Masters Running


marathon Sunday (Read 46 times)


    Good morning!


    No snow yet...I ran a dark 4 miles and now dealing with marathoon morning! Good luck all NYC and Manchester runners, esp our Karin.


      Mornin' everyone!


      Good luck with the races today, Lamerunner! It's not ideal weather, but I know you'll host a great event, and that everyone will still have a great time. Good move to ride in the lead car... I'm sure all RD's could share some interesting stories about late race registrants.


      Great job in the 65+ race, Marj. Sorry about the lingering injury, Henry, but good for you for toughing it out to finish. Lou Peters has been, and remains a fixture in New England running for a long time, and it is great to see him still running.


      Aamos, BIG Congrats to DH for his racewalking medal!


      Nice photos, Leslie and Tag!


      I went 7 uninspired RW miles yesterday, and 11.15 today (at the usual time, even with the clock change) in 38F temps with light rain and high winds. It was 'interesting' out there this morning. I managed negative splits, probably because I was looking forward to getting back into the warm, dry house.


      Have a greta Sunday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        Good luck lamerunner and all runners/racers!  Hope you're following twocat's advice this morning - I am!


        I think I've received the stupidest award ever.  I ran the BAA distance medley and got 2nd in age group (out of 3) and for my award, I got a sheet of paper and a package that cost $5.32 to mail.  It is 20" x 30" and is more appropriate for a gym then a home.  Any suggestions besides deep six?



          Thanks for the morning laugh Marj.


          Actually I think it's kinda cool. I would have a perfect spot to hang it...My basement bar is plastered with race bibs, posters, etc. It's my version of a "Sports Bar" so to speak.


          Nice morning run...short but effective.

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Happy MCM Day,

            However, better tell ilene next time or it might not count..


            Contrary to my last time in 2012, with reaching the 50K distance with time to spare (and last of 16 laps with francesca), yesterday’s Carkeek 12-hour Fun Run is still like a dream-come-true but after waking up at 5:30 am this morning from 8-hours of sleep from 9:30 pm just in time for the NPR Puzzle Master at 5:40 a.m., I was chagrined that some apparent pre-recorded programming changes were pre-empting Will Shortz with some prolonged BBC babbling on someone’s speech in the U.N. or somewhere on world unemployment rates/  Fortunately, it was only 4:30 a.m.  Whew.


            ps marj - maybe because we get nothing but tired for 12-hours

            of running out here in the PNW, looks worth $5.32 to me.




            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Watching the NYC Marathon right now. Go Desi! The only American in the lead group of women.


              Ran 6 around the lake at the club's monthly Bagel Sunday gathering. Actually quite a nice morning since the time changed and it was that much lighter and starting to warm up (only about 30 at the start but 40 by the time I left). Started out with perchcreek but I had to take a break due to my usual cold-weather shin cramps.


              How did everyone else do today?

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                ...Good Luck to the Racers//...............


                thanks for the good wishes, especially ''AdventurerDoggie''..........I'll tell Claire you said Hi......




                bundled up, 20's here with the WindChill

                ...............probably not great bicycling weather, but I don't know any better


                60-min bike ride, 7-up and 7-down


                still haven't broken a real sweat,

                I think I can kill this damn flu if I can only break a sweat...


                .............good running to the rest of you



                ............Pickles asked me what I wanted from Italy so I told her a Beretta,


                she thought it was some sort of HAT,

                I'm settling for a Rosary Blessed by the Pope

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                  Go racers go!!!!!

                  Marj, that is an impressive award.

                  Tetsujin, how many miles did you cover during the 12 hours. Did you see Francesca?

                  Lamerunner, good luck with the marathon logistics.


                  A gorgeous day here. I am thinking to drive up in the woods for some trail running today.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Tetsujin, how many miles did you cover during the 12 hours. Did you see Francesca?

                    Posie - by some miracle, after having to invoke the Boston rule to get credit for 50K in 12:00:42 the last time I ran the Carkeek 12-hour Fun Run in 2012, I knew it would take an extraordinary effort of averaging 45-minutes for each of sixteen 1.93 mile laps up-and-down two 200'+ very steep climbs from 6:00 am. - 6:00 pm to have time for the final 0.59 mile add-on at the end needed for the 50K distance.
                    It didn’t matter as it would be good exercise anyway but the slippage to 50-55 minute afternoon circuits portended a close miss of barely 16 laps for 30.88 miles, if that, by the six p.m. deadline, . . . until a unforgettable Dudley Moore Pretty Woman moment at the start of the final 5pm lap. 
                    Just stunning wearing a bright white racing shirt and fresh back from a family trip to Italy and France (where her DS is in a world-famed soccer camp), francesca rushed out to Carkeek Park at the last minute from a day in her Bellevue store to join so many of her other running friends in the final lap around Carkeek Park. I’ve never seen an angel but, if I did, I now know what it would be like. She might as well have been sprinkling star dust on me not only for the resultant 33-minute fastest lap of the day but also enough time for two of the extra add-on laps for 32.06 miles.
                    No wonder I love running so much.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                      What a great banner, Marj!   You can't deep six that.  Hang it prominently and proudly.

                      Best to all the NH and NYC marathoners.  Heckuva streak for Kipsang.


                      Very windy today and I foolishly went down to the river to run.  Yowsa.  EZ 12.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        marj, I like the banner.  evan, nice long run.


                        This morning, it was in the mid 20s and almost calm.  As I finished my 3 miles, I saw my pace was under 11 min/mi.  Several hours later, when I recorded my run, the Garmin had somehow deleted the run and all others except one I did on 11 Oct.  I hope I pushed a wrong button rather than have my Garmin no longer working.






                          ............Pickles asked me what I wanted from Italy so I told her a Beretta,


                          she thought it was some sort of HAT,

                          I'm settling for a Rosary Blessed by the Pope


                           Being Catholic, I'm sure this rosary is just the ticket for knocking that flu bug out of your system! Hope you're behaving yourself Tom. Have you gotten to the canned goods section of the pantry for dinner options yet?


                          Watched the NYC marathon as well this morning. The women's finish was spectacular! And the men's was pretty decent too. Three Americans in the top 10? Nice! The way the leaders could just kick into a sprint to win both races after having run 26+ miles was amazing. And they crossed the finish line like it was just another Sunday run in the park.


                          Find a place for your award Marj. I'm surprised between you and Henry, you don't have a wall in your house loaded with awards, pictures and medals.


                          Had to get up at Jay o'clock to take DS#2 to the airport this morning. He's going to Salt Lake City to train some new employees that just joined the company he works for. Pretty proud of him. When I got home I threw on running clothes and headed out for 6 miles. At 29° and a good stiff "breeze" out of the south, I could have put on long pants but I'm holding out as long as I can. Definitely needed gloves though. DH and I have put in an offer on a condo and it was accepted last night. Our house goes on the market this week. BAD time of the year to be trying to sell something, but we'll see what happens.


                          Have a great Sunday everyone. Hope our racers did well.

                            ...hi jylnne//....yep, mostly beans........

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Hi all -- I was a total slug this morning and enjoyed sleeping away that extra hour!!  I can't even remember the last time I stayed in bed so long, but it sure felt good today!!   Watched a bit of the marathon on tv then went out to do a couple of errands and hit the gym to do my recovery run on the dreadmill.  Yes, I wimped out and went to the gym instead of braving the weather -- just not ready for it!!  4.2 recovery miles followed by some upper body and core work time for a birthday party for my 14 yr old twin nieces and watch the Pats game!!


                              Happy Sunday!!



                              Trails are hard!

                                Interesting indeed, Jay.  Nice weekend total.


                                Tet--very nice inspired 50K.  That's quite the accomplishment!


                                That's actually a nice award, Marj--although the size DOES make it a bit tricky to display.


                                TW--hope you can kick that flu soon.  Maybe you'll starve it out?  Find out that beans cure flu?


                                TomS--my garmin is doing weird things with run downloading, too.  I got two runs shown this morning.  Wait, my miles would be really good if I saved all of those.


                                As jay said, interesting weather this morning.  I intended 20 and settled for 15.5 when the wind and snow get to be more than I felt like dealing with.  Also a first as I stopped at home and basically put on an entire new set of clothes after getting soaked for a couple of hours.  The snow and wind really picked up when I headed back out.  I didn't have much of my winter stuff down out of the attic but  I'm not sure how much it would have helped.  25mph+ and snow in the face at 35 is loads of fun.  DW took this when I made it back.



                                DD called from Maine this morning while I was in changing.  IT'S SNOWING!!!  Why did I leave California?  We were very sympathetic and reminded her that she chose to stay there instead of Vegas for her school sabbatical.

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

