Masters Running


Wednesday Shorty's Coming Home Runs and Celebrations! (Read 457 times)

    I was also absent so even though I don't know the story I guess all I need to know is that Leslie is going to be happy and thats a good thing. Good luck to you and Shorty.


    My best friend is an avid cyclist and is always trying to convert me from running. I always tell him if he would train with me we could do a duathalon or even a tri but he has no interest in running. I on the otherhand will occasionally go on a ride with him and I swear he takes me on the hilliest nastiest route he can think of and then says things like : I thought because you ran marathons you would keep up better. Or I thought you would be in better shape why are you breathing so hard? Angry Just once I wish he would go on a 10 mile run with me so I could burst his little ego bubble. Evil Secretly though a Ironman has been on my bucket list for a long time also. I just wish I could find the time to seriously train for such an endevor. Lately I don't have time to train for a 5k let alone a tri.

    Speaking of time....The good news is inventory is over ....the bad news is that means my second job (and the money) is over also. I will sure miss the money but I am going to enjoy getting back into running shape. Good thing running is a cheap sport unlike cycling , thats for those rich snobby people Wink


    3.5 easy miles (the only kind I can do right now) Like a lot of you have said it looks like the last nice day for a while. Time to put on the winter stuff?



    Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


      Beware of  M.A.M.I.L's


      MAMILs and MAFILs are some of my favorite acronymsBig grin!

        At some point, either here or at Kickrunners, I posted my observations about hard-core cyclists.  Paul and I were at a race in the fall when a jerk cyclist was mouthing off.  I wish we could have closed the path to them.


        I went back to the chiropractor, and I have my suspicions about them, not the least of which is that they thrive on referrals like a Multi-Level-Marketing scheme.  I'm indifferent to doctors generally, but it seems you have to believe in the Power of Chiropractic like a religion.  Tammy, I know you like yours, and I will say about mine that he got rid of my sinus headache with a few zaps of his electronic acupuncture machine on my face and of course the crack of the back.  So, I'm cautiously optimistic.  I had a good run after that, about 5 miles with 4 strides at the end.  Cold and windy by that point but I just sucked it up.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


        MM #6177

          Beware of  M.A.M.I.L's


          I learned a new word today!


          So happy to hear Shorty's coming home!


          Nope, RR isn't written yet, can't rush genius... Big grin


          3.1 miles today, first run since Sunday. Managed to stay out of the porta-potty the whole time.

          aka FlyingFinn

            Leslie, I haven't been here long so I don't know about your journey to this day. I wish you and Shorty the best at your new beginning.


             I hadn't seen that acronym before and had to look it up. DH would never be seen in public wearing lycra shorts but I call him a real cyclist. His hilly commute is about an hour each way, which he does throughout winter as long as the roads aren't icy. Last month one of his rides was in the mid teens. He doesn't ride every day and really misses it when he can't, like a runner who can't run. He's avid, too.


            Just 3 miles today. It rained before and after but for the short time I was out there it did nothing at all.

            Instructions for living a life:

            Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver


              Opie, not all chiro's are all they are quacked up to be. guess it's like lawyers, there are good ones and not good ones and unfortunately the bad ones tend to paint a bad picture for them all. (present lawyer company excluded of course). Joking


              I like mine because he's is also an avid athlete and used to be the team therapist for the Oregon Ballet company and the OSU football team (that would be Oregon, not Oklahoma). He has more of a "therapy" and "massage" type approach to his practice. He also does sport performance training and rehabilitation. So, to me, he's much more than a chiropractor who operates an assembly line approach to chiro. but I also worked in personal injury for 10 yrs. I know there are LOTS and LOTS of chiro's that just want to set you up on tx schedules 2x for the next 5 mos. no good.



                MieE. Call that a training interview.


                Welcome Home Shorty. You have a dedicated wife there buddy. Don't muck it up.


                Mary, Three miles east of where yesterday's pictures were taken, it's crazy dry.


                Jay, Tag says try chewing on the stick.


                I saw there is a Tri on Marco Island Breger. That would be kick butt.


                Some of these kids don't have feet...more like built in swim fins.


                TwoCat, Did Ribs make a play for your wife while she was in Detroit?


                Tammy, I went back to measure one of Avenger Doggie's sticks. The tape was only 20' After bringing home a 7' 4x4, he's toned it down a notch. Careful with your back. If possible, maybe a flat surface. Be as careful as porcupines who are making love.


                oh..."Avid" I thought it said "Rabid"


                Roch, I've done the "practical running" as well. Got a 15 mile run in and saved $.37 on a stamp. Now I pay the same bill on line. It may not be progress.


                Dang Dave, It sucks about the garage door. In most houses, it's the heaviest moving object.


                A Hallar sighting is always great


                We'll call today a rest day. DW and I got home at the same time and DD#3 had dinner made. She's getting hitched this year and I'm gonna hate it when she moves out.


                  Leslie, so excited for you!  I'm glad this whole roller coaster episode is over and that you can look to the future with great optimism.  Shorty really is a lucky guy.


                  Next person to write avid is going to make me reach for the advil. Wink


                  4 mile run, was supposed to be 5 but the dang ball of my foot started to hurt again.  Not sure what the deal is.  I saw the UPS truck leaving my street so I ran the rest of the way home really fast all excited expecting a package containing my new running shoes to be there.....but it was of course, something for DH.  Sad

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                    Funny thing about the garage door was my initial attitude.  I called the repair shop and told him it was no rush.  I would just open it myself if I needed to get out.  The guy on the phone asked, "are you sure" at least 3 times.  I didn't realize why he was so concerned until I actually went out to try it the next day.  Luckily I didn't give it a good rip or I might have lost an arm.  Turned out to be a broken spring if that means any thing to you handy guys and gals.


                    He got it fixed in time for daycare pickup.  DD1 has a late class on Wednesdays so it was the only reason I needed my car.  I was getting worried that I'd have to walk all the way there and get my granddaughter.  It's nearly a full mile from home! Roll eyes    50° & sunny in January.  I should be fined for not walking there.




                      Next person to write avid is going to make me reach for the advil. Wink




                      advil is just avid with an LRoll eyes


                        creative day

                        recovery day

                        brief run at a low effort 50 minutes

                        cuban food for sup


                          This is about the trails DW, Tag and I have been exploring. 



                          Top 'O the World!

                            Ew Kewl! Pick on bikers day! Big grin


                            ~ They would need studded snows here today! ~ some O y'all git that ltr


                            ...& werd puzzels! (had to look that up as I have no teenagers in the house at present)


                            Dave - yes you will be fined for foregoing the beautimous day! & psst, I think we had to disconnect something in order to open the garage door (beastly heavy but doable) when the spring broke.


                            On a serious note (or maybe not), my lovely neighbor gave me the nicest compliment this afternoon! She called me crazy! I was just getting back from a quick spin around the neighborhood in the fresh snow!

                            Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                              Hi, All - Shorty's off to an AA meeting, so I thought I'd pop in for a few minutes.  Thank you so much for your well wishes.  It's going to take some time getting used to the new and improved Shorty, but one of the nicest things is he's lost so much weight (over 52 pounds since entering rehab), I can actually get my arms around him!  The CO whose work crew he worked on for the past six months didn't know he had been released until he got to work this morning.  He called and wished Shorty well, and gave Shorty his cell phone number.  He's will to be a reference for when he starts looking for a job.


                              Today was him going to a couple of AA meetings this morning, us going to the store, and puttering around the house.  When we first got home last night - er, this morning - he just kept looking around.  Said it felt really weird.  Today has been mentally tiring for him, but I'm pooped from being up until about 1:30 a.m.


                              I did get in 5 miles this morning with 9-10 (I lost count) hill strides.  I went out around 9:00 a.m. while he was at a meeting, and by the time I did the last climb, I was feeling the effects of the lack of sleep and not having eaten any breakfast yet - upset tummy.


                              But, all in all a good day.  Big grin


                              Love the pics of Avenger Doggie and that cute little "Black Heart."

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                              MM #6177

                                {{{{Leslie}}}}.............. just because Smile
