Masters Running


Wed Oct 1 Runs and Workouts (Read 582 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    So I am feeling really close to normal now and it seems like a long time to wait until I can enter my first event next year...
    Yay! So glad that your injury is just about gone, too. But don't they have any cold-weather races near you?

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      3 miles at the track, intervals and recoveries at overall pace of 9:57. Ileneforward


      Runners run


        Thanks to everyone who wished Twocat, Marj, Henry & I L'Shana Tova yesterday... Tramps said:
        Dicky, Twocat (and others celebrating), I meant to say this earlier: shana tova! I'm not Jewish but I learned to love the food.
        This is an old joke but... We celebrate all Jewish holidays for the same reason: 1. They tried to kill us 2. We beat 'em 3. Let's eat A few other assorted notes from the last couple days: TomS: Wonderful family wedding photo...everyone...including you...look terrific. Evryday: I knew there was a reason I like you...King of the Hill! #1 son does a spot-on Dale Dribble & MrsDickyG does a perfect Peggy Hill, especially when she yells out "HO yeah". Simpsons & KOTH is best hour on TV. Teresa: DS ran 16:40? Now THAT'S impressive! Lou..another top effort for you. Perch: Definately back in the game! Ran 4.1 miles today...36:56 (9:01)...not bad considering I had to walk 5 times to catch my breath...apparently some of yesterday's food still rattling around in there. A couple more weeks and NASCAR, along with over 90,000 fans, will be coming to town. One of my buddies always flies down from Alaska to come to this race. DickyG

          Dave59: I think I mentioned that the Brooksie Way passes almost right by my house and uses some of the roads & trails that I run on all the time. You'll enjoy it, at least for the first half. I would have run it except for my injury this year. I am working at the expo on Saturday morning, but on Sunday am going on a biking event instead. I'll be anxious to read your RR -- good luck!
          If I recognize you on Saturday, I'll say hello. (Or will you only be there in the morning? I don't know when I will be there yet. It all depends on stuff at home.) I am coming down the day before to hang out and check out the Yates Cider Mill.



            Hi, Ilene! Smile Dark Horse
            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

              Tramps, what's wrong with the pie and ice cream thread?? Confused I happen to think it's a wonderful thread. Whoever started it really rocks! Cool Holly, congrats on your super jock daughter! DickyG, I'm jealous - Nascar right in your own town! I'm in So. Oregon, about 4 hrs south of Portland and I'm in the WARM part of the state. We are heading into 4-5 days of rain with the highs this weekend only being in the low 60's (and it's been in the low 90's the last several days!). I haven't even pulled up Portland's weather yet, but now I'm thinking that I'm glad I won't be there. I have a few co-workers who are walking it and they really tried to get me to come up and walk it with them, since I'm not ready to run a marathon yet. My only regret is not being able to go up to meet PDR and WRFB and all the other masters having a fun dinner gathering the night before. I'm going to the gym during lunch to get in a few miles and start off October right.


                Into the market first thing this morning for another 13,800 shares of depressed/distressed financial stock. This gives me almost 48,000 shares in one very narrow sector, practically all the money I can get my hands on, which is not an investment strategy I would recommend to anyone else unless you have an extremely high risk tolerance. Dark Horse
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                  Tramps, what's wrong with the pie and ice cream thread?? Confused I happen to think it's a wonderful thread. Whoever started it really rocks! Cool
                  Tammy—There’s nothing wrong with it; it’s too good! I think it costs about 1200 calories just to open it. Dicky—I was raised Catholic in a nearly-all Christian town but went to Brandeis, a Jewish-sponsored non-sectarian college (because they gave me the biggest financial aid package Smile). I was almost totally ignorant of Jewish traditions so my first few months were like Jewish boot camp. Okay, I knew about yarmulkes and menorahs, but after that I was lost. Mezuzah’s on dorm doors, laying tefillin, sukkahs for sukkot…I didn’t have a clue. My first job on campus was in the cafeteria and I was totally baffled by kosher rules too. I’m sure I’ve still got a lot of it muddled up but at least by the time I left I had some vague sense of many traditions. The school celebrated just about all the Jewish holidays so Fall class schedules, especially, were a total mess and classes would have to be moved around all the time. So, for example, a “Brandeis Monday” meant that you went to your Monday class schedule, even though it was another day of the week. To this day DW (who I met there) and I still refer to “Brandeis” days whenever we switch our usual schedule around. I keep meaning to ask where exactly you live. So Martinsville, huh? I wouldn’t imagine there’s a big Jewish community there.

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    I think it's winter. We had snow yesterday afternoon, and it was just about an inch but made the roads in the hills very slick. I couldn't even get up the driveway on the first try. So DH met me at the top and said "let's throw the tires in the back and take it to Mike's" (local Chevron shop). Back down the slick driveway (weee!) and slowly crept out to the paved road where the snow was melting as it fell. Stopped at Lowe's for paint for DS2's room on the way home and got home late. Dinner late. Bedtime late. Everything iced up pretty well today. So I'm not running at lunch, and I'll probably run on my treadmill when I get home. Which means dinner will be late... again. Maybe it's a pizza night... Hey Dark Horse, on another thread I frequent one poster was so happy to have scooped up shares of Apple at 106. I couldn't resist telling him that years ago, when Apple was really struggling (pre iPod days), I bought several hundred shares at 13... still have 'em! I have a few gems like that in my IRA... almost makes up for the duds I've picked up along the way too.


                      Happy October! Dave59, good luck on the Brooksie Half Marathon. The first half I ran was a similar course profile - the first half was all downhill, and the second half was an out-and-back on a rolling hilly bike path. They billed it as "three-quarters downhill", which was accurate but misleading. And of course I went out too fast. Holly, do you owe your DD another donut (or 3?) for the soccer goals she scored? Maybe we should take a poll to see who likes or does not like NASCAR... Tramps, I also grew up in an area with a low Jewish population (upstate NY) but when I was in 7th grade my family moved to the Philly suburbs, and all of a sudden we got all these new school holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur) that we'd never heard of. A couple of my college roommates were Jewish, and we celebrated all the holidays complete with traditional foods, which was cool. Planning a lunchtime run today.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        I think it's winter.
                        You have my sympathies, my fren.... Sad Oddly, the trees have barely begun to change color here, although we don't seem to get the best burst of color until after the first frost (which usually hits around the end of October). The first week of November is usually when the trees suddenly burst forth with brilliant flourescent colors. Then after about two weeks the best of the show is finished, most of the leaves fallen or brown. I'm sitting here eating garden tomatoes my DD picked yesterday. so sweet and tasty they need no adornment or sauce. I thnk I may get a few more before the first frost hits. I'm going to hate going back to those tasteless grocery store tomatoes. Wildchild - DD got her 3 donuts, but was only allowed to eat one last night, one for breakfast, and maybe the other tonight for dessert. Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Yay! So glad that your injury is just about gone, too. But don't they have any cold-weather races near you?
                          Thanks, Holly. Yes, there are always runs available, but I made a resolution to take the whole year off. But then again, I haven't done the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 10K for a few years now... And today I think we ate the last of our garden tomatoes for the year, as I fried up the bacon for some piled-high BLTs. Won't have another one of those until next August. Cry

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            I think it's winter. We had snow yesterday afternoon, and it was just about an inch but made the roads in the hills very slick. I couldn't even get up the driveway on the first try. So DH met me at the top and said "let's throw the tires in the back and take it to Mike's" (local Chevron shop). Back down the slick driveway (weee!) and slowly crept out to the paved road where the snow was melting as it fell. Stopped at Lowe's for paint for DS2's room on the way home and got home late. Dinner late. Bedtime late. Everything iced up pretty well today. So I'm not running at lunch, and I'll probably run on my treadmill when I get home. Which means dinner will be late... again. Maybe it's a pizza night...
                            But other than that - did you get your harvesting done? Wink In our refrigerator here at work, we have a few alcoholic beverages to choose from. I said to co-worker, "that looks so good I am tempted to have one with my lunch!" Being the bad influence that she is, she rinsed out a couple of coffee cups and we treated ourselves. I'm going to need a nap pretty soon.....


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                              Ha Mary, that's funny. And no... it was pretty late when I finally got home, snowing and getting dark. I'll get to it... the stuff that's there will be fine for a few more days. The ground won't freeze up for a while yet. One of these years I WILL get that job done on time!

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                In our refrigerator here at work, we have a few alcoholic beverages to choose from.
                                At work? What kind of work do you do? Big grin

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
