Masters Running


Monday Monday 3.5 (Read 637 times)


    Can I borrow  your 159 pounds though?

     Weight loss tip of the day: I put the bathroom scale on the other side of the house. Right after getting out of the shower, I run over toward it as fast as I can then jump onto it from about 3' back. I do this five times with in a minute. Then take the lowest weight shown and record that for the day. Today I weigh 47 lbs!!!!!


      SteveP is a Genius////////////////////









      I have

       suspected it for years.

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        Long run done - strong winds wiped me out. Going to rest. Everyone that needs a hug or congratulations - {{right here}}

        God, my Lord, is my strength;
        he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
        and enables me to go upon the heights.
        Hb 3:19

        Marathon Maniac #3309

           Can I borrow  your 159 pounds though?

          I've only got 9 to spare taper buddie.....


          Made me think.....I weighed 165 pounds in high school and played football and ran track (tried to gain weight, but just couldn't)  Here I am almost 53 years old, and weigh less now, than I did then.


          That's pretty Cool when I think about it


          That was one heck of a speed workout Mike E, especially when ya was lacking a little motivation


          Called my neurosurgeon's office this phone call back yet...I doubt he wants to hear it honestly

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!




            Since I'm doing a race in place of my last speed workout, that will be it until after my marathon and I don't think I'll really do a whole lot of speed work to get ready for Wyoming--I think I might take some rock climbing lessons instead.




            Mike, about 7 miles of the Wyoming Marathon goes through an amazing rock climbing area called Vedauvoo, so climbing lessons would be a great idea!  Wink  Here are some pictures.  The race follows the dirt road in the 2nd picture





            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              Have been trying to catch up with the weekend's posts. 


              Tim - Keep being a pest, even if you have to go so far as to plant yourself in their office.  Your doc has to answer your question soon or later.


              Dove - Great to hear you are healed and rejuvenated!


              SteveP - Big grin


              Rest day for me, although I was suppose to do some core work.  My excuses are (1) still tired from the weekend and (2) I'm coming down with something.  (They sound good if you read them fast. Roll eyes)

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                My post earlier today was just downright lazy and rude. Forgive me.


                Read over yesterday's posts and cracked up at Tramps post. Third Base - Hmmm...


                Some really long runs yesterday Ribs, pfriese, buehrle, rtravers, perchcreek, and lamerunner.


                Special congrats to Holly and evanflein for the adverse conditions long runs. Way to get'r done.


                Noticed many recovery runs today and kind of quiet.


                Ran 22 miles in very windy conditions. Sometimes the cross wind would blow my left foot into my right leg and my body into the lane of oncoming traffic. The last 5 miles were the most difficult. Got'r done as well.


                Noticed a few jokes in yesterday's posts.


                Here is one of my favorite Pierre and Boudreax hunting jokes.


                Pierre & Boudreaux Go Hunting


                Pierre and Boudreaux wanted to go hunting, but didn't have a place to hunt. Pierre said, "The old farmer down the road is a friend of mine. He's so old, that he can't even get out into his fields anymore. I'll bet he would let us hunt there."


                When they got there, Pierre told Boudreaux that he would go into the house, and ask for permission to hunt on the farmer's land.


                Pierre went into the house, and his friend, the old farmer said, "That's all right with me, but could I get you to do me a small favor in return?" The farmer said, "Mud Bug, my old hunting dog is so old, he is in constant agony. I need to put him out if his misery, but I just don't have the heart. Before you take to my fields, could you please use your gun and do it for me? He's in the front yard, he's in so much pain, he can't even make it into the house any more." Pierre said that he would help the old farmer, and went out into the yard, to tell Boudreaux that they could hunt there.


                As he was walking down the front steps, he got an idea for a joke that would scare Boudreaux.


                When Boudreaux said, "Did he tell us we could hunt on his land?", Pierre, for a joke, said, "No, that's the meanest old farmer I've EVER met -- I'll show HIM!!" Then he shot the old dog, and said, "That'll show him."


                Boudreaux ran to the farmer's barn, and Pierre fell on the ground, laughing, because he scared Boudreaux enough to run away and hide.


                Suddenly, Pierre heard, "BLAM......BLAM." Then Boudreaux ran out of the barn, and shouted to Pierre, "O.K., I got the horse and cow... Now, let's get out of here."



                God, my Lord, is my strength;
                he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
                and enables me to go upon the heights.
                Hb 3:19

                aka FlyingFinn

                  Wow, Blazin’, it’s tough to run while being blown about. Way to get it done!  I’ve heard a version of that joke where the hunters weren’t Frenchmen, they were Finns, Eino and Toivo. 


                  Evan, nice long run. Tough enough to run in that weather yesterday, and double tough to run a 30 mile weekend.


                  I  liked Roch’s poetic post, too.


                  5 miles easy, almost 2 minutes per mile faster than yesterday. What a difference a day makes. Winter is back. It was cold and windy and graupel granules pelted my face. I thought of my dad because when I was small he taught me about graupel granules. 

                  Instructions for living a life:

                  Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    "Graupel granules"--I always wondered what to call that kind of snow/sleet stuff.  We just had it a couple nights ago.  Thanks paavo.


                    Wild--I can only get that 3rd picture to pull up.  That's scary enough!  Have I ever told you I hate hills?


                    A little 5.2 mile run in 39:52 for me, today. 


                    I guess that's all I got.  I wish I had a good joke to tell.  I'm really not a very good joke teller.  I always get nervous right before I tell one and then I ruin it.   Which is why it would be nice if I could think of one, because you all wouldn't be able to see me getting all nervous. 


                      Tuesday here. Almost noon. I ran for 40 minutes on a beautiful jogging trail. It will be paradise when the cherry blossoms bloom. Drove by the Emporer's home yesterday. (I am in Chiba, Japan. I can type more when I am not using a Droid.)




                        I guess that's all I got.  I wish I had a good joke to tell.  I'm really not a very good joke teller.  I always get nervous right before I tell one and then I ruin it.   Which is why it would be nice if I could think of one, because you all wouldn't be able to see me getting all nervous. 


                        That's true for a lot of us.  I think that's why telling jokes electronically is so much easier.


                        Today was a good day, with a lunch run, a halfway decent day at work and even better teaching tonight.

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me



                          Mike - I'm not sure why the pictures I posted earlier sometimes show up and sometimes don't.  Anyway, here's the picture of the dirt road through Vedauwoo Recreation Area.  The midpoint/ turnaround part of the race is here - I think it's about 3.5 miles out and back on this road.  DH and I rock climbed and camped there years ago, and it's really beautiful.  The hills aren't so bad! And it's only at 8,000 ft.


                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                             Weight loss tip of the day: I put the bathroom scale on the other side of the house. Right after getting out of the shower, I run over toward it as fast as I can then jump onto it from about 3' back. I do this five times with in a minute. Then take the lowest weight shown and record that for the day. Today I weigh 47 lbs!!!!!


                            Big grin


                            No workout for me for Monday.  Had to leave early for a hearing up north.  With the roads so bad due to a deceivingly light layer of ice, and three freeway closures, my 45-minute drive doubled, but all was good and I arrived safely and on time.


                            Tramps - "In like a lion" - remember that?  Winter always rears its head in March, hanging on tooth and nail, but spring will defeat it in the end....have faith...Smile

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
