Masters Running


Snowy Thursday daily (Read 454 times)

    You know, I kept saying this to myself today, "I will feel so grateful after the run, that I made myself do it", but it didn't help!  Of course the sudden downpour of rain just as I was going to put on my running clothes was also a deterrent - and I have a TM, but it has been aggravating my calf.... oh so many excuses!


    I just need one sunny day.....

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      46, drizzly, and windy--perfect!  6.2 miles in 44:56.  It was tougher than it should have been.  I'm still a little sore. 


      Enke--I like the knee.


      MM #6177

        I got off my sad chair tonight. Smile


        Had a most excellent run with the tempo workout group. This was the first time with this group, though the coach is not new to me; he had been doing the winter track workouts and I really liked his style. Explains everything for people like me who don't know what exactly a tempo run is... though tonight when he said to run at your half-marathon pace, I was like "hey, I know what that is, because I now have one!".


        So the workout was 3x 10 minutes at half marathon pace or better, with several minutes rest in between. And on the last repeat, in the last 5 minutes of it, we should put it a bit more. Hey, this is right up my alley! No sprints, just steady state pushing the pace, and maybe a little more. I applied what I'd recently learned in the ChiRunning seminar we had at the club's monthly meeting last week and I found I wasn't tiring as easily. I didn't hit the lap button for each repeat exactly, but I did have a couple mile splits in the 8:20s. OK, so maybe I took them a little faster than I was supposed to, but honestly, the running felt really good and strong, ya know? I was doing some quality work tonight. Maybe the couple days off this week were exactly what I needed? Either way, I've definitely ditched the sad chair and left it in the dust.


        Only about 4 miles running in total, but man, those were good miles!



          I just need one sunny day.....

           Come to see me this weekend...I got sunshine and plenty of it

          Big grin


          twocat, here is the recipe

          I marinaded the chicken overnight. I used a whole chicken this time instead of the breast.

          I added  a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger (leftover from the Chinese dinner I made last night) and about 3 dashes of hot pepper sauce.

          I think this could be placed in a crock pot too, I shall experiment with this idea next time.



          Well, I did motivated myself for a 30' yoga before dinner. Plus the 2 miles of walking to and from work made it for a nice rest day. A few easy miles tomorrow and then HM run on Saturday, I hope.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Mike E

          MM #5615

            That's cool OM--you're supposed to enjoy your runs. It sounds like you've found a good group.

            Maniac 505

               Come to see me this weekend...I got sunshine and plenty of it

              Big grin


              twocat, here is the recipe 

               Yeah Enke,  Join Mari, Mike Rasmussen,  Mrs. Mike, and SR Lopez, (and too many maniacs to count) for one of the Wenatchee events Saturday!  The more the merrier.  the weather looks like it should be nice,  just have to make it over those darn mountains. 


                Good luck at Wenatchee, all you guys and Ms. Butterfly! Sounds like quite the gathering. 


                Good for you on getting rid of the sad chair, OM. Life is just too damn short to sit around on that thing. Nice workout for you tonight!


                I ran 5.7 miles tonight after work. Lulled into the sense of spring fever from the sunshine and temps hitting 40 today, I was surprised by a brisk wind out of the north and just high 30's. But... the sun was shining and it was an ok run. My legs are tired though. I've gone over 2 weeks now without a rest day, and have a hilly 5k on Saturday morning. DH is going to do that one with me, too! So, tomorrow will be a light day, may not even run at all. We'll see.

                  I got off my sad chair tonight. Smile



                  Good! Smile

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                    Erika, phenomenal that your DH is going to run the 5k with  you!

           me lucky posie all those fast running guys and my little winged self to keep them company!!!

                    Big grin

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                      a hilly 5k on Saturday morning. DH is going to do that one with me, too! .




                        I can just about guarantee that we are having bourbon chicken over the weekend.  I've had bourbon chicken at mall food courts before but this looks 100 times better.


                        Any recommendations on what kind of bourbon whiskey to get?  I'm only good at picking out beer.


                        I'm hungry already.  Maybe we will have this tonight.


