Masters Running


Friday -- 5/27 -- And a long weekend for many.. (Read 606 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    CNY - be sure to watch the first video on my website today.   Hudson is the star and it is so stinkin' cute, I could just keep watching it over and over.    How bad is that.....!!      Good to know he won't be spoiled at all!!  Wink


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      oh my goodness! that video is so adorable!!  as is the high five picture! how perfect is that.


      okay, now my friday is happy. Big grin


        Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! Almost wish I was going to Bayshore, too!


        Thanks for the puppy pics again, Mary!  I will never get tired of seeing them!


        Ran a very short and slow shakeout this morning.  AT had been slightly tight coming out of last weekend's race, but have been massaging it and was OK for two earlier mid-week short and easy runs.  After one mile this morning it started to hurt, so I walked/ran the rest of the way back. Crap, crap, crap, crap!  Been icing all morning and am popping the Aleve.  Will go anyway tomorrow and see if I can make it work.... looked up how to tape it with Rock Tape.  Sigh.............Sad

        .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


          I have 5 miles planned today but haven't gotten it done yet.  I had planned to take off early anyway because the electric company guy was coming.  We have a smart meter, if you're familiar with those, and were scheduled for a free programmable thermostat installation as part of the program.  He came this morning instead, so now that I'm already scheduled off, it might be a good time to get that run in, maybe outside or maybe on the treadmill.  DS is with his mom getting his driving permit.

          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

            CNY - be sure to watch the first video on my website today.   Hudson is the star and it is so stinkin' cute, I could just keep watching it over and over.    How bad is that.....!!      Good to know he won't be spoiled at all!!  Wink




            Claire was watching that this morning........LOVED IT//////




            20min goose-free at the soccer fields,,,,,,,,,,,I got there first, they flew over and kept going


            Life Is Good

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Well Tom, good that you got those geese on the run...


              I did my swim, the usual 1500 yards.


              Getting more quiet by the hour around here.  I have a lot to do but less and less motivation. it has been a long  busy week both work and home.


                It's not feeling like a Friday, the day before a 3 day holiday weekend.


                I am though...ready for a Beer !!

                Renee the dog

                  GOOOOOOOO RACERS!!!!



                  Can't run until the bread is out of the oven...and I'm not running outside today.  All the folks who acquired their license via Cracker Jack have shown up in town, per usual.  I loathe Memorial Weekend here.  Roll eyes

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  MM #6177

                    Not sure what day it feels like to me, but I'm happy to be resting, that's all I've got to say. Smile


                    I got this card in the mail from a friend today, was too good not to share:

                    Not quite an adorable puppy photo, but it made me smile nonetheless!


                    Go racers!! Smile

                      Puppies make me smile.


                      But OM... that makes me laugh!!!  Thanks, I needed that!!!! Big grin

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                        Sorry for the lack of individual shoutouts, but that was never my forte even before all this.


                        How rude. Roll eyes  . . . . . . . . Wink  And if I'd known that salad was for everyone . . .


                        Lamerunner - Thanks for the info on the ingredients.  Think I might do a little shopping on the way home from work.  I haven't been cooking hardly at all since I've been home by myself for the past month and will be for another.  When I do cook, I make a lot and eat on it the rest of the week.  The quinoa salad sounds like something I won't grow tired of after a couple of days.


                        Loved the pics and videos, Mary.


                        Twocat - shaking head.  There are no words for your luck these days.  Did you run over a small child or something not long ago??  Glad you finally got a seat!


                        45 min of core/strength this a.m., followed by 30 min of stationary biking.  I need to remember to switch these every other time.  Makes the bike part more challenging when the legs are tired.  Also, I worked out while watching an infomercial for P90X.  Made me work harder than I normally would have.  My arms are pooped, which makes crutching around a little more interesting.


                        Nothing big planned for the weekend, except The Hub will be home for a couple days.  Yea!  My yard can get mowed!  And no, that is not a euphemism.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


                        Have a good one, friends ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Marathon Maniac #3309



                          I am though...ready for a Beer !!

                           Me too...................






                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                            FATOZZIG!!!! I need a new keyboard for my laptop now----Lordy, just spewed green tea (no beer yet) all over it. Love that sense of humor of yours. You are awesome.


                            Great card OM...perfect I'd say.




                            Love those puppy pictures and that video is priceless...gotta love a guy that loves his Mama. Spoil our dog? who? Us?! Can't wait!


                            So the high temperature for Monday has gone up to 85 degrees...oh joy! So Walt, run with me and we can take turns splashing cold water at each other. 


                              Just had a wonderful stout as the temp hit the mid 80's and humidity. Off to the movies now.

                                fatozzig well I cannot really complain.  I have lived a fairly charmed life.


                                I did finally get home.  Best of all on time too!  After catching up on some work I hit the elliptical for 40 minutes.  My fists are pretty sore though.  Maybe I should stop punching it?  Black eye  Well, it has been a long day and it seemed funny when I thought of it!  Smile


                                My DW and I are supposed to meet some friends for dinner.  I am trying to decide if I can get away with baking some stuff for the joggers club tomorrow before we go.  Plan B is to just let them all fend for themselves.  It would be pretty rough on them.  Day old bagels from our bagel sponsor that gives us free bagels each week.  As they say beggars cannot be choosers.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
