Masters Running


Tuesday back-to-work runs, etc. (Read 624 times)

    Dude, $42/yard.???  Whoa. That is high.  My 10 cu yards of mulch was $21.95/cu yard, delivered.  Root mulch.  From the fancy scmantzy garden center.


    In my family, hauling around crap for the garden is woman's work.  (My Mom was a horticulturalist  Wink    Besides, how else am I going to get an upper body workout?  


     $42 per yard for the black mulch (it does look really nice in front of my gray house with black shutters), $44/yard for red hemlock. I'll be doing pine/spruce mulch in the back yard for about $33/yard. That's as cheap as it comes around here. And that's me picking it up with my Dad's truck. Quite a workout shoveling it into the wheel barrel. I'll have to discuss the "women's work" angle with DW. About the only thing she does is water the plants when I'm at work. I've pointed out the women on my street out mowing their lawns but I have not gotten anywhere with that.


       I'll have to discuss the "women's work" angle with DW. About the only thing she does is water the plants when I'm at work. I've pointed out the women on my street out mowing their lawns but I have not gotten anywhere with that.


      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



         I'll have to discuss the "women's work" angle with DW. About the only thing she does is water the plants when I'm at work. I've pointed out the women on my street out mowing their lawns but I have not gotten anywhere with that.

         no, I can't imagine that goes over real well.  Neither would "but honey, it'd be great exercise for you" .


        I'm thankful that my husband is a perfectionist Type A (aka: anal) when it comes to yard maintenance - so he does all the mowing, watering, trimming, fertilizing, etc.

        And when it come to my 1000 sq ft garden - I want to take care of all of that. He just had to get me my truckload of manure and compost and I shoveled it all out . . . because it was a great upper body workout/exercise . . . so that was okay since it was MY idea. Had he said to me "it'd be great exercise for you" . . .wouldn't go over too well. . .




          Mulch?  What mulch?  I don't spread no stinking mulch in my yard! 

          I'm with you, Leslie. No stinking mulch!   I don't even own a lawnmower - no lawn!   We live on a wooded 35 acres, so we just let it go, and whatever grows is what grows.  I sometimes grow flowers in pots on the porch, but the bunnies and deer usually eat them.  The wildflowers that grow all by themselves are much nicer than anything I plant.


          Oh, yeah, running - no time yet.  Hope to go after work. 


          I've been busy helping my boss put together a presentation for a law firm. We're one of two firms they're interviewing to provide expert testimony for a big polluter in a civil case.  Normally I wouldn't want to side with the polluter, but in this case they're located in a heavily industrialized urban area with lots of polluters, and there's nothing that ties the plaintiffs' illnesses to this particular source of pollution.  The complaint alleges "...spewed millions of tons of toxicants into the community",  "cesspools of industrial waste",  and "an overwhelming plague of death and disease, property damage, and suffering", among other things.  Great language!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.




            And when it come to my 1000 sq ft garden - 

              wow your garden is so big that it could be a full time job to keep on top of the weeding, canning and such. Mine is only 15x15 or so and I have a hard time keeping up with it. But then again, I am a spring gardener...Smile. Love to garden in the spring, but then I am much happier hiking, running, biking in the summer and let the garden do it's thing jiji


            Hi Carolyn. Good luck with your guy's presentation. Working on a presentation myself, about cultures and workforce diversity, thank goodness.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


              I hit the elliptical at lunchtime, followed up by a good core/flex workout. When I tried to enter it in my log, I entered it as a "strength training" workout, entered all my stuff, hit "save" and it went back to the "Edit Strength Training" page. Did it over and over. So I figured it'd saved it anyway and went to calendar view. Nope, not there.

              Anyone else try to enter a weight workout since the new format rolled out?


              (Tammy, that's a big garden! I haven't measured mine, but I'm sure it's not that big... 100ft by 100ft approx? wow...)

                I hit the elliptical at lunchtime, followed up by a good core/flex workout. When I tried to enter it in my 

                (Tammy, that's a big garden! I haven't measured mine, but I'm sure it's not that big... 100ft by 100ft approx? wow...)

                 Not quite that big, I think.  Maybe 33x30

                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                  oh boy . . . I messed up . . . no, it can't be that big. It's big, but not 1000 sq ft!  I think my actual 'gardening' space that I use for veggies is around 600 sq ft.  It's probably about 25 x 25.

                  And I have one area (maybe 100 sq ft?) that is just perennials, so not much to do there - herbs & flowers.  And I must have good soil in there because I really get very few weeds - what I do get I can quickly pull out while I'm out there watering, so it's not time consuming.


                  Renee the dog

                    LOL -- our entire lot is 52.5' x 100'.  Our old house is on a lot 45' x 100'.   All sand, though, so the garden centers do quite well around here.    


                    Tammy, my husband is a perfectionist about the lawn too, which is why he just hired a lawn service today.  A lot of our old trimming equipment was biting the dust, and for $25-30 a shot, it's easier to just hire someone to do it perfectly.  Gives us a little more time to go to the beach, we hope.

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

             you wish you were a headlight.... on north bound train?
                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                        10 easy miles and a teeth cleaning today.  Plus bonus xrays.


                        No cavities, ma!


                        But receding gums, pa.


                          Good evening everyone. Going to the chiro tomorrow hopefully he can figure out what is wrong with me. Should have gone to see someone before the marathon...oh well..should have could have


                          Good luck to keeman tomorrow.



                          Recent Best times: None recently

                            We live on a wooded 35 acres, so we just let it go, and whatever grows is what grows.

                             A friend once told me, it ain't a weed if you want it there.  Consequently, lots of "weeds" I was spending hours digging out are now happily taking over portions of my yard.  And they're pretty, too.  One plant I thought was a weed, I found out that the garden center where my husband works actually sells it!  It's a native plant.  Who knew! It now has a prominent place in many parts of my yard, including taking flower pots.  Less work for me!

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                              holly - cool tip about the hair spray for blister..........i use the balga socks like Nancy --  my absolute favorites!!


                              quick run for me today 3.3 miles in 29:45 after sleeping all day and before coming back into work -- helps when i sleep well during the day!!


                              Happy Tuesday!!



                                5 miles on Signal Hill....nice and slow.   Funny how tight my calfs can get.





                                late fashion report: black compression seamless sports bra, black nike shorts with white piping and built- in liner, navy blue with white trim short-sleeved tech top under a icky yellow and blue club racing singlet (for extra Grand Prix points) and a sheer glaze of sunscreen on all bare skin showing.  Sunglasses by Oakley, white hat with SF marathon logo, white and blue shoes, white Wright socks, plump pout lip gloss.  Smile


                                Runners run
