Masters Running


It's Thursday (11/17)! (Read 552 times)


    Lots of nice stories to catch up while sitting at BWI waiting to go home. No run today and its bumming me out. Nice Timbo. Your dating stories are interesting but never go Monty Python until your sure. Heh Nice pic Mary OM - skip the 100 bucks and go to Goodwill and buy some old jackets and cold weather gear. Take several pool towels to use as a matt and roll one for a pillow. Find the non wind side of a tent and hunker for a nice nap. After 6 Disneys that works well for me. Of course the crew that brought sleeping bags last year impressed me most. Now its off to see if I can get a grant from the Ministry of Silly Walks. I sure hope I can get a refund for the dead parrott. Cheers

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


      Oh and why can't my posts show a carrige return from my BB when I post? Sheesh.

      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


        Yeah Erin!!! I meant to suggest, Jay, that you tell a local politician about your phone service plight. It may make for a viable campaign issue.


        Timbo, you're still setting an example of acceptable male behavior in relationships for your daughter.  


        Aww Mary!!!


        MikeE, the dog started peeing in my Batman coffee mug to see how I liked it.


        We're on dial=up too Tet. The youngest accuses me of being Amish.


        We have the same bed making agreement here. However, we still usually make it together regardless of who is up first.


        We'll have to post pictures later. Avenger Doggie and I got bright colors on for today's run. The only place out of the wind has also been fair hunting territory.  On the way back home, we stopped at SIL's again to install flood lights with motion sensors. 


        When we got back, there were several alligators and Monsters in DS's old room. Noah and I had a hard time getting them out. 


        DD#2 brought a beagle pup home!! Tag's trying to get her to play and is in LOVE! Too stinking cute.


          Enke, FTFY.



          Dearest Forum Neighbour Wildchild,


          Although I am losing my colourful Canadian accent, I am dearly hanging onto spelling my favourite words (even the word centre) in the British English mode.  Thanks for humouring me.


          Yours truly, enkephalin (aka endorphin in American English)

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


            DD#2 brought a beagle pup home!! Tag's trying to get her to play and is in LOVE! Too stinking cute.


            This post is worthless without pictures.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Marathon Maniac #957

              ... at least I have long legs... and my house is on 35 acres...




              I don’t even have long legs……and I live on ¼ acre…..Undecided


              6.05 miles this morning on the TM doing various intervals, then 3.45 more miles tonight after work so I could watch the end of The Lincoln Lawyer.  I was surprised to find that I liked it.


              Another crazy busy day, worked through my lunch again.  I still eat my lunch, I just don't stop working.


              I live for Fridays, though, when I get off at 1:30pm....Smile

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                This post is worthless without pictures.

                Her name is "Honey"  At first Tag was trying to get her to play. Then he figured out she was getting all of the attention. When they both fell asleep, I put Honey next to Tag for a picture and he jumped up and sat in a corner with his back to us. I went and sit next to him, with out the pup and he pelled away and turned his back even more to me.



                DD#1 and family came over as well. Noah simply doted over her.



                  I'm running a lot more MP miles this time than last year preparing for Newport, so that's got to be a good thing.  Daniels VDOT based on my recent 15k race says train @9:20 for MP.  After work I ran 8 miles @9:17 so I'll take it!  This was basically the same run as a week ago but half a mile less and similar conditions.  Then: 9:23 pace, Quality: 9/10, Effort: 8/10, AHR 140, MHR 158.  Now: 9:17 pace, Quality 10/10, Effort 2/10, AHR 146, MHR 163.  The objective numbers say I ran it a little harder but the subjective numbers say it didn't feel as hard.  Cool.


                  I wonder if I should keep training at this pace the next couple of weeks or crank it up to about 9:00?  Those Yasso 800's say I can run the marathon at that pace so maybe I should practice it.

                  "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                  Rose Colored Glasses

                    Opted not to run at 0530 due to cold rain and cold temps. Hoping the marathon will not be too hot... 0615 in Cocoa, Florida. 10 days to launch!



                    So the rain stopped and Veta and I took advantage of it. We walked through the woods and swamp this afternoon. The indoor (although they run outdoors) track team ran by us on the back part of the trail.  Veta really wanted to run with them. But we just watched them run by. My first year not having a kid at the school and on the team.

                    What bugs me most about the topic today is this. Men. Men look at women and judge them. Whether it be to admire the acreage or to critique this feature or that feature. They talk about what they like or don't like. It's like they are shopping and women are all on sale. Even if they are talking about air brushing and duct tape, they are still looking at the woman as an object. Comparing the air brush with the real life. We spent the day discussing what we want a woman to look like. Whether it be hot in a bikini or earthy in flannel.  It is still all about appearances. Sure, there's a token mention of smiles and laughter but, the bottom line is, if there is a hot babe smiling and laughing, she is going to get more attention than plain Jane laughing and smiling.


                    Is there a female equivalent?  Are women looking at men the same way? I just don't know. I don't get out enough, I guess.   

                    "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

                      How to get carriage returns into your post when typing them from the keyboard fails.


                      Step one:  Click modify your post.

                      Step two:  Click on the little blue HTML link at the top right of the text entry tool bar.

                      Step three:  Go to where you want a new paragraph to appear.  Insert <br><br> where you want the carriage return.

                      Step four:  Click post.

                      Step five:  Admire you HTML coding skills!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        You guys can just keep those puppy pictures coming!


                        Heading up the rear here on page 4!  This group is Cool Running plus!



                        Opie... it's difficult to determine whay a run feels easier than another.  Something to consider is what workouts preceeded it. Often a run two days after a harder workout feels sluggish.  Often a run the day after a tempo run feels easier. It also depends on what you ate and how much the day before.  But whenever a run feels easier than you think it should, take it as a good sign of training.


                        Yesterday I had a day like that, where the run just felt great and mile 9 of the 10 miler I was high on enkephalins!


                        6 freezing miles this morning and colder tomorrow morning


                        Oh... We close on our house in Rochester, MI in mid-December and today we rented our house in Durham, NC starting January 1st so we're moving in the week between Christmas and New Years!! Saturday I get to fly back to NC for the week to see DW and DD's and Tory and Sadie for the first time since June! ex cite ed!

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                          Very interesting discussion here today! I think tomorrow we shall talk about male models .

                          Karin, barbie has a sister? seriously? Skipper...I have never heard of her. Remember where I spent my childhood. My abuelita made all my dolls for me.

                          Tramps, as a wanna be, when I grow up sociologist, I really enjoyed that link.  Can you also provide me with a link about white bread, when did we started selling them in supermarkets as the choice bread? I am doing a presentation to a wellness group next month.,,,sure need your help.

                          Ribs, model ribs!!!! great shot (swoonnnn). I can relate to you about poses and make up.  I remember when I was teaching a cultural competency workshop via television to be aired to rural hospitals in four different PNW states. I  had my fill of camera man and make up artists...of course after the second session I convinced them that I know what I want to look like, thank you very much.

                          Twocat,  what a way to spend your day pre-colonoscopy...and WHAT a way to spend your afternoon and evening post procedure!!! You sure know how to celebrate yourself!!!!. Pass the ribs, please!!!

                          Enkie, my heart is with you... I make the bed every day, not because I care but because DH's mother sealed in his brain that a good wife always makes the bed Sad., but then again, he does all the laundry in the house and mows the lawn, I am not complaining. 


                          I had a great gym run today. Only 4 miles, but I discovered a new setting on the TM at the gym. This is going to safe my life during the winter months when I want to do some hill reps.

                          Warm up, then 3x 1' @6% incline interval; then 3' @ 10% intervals, then a few miles at 4% incline, then 4x1'@12% incline. I really, really enjoyed this workout. I think I will use this program thru the winter. 


                          Bregarcito, your comment RE: models is priceless. I shall give you a posie hug for that the day I meet you!

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



                            Very interesting discussion here today! I think tomorrow we shall talk about male models .

                            I had a great gym run today. Only 4 miles, but I discovered a new setting on the TM at the gym. This is going to safe my life during the winter months when I want to do some hill reps.



                            Looking forward to tomorrow's discussion!  PBJ, you sure started something today. Good topic!


                            Nancy, why do you need a TM to do hills in the winter?  They're still out there, year round.  Just sayin'...

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              I don’t even have long legs……and I live on ¼ acre…..Undecided




                               some men find women with Legs and Acreage INCREDIBLY HAWT!!!!!!







                              couldn't resist.

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
