Masters Running


Monday, July 25th posts (Read 615 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Good morning all,


    I just read the Friday and Saturday threads- I should have read them sooner.


    Leslie - thanks for sharing - you are strong - and so is this virtual group of friends.  Don't be afraid to ask for anything.


    Perch - that race sounds like a dream (nightmare?) I had a couple months ago.  In my dream, the marathon went through a lot of houses/apartments, and the route was poorly marked.  But congrats on winning the 0 - 19 AG!  Nice!


    This morning - the usual (lift, step, spin).  Yesterday - 17 miles in about 2.5 hours - very hoomid.

      Thanks for starting us off, PBJ.


      Easy 7.6.  A tad cooler not as hot this morning and drier air is promised for a couple of days, beginning tomorrow.  Can't wait!

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Good Morning!


        Ran 9.1 miles, lots of uphills on the way out meaning I got to zoom downhill to get home, ended up at 8:01 pace overall. Felt great---overcast with t-storms coming later today and tomorrow. Rain is needed quite badly.


        I headed out for my run after Mr. CNYrunner and Hudson got back from their 3 mile walk. Hudson is extending his walk endurance and will soon join DH on his regular 4.3 mile walk loop in the mornings. I still did some puppy sprint loops around the yard with Little H (now 24 lbs and with giraffe legs!) when I got back. The kiddo was leaving for his tempo workout as I came in. Hudson thinks we all just keep running and walking around!

          Hudson thinks we all just keep running and walking around!

           Hudson would be right!


          Rest Day for me.  I'll not make my goal of 200 miles this month because of it.  But I need the rest.  The old body let me know this past weekend that I need to cool it a little.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong




            Rest Day for me.  I'll not make my goal of 200 miles this month because of it.  But I need the rest. 

             You may not get your 200 miles goal, but remember.... you get a butterfly hug for it!!!! 


            Happy belated birthday to Opie and great 2nd AG

            SkipAZ, how did your meeting with JJJ go? Try to convince that fellow to post here! We miss him.

            Jlynne, great 7 miles walk. Patience sister!!! you will be running in no time.

            Wildchild, I thought of you during my trail marathon yesterday! Great 13 miler for you!

            MikeE, good luck with finding a doctor!

            Erika, congrats on your new PR!!!!


            My head is still in the clouds today just thinking about yesterday's marathon. The light at the end of the tunnel race course is stunning! Being a lover of nature my spirit came alive before the start of the race. Going thru the 2 miles dark tunnel is a cool experience. The whole 26.2 miles with wild flowers, wild animals (tetsujin and DS1 saw a bear) and incredible beauty was the perfect canvas for my race!


            I will write a race report later this week. But this is what I posted on FB, which is the summary of my whole experience.


            "When people say...that your dream is impossible, don't believe in them!!!. Today my long time dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon at last came in to my grasp by finishing the Light at the end of the tunnel marathon in 3:57' (3 minutes faster than my needed time to qualify! Dreams do came true, but you have to be willing to work hard to achieve it!"


            Here is to a happy Monday to all


            Ohh, Enkie, I adore you! It was so wonderful to see you again and to have the chance to chat for hours was a blessing! Thanks for coming to the end of the race with your champagne and magnificent food!!!

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              Man I just cannot believe some race reports are still not up!  Tsk, tsk, tsk . . . and one in particular!


              I will have to return later for shout outs.  It was a busy weekend over at the cat house.  Geez, not that one!  Get a grip folks!  Big grin  We had our annual barbeque for the Joggers Club.  My dry rubbed hickory smoked ribs were a huge hit!  I also made a fig salad that disappeared in about two minutes flat.  Finally, there were bourbon mashed maple syrup sweet potatoes with a pecan topping that seemed to go pretty fast as well.  My co-hosts made barbequed (real as in smoked not grilled) chicken, brisket (phenomenal brisket!), and pork shoulder.  Overall everybody had a great time but it was a lot of work and post-party it took two days to get everything cleaned up.  As I said a pretty busy weekend.


              Then there was a local 4.068 mile race on Saturday.  I managed a 7:05 pace overall, but mostly due to a massive fade on my part in the last mile to a 7:18 pace.  But that is what I ran the somewhat shorter race from the prior Saturday so overall it seems like I am getting a bit faster.  I can also see it in my relative placing at the finish which has improved a bit.


              Finally, there is my friend down in Houston under hospice care.  I emailed and called his wife.  No news from her as yet.  I would not feel right just popping down early without some communication from her saying it is all right to do so.  Plus, my DW and I are still scheduled to leave for Houston on Friday.  So I am sitting tight for now and hoping he makes it a few more weeks at least.


              MTA:  Today I did a six mile run with my old training partner.  It was good to see her again.  I think this is our first run together since late 2008.  She is as fast as ever, winning her AG in any race she goes to.  Big, small it makes no difference.  She is a pretty incredible athlete. 

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                ...LOOK OUT Boston, Mari is on her way!!!!!!!!!!



                ...Dreams are Nice,

                 Living One is Better.

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Mike E

                MM #5615

                    "When people say...that your dream is impossible, don't believe in them!!!. Today my long time dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon at last came in to my grasp by finishing the Light at the end of the tunnel marathon in 3:57' (3 minutes faster than my needed time to qualify! Dreams do came true, but you have to be willing to work hard to achieve it!"


                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Yea Mariposia!   You just needed the right atmosphere for your BQ - congratulations!!!! 


                    JLynne - how did you do at your show this past weekend?


                    I love to read the CNYRunner family posts.    Be care ramping Hudson up though ... he will be  willing to do things that his bones are not ready for yet.  


                    Rest day for me.   Yesterday afternoon .... after cleaning the house and grocery fetching.... I worked outside, cutting the grass, weeding, etc. and had to take another shower after that.   I wish sweat equaled calories!!   I can just envision his wriggling around with happiness.




                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                      I'm so happy for Mariposai and her dream that came true!! Congratulations my friend! I cannot wait to virtually cheer you on at Boston too! 


                      Mary - what is your recommendation on beginning to run with a larger breed dog? Since Hudson and B&B are about the same ages, I always read with interest what Karin is doing with Hudson. B&B run like wild banshee's around the yard when they are playing together and you'd think we had a puppy wrestling federation competition going on out there, yet I'm still cautious on actually taking them running. We've run back and forth on our driveway about 3 times, which totals 2/3 of a miles. They are unleashed when we do the driveway runs. If we are going to go beyond the driveway, I keep them leashed and primarily walk, with a puppy fartleks thrown in because all the want to do is runrunrun!


                      7 miles yesterday morning in already too warm conditions. Nothing today though. Taking off work early to go see HP2 with my son. We watched part 1 again last night and I'm glad we did as I had already forgotten alot of it since seeing it last summer.


                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        Tammy – letting them run on their own in the yard, and even on your 2/3 mile unleashed driveway runs is fine because they are running on their own, with their own gait, just having fun, burning off energy.    Their bones don’t start fully developing until they are 6 months to 2 years old, so when you are taking them out for runs on leash, at your pace (or even the pace you think is comfortable for the pups) they are running at a repetitive gait that may cause damage to the bones.    Does that make sense?  


                        I had a very active gal buy a puppy about 3 years ago and she did everything with him right from the get-go despite my warnings.    Emmitt was more than happy to go along and have all these fun adventures, but then he started limping and she kept e-mailing me with stories and how he had to have all sorts of x-rays, etc.    Long story short, she had to keep him completely quiet for several weeks and now he is just fine.


                        So, bottom line, I am not an expert so I would really recommend that you ask your vet what he/she thinks their limitations should be.   I don’t see anything wrong with long walks with puppy fartleks thrown in.   Just keep an eye on them for signs of getting tired and call it a day.


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                          Thanks Mary. I'm going to ask the vet also. DH is bringing them in for their paarvo booster today, and I asked him to inquire about this, but he'll probably forget - so I'll give her a call later and ask about it. I was curious what your opinion was too.  That all sounds logical to me as far as their running on their own, versus running while leashed at a consistent gait.  We took them to the river yesterday and they wore themselves out silly. They had so much fun playing, splashing, running, fetching sticks, swimming and diving in the water. I have to bring my camera next time and get some video. They were so much fun to watch. We were only at the river for 2 hrs, got home at 4 p.m. and they collapsed and didn't budge for about 4 hrs.


                            With all this puppy talk, now I have an excuse when DW wants me to take Maddy out for a long (leashed) run and I don't want to, but the little one we did last night about 2 mi. was hopefully okay.


                            There is such great running going on around here, I would hate to leave anyone out if I do shout-outs so I'll just say congrats to everyone!  On the other hand, I appreciate the shout-outs about my 1-mile race the other day and my birthday.  I am grateful that I don't look my age and am in such good health.  I gave a run-down on the day's events in the 40/40 thread.


                            Just went to yoga (see the grateful connection) and will do a short easy run tonight.  It's cooler today after some rain last night but the dewpoint is 70, so as soon as I left yoga class and went outside, my shirt was stuck to me.

                            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              We took them to the river yesterday and they wore themselves out silly. They had so much fun playing, splashing, running, fetching sticks, swimming and diving in the water. I have to bring my camera next time and get some video. They were so much fun to watch. We were only at the river for 2 hrs, got home at 4 p.m. and they collapsed and didn't budge for about 4 hrs.

                               I wish I was a dog...


                                ............  I am grateful that I don't look my age.....




                                 let's not get carried away here........




                       day.........poolrun tomorrow




                                no day off

                                ain't being the Boss Fun??




                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
