Masters Running


Tue Mar 11 Runs and Workouts (Read 554 times)


    Welcome to Tuesday! That means we all survived Monday! from yesterday... evanflein- are you sore today after doing all that stuff at the gym yesterday? I often have to deal with a lot of wind where I am too, and it's always a struggle on how to dress on those days. If you get it figured out, let me know please. I was happy (for both of you) that your husband's surgery went better than expected. SteveP- Maybe the gators in the lake in Florida didn't see anything worth taking a bite out of. wildchild- way to take back that trail that got the best of you a couple of weeks ago! Nice story about the prairie dogs, they are cute! We have east coast prairie dogs here... they're called groundhogs. derrick- time to wake up! PJH- those bitter temps sure haven't slowed you down one bit! nice run! Teresa- you've been pushing yourself pretty hard lately. Careful please. There's plenty of time to catch that bunny yet. CNY- You're fine tuning that Boston engine of yours with those downhill surges. And hey, it's not your fault that they scheduled the big game at dinnertime! Tall- thanks for the thought about the thoughts. CMom- that must've been awful with the altitude sickness! Sad You guys that live at altitude are amazing. I live at sea level and did a race at 6000' a couple of years ago and it kicked my butt big time. Twocat- sorry to hear about your calf! Say it ain't so. I'm hoping it's just a kink. Besides what you are already doing, get in there and massage it too. JJJ- that's great news about the ribs feeling better. Continue to be diligent though. Very cool about your trip! Besides camping, what other adventures do you have planned while out there? from today... WRFB- thanks for starting us off. More miles in the bank for you, and you're 5.1 miles closer to Boston after today. perchcreek- seems you've bounce back nices from your sore back, runny nose and 23 miler this past weekend! Ribs- I can picture them all lined up now... Craneium- Don't you find that a morning run sets the tone for the rest of the day? Especially knowing you are done before most everyone else is just waking up. hopeful4ever- Sounded like a perfect 4 for you. biketm- I too was thinking that now I can start biking home from work with the extra daylight. Sometimes you don't start feeling the effect of a workout, or rest, for a couple of days, so look at what you're doing the 2-3 days before you start feeling tired, and similarly before you're feeling good. Or you could just be one of those crazy people that likes Monday! Wink PDR- like WRFB, more miles in the bank, to be withdrawn on April 21st. SueT- this is you during the corpse pose today.... zzzzzzzzz.... Roy- that sounded scary! Follow through on the stress test please! Good luck! SteveP- it's good to have your wit back here again. Jlynne- sorry your run was carpy, but by getting out there anyway, you probably did them a lot of good by keeping the blood flowing. I'll bet tomorrow you'll feel a lot better. PeterNC- I know you're itching to get out there. Resist the temptation to do too much, ok? Holly- how exciting with the house!!! Good luck! When a new listing comes up, there is usually a big flurry of activity. Strike whil the iron is hot. Your doctor sounds like a good common sense guy. I hope you get some answers and get yourself feeling better. Very interesting topics, thanks for the education. Great run today too! lyndenrunner- another negative temperature-split run for you. What's up with that? Tramps- good to see a post from you. Those foggy runs are awesome, thanks for the imagery. vista- I guess momma won't be buying you a diamond ring. Thanks for the update on your brother. Wow, losing that much fluid will take a lot of pressure off his heart and lungs, that's great. I think every patient wants nothing more than to go home, so you can't blame him. Make sure he stays where he belongs though. Good luck to the basketball team, sometimes losing a key player makes everyone else step up to the plate even moreso. It is a team effort. Glad to hear you are getting your runs in. Sarge- nice day you have going there! 95" of snow? That's insane! Mariposai- I liked the sound of your progression run. Isn't it nice to be out there during the transition from dark to light? I hope you are feeling 100% for your run tomorrow. bregermeister- I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later with your son. Don't you have some super secret ski trick you've had stashed away for years so that you can reclaim the top dog spot again? Wink On second though, you'd better not. Keep up the running and you'll be an aerobic animal by the end of the week. Dave- slow and STEADY wins the game. Keep at it. soundrunner- make sure you get your rest so you don't get buggy like your son. Hope everyone is better soon. That video reminded me of the cartoon "Johnny Quest" from way way way back. Nothing moved in the cartoon other than their lips. I always thought it was freaky. Teresa, wildchild- I need some work done on my house... I'll supply the food, and even let you get out for a run once in a while. Day off from running, but got up early anyway and did a good hour of weights, core stuff and yoga. Two for Tuesday here at Spicy's, an awesome chicken wing place. I didn't say it was a day off from eating. Have a super Tuesday gang!

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Holly, good luck selling your house. Do you have a new one picked out or being built? You seem to have had the listing date planned out well ahead of time. Is the new place close?
      We had our approximate listing date set because my husband is a freak about making lists and plans and stuff. So we set the first of March as a goal, and after Christmas began readying the house in bits. We can’t afford to carry two mortgages, so the first priority is to see if we can sell our house. Priced at 102K, we’re hoping it will go quickly. Although we’ve been looking at other houses online for weeks, we haven’t been inside any yet. We do, however, see one that seems to meet all of our specs, and will look at that and 2 other houses tomorrow night.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Btb, just a little sore in the pecs... probably should've done the chest flyes with 15 lbs instead of 20's. Sure felt good to get the ol' gym workout done, though. Even though I have equipment at home I don't focus on it like I do at the gym. Fitful night last night, between DH still being pretty woozy from anesthesia (but not wanting to just. lie. down), and my coughing (I think I've cooked up a sinus infection...) we didn't seem to get a lot of sleep. Got in late to work this morning, and will spend mid-day shuttling DH from dr appt to first PT appt... then DS1 has orthodontist at 2... Work? Ha! That's like my down time! Ah well, this first week will be a challenge but from there it should get better. Holly, will be interesting to hear if your dr finds anything... but I'll still say I don't think you give yourself enough recovery time. Good luck on the house thing... when we bought ours the goal was to be all moved in before DS1 was born. Well, numerous delays with the closing... we moved in when he was a week old. The one advantage to that is I got to play director on the moving process... let others to the heavy work! We have ice everywhere! The last week or so of upper 30's and low 40's have been very nice to be outside in, but it's made a lot of my running routes downright treacherous. Too much dry pavement to wear the Spikey's, but too much ice to just "go run." Hoping for a few more days to dry up the bike paths a bit, but tonight's run will be done very carefully...! (hate to admit it... but may even do the treadmill just to be close to home and the resident patient...) Just 5 miles planned, and I'll be lucky to have time for that...

          Erika, just hang in there sistah!! this also shall passed. Cool. Please say hi and a wish for a speedy recovery to your DH for me. And hey, 5 miles in that new treadmill of yours will not be that bad. are the greatest. Your posts are always so bright Smile. By the way great running week you had last week. WTG runner.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            A lovely noon time run of 5.25 miles. The weather is supposed to remain nice and warm......just the way we like it. Does anyone else go through the syndrome of finding themselves mentally tiring at a certain place on a route just because you have always gotten tired at that location? I noticed it when I CHANGED my route and arrived at this particular spot at 4 miles instead of the normal 6 miles. I suddenly felt as tired as I would if I had been doing the 6 miles. Later on this same feeling hit me again at the same spot, only this time it was after only 3 miles. It has to be all in the head, I tell you. Thanks for the concern and well wishes for my brother.

              It has to be all in the head, I tell you.
              90% of running is half mental, don't forget.
                Cool Cool Cool 67 special degrees out there! Cool Cool Cool I know it won't last, but wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.12 miles in 53:17, an 8:43 pace and only a little twinge of the ankle for a brief moment at mile 5.6. Ribs--my take on the matter is I hope every pompous, self-important, holier-than-thou district attorney out there takes a few moments at least to consider that we are all human, flawed, and capable of things we'd probably rather not admit. Maybe keep that in mind as they go about their business. Good Luck, Holly--sounds like a very reasonable price. evanf.--try a neti pot--they really work! grins all, A
                Masters 2000 miles

                Renee the dog

                  Arrgghhh! Just popping in to say, "My babsitter is crapping out on me today!" Soooooo, I think I'm heading out soon with the 2 kids in the jogging stroller. The dog is going to be so irritated! Son had me awake since 3:30 a.m., but I got a 1/2 hr snooze on the couch awhile ago. I'm ready to go. My 4 yr old is ready to go...we're just waiting for my son who's now sleeping very fitfully! Off to check the tires in the jogger...and to see if my husband, who's away, left the key to the lock that keeps that double jogger from blowing away. Shocked

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  One day at a time

                    Good luck, Nonoruns! LOL, when I saw your mention of the jogging stroller, I doublechecked to see that I was on the Masters board! Wow, I'm impressed. Smile


                      Ribs--my take on the matter is I hope every pompous, self-important, holier-than-thou district attorney out there takes a few moments at least to consider that we are all human, flawed, and capable of things we'd probably rather not admit. Maybe keep that in mind as they go about their business.
                      Well put, Amy. This is better than Ribs' idea. Maybe Ribs doesn't have any flaws Big grin but most of the rest of us do. It's a wonderful warm day in Colorado, too. 60 degrees at lunchtime. I got out for a sproinky 4.4 mile tempo run at 9:20 avg pace.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        I am late posting because I just made the decision to deep six my scheduled run for today. My calf feels a lot better than it did last night but is still not 100%. I figured discretion being the better part a valor and all that means I should lay off it for a day. So today looks like the day! Cry Hopefully, it will be good to go tomorrow. I set up to meet my TP at 6:45am to go 12 miles. The deal we have is she is not to wait in case I do not think I can do it. On the other hand if I do think I can I might see if I can get my 17 mile run for the week in. No, I cannot help myself! Angry Holly best wishes with selling your home. Despite the media reports real estate is not moribund all across the country. Hopefully in your area it is still moving. About calories -- my friends think I can eat all I want given my weekly mileage. I just wish! Like you, if I eat more than a "normal person" I start gaining weight. All I can figure is that if you are relatively small (as I am) then your body just does not burn up that many calories during the day. wildchild and Teresadfp my DW and I built our house too. One thing you learn from the experience is that if your marriage can survive that it can survive anything. Ok, maybe not springing $5K on a prostitute but who would do that? Big grin Ahem, actually "built our house" is really a misnomer. We hired a contractor, who hired subcontractors, who hired craftsmen, who built our house. Given what little I know of wildchild and Teresadfp it seems possible one or both of their versions of "built our house" might actually means they and their DHs actually did build their house. You have to be careful with how you word things around this overactive bunch! btb Buffalo chicken wings are one of my favorite "foods!" There used to be a place in Princeton called "Chuck’s Spring Street Café" that had the hottest ones around. I loved that place! Long after I left the area the Menendez brothers (of shooting their parents fame) bought the place, renamed it, and then I believe eventually drove it into the ground. I have never found wings as good since. Sigh, the good ol' days. evanflein good luck with DH's recovery. Hopefully all will be back to normal in the near future. vista happens to me all the time. I think what is really going on is that by changing the route on occasion you make keep it fresh and interesting and that works to keep you going. Aamos tomorrow is supposed to cold with rain and possibly snow showers around here. Grrr....

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                          Aamos. I like how you put that, too. Smile nonoruns. Good, strong, running to you. Those double joggers are great workouts, as I recall.
                            A quick 6.5K today, in 27 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 at MP then 10 minutes ez. Felt so so, the streets were messy. I looked into my symptoms from two years ago when I overtrained (some of you may remember)...and it reminded me a bit of what I am going thru right now...although different. Heavy stress creates cortisol in the body (ie: the flight or fight syndrome) I have a lot of that in my body currently. Plus running also creates cortisol, especially in high periods of training I have a feeling it's possible that the combination is putting me over the top, making my body tired and susceptible to infection, colds etc... Hopefully the doctor checked for this in the blood tests she did. No results yet. This is all very good indicators that I have to slow down... Cheers Tall

                            Recent Best times: None recently



                              Given what little I know of wildchild and Teresadfp it seems possible one or both of their versions of "built our house" might actually means they and their DHs actually did build their house. You have to be careful with how you word things around this overactive bunch!
                              Yeah, we actually built it ourselves. DH is the original do-it-yourselfer. We designed the house, poured the concrete, did the framing, electrical, plumbing, roofing, everything. It's a timber frame, also called post and beam, made with round logs. DH hand-cut the mortise and tenon joints, and it's pegged together with oak pegs. I did all the structural engineering calculations, which is a stretch because I'm a chemical engineer, but our building inspector was OK with it. DH quit work for the better part of two years to build it. He worked as a ski patroller during the winters, since we really had to shut construction down then anyway. Our building season is kind of short at 9300 ft. I continued working full time to pay for it, and built on weekends. The biggest plus, besides having a beautiful home, is that we have no mortgage. A word to other overachievers who think this might be a good idea: it takes MUCH longer than you would ever think. When we thought we were nearly done, we decided to start a family (kind of like we were building our nest.) DD came along about a year later, but she was a year and a half old before the house was ready to move into.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              Renee the dog

                                Good luck, Nonoruns! LOL, when I saw your mention of the jogging stroller, I doublechecked to see that I was on the Masters board! Wow, I'm impressed. Smile
                                Yeah, I was a reluctant mother. Big grin I mostly throw my toddler tales in this thread so that everyone else can thank their lucky stars that they aren't still dealing with this junk! Well, got 2 whole miles in...sun went in and kids got cold. BUT, the good news is my babysitter can come late tomorrow night so I can put in another 3 miler with the dog. So, I won't be behind schedule after all! Cool Hope everyone has a great, restful night!

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
