Masters Running


The day after the Boston Marathon (Read 42 times)

    Good morning Masters!!


    Yesterday was a long but very fun day!! We met in Wilmington at 7:30 am, arrived in Brighton by 8:30 and started setting up the Maurten gel station. It was definitely warm for the runners as they went up that hill toward Mile 22. The BC students were for the most part better behaved than last year's group and we had more police presence around us as well. I saw a clip of the elite women passing our tables and you can see the back of my full head of grey hair!! LOL

    It's such a great location seeing all the runners pass by us. Unfortunately so many were struggling with the warmer temps. My friend Adrienne was having calf cramps so I walked with her a bit up the hill until she felt ready to start running again. She did amazing and took her division for the upper limb mobility impaired athletes.

    We left the Brighton area a little after 4:30 which is always so hard for me - still so many runners struggling up that hill but that is when we are supposed to break the tables down. Later we celebrated all our runners and volunteers at a local Mexican restaurant. I was very happy to see my bed last night!!


    Today 4 easy miles with the Sole Sister crew then coffee!!

    Have a greta Tuesday friends!!




      Not ready for Boston yet, but got 4 miles today. 

      Bill Wagnon / stl

        Not ready for Boston yet, but got 4 miles today. 


        ...still counts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and some days it counts double


        just Run with what ya got

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          Thanks, Deez.  I'm proud of all the Boston runners and volunteers.  I have a friend here who was injured in the bombing- he was spectating waiting for his girlfriend to finish the race.  He's a noted entertainment lawyer here and suffered some permanent hearing loss.  He was one of the first people the FBI interviewed.  I can never forget that.


          Over to the path for 6.7 miles.  I didn't want to be gone too long since Robert Earl needs some care after his surgery yesterday.  He had a pain pill this morning and seems to be doing pretty well.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          Marathon Maniac #957

            Glad Robert Earl seems to be doing okay, poor fella...


            Dentist appt to start the day - 2 fillings, 1 new crown seated, 1 broken tooth pulled.  (sigh)


            4 miles for me this morning in 59 degrees.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Jay / Deez - Boston posts much appreciated.


              Deez - do you think the warmer temps had anything to do with reducing so many runners to walking.  In particular, Dave's Youtube links has hundreds of EVERYONE, not just the handful of experienced, BQ runners I've always assumed, walking up the half-mile Heartbreak Hill that I have always assumed everyone would pace themselves so they weren't reduced to walking zombies by then.


              Question to anyone who's been at Hearbreak's mile 19 during the annual running;  is the YouTube video depiction Dave linked accurate in showing not just a couple but hundreds, actually all, of BQ runners walking up Heartbreak Hill when their experience should have known enough to moderate their paces enough to not have to walk up it? If so, is it attributable to this year's temps or does Hearbreak do it to all the otherwise experienced but barely BQ'ed Back-of-the-Packers year-in-and-year out. Thanks. 


              Meanwhile, back in Seattle, I got a 2K in at our sr housing's shopping shuttle to Ikea yesterday that included a Swedish pancake start and Swedish meatball finale with the $40 entry donation providing a two stool chair swag that have now been assembled before a shelf table for breakfast and snacks while looking at Mt. Baker out the north side window now that, after six months of dreary grey, the weather's getting nice.  ed note: <<<(to say nothing of seeing also Trader Joe's, Shell Gas station, Central Coop, busy bus routes, roofs of Kaiser Permanente, church steeples, etc.)>>>


              ps Holly - good luck. I have a crown complete with post on the nightstand that has to be put back in sometime but I'm sure they'll want to do it all over again.


              pps - overnight rains already turning to another sunny day we've already had so many of this month, we're already dreading the inevitable return to normal.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                It's hard to just check in here once in a while. I looked in on Sunday's thread and saw an interesting reference to something that was posted on Saturday. Looking there answered my question but then I saw a reference to Friday's thread and before I knew it I had read almost a week's worth of posts in reverse order! 


                Anyway, everything going well here as we're just ending a great (and unusual) run of real Spring-like weather. I was out with my biking group for about a 20-mile ride this morning that broke neatly into thirds: an hour to get to the destination; an hour to eat drink coffee and tell lies; and an hour back to the start.


                Now back to your regular thread...

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                  It's hard to just check in here once in a while. I looked in on Sunday's thread and saw an interesting reference to something that was posted on Saturday. Looking there answered my question but then I saw a reference to Friday's thread and before I knew it I had read almost a week's worth of posts in reverse order! 



                  Zackly!   Leaving you a week behind and in poor position to post something new and relevant.   I totally get it.


                  New, but not relevant:  I worked out at the gym this morning around 6:30 and then waited for the swimming pool to open at 7:00.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are their late days, contrasted with the opening time of 5:30 AM on MWF. The strength workout was a pull workout, with rows, pull downs, rear delt (on the pec machine), low back extensions, and biceps curl on a selectorized machine.Doing curls with a barbell or dumbbells is one of the exercises that really bother my shoulders.   I did just over a mile in the pool, doing every stroke except butterfly, plus a bunch of kicking drills and dolphin kick / underwater dolphin kick drills.   I was going to do a 100 yard IM (Fly/Back/Breast/Free) after the main set and before the cool down sets, but was saved.  A man came out of the locker room to swim and my lane was one of the lanes that had only one swimmer in it.   I surprised myself at how quickly I invited him to share my lane (so I could skip the IM   ) .


                  Tet, you asked about flip turns, and I made a solid decision to skip flip turns in the meet.   I was doing them faithfully up until about a month ago and then I timed myself in a 50 yard sprint with a flip turn and one with an open turn.  The open turn was faster.


                  I got out with a co-worker for a 2-minute walk at 10:00, a 30-minute walk at 12:00, and hoping for another 20-minute walk at 3:00.

                  On the agenda tonight is a blood donation at the YMCA.  I'll need to make sure I'm staying hydrated (I'm not, currently), before I leave work for the Y.   Then it's a rest and recovery evening after that.   One of my favorite tv shows, "Finding Your Roots" is on PBS this evening, I think, so I'll have my feet up with a kitty camped out on my chest.


                  Have a great evening, Masters!

                    Afternoon, Folks -


                    3 predawn miles of mostly running, followed by PT exercises.  Surprisingly, my butt doesn't feel too bad, and I've already gone up and down the stairs here at work a few times.  Gives me hope that I'll get over this thing sooner rather than later.


                    Interesting conversation this morning with our attorney who's facing leg amputation.  First - He doesn't have to go through chemo . . . although, as he said, he'd rather go through chemo than have his leg removed.  BUT, it means the cancer hasn't spread.  Second - Barring any unforeseen difficulties, he's expected to come home 3 days after surgery as opposed to spending a month in the hospital.  So he gets to come to terms with this life-changing event in the comfort of his own home.  Third - About a month after the surgery he'll have a 2nd surgery wherein a titanium rod will be inserted into his femur and that's what his prosthetic will attach to as opposed to having the traditional "cup" that slides onto the leg stump.  He looks tired, but seems to be doing okay.  Said a lot of people are asking him about it, he's a bit tired of talking about it, but understands people are just concerned and care for him.  I'm trying not to give him reassuring hugs every time I see him. 

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                      c'mon Roch// know we miss you



                      trying to think

                      of something helpful concerning  fatozzig's Butt that doesn't wind up getting myself put on a List somewhere


                      (I will keep thinking)


                      In Other News,

                      I am signed up for Church Security Training so I can help with Safety during the service


                      (actually looking forward to helping with that again)




                      oh yeah, work-out stuff-


                      .....30-min ARC Trainer .........since apparently 3-days of Nordic Walking at soccerfields Kills my back now

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                        Deez - It sounds like a wonderful day.  Thank you for the start.


                        Hiya Sees-The-Ground!


                        (((((Fatozzig's Coworker)))))


                        I got another 3.3 on the mill.  I got my steps down to 2,200 steps per mile.  This was followed by the home-made PT and core work.  Work was a surprise "manhandle day".


                        GD Norah had a track meet I was fortunate enough to attend.  I cannot post a video link.  As kids were lined up for their events, she repeatedly earned best dancer.  I hope she does that through the rest of her life.







                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Way to go GD Norah!!

                            I LOVE those pictures

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....