he looked at the rest of my spots and declared me okay. Good to hear. 4.2 easy-paced (10:32) miles for me on the TM this morning. Outside - 28° with 25 mph winds and snow flurries – very strange for April around here, but milder temps are not long away. 2 days post-marathon, I feel surprisingly good – hardly any residual soreness at all. The only sore spot I have is on the top of my left foot, but the mysterious butt/hip-pain is gone and the rest of me feels almost normal. Yay! (I know, I know, I’m still going to take it easy for a couple weeks regardless.) ETA - Timbo.... Big grin Breger – Happy Anniversary! Lamerunner – glad your back is showing some improvement. Tammy – just send those warm temps my way, ‘kay? Twocat – I saw that episode last night and thought, “Wha...???” Mariposai – I think I was just concentrating on how to drink the water without wearing it... Wink Teresa – I really enjoyed the details of your college search experiences.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            tammeee - maybe tell timmee about the secret midnight madness swim at Green Lake after all. Big grin

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Tramps tempo pace "in theory" should be slower but he seems comfortable where he is.
              Ribs, as usual, your post got me thinking. Lots of variables but… ---it was mid-30s this morning, which is ideal for me. ---Garmin measures about 5-seconds per mile fast, so today’s tempo was really 7:11 or so. (But then again, I run on a dirt road with some hills, too.) ---as you note, my tempo times have been coming down routinely into this range, which is “comfortably hard” for me ---Based on my marathon time, McMillan suggests tempo runs at 7:08-7:27, so I’m on the fast end but in the range. (BTY, checking this made me realize that McMillan is dead on these days; it predicts a 15K @ 1:07:55; my weekend race time was 1:07:53!) ---I am pushing a little harder on speed given that my spring marathon is over; I’ve got a 10K in three weeks, and a half a week after that. I’ve got a good shot at PR’s in both, depending on weather. After that it’s too warm for me to do much of anything. I feel the need to pick up the pace a bit and may even venture to the track (gasp!) for a couple of sessions. As usual, I’m never quite sure what the heck to do there, specifically. Any suggestions, given the limited time and my hodge-podge of races coming up?

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Holly, what timbo says and that piccccture is a great one portraying your effort and will power...ONE gorgeous girl you are.
                Both Daughter and Mom portraying effort and will power...and both gorgeous you are right Nancy Wink Smile HOLLY'S DD HOLLY'S M TimBo

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                  Ah, poor Holly's never going to get away from that picture. Wink Enjoy your recovery and congrats on the clean bill of health from the derm! My dad just had another round of pre-cancerous treatments on his head, looks like a serious case of road rash or something. Congratulations to the 25 years, Byll. Give your DW a hug for me. Wonderful woman, she is. (ok, and you're not so bad yourself, really) Tim, we have a series of before, during and after shots from when DH fixed up my old Pontiac Ventura (fun car, had a 260 V8 that just never quit). It was all just body work... dents, rust, etc and we fixed it up very nicely. Till some a$$hole backed into it and smooshed in the whole front end. Roll eyes Nice work on the 'stang. Tammy, some of those warm temps would be nice, but got me to thinking what a total nightmare that would be here. We're finally getting into breakup season (we sort of don't do spring here...) where the days are up to low 40's, nights down to 20. By late afternoon, there's mud, water and slush everywhere, but the ground is still frozen so there's ice under it all. In the morning, all the slush, mud and water are frozen hard into ruts and extremely slick spots. But, it's progress! The bike paths are being cleared and our main road is scheduled to be done today and tomorrow (DH called to ask the hwy dept WTH on what's taking them so long!). Would've been nice if they'd done it earlier but oh well. 30 minutes of pool running last night. Will run tonight but will have to drive someplace not muddy/wet/icy... don't wanna do the treadmill when it's so nice out. Heck, I think I'll wear shorts!! Big grin
                    jlynne, I hope your job interview went well (If I missed you commenting on it, I'm sorry). CNY, nice 8 mile race. Hopeful, thanks for the pictures of the new pups. teresa, it sounds like your son's visit to UT went well. bike, I liked the shower story and the before/after pictures of the Mustang. breger, congratulations to you and your wife on your 25th anniversary. Nice long runs for Sue, fussy, evryday, busi, evan, Lame, and Peter. This morning, it was about 30° with some wind. A few spots on the side roads still had some snowy ruts from yesterday's snow. I got in 8 miles in a bit under 1:18 for a 9:44 pace. I was pleased that each of the last 4 miles was faster than each of the first 4 and I didn't feel bad until I was almost done. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
                      Spareribs, What is your take on the workout "the plan" had for me today? Don't be shy (as if). I'd really like to hear what the reason was for putting this workout together like this. What is it's intent? 3 sets of (two x 1200 meters at 7:18 pace with 2 minutes RI), 4 minutes RI between each set. Did they just want me to run like hell for 3/4 mile and fully recover? Weird. Bill

                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                        jlynne, I hope your job interview went well (If I missed you commenting on it, I'm sorry).
                        Thanks for inquiring, Tom. They'll be interviewing through this week. This a part-time position, and they got over 700 applications - from as far away as Indiana. The unemployment rate here is over 11% and it seems each week another business/factory shuts its doors. I have my fingers crossed but the competition looks pretty brutal. The actual interview went very well. It's funny - the young woman who interviewed me was probably younger than my own kids. Surprised TwoCat - I was scratching my head at the end of "House" last night. I thought I had missed something...

                          Happy Anniversary Bill & Mrs. Bill! Congratulations, 25 yrs, wow. Twocat, (maybe I missed this... am a bit behind)... when will you have your MRI? Nice runs everybody. I think I keep saying that. Feel stupid posting mine but it is what it is, & wherever you go there you are. Still trying to get a little faster.... not doing too well. To those of you that have recommended I skip that for now... I know I know, & I appreciate your advice. It's just that I've been running slowly since Jan.1, & have to start training for Columbus in early May. This is my last chance to play for a while. 4 miles, 9:26 ave. pace, 7 max. ahr 169, max 185. 200 meter recovery (laughter permitted Wink ) between these. 600 @ 8:39, 800 @ 8:48, 800 @ 8:45, 600 @ 8:12, 400 @ 8:20, 200 @ 8:10. Not what I'd hoped for but progress I suppose. then 15 min. on the elliptical & just 1 set of leg weight machines. I think I should work for what Bill mentioned, endurance and stamina at a solid pace. 'cept he does too have speed. Tramps, you probably want me to design your track workout. Big grin
                            dg. you have been so sweet keeping up with my travails. I have tried, with alas just modest success, to avoid the whine of the day post and so have not really relayed the latest developments. So here goes, this Thursday I have an appointment with my orthopedist. He will likely have his office schedule the MRI after looking me over. I am also trying to get an appointment with another orthopedist as it seems clear my current one has no idea what is wrong with me, and has little interest in trying to figure it out. Mostly, I want this appointment so that I can get the MRI and then likely hand the results to the new orthopedist. On a happier note, lately I am coming to believe that my leg may be improving. I have not posted this since my condition has ebbed and flowed before. What I fear is this is just one of those bouts and like the previous changes it will revert back at some point. But, for reasons that are difficult to describe I am more hopeful this time. Please no replies or even {}'s to this post. I know it is silly, but I am trying to avoid any optimism at this point. To that end I have not even told my DW about this potential development. There have been far too many times a few good days have proved little more than an illusion and I do not want to be disappointed yet again. Now back to the running daily! I hope all of our group's runs are happy ones.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              TwoCat - I was scratching my head at the end of "House" last night. I thought I had missed something...
                              I read that the actor who plays Kutner, Kal Penn, left the show because he was offered a job in the White House as the associate director in the White House office of public liaison. Dg - nice! (but please be careful)

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Bill, I had the exact same thought. Reminded me of that bizarre workout that Econo did last week. If you ask me, I would say that the designer of the workout was just giving you some variety, but why the full recovery unless that is VO2 max for you. I didn't get it either. I am so biased in this area though, as I really like slower interval work with very short recoveries, as that approach gives you a greater volume of high HR work and less risk of lactic accumulation, and therefore smoother recovery tomorrow. You and I are generally on the same page. Tramps, I may drop you a line tomorrow. Great thoughts. Spareribs