Masters Running


Wednesday 7.22.15 (Read 34 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Even passed the dog test?  WOW!


    Leslie - I totally agree with 2nd opinions.  I'm afraid I see scary things re: people's care, especially older folks.


    My friend Julie, one of my local running teammates and someone I occasionally get together with to run the river path, was hit by a car on her bike a couple days ago, knocked into a ditch and left for dead, suffering a broken pelvis and badly broken arm.  No chance of it going unnoticed by the driver - apparently she was sideswiped, sending her bike in one direction and her body completely across the roof of the car into the ditch on the other side.  I simply cannot believe that someone would drive away after doing this. 


    7 miles for me this morning with 8 or 9 fartleks of approximately 200m.  Felt good to run a little faster for a change.


    DH made it home!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Great to see that you DH made it home, Holly. Your attitude during the whole thing was inspiring.

      Yes! Enkie has an official boyfriend!!!! Cheers.

      Spareribs, your comment about 80F feeling comfortable for running for you cracked me up. I melt when it gets to 75 here.

      Tetsujin, what an amazing marathon and fun activities you had lined up last weekend. Glad to see that you made it to see your grandson.

      Leslie, I am praying for you, sistahh. Hang in there.


      Leaving work early for a change so I can go pretty up for my girls night out tonight. Steak down Wednesday at the winery. It should be fun. I made a triple chocolate cake with a homemade  liquor infused raspberry compote  for filling and a very yummie frosting. The cake will go for action. We will see how much it brings.





      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

        [[[[[ leslie ]]]]]]'s hard, vent all you want, we're pretty good listeners


        ........enke's Happy shows thru every post// we say Down South      Mazel'tov y'all.....

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Hello everybody!


          I'm kind of thinking I'm glad I'm not the one getting a call from Leslie.  Seriously--good luck with all of that--you are in my prayers.


          I did 10 miles tonight in 1:11:11.  Too bad it was 11 miles.  Anyway--after a 2 mile warm up in 15:36, I did 6 in 39:57.  Then I did a 2 mile cool down in 15:38.


          Okay--I gotta go.  See ya.



            My friend Julie, one of my local running teammates and someone I occasionally get together with to run the river path, was hit by a car on her bike a couple days ago, knocked into a ditch and left for dead, suffering a broken pelvis and badly broken arm.  No chance of it going unnoticed by the driver - apparently she was sideswiped, sending her bike in one direction and her body completely across the roof of the car into the ditch on the other side.  I simply cannot believe that someone would drive away after doing this. 



            Oh my goodness, Holly, what a terrible accident! I sure hope they can find the person who did this to your friend.  It sounds like they were driving under the influence of something. Glad you got your car and DH back home.


            Posai lady, I bet your cake goes for big bucks, it sounds divine.  Leslie, you have my prayers going through this ordeal with your dad. Nursing homes are hard to deal with, at least some of the people are anyway.


            No running for me today just a little weeding in the flower garden and then a short bike ride. For the last couple of months my Garmin doesn't save the workouts in the history, grrrr. I finally got it to connect to my computer that was being repaired. Wouldn't you know that all the workouts are there in Garminconnect. I guess I will have to just reset it back to factory defaults and see if that fixes it.


            Enke, I am so happy for you!  I am jealous too that you get to go to Reach the Beach! That sounds like a lot of fun.

            “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


              Good luck Two Cat.


              Traverse is cycling friendly, Doug. If you want to get together, holler.


              Very cool Tet


              (((((Leslie & family)))))




              Have we ever had a "talk like Tet" day here?  Maybe we should.



              That would make my brain really hurty all over. I'm getting better at getting it. However, an attempt to emulate would be like attempting calligraphy with my non-dominate hand and a broken crayon.


              Oh My Gosh! (((((Julie)))))


              I got pretty dehydrated today. At one point, I quit sweating. Dumb.



                I simply cannot believe that someone would drive away after doing this. 


                I like to believe in Karma and hope that it works fast on that driver!!!

                And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx


