Masters Running


Rainy days and Mondays Alway get me Down (Read 761 times)


    Oh what fun! A van full of introverts at a relay! I tell ya, those are the behind-closed-doors party people, believe it! Big grin  You guys are going to have a blast. And Dave59, you really should consider it. And no you can't drive your own car.


    A party without crazy West Coasters?? Unthinkable. While Mustang Sally is a transplant, she'll have to hold up our end of the festivities.


    Congratulations on an excellent PR race, Slo! Wind like that is my worst nightmare... well, ok, add in driving rain and there you go. You did great and can't wait to hear the full story.


    You too, Jlynne. You had a good race, and nothing injured, right?? Can't ask for more, especially when you had such doubts going in. Yes, all that XT is a powerful thing.


    {{Leslie}} Very good idea. Friends like Karen are a God-send, indeed.


    Thanks for the props on my race. It was fun, especially after those first three miles were behind me. DH asked if I'd seen the moose carcass at mile 2 and I hadn't... so of course we had to drive up the hill to see it before going home. Eww. Poor thing. The joys of rural living though, nobody from the state had cleared it away last winter so there it lies.


    Legs feel pretty good today, which is a good thing because I'll be RAL for 4 or so easy (and flat) miles. This is my last big week with the 10/20 planned for the weekend. The weather looks great so no excuses there. Already looking forward to taper but it's still a week away...


      ditto here Erika - I have a 10/20 wk planned also. might make it a 22 though. and then whatever else I can fit in - a couple 5-6's probably.


      forgot to give you props on your race also. nice going!  I'm so excited for you and Newport. It'll be a piece of cake for you compared to what you are used to. 




        A new PR for me. 3:26:02 !!! Thats 10 mins off my last PR. 

         Great run in the wind!


        I ran 4.5 at lunch.


        It is said that extroverts get energy from being around people while introverts lose energy.  I have a good time with people, but when I am with a group too long I end up feeling like there's nothing left when it's over.  I took a short-term mission trip with a group from church and everything was a "group activity" for 2 straight weeks.  That was 4-5 years ago and I haven't fully recovered yet. Undecided  




          Dave, can I ever relate to that!!?!!!


          Slo, way to go!  10:00 PR!  Woot!


          7 miler at lunch time. Weatherman siad only 20% chance of rain between 12:00 and 1:30.  I was 100% soaked, somehow.  Finished in just under 56:00 for a 7:57 pace.  Need food.


          MM #6177

            On extroverts and introverts: my view is that runners are a solitary bunch. And yes, I do realize that statement itself is an oxymoron. I'm one that definitely needs my alone-time,especially after being with a group of boisterous people for an extended period of time. Being "alone together" is OK, but in a party sort of environment, that's what burns me out. Those who don't know, tend to view me as shy as a result. Totally not the same thing.

              Hey there BTY....not quite finished with my sprouted wheat, tomato, eggplant and baby bella mushroom sandwich. Want some? Then I can go see if some of the kiddo's Sun Chips are still lurking about. okay, JK on the chips!


              Major High Fives Slo_Hand! I am not surprised, given how your training runs have been rolling, but I am pumped for you and especially in those conditions! JLynne! awesome for you too. Impressive showing.


              Great racing Erika and what a super course. I think it's built for you---you run strong and assured on the uphills and you know how to fly on the downhills---neither is easy and yet you make it look that way.


              Hurray for OM and the relay mastery! I'll be joining the introverts at the relay in Utah (dg....INTJ on my Myers Briggs test each time I took it---4x now Big grin beat that!  ha)  I've done the Lake Winnepesaukee relay with the Js a few times and it was crazy fun. The togetherness while driving was balanced by plenty of introverted miles running down lonely roads. It's all good. Sounds like you rocked it OM and go for it with the job----why not do what you love and love what you do?


              One relay is not enough though and I'll be joining the Quabbin Queens team at the Mass Dash Relay for the Jimmy Fund in July too. One of the exchange points is the kiddo's high school. yee haw!


              Busy weeks of late for me and I am woefully behind here. It's the season of ceremonies and family stuff and big work projects. Running everywhere still though---ran 9.2 miles today in light rain this morning pushing the hills, just 'cuz


              Leslie, when you are a great friend,  that comes back easily when you need it. I am glad Karen is right there. Lean when you need to.


              MTA: Good description OM!


                Hello, Happy  monday... still very gray and predicted showers ( all week actually) but thus far it has not actually rained much today.


                Rest day from running. I swam 1500 yds are lunch.


                OM, it sounds like the relay was fun. and those van rides are good for introverts.


                Great race Mainerunnah!  especially so soon after a tough Boston.


                Congratulations Slo on your race and PR.  Sounds like tough racing weather  everywhere.


                Leslie it is great you have friends like that. 


                Nice to see you Karin.  Looks like you are running well. Go get some chips..  Any races coming up?

                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                  Great job SLO!    Sorry that Tim was a no-show, you'll just have to beat him another day.


                  Your relay sounds like it was a blast too OM!    Can't wait to read your report.  


                  JLynne- you did great with little training!!!   Sorry the weather was so crappy for all of you.


                  Erika - you just eat those hills up!   I think you should come to Michigan and crack the whip for me.


                  As for my 25K Saturday ..... Undecided ..... it just wasn't my day.   It started Friday when I felt the scratchy throat and congestion setting in again.  I just didn't have it come race day.   It poured down rain on our way there, but it did let up and only rained lightly on us during the race.   The first 6 miles I averaged 10 m/m or under, and then we turned into the wind and hills and I pretty much let myself give up.    I wanted a box of kleenex so bad!   I don't know - I just felt out of sorts and really wasn't enjoying myself.  Anyway - no PR for me - but I did finish and that is what I'm holding onto.   


                  There was a 38 year old local athlete that collapsed at mile 15 and it was later reported that he died leaving behind a wife and 3 young children, one of which was to take his first Holly Communion that evening.     Think of him and his family when running tomorrow.


                  To kind of redeem myself,  I signed up for a 10K this Memorial Day weekend.   Hilly and challenging .... I usually only do the 5K.


                  Enke - they are awake alot more now....




                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                    Sorry about the scratchy throat and not feeling great Mary---but you toughed it out and that counts for a whole lot! Good on you. And of course...


                    PUPPIES!!!! I just watched the new puppy videos too.....Hudson is amassing quite a pile of belongings here already!


                    Hey lamerunner....good to see you too. Several races on tap in the next months and of all lengths and flavors---some for target times, some as new experiences and all for fun.  The next up is the Rabbit Run 10k---part of my club's race series. Near the Quabbin Reservoir---three miles down and three miles straight up---chin scraping style.  The reverse of Erika's run this weekend. roar.

                      Mary great run in GR, that is one of my wife's favorite races we go to maybe next year I will be up to it. The weather for the 25k was bad the last 2 times we went to that race as well.


                      Got a windy cold 4 miles in this morning, and I am going to the gym to get my lifting in.


                      1st son just started another Phd program, the boy is going to a enormous education debt!! He has his 1st in philosphy, this one will be in psch dad cannot even spell his degrees. Must get his brains from mom, who also working on Phd. He is co teaching this online class so books and tuition are free, he does have to travel to California a couple times a year but they are picking up most of the tab.  Hopefully he can make a better living with this degree than his others.


                        (((Mary)))    I was wondering about you on Saturday.    I'm sorry!   & I think you did really well.   It must have been hard to finish!  thanks for the picture Smile

                        Karin...  maybe!   INTP... but close on the P/J thing.    the competition is heating up.   :-).     glad to see you, I know you've been busy but I always wonder  when you're not around.                  hey, can I gloat?   we're not in the same van but I get to room with Karin before (& after?  that needs to be figured out still I think) the relay.   Big grin


                        OM congratulations.  I am looking forward to hearing much more about it.


                        Dave, precisely.  

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          I read Slo's post and thought "wow"

                          Then I read Jlynnes' description of the winds and thought "WOW!"  Very impressive Slo!


                          NIce 13.1 Jlynne on minimal training!


                          3 Magical Heling Miles witrh Tory and Sadie

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            aww, sweet little puppy faces!


                            My two little ones have grown quite a bit in just the two wks we've had them also. They are quick learners also. Still working on the "Come" command. sometimes they do it, most times they don't. Not sure if they are just being stubborn and ignoring us, or if the times that they did "come" it was just a coincidence and they would've come when we spoke to them regardless of the command. Roll eyes


                            5.2 miles at lunch time. I could see some rain clouds looming off in the distance, but I think I ran so fast, they couldn't catch me anyways.


                            yeah, that's my story.  Cool


                              My one daughter (the head coach) has two daughters on the team and my other daughter, also, has two daughters on the team and a couple years ago, we came up with a traveling trophy for whoever came late—it’s a big ugly thing with a fish on it called the “Tardy-Sauce Trophy”.  Anyway—we all hate having that stupid thing—so I was flying down the road…with my bag of gear…I must have looked pretty odd to some people.  Oh—yeah—for some reason—my shorts were crawling up my butt crack, so I was reaching behind me trying to pull them down and figure out what the heck was going on.  As I was thinking about how silly this must look, I had to smile, which had to make the whole scene look even funnier.




                              Ha!! Big grin


                              Puppy pics!!  Ooh, they're so frigging cute!

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Dave – tough goodbye for your DD, but hopefully she will quickly adjust.  She has the strong backing of your love, and that will see her through the changes.


                                Slo – 10 minute PR – yowza!


                                Jlynne – excellent tough run on minimal training!


                                Tramps – congrats to your DW on her half-distance tri – she is one tough cookie!


                                Leslie – for me, it’s not cold cereal, but toast that would sustain me as a single gal.


                                Orange Mat – good luck with the job, and looking forward to the report.


                                Mike E – I love how you are so involved with your family.  What a great role model you are for the grandkids!


                                Mary – don’t worry about the race – we all know what that’s like – shoot, I totally blew off my LR this weekend for the same feeling.  Major kudos for you for getting out there in spite of feeling carpy.


                                School morning LR:


                                6.15 miles outside in a very windy 44º, then home to make sure the kids are roused and fed; 2 miles on the TM, then a 15-minute break to take DS’s forgotten gym clothes to school; then 1 more mile on the TM, followed by a 5-minute break to take DD to her bus stop; then 9 miles outside; then home to run frozen hands under warm water until I could feel them again; then 5.85 more miles on the TM watching Supernatural.


                                24 miles total.



                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
