Masters Running


Wed Dec 17 Master Runs and etc. (Read 451 times)



    Lou, that was only your side of the closet? How many pairs of running shoes do you and PDR have between both of you? Mary, glad your DD came through her surgery OK. Not fun to be feeling bad over the holidays, but at least she has her mommy to take care of her! Smile Holly, good way to take advantage of two extra hours - good luck on the weigh-in tomorrow! 10 miles on the TM doesn't sound tempting to me. Maine, sounds like you and your family have been through quite an ordeal lately! Amazing that you've been running so consistently through it all. I usually get about 500 miles on my shoes. Most of my runs are on dirt - I wonder how much difference that makes? Yesterday I forgot three things in my running bag I bring to work: my Garmin, a towel and washcloth, and underwear for under my long pants (don't need them under shorts, but I forget to add them when it's cold out). So today I remembered to bring underwear, but still forgot the Garmin and towel. Undecided Duh. So it'll be another Garmin-less run, and cleanup using paper towels. I guess it could be worse, I could have forgotten something essential like running shoes.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        spareribs, you are recovering nicely and running in Michigan weather even though you are in Texas. The other day, I talked with someone in San Antonio and it had been 80 degrees one day and 30 the next. anachrotech, sorry to hear the flu got you. I hope you can shake it quickly. enke, re. the shoe picture. I don't know whether to applaud your imagination or suggest you have too much time on your hands. hopeful, I'm glad to hear your daughter is starting her recovery well. I'll pass on my tonsilectomy story. I had mine out when I was a preschooler, about 60 years ago. I don't know if it was me, or my parents, but someone suggested I not stay overnight in the hospital. Since my grandmother lived a couple blocks from the hospital, they said I could leave if I stayed there. My folks wanted to do something special and asked if there was anything I wanted. I told them I wanted some nails and a hammer. My dad got a paper bag full of nails from the hardware and, I'm told, I went to sleep that night with my head on that bag of nails. The next morning, my folks woke up around 6 a.m. and I wasn't in my bed. They found me out in the street playing with a glider airplane that I gotten for being in the hospital. Later that day, we went to my grandfather's and I pounded all my nails into his well cover. They were still there almost 20 years later. Nice long runs for jdmom, peter, holly, and maine. Good job on the speedwork for holly and mariposai. After a couple weeks on the TM, I finally got outside this morning. The temp was about 20 with just a light breeze. There had been several inches of light snow during the night. I knew there was ice under the snow on the back (dirt) roads so stuck to the paved roads. I was never in danger of falling, but, when I pushed off, my feet would slip just a bit. I knew I was going slow and when I finished my 8 miles, it had taken about 1:21 for a 10:08 pace. In checking my splits afterwards, I was finding most in the 10 or 10+ range as expected until I got to the 5th mile and my pace for that mile was 8:56 then the last three miles were back to around 10. Go figure. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

          4.5 miles on the dreadmill this morning. We got 3 fresh inches of snow last night and the temp was only 3F at 4:30. I opted for "inside." I hate to keep grousing about the weather here, as I know it's been miserable in a lot of other places, but I'm supposed to drive to Great Lakes on Friday morning to pick up DS#1 from his Naval base and they're predicting another big snowstorm starting Thursday night. 6 to 10 inches with blowing winds, and it's supposed to get worse as you go south. Sad It's going to be a slow go... Anyone want to chip in on an airplane ticket so we can fly him home? Mary - glad your daughter is okay. When you're under the weather, there's nothing better than having Mom around to take care of you. Weigh-in is looking bleak for me as well, Holly (big surprise). Yesterday the school administrators treated the faculty and staff to a pig-out day. While carrots and celery are healthy choices, they're not as pretty as chocolate cake! As far as shoe mileage goes, I'm usually good for 400 + miles, then they get converted to grass-cutting/gardening shoes. I've worn Asics forever, but recently switched to Sauconys, and I really like them a lot. Good luck to everyone running races this weekend that will be dealing with weather issues. Me? I'm ready to put the house on the market and head south. Have a great day, everyone.

            tselb, you are so sweet. I always enjoy your postings. Mary, butterfly hugs to you and your daughter. How nice that she is home so you can take care of her. teresa, enjoy your new fresh snow run today. they are my fave too. Holly, 10 temptation miles Big grin Hang in there Mainerunner. I am glad to see you are still running regardless of the hectic shcedule. Snowing here too, but I already put in my 4 ezpz miles this morning, so no running on the fresh powder. The roads are still very icy anyway. We will be decorating the Xtmas tree today. It will be fun to see our exchange student decorating his first Xtmas tree ever. enkie, I hope you are OK with my new avatar Blush

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


              Holly, I don't think I've ever used Rome's for that recipe - that's not a real common apple that our stores carry this time of year. I just use whatever is best in the produce dept - we have good honeycrisps, fuji's, jazz, pink lady's, etc. this time of year. Any crisp sweet apple will work well. I wasn't able to run yesterday. I thought I might make it to the gym after work, but with our sub freezing temps and icey roads, my husband preferred I just come home. We live out in the country, about 12 miles out of town where my gym is, and roads are not sanded or salted out here. Maybe I'll get there tonight after work, although we have big snow in the forecast for later this afternoon. But that's what they predicted a few days ago as well and it never came to fruition - just a dusting is all we got. Have a great day everyone! Only 4 days til Hanukkah and one week til Christmas! Big grin



                I took the boys to school today. First day of finals, and DS2 has been trying to meet with his Biology teacher for days now to help with some questions. The kid stays after school and the teacher is a no-show. Gotta love it.So he figured catching him early might be a better plan. I'm going to love doing the teacher evaluation form we get to fill out on the teachers... Shoes, hmmm. Usually a little over 500 miles. Sometimes 600... I know that might be pushing it, but sometimes it's hard to find a replacement! All my google searches for my old Asics are coming up dry. I bought some new Brooks (sorry, can't recall model) at the NYC Expo, so they're next in the rotation. All of you dealing with bad weather really have my sympathy. While our temps may be cold most of the time, our "weather" is usually very good with clear skies, little if any wind and very rarely the freezing rain conditions. JLynne, my DH says the same thing... "Let's sell this POS and move to AZ!" but of course, ours would move as fast as anything else on the market... Not. Tom, good for you on getting outside! Running in the snow is harder and you just go slower. Even without ice underneath. Just think of the good training you're getting for when the footing is solid! I got in my 5 miler last night on the treadmill and that was enough. Legs and body just tired. Too many late nights recently. So, a little earlier to bed last night and I feel much better today. I'll have time to get my 10 miler in tonight... yes on the treadmill... so keeping up with the schedule so far. [ETA: Tammy and Holly... Granny Smith are sometimes a really nice baking apple, too! Rome Beauty used to be a very popular variety, and a lot of older recipes call for it. Not a very good apple to eat out of hand, but I remember my mom telling me years ago that it was a perfect cooking/baking apple.]
                  I told them I wanted some nails and a hammer. My dad got a paper bag full of nails from the hardware and, I'm told, I went to sleep that night with my head on that bag of nails. The next morning, my folks woke up around 6 a.m. and I wasn't in my bed. They found me out in the street playing with a glider airplane that I gotten for being in the hospital. Later that day, we went to my grandfather's and I pounded all my nails into his well cover. They were still there almost 20 years later.
                  This has to be one of the best stories I've ever heard. Kudos to Grampa for leaving the nails right where they were so lovingly hammered in. Smile Evan - Nice job on the part of the teacher. Now that's showing a kid true responsibility. NOT! Blush Thumbs up to your son for being persistent. Shoes - I've always had good luck with Mizuno Ascends and currently have 447 miles on them. It's generally right around this time that I have to start paying close attention to how my knees are feeling, but so far so good. Socks - I wear so many different types, I wouldn't be any good at giving advice there. Besides the Injinji's, most of my socks are geared toward trail running. It was a dark, beautiful, crisp, clear, COLD morning. Went out and checked the thermometer in our truck - 29 degrees! Everything was frozen over. The cats most definitely were in no hurry to go outside. I forgot to cover up my two azalea bushes last night. Undecided I hope they end up being okay. One was given to me by my dad a few years ago, and the other was given to us by our vet when we had to put our cat, Ozzy, down a couple of years ago. I've managed to keep both plants alive at this point (barely), so keeping my fingers crossed. Did 3 miles in 29:02 with a 9:41 pace. I thought it'd be slower than that 'cause I was having trouble with my asthma from the cold. Had to use my inhaler 4 times: once before I left, once during my warm up walk, and twice while running. Blush Then went out back to my workout shed and did an hour of core/strength training. It's a big ole list of stuff, and I've added a couple of things. Suffice to say, my legs are pleasantly tired now. If this cold is going to stay around, I absolutely HAVE to get a space heater for that shed. Let's just say, I did my best to be in continuous motion to try and stay warm, and I wore my gloves the whole time 'cause the free weights were like hanging on to chunks of ice. MTA: World's Tallest Snowwoman

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                  One day at a time

                    Tom, what a funny story!! I could see my middle child doing something like that! OK, so I've decided runners ARE crazy! I just ran for 5k in 20-degree, windy, snowy conditions. Challenging footing and snow blowing right in my face as I ran up a big hill. And I loved it! I have to admit I intended to go farther, but I was pooped out after 3 miles. There's a lot of concentration involved just looking where you're going - everything is so WHITE. My pace was 12:04/mile, much slower than usual for me. DS wants to do some cross-training at the Y after school, so maybe I'll sneak in a few more miles on the TM. Smile
                      BTW, with Lou's OCD, I would have guessed those shoes would be arranged neatly in a tidy row, organized by mileage. I'm a little disappointed.
                      I had the same thought! Mariposai, of course you can use the photo! Really, it only took a few seconds to make. Then my DD changed it to FUN and wanted me to photo I could have spliced the photos to make "Fun Run"....but enough is enough. Wink No school!! Not sure where this storm better be freezing rain or a foot of snow by mid-afternoon or I will be disappointed yet again that they cancel school here based on weather rumours only, and the sight of one snowflake. Not entirely joking. I had my tonsils removed when I was 8. I remember the nurse fetching me a popsicle and getting to drink pop when I got home (rare treat). So no run for me today, sigh! I was feeling perky this morning and hoping to hammer it a bit on the TM.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        Hey, those of you wondering about Aamos... she posted in her call-out thread, which I stupidly and didn't-think-it-out-ingly covered up with my well wish post (and now can't delete, because we don't do delete here).


                          3 miles for me this early afternoon. Good runs to all!
                          Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                          Renee the dog

                            Yoga session for me this morning (combat yoga -- with the assailants being 4 and 1). Planning on running 3 tonight as it gets dark to take a look at the Christmas lights on the houses. In the "glad I still have a run to burn off my stress" catagory for today...My Mom just was admitted to the hospital for fainting 3x after lunch. Perhaps it was because I finally got through to her on her new phone that I gave her for her birthday? It really is the first time since Dec. 6, when I last visited, that I've spoken with her as she's always out and about at the nursing home. We discussed the plans for her coming here for the holidays. Everything seemed good. Now this. Confused No biggie though -- nothing on my mind -- like my son's 2nd birthday tomorrow night. Or my MIL coming on Saturday for a week. AAAGGGGGH -- let's talk running gear to divert my brain from exploding: Socks -- I use 2 on each foot. Helps. Shoes -- seem to always get over 500 mi out of my New Balances. Don't think I've managed any Nikes to that level of useage. One hour 'till I run. One hour 'till I run. One hour 'till I run. Dead

                            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!



                              Tselbs, I would imagine those nails in the well cover would be there a long time - who would want to take the time to pry them all out? Cool Nice story. Enke, I think it's odd that they closed your kids' school just with a forecast of bad weather! My DD complains that they almost never have a snow day at her school , because their superintendent is Canadian. Speaking of Canadians, has anyone heard from Tall? Today's weather is just like yesterday's: 37 and sunny. Very pleasant run at lunchtime, estimating 5.5 miles because I left the Garmin at home again today.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                                Nono - Loved your post. Thanks for the smiles! Big grin I hope your mom is okay, and good luck with your MIL. Mine indicated to my SIL one time that when her husband (MIL's, that is) died, she'd live half the year with my SIL and half the year with The Hub and me. Um, okay, news to me! Shocked Folks - tain't gonna happen while I am conscious and able to say or write or sign or otherwise convey, "No way in he!!" Love her, but at significant distance.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

