Masters Running


Beware; Friday the 13th! (Read 489 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    That's weird - I posted and then my post disappeared.....


    Hmmm. I'll try again...


    Mary - Love the snowpuppy!


    Happy Birthday Mrs. Jay!


    Looks like some of you have some fun winter activities planned this weekend - enjoy!


    Like C-R and Paavo, it was 16 degrees with 25-35mph winds this morning, and since I usually x-training on Fridays anyway, I ran 2.3 miles on the TM and then did some upper body weights and core.


    Heading over to Bonefish Grill for some appetizers with DH, and then we'll have a relaxing night at home tonight.  LR tomorrow.


    Happy Friday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Today is a big birthday day here. My DS#1 and DIL were born on January 13th, two years apart. He's 36 today (I know, I know, how could I possibly have a child that old Smile), and his DW is 34. DS#1 is a lucky guy - he should never forget her birthday! Grandpa and I are taking Will and Ben for the evening so they can go out for a relaxing dinner. This ought to be interesting!


      The storm passed through, now it's blustery and cold. Did 4 miles on the eliptical and 3 miles on the bike, then some weights and stability ball/bosu work.The Cellcom training run is tomorrow morning, halfers scheduled for 5 miles. The temps aren't supposed to be that bad (probably around 15° when we take off), but I'm really nervous about slipping and/or falling running outside. The doc told me I was tempting fate trying to train for this thing anyway, but if my form is off because I'm tense and not running like I normally would, I worry I'm going to screw up everything I've accomplished since last May. Any advice?


      Sorry you're stuck in the airport PBJ. It sounds like the East Coast is going to get the storm that just left here so maybe it's a good thing you're getting home.


      Glad your run went well Enke.


      Nice snow dog picture Mary.


      Steve - any job news?


      Off to bake a birthday cake for the kids...


      MM #6177

        OM, please change the tag under your great new avatar: I can never look at that wonderful photo and see anything close to mediocrity.


        Jay, is that better? Smile Happy birthday to your DW; enjoy the time away together!


        Such a sweet doggie picture, Mary!


        Wildchild, your photos from your vacation are amazing! Someday we'll get to Costa Rica as well. Though a cruise to the western Caribbean is next up in February.


        Thank you ALL so much for the kind words on my race photo! Yes, I'll be buying that shot for sure. MrOM ordered one of those framed finisher collages when we were at the expo last week. You know, the kitschy one that has a facsimile of your bib and medal, and a photo of your choice. Well as Mariposai kept saying, you only have one first time!


        RR is still being composed in my head. Sorry guys. I'll write it eventually, I promise.


        Never got out to run yesterday but it's just as well that I took an additional rest day. I was so zonked at PT after my 3-miler on Wednesday, so it's just as well that I didn't do anything yesterday. Today I ran 5.5 miles followed by PT and I feel virtually back to normal.


        MTA: {{{PBJ}}}


          Wish I could read and comment on everything, but I've been very busy at work, and now I am drinking beer (and can't focus on the details.)


          I ran 4 at lunch. 


          It has been a wild ride since about 3:00pm on Wednesday.  I was either working, thinking about work, or dreaming about work while asleep.  But everything is done that had to be done, by the time it had to be done.  With another person quitting this week and only giving 4 days notice, it added to an already overly full load.


          I just have to prioritize and do what I can.


          We are in the process of hiring about 6 more programmers.  It will take a few months to get people hired and trained, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and for once, it isn't an oncoming train.  Big grin  


          Have a wonderful weekend.  (I know I will.)



            Wish I could read and comment on everything, but I've been very busy at work, and now I am drinking beer .....



             you weren't at work when you wrote that last part.....



            [[[[[[[[ pbj ]]]]]]]]...........hang in there

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



              The running Gods did smile down upon me today.  Smile   6.22 miles of hillz.

              No major aches.

              New shoes.



              A honk from a trucker.


              Life is Good.


              I love runs like that!


              Happy birthday to Mrs. Jay - sounds like a nice way to celebrate.

              Rosie, glad your brain is happy. Cool  That's always a good thing, and doesn't happen as often as it should.

              PBJ- sorry about the travel woes.  But I'm sure Canada is a lovely place to visit in January! Joking


              Sounds like a lot of you got snow recently, or it's coming.  I think it's snowed quite a bit at home since we've been away - we all have snow boots and parkas in the car we left at the airport, in case we have to hike down the driveway because it's not plowed.  Won't that be a great way to end a vacation?


              We went to Arenal National Park to hike today - it was a bit disappointing, because it cost $10 per person and there were less than 5 miles of trails. We hiked them all and were home by 1 pm.  So I took a nap, then went for an 8 mile run. A bit cooler today  but just as humid.


              We've been talking about changing our lifestyle, to get out of the rat race. I think we talk about this every year when we're on vacation.  But we're thinking about the possibility of investment property and/or 2nd home in a place like Costa Rica, and we also want to move to a lower altitude in  Colorado.  I might even think about retiring after DD graduates. Good stuff to ponder.

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                Nice pondering wildchild! Any chance you'd have an extra room for RA visitors!? ha.


                Home last night after a stretch of work days in CA. Two inches of snow here and the first time shoveling since the October nasty storm. Hudson loves to romp in the stuff and I'll need to take some photos----they'll look like Mary's! He sticks his snout in the drifts and just tunnels away.


                Ran 70 minutes with some striders in the last 10 minutes and then out for two miles with the wonder pup. We went to the wake for the father of the goalie on Will's hockey team late this afternoon. Emotional and tough day. There was a moment of silence at their game on Wednesday night and he was buried today---just 50 years old. The kids wore their jerseys to the service (over ties and dress clothes) and they looked so somber and grown-up:


                HBD to Mrs. Jay


                Waving to lamerunner!

                  wild, keep the vacation pictures coming. Jay, happy birthday to your wife. lame, I hope your daughter is recovering well from her wisdom tooth adventure. jlynne, happy birthday to your son and his wife on their jont birthday.

                  Nice long runs for Mike and mari. Good job on the speedwork for lame.

                  No run today but I got my second day's work in. It's been real busy but a lot of fun spending all day with runners and talking about shoes. They've got a real good system set up so the temporary help doesn't have to know much. They have racks of probably thousands of right shoes on display. When a customer finds one they like or want to consider, we go in the back room and find the matched left shoe. There are also requests for a size that 's not displayed or a model they can't find. We're off to the back room again. When there are questions we can't answer, we look up a full time employee on the floor or talk to the shoe expert in the back room. Yesterday, I don't think I ever had more than a minute or two without a customer. Today was a little slower. There were several times when I had five minutes without a customer. Yesterday, the bosses said they were expecting to sell 8-9 thousand pairs of shoes over the course of the sale. This morning, they said they had a record yesterday for sales. I sort of expect tomorrow witll be busy since people will have the weekend off. With a good sysetm at the store, good resource people, and lots of BS and conversation on my part, things have gone well. That said, it will be nice to be home tomorrow night and then get back into my normal routine.

                  A good day and good runs for all.


                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Nice pondering wildchild! Any chance you'd have an extra room for RA visitors!? ha.



                    I thought the same thing!  Smile


                    Sorry to hear about the death of your son's teammate's father.  Tough on a child to lose their parent when they are so young.  {{{hugs}}}


                    Jlynne - advice from me would be - don't try to keep up with the group if your footing seems slippery and you want to take it slower. Caution is more important than speed, and if you have to gingerly trot slowly to feel safe, go for feeling safe.


                    Dave59 - I do a lot of thinking about work, dreaming about work, etc.  Mostly it's a good thing, sometimes not.  The last two weeks of December were nightmarishly stressfull, the first two weeks of January have been pleasantly fulfilling...ebb and flow...

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."




                      SteveP - my DH and I were so broke when we got married that we went to the judge downtown, then had a cook-out at my SM's backyard...the $2000 we had managed to save up needed to go to a car more than we needed a wedding.....


                       The kids and I are leaning that way. DW, the bio dad and the future in laws are not. BTW, your DH is a damn lucky guy.



                      Lucky DW Jay!! Love it! Sadly, I got her the same thing as last year.


                      Love the B'Nellie picture 


                      Happy brains are kewl Buehrle. There's a couple of people I'd like you to experiment on.


                      Thanks for sharing that Roch.


                      HI Stumpy!! Missed ya man. (Brotherly butt grab)


                      Whoot whoot Enke!


                      Crud PBJ. Thanks for the info about the air cast. I was going to take my air guitar on my next trip.


                      Actually Nancy, if I taped my hands to the bathroom mirror, that should help me not to eat.


                      Yeah for Will & Ben!! It will be about a week before there is any news on the job. Thanks for asking.


                      Good News about the new hires Dave59.


                      Did you guys just build a place WildChild? Enjoy the sun.


                      That's great TomS. It sounds like fun.


                      Snow snow snow! After work, Tag bugged the sh** out of me until I got the running gear out. By that time it was pretty dark. So we went and got Honey and we ran the trails for nearly 40 min. Too bad the camera on the phone doesn't have a flash. Breath taking. 










                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Hudson and Brinkley pictures/avatars..cute!


                        Jay... screw shoes!  You can race walk on ice with them!


                        Poor PBJ


                        I ran 8 Tues, 8 Wed and 8 Thurs in anticpation of cold and snow coming...

                        Today 4 miles in 21° and 9° wind chill but with lots of layers I was warm and toasty, There was just a dusting but the screw shoes felt secure on the scattered icy patches.

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Hey!  I'm, finally, getting a chance to get caught up with you all.  I've had a pretty busy day, actually.  Between running kids and grandkids around, writing three short stories (700 to 1000 words), taking the car to have it's oil changed, and working out, I'm pretty tuckered out.  My run was just a 4 mile treadmill run in 30:40. 


                          Good luck to everybody racing this weekend!


                          Saturday--MilkTruck - Smuttynose Indoor Half Marathon, Milford, NH

                          Sunday--Henrun & Marj - Naples Half Marathon, Naples, Fl

                          Sunday--bruger1 - Naples Half Marathon, Naples, FL

                          Sunday--hermosaboy - Houston Marathon, TX

                          Sunday--Ileneforward - 13.1 marathon, Los Angeles CA


                          Okay--that's it from me!  See ya!


                          MM #6177


                            Good luck to everybody racing this weekend!


                            Saturday--MilkTruck - Smuttynose Indoor Half Marathon, Milford, NH

                            Sunday--Henrun & Marj - Naples Half Marathon, Naples, Fl

                            Sunday--bruger1 - Naples Half Marathon, Naples, FL

                            Sunday--hermosaboy - Houston Marathon, TX

                            Sunday--Ileneforward - 13.1 marathon, Los Angeles CA




                            I'm off to a girls weekend in the Poconos with my running gal-pals. Have a great weekend everyone! 
