Masters Running


Wednesday September 21st shared thoughts (Read 505 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Derrick – my parents were separated and/or divorced before I was born, and my father apparently kidnapped the three kids (I was just a baby) and went to another state.  I was 32 when I located my birth mother, and she has since moved to my hometown.  I have to say, though, that while I satisfied my curiosity, I find her in person to be one of the, well, most difficult people I know.  Not having grown up with her, it’s hard to find her anything but (insert several very negative adjectives here).  However, since I sought her out, I am now obligated to deal with her for life, so I put my best face on about it.  Honestly, I'm kind of sorry I looked her up.  So, my opinion for you - maybe being a wuss isn’t so bad. 


    Timbo – {{{Hugs}}} – hope you feel better soon.  Sinus infections are a bummer.


    Mariposai – congrats to your awesome DS!  (although I’m a little jealous – will I never get a hug from Tet?)


    Breger – I continue to have right leg hamstring pain during my long drive to and from work – I blame the driving.


    Oddly enough, my garmin suddenly seems to be working again, although the light pops off after a few minutes and the distance measuring might be questionable – jury still out yet.


    8 easy-paced miles this morning, the first 4 in pouring rain, the next four on the TM after motivating the kids.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      50 min of sweatin' like a pig to the Strong Body DVD.


      Followed by a fried egg sandwich.


      Now followed by a novel to my house sitter on the best way to take care of spoiled 4-legged kids while I'm gone this weekend.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



      MM #6177

        Finally finished the "parent brag sheet" that's required by the guidance department in order to process DD's college applications. Have I mentioned how much I can't stand all this red tape and pencil-pushing-ness? Honestly, I'd take today's FB changes over all that Mickey Mouse nonsense any day!


        So with that chore finally done, I got out do some walking. Crosstraining is good food, they say. Well I "ate" well, that much is for sure. Took me 3:22 to cover 11.5 miles, my longest walking distance yet. I think I'd die of boredom before blisters or fatigue when it comes the day to do the 26.2. And that's only the first day.

          Holly, that is sad about your biological mother.  OM, you seem to be back to your old self and congrats on that long walk!  Did you know you were my intention for yoga practice today?  (I loved your pics, by the way).  We had a wonderful class where the teacher kinda turned us loose at one point because she's losing her voice and it was hard to keep telling us what to do.  I loved moving at my own pace.


          I also loved my 4-mile run this evening.  I entered it into my log here and thought, how do these stars for quality and effort compare?  I've never done a graph of those before, and it was so cool!  I look at graphs all the time of objective things like pace, elevation, HR, etc.  But these are subjective values on how a run feels so if someone wants me to post them, let me know.

          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            will I never get a hug from Tet?)


            t\hanks, me too holly ever since being out-of-town for the boomer reunion at the 2009 Seattle RnR.  It might go to his head but maybe you can give an extra proxy hug for me to timbo just as I'm still getting extra hugs from mariposai, francesca, enki, and as many goddesses as possible as make-up hugs from you too.  I told you I was doing that, didn't I? Anyway, so far so good.

            ps - let timbo stay ahead of you for the first 5-10 miles.

            Then pass him when he's in the woods on his business.

            good luck.

            pps - you're never a wuss for us.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
