Masters Running


Weight Until Tomorrow (Read 633 times)


MM #6177

    down to 228.6 this afternoon lowest n about 2 years 31 pounds in less 3 months,Yes!!!!

    Excellent for you!


    I looked at the scale this morning, contemplated stepping on it. Then I thought better of it. Probably the best decision I've made all week. Better not to know.


      ........ Better not to know.



      probably TheDrugsTalking,

      you sound WAY too relaxed about it.........

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Big grin  Yea for drugs!!  Big grin

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



        MM #6177

          Actually, the drugs are not doing well with my tummy, and my belly is now distended so much I look like I'm at least 4 months pregnant. I usually use how I look in my clothes, and the mirror itself as my guide. I don't even need the mirror now: I can see my tummy when I look down at my feet. Seriously not good.

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Pain pills can be quite pleasant when it's a rare occasion, but are no fun when you actually have to take them for an extended period of time. 

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              take the pain pills with food or milk so they don't become constipating.....


              which would make you Weigh More



              PROBLEM SOLVED////////



              technically speaking


              we believe in WaterWeight

              this would

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              MM #6177

                Things are resolving themselves now, finally. Turns out the belly flab I was experiencing was serious fluid retention.... I've been peeing like crazy for the past couple days, and drinking what feels like gallons of water... and so I just looked at torso in the mirror and I now have my normal ab definition back... but only on my left side! How funny is that?
