Masters Running


Monday's Daily, 11.18.13 (Read 42 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Nice racing yesterday by Rochrunner, Wildchild, IBUB! Roch, in road races with walking divisions, there is inevitably a runner who mis-registers as a walker and 'wins' the div. I always check the times after each race, and tell the timers/RD if someone listed as a walker is way faster than any of our local walkers. There is nothing wrong with sticking up for what's right!


    Nice baking recovery, Twocat!


    Excellent running/chores cross-training, LaT.


    I'm with Tet: What did Remi bring back yesterday?


    Illuminating discussion about night lights yesterday, interesting opinions/options for bikes, and a little pillow talk from Stumpy.


    I wound up with 5.8 miles on the track at yesterday's racewalk training session, including some 440 fartleks. Fun stuff. Then I stopped at Trader Joe's for some groceries/goodies on the way home, moved some more leaves around, cleaned and rearranged the garage (moving the snowblower from back to front), took the kayak racks off DW's car, and moved the towel-warmer box into position next to the hot tub. I think I earned last night's glass of wine!


    SRD this morning. I have meetings every night through Thursday this week, so I'll have to see how many 4am workouts I get to.


    I came back to add this, in case you haven't seen it - this is a sale at Sierra Trading Post:  "Customer must enter keycode SFBSD11313 at checkout. Discount is 30% off our regular prices on select items only. Discount cannot be applied to the purchase of gift cards. Offer cannot be combined with other keycode offers or be applied to past orders. Expires at 11:59pm (MST) Tuesday, November 19, 2013."


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Great start as always coastwalker! Thanks!


      Nice racing, running and other activity this weekend for so many---fun to read as I catch up this morning. There's coffee left too by the way, so enjoy.


      Met up with some teammates for an early run---7 miles at 8:45 pace just as a heavy band of rain was passing over---very mild for the time of year at 62 degrees---temps dropping tonight though.


      I hope you had that well earned beer Tramps and feel better. You ran well considering how you were feeling in the closing miles, but I am sorry it didn't go quite as you hoped. I've certainly been there.


      Off to Ithaca later today for work---Gorges run tomorrow morning and probably snow, JTWILI


        Good stuff as always Jay. Love Trader Joe's and thanks for the coupon code. Might have to browse.


        Hey Karin - how'd your kiddo and team make out at the XC? Sorry if I missed that.


        Got a quick 5k in this morning. Have to go to Chicago for a few days and plan to run tonight for a few extra.


        We managed to stay clear of the bad weather yesterday. Thoughts and prayers go to all those that weren't as lucky.



        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          Good morning Jay, Karin and all to follow. Enjoy that warm weather while it lasts. Yesterday we had some storms come through here with a vengeance and this morning it was around 30° cooler.


          Y'all were busy this weekend - racing, raking, baking - so I'll just say thanks to Jay for the nice summary. And yes, you did earn that glass of wine Jay Smile


          Hope your DS continues to do well Karin. Sounds like you've got a busy week as well.


          5 miles this morning with the Y ladies. 28° with sustained winds of around 25 mph, JTWILI. Our route had us starting out in the wrong direction and the last mile was right into that strong west wind. Not quite dressed for the weather and that hot shower sure felt good. DS#1 was unhappy that he didn't finish his marathon last Sunday, so yesterday he went out and ran one just by himself. That child has a nice stubborn streak. Wonder where he gets that from????

          Mike E

          MM #5615

            DS#1 was unhappy that he didn't finish his marathon last Sunday, so yesterday he went out and ran one just by himself. 


            Okay, now that is cool!

            King of PhotoShop

              After yesterday's 19-miler, today was recovery day so I got in about 3 at the park.


              Last week I got input from my running friends on FB about how much if any, they rest before a non-key race.  I got 45 responses and wrote a post about it for the News today.  When do you take a day off?





                Glad you're fine C-R.  Hope all the other mid-westerners made out okay yesterday.  I happened to turn on the TV yesterday at 5:30 or so, saw the Chicago-Baltimore game on, and thought, "Why is this game still on?"  Little did I know.

                Jlynne--sounds like you've got one who's caught the bug.

                Like Karin, it’s Spring here for the moment.  Mid-60s this morning already.  Now that would be a tough race day.


                Thanks for the supportive comments this weekend.  That damn distance is so humbling.  I’m still conducting the post mortem.  My current theory is that (a) the rain made things feel relatively cool—and wet—therefore (b) I didn’t realize how much I was sweating and (c) didn’t respect the humidity enough so (d) didn’t dial back enough in the early miles and therefore (e) had the predictable cramps and meltdown. One of these days I'm going to run a marathon with the sole purpose of starting off really, really slowly, just to see what happens later on.


                No running for me yesterday but I spent all day outside doing work in the yard, so there was plenty of moving about.  I went out for a slow 3-miler this morning, just to get things moving again.  I felt a little tender but otherwise good.  I’ve got our local half in 3 weeks so I think that’ll be the next race for me.


                I was sad to hear Doris Lessing’s died.  I've only read a small portion of her work, but always enjoyed it.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Jay - I love Trader Joe's too.  What is your favorite thing to get there?


                  Jlynne - good for him!


                  It is our winter tradition to work jigsaw puzzles on the kitchen island.   We leave it set out, and all of us take turns at various times as we move through the kitchen adding a few pieces here and there.  We got out our first on Saturday, but it was far too easy, with only 300 pieces, and DD had it done before the day was out.  Last night I got out a very tough one, 1000 very tiny pieces, and I expect it will keep us busy for a week or so.


                  Got a bit of a scare when the tornado sirens went off last evening during a storm.  I made the kids come downstairs for a half hour while we watched the news until the worst of the storm passed, but none touched down near our home.  Looking at the news this morning, I feel for those who were not so lucky.


                  No run for me today, just 30 minutes or so of weights and core.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    I got in a 5-mile run.  38°, windy, gusty.

                    We really lucked out here.  A block west or a block south of here and there is no power.  It was out everywhere I went on my run until I got back to the final stretch.  The sound of generators was in the air.


                    Schools are closed.  Trees are down.  But nowhere near the damage out in Illinois and Indiana.




                      David says "hiya MikeE . . . howya doin' today??" Joking


                      David's doing great . . . in case you were wondering Cool


                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        David says "hiya MikeE . . . howya doin' today??" Joking


                        David's doing great . . . in case you were wondering Cool

                        Yeah--I'm sure he is.  Me?  I'm used to it...I've been a Vikings fan for as long as I can remember.  But the boy still needs to be kicked...

                          Good racing, unionblue! As long as there is more than one person in the AG, it counts! 

                          Jay, do I have to give back all those 1st-place walker ribbons? Big grin

                          The timing outfit corrected my race results from yesterday, so I'm officially in 2nd place now.


                          No run today since I'm a little sore from yesterday's effort. And I'm on a bit of a restricted diet this week due to an upcoming colonoscopy on Thursday. I don't think I want to do my usual 8-miler on Wednesday if I'm restricted to eating nothing more substantial than broth! Oh well, once every 10 years makes it much less of a burden given the risks of not doing it.




                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            Nice racing for wild, roch (2nd in AG), and ibleed (1st in AG).  jlynne, neat your son did a solo marathon to redeem himself.


                            Nice long runs for lame, C-R, ribs, and wild (after a race).


                            This morning, it was about 40° and there was a strong wind.  I didn't feel like going out at all but did and hung it up after 4 miles at a 10:54 pace.


                            A good day and good runs for all.



                            mustang sally

                            Bad faerie

                              Great racing this weekend, all.


                              Tramps, it was the "I trained a year for this and got a terrible race out of it" thing that finally put me off marathoning.  I still hate racing but am more willing to just let one rip when I know I'll be able to try again in a few weeks if this one doesn't work out.


                              Had a fine muddy weekend - mountain biking on Saturday, trail running Sunday, a pile of disgusting laundry today.  Totally worth it.

                                Thanks for all the shout outs for my Sat am run!!  It really felt good.  The rest of the weekend was fun - I played slots on the same $20 I started with - no big spender for me.  The guys played the tables and my dh and one other guy came out ahead for the weekend.  The only bad part was on our ride home.....our friend's truck lost the power steering but fortunately it was within a mile of a rest area!!  Two of the guys spent the night in the camper with the truck at the rest area then my dh and another friend drove down and fixed the problem today!!  YAY!!


                                My run today not as peppy, but 1 mile warmup, 8 x 1/2 mile pickups with 1/4 mile recovery in between then cool-down.  61 degrees and little wind for my run today -- love it!!


                                Lots of great racing and running out there this weekend!!  Congrats to all!!

                                Erika - I can't believe the temps and weather you already have to deal with it!!

