Masters Running


Sunday 9/11 - Running Ten Years Later (Read 490 times)

    I hope to get to run after working later today.  This morning was just a gym day.  I figured on the 10 year anniversary of the attacks I would pop in to the daily to say a few words and since it is not up yet here it is!


    For most people the attacks were something you saw on TV.  Maybe you know somebody that knows somebody. My DW was in World Trade Center 7 when the planes hit.  She saw the debris flying from the building.  She wisely ran out as fast as she could.  Over forty flights of stairs later she got to the lobby and was trapped.  Security would not let people out.  The front doors opened into a falling debris field that included people jumping to the death to escape burning to death.  Eventually, somebody thought to open the rear truck entrance doors and she left that way.  Outside it was a nightmare.  She headed uptown and was a good third of the way to Grand Central Station when the towers collapsed.  Thanks to Rudy Giuliani all public transportation was ordered to come into NYC empty.  Load up.  No tickets needed.  Make all local stops to the end of the line.  Turn around empty and repeat.  It worked.  She was home that evening.  In the meantime I was frantic trying to find out if she was okay.  I knew she worked in the World Trade Center.  I recalled she was in a floor below where the planes hit but did not remember which tower.  Hers burned down that night but was not hit.  My DW, of course, could not get a message out to anybody either.  It was not until about 3pm that she was able to get a call to her parents.  They called me.  Lines from New York to Connecticut where down but it seemed there we some still to Long Island.  That was a part of our day.


    Yesterday at dinner we spent the whole evening just recalling that day.  I cannot tell you what I did 12 days ago.  Last night we both discussed that day in minute-by-minute detail.  Of course, by now the shock is long gone.  But the intensity of the day I suspect will never leave us.


    As it was 10 years ago in Connecticut the weather is simply spectacular. I hope you all have a great day running.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

      ...twocat//.......what a Horrible Time for all of you


      ...... this is one of those Remember Where You Were days in our lives.......


       how the BinLaden Assault overlapped with it.




      .........30min trailrun,,,,,,,,,not great, but the Bad Ones count double......



      off to Choir

       in about an hour,

      the director scored

      an 1868 poem written for a CivilWarRemembrance Service

      for our Rememberance Service today


      it's any good,

      will post it tonite

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        Twocat - I'm sure this is a day that your DW will never forget. I can't imagine that neither she or you will forget the events of 10 years ago.  And for me personally? I don't think I'll ever get over the shock of what happened that day - or how it continues to affect each and every one of us in the way we live our lives.  How grateful we are that your DW made it out safely. Give her an extra hug today.


        Nice job on the inaugural race yesterday Slo! RDs have the hardest job and are the most taken for granted - until something goes wrong! I say take that spot on the Ragnar Relay team. And, a picture of the "insulted" bag would be nice too Wink


        Hope you had a nice visit with Shorty yesterday Leslie.


        Congrats to your DD for two goals yesterday Holly. Bring her to the bakery where I work - she can take her pick!


        Glad the achilles is okay Enke.


        Great race for you Dave. You've been running well this summer.


        Avenger Dog - loved your pictures. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?


        Good luck Carolyn!


        8 miles for me this morning in 1:55:30. Did part of the walk/run on the trail that the Green Bay Marathon route is on. Lots of runners, bikers and people on skates already at 6:30 this morning. Like Twocat, beautiful weather here, just like it was 10 years ago today. My DS#2 turns 23 on Wednesday and we're having a little party for him tonight with family and friends. First off to church. Remember the day and say a prayer for those lost and the loved ones who miss them.

          Twocat, that story gives me the chills.  So glad she made it out!


          4 mile recovery run.  Easy is good.

          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


            Twocat - You and your wife were truly blessed that day.  Thank you for sharing.


            I had just turned on the TV for the morning news as I was getting ready for work.  I remember telling Shorty that one of the Towers was on fire, and within seconds the second plane hit.  I could not believe what I was seeing.  That moment will forever be ingrained in my memory.


            At my previous job, my office handled the probate of a gentleman who died on Flight 93.  He was the manager of the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  He had flown back for his grandmother's birthday, was scheduled to fly back home on 9-10, but decided to stay an extra day so he could spend time alone with her.  I spoke to his father many times on the telephone over the ensuing months, and often we shed a tear together on the telephone.


            Last night at church, I found out about a gentleman who goes into the jail to provide the inmates with church services and AA meetings.  His wife is the coordinator.  I spoke to them about Shorty and told them he had not been privy to any AA meetings since he went in over a month ago, and that he was interesting in attending any church services that would be available.  They said they would look him up.  I'm afraid I got a bit too emotional, but it was that kind of day anyway.


            Avenger Doggie - Has anyone ever checked you for ADD?  You are one special pup!  And I'm counting down the days to when I can, well, not lick Shorty's face, but give him a big ole kiss and hug!


            Okay off to start Operation Clean the House Day.  Dead

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            King of PhotoShop

              A difficult memory for you twocat.  Sad as the day was for many, I am happy that she survived as I know all of your family is.


              6 mile recovery run this morning. I packed all my gear in a small knapsack I take to the lake, but in trying to get everything in it this morning, my shoes got stuck, and I said, "Come on you stupid bag," whereupon the bag said right back to me, "I have never been so insulted in all my life."  So I didn't take the bag to the Club today.   


              JK Slo!  You did an awesome job on that race. Being conscientious is a reward.  Spareribs


                Two cat-such a memory is difficult of this day. We'in Toronto this weekend for a family event and we've been running in the early morning. My knee seems to have recovered from the patellar tendinitis-great relief. We met Heme today and had a wonderful Dim. Sum brunch in Chinatown and a great conversation. Picture to be posted in a while. Heading home tomorrow.

                  Hey All,


                  Thank you for sharing that Twocat.  I had an Academy classmate on Flt 11 that struck the first tower.  He was our class president.  I had a class or two with him though we were not close friends.  He left left behind a wife and four young kids.  RIP Waldo.  


                  Dave - congrats on your race.  Way to stay tough!


                  Enjoyed the pics of Avenger Doggie!


                  Hope the other racers ran well and had fun.


                  Yesterday I ran a hard 11 on the trails.  Today I did 23 on the roads and Canal with some of my marathon buds.  Raw time was 3:09 though there was some wait time in there for one member of our group to catch up.  She PR'd in a HM yesterday and I wasn't about to leave her behind today.


                  I posted this quote on FB a few days ago but given the day, perhaps it is appropriate to post it here today:


                  "When we are mindful of every nuance of our natural world, we finally get the picture:  that we are only given one dazzling moment of life here on Earth, and we must stand before that reality both humbled and elevated, subject to every law of our universe and grateful for our brief but intrinsic participation with it."  Elizabeth Gilbert, from her biography of naturalist Eustice Conway


                  Sometimes our dazzling moment, or the moment of someone dear to us, is shorter than we expect.  We have to make it count.





                    Twocat - thanks for sharing .... I remember I had been out walking with a friend, left her off at her house then went running a few miles on my own to come home and find her standing in the kitchen with my DH eyes glued to the tv .... watched the 2nd tower get hit while we were standing there - my DH worked for United Airlines at the time and he said this anniversary has been particularly difficult.


                    Leslie - sounds like you were in a good place and with the right people to get emotional .... sending you big hugs!


                    I did the Title 9 All women's Sprint Triathlon this morning ..... so amazing!!  We did have a moment of silence before the National Anthem prior to the start and they hung a huge flag just low enough at the finish line so we could all touch the flag in honor of the day!


                    I am very pleased with how I felt during the swim/bike/run segments - need to work on transitions!!  My gf who really didnt train for this but was determined to finish even tho she is afraid to swim over her head and has a mountain bike -- finished!!  Me, another friend, her husband, 2 young sons and  a new triathlete friend all did the 3.1 mile "run" with her -- she had a motorcycle escort when she finished on the bike with sirens going and lights flashing and a huge ovation when she crossed the finish!!   I am so proud of her and am looking forward to doing some real training with her for next year!!


                    Cherish the gift and your loved ones my dear friends!!


                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Wow Twocat....that really is a day you won't forget....nor will any of us. Happy it ended well for you DW !


                      Nice Denise, those Triathlons are addicting, and happy you're excited about racing them Smile Thanks for sharing about your GF awesome


                      I had a 20 miler planned yesterday, and talk about a huge bust. After around mile 5 I stopped, and I was already spent and knew I wasn't running 20 miles that's for sure (and was running a easy 9:30 pace) Turned my garmin off in disgust and ended up with around 10 miles, and had a run/walk routine the last 5 miles. I'm in super shape, so that's really odd. I did run more than normal last week ramping back up, and yesterdays run should have been maybe on the difficult side, but not like it turned out.


                      I set out this morning to try it again, but ended up running just 3 easy miles and called it a day.....I don't feel right. Monday nights I always run my best for whatever reasons, so I will try 20 miles again. As I'm trying to get at least one 20 miler in, to run a 50K trail race with Holly in 2 weeks.


                      Hope everyone is having a good day



                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                        Twocat, I'm glad that 9/11 turned out well for your wife.  I can't imagine how traumatic the day would have been not knowing her status.  Slo, congrats to you for your part in putting on a great race.  opie, good racing.  enke, it sounds like you are making progress with the AT.  heme, I hope your plan on dealing with the borderline hypthroid is successful.  fatozzig, nice you got another Shorty visit and made  a contact for church and AA help.  AvengerDoggie, nice pictures.  henrun, I'm glad to hear your knee seems to be recovered.  deez, congrats on your tri.


                        Nice long runs for mari (surviving some dehydration), heme, Skip, and bike (shorter than planned though - I hope you're ok).


                        I don't know what happened to me yesterday.  I'd had an extra good 10 miler Thursday so may have not been totally recovered.  Also, Fri was a bit busy and I didn't sleep well.  And then, maybe I was just feeling lazy.  This morning, it was in the mid 50s and almost calm.  I took a roundabout route and ran 4 miles from my sister's to my mother's in enough over 43 minutes for a 10:49 pace.  I had a nice breakfast with my mother then walked the direct route, 2 miles, back to my sisters to get cleaned up and packed.  Now we're back home and can return to our normal routine (rut).


                        A good day and good runs for all.



                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Twocat--I can't imagine what you were going through that day...and your wife...I just can't imagine.


                          My DW and I were in Paris, France 10 years ago.  We had just toured the Eiffel Tower and were on our back to the hotel when a little French lady--in very broken english--asked us if we were Americans.  I said that we were and she just started going on and on about "New York--gone!"  "Catastropy!"  "Pentegon--gone!"  My DW and I looked at each other trying to figure out what the heck she was talking about.  We rushed back to our hotel and turned on our TV to find out what was going on.  The funny thing about the French TVs though is--they speak French.  So we watched the videos of all that happened but still didn't know what was going on.  After a few tries of calling by daugher, I finally got through, and she filled me in with as much as she knew...which really wasn't a whole lot at that time.  I just remember wanting to be home so badly.  I wanted to hug my kids and I wanted to be with my fellow Americans.  My son happened to be in Army basic training and I was convinced that he was going to be shipped off to war immediately.  Of course that didn't happen--but I was scared.  That night, I had to go and get some cash from an ATM and found that all the ATMs were shut down.  And, as I went from bank to bank, I noticed that the streets were being heavily patroled by cops with machine guns.  It was pretty scary.  We went from Paris to London the next day and they were all very supportive of us and you could tell that they really cared about what was going on in the states.  We had no idea when we were going to get back home, either, because all the flights were cancelled.  It ended up, though, that our flight was the first flight that left on schedule.  And talk about a tense trip.  I don't think anybody talked the whole way home.  And when we landed everybody clapped and cheered.  Anyway--that's my 9/11 story.


                          My race, today--forget it!  25K in 1:47:27.  It was brutal!  But--my Achilles' never bothered me, though, so I'll take it!


                          Okay--I have to get going.  Bowling league with the DW starts today.  Wippee...



                            our choir director

                            wrote the music for this 9/11 RemembranceService Anthem



                            on an 1868 RemembranceService Poem


                            I love the haunting melody.....

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Twocat – thanks for sharing that, and bringing the events to life for those of us who only saw it on tv.


                              Continued busy time with in-laws visiting. 


                              15.5 easy paced miles this morning in a lovely 62 degrees.


                              Yesterday at DD’s soccer game I kept getting a sense of a commotion down the sideline from us.  Eventually I saw a trim, 70-something woman dart onto the field, only to be led off by a family member (probably a daughter).  The woman looked normal enough, but obviously was not quite all there, and was proving to be quite a handful to her family as she was wont to wander off across the complex, sometimes running onto the fields while games were being played.  After a while I heard, “Granny, Granny – come here!” and saw her leading them at a run, back and forth across the complex.  It was hilarious, actually, as she was gleefully outrunning her middle-aged children.  I know it must have been quite frustrating to her family, but whatever that woman’s mental diminishment was, she was having a wonderful time, a huge smile on her face as she led them on a merry chase.  I had to smile with her.  If I come to that in the end, I hope at least I have as much fun.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              New skirt in town

                                5K race today in 23:37 (7:40 min/mile pace).  This after a pretty tiring week, so I'm pleased.  The first mile was a steady downhill that I had to force myself to slow up on...I still managed a 6:59 minute mile.  I paid for it, though, with some really tough climbs in the last mile!  42/202 OA and 2nd Masters female.


                                Amazing story, Twocat. 



                                NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:
