Masters Running


40s+ On the Run: New Month, New Super Bowl Champ (Wk Ending 02/07/09) (Read 401 times)


    Hi Folks~ Good Luck vibes to Kelly on her job, Leslie and Jewels on their upcoming races, and to Mairead bonding with her new buddies! I have a similiar situation when Buddy and I head to the soccer fields/track a couple miles away.We pass a house that has two beautiful and quite large German Sheppards.Both are a lot bigger than Buddy. The first time we saw them ,we were on the street passing their unfenced yard.They were at the edge of their yard so I thought I would let them meet Buddy. Well, Buddy is not friendly while on the leash ( puts on the tough guy act ) and snarled at them. No owners in sight and I thought "this is where it ends for us".Those Sheps were really cool though and just looked at Buddy as if to say "Hey, what's up with you? We could have you for lunch, but we're too cool to snarl." We have passed them other times and Buddy has been better, though I don't get him close to them.Those dogs are so well behaved that they walk right to the edge of the yard and go no further, even with no masters around. Jewels -good job resting the knee, no need to stress it. Ev and Jim- Glad your weather's good and you're getting out in it. Arla- your log looks tremendous! Great job! And yes, I would use whatever hill you have, it will certainly help in SF. Inadvertently had 2 runs in one this afternoon/evening. Decided to try the trails and discovered what it's like to run through about 7" of loose powder (kinda like running on slippery sand) on the narrow and hilly single track. No snow was falling but it was cold and I was getting wet feet and head from knocking the clumps of powder from the low hanging branches. After one lap on the 4m loop, I'm back at the car. Just happen to have dry socks,dry running shoes and dry fleece.Throw that on, I'm warm and toasty for another 4.5m on the mostly snowfree and flat bike path nearby. Down to single digits again tonight but supposed to be 50* this weekend, Yahooo!







    Queen of 3rd Place

      Joe - I read "powder" and wondered what the hey you were talking about for a second. Sand? OH - - snow!! That's the stuff I can see on the mountains in the distance ...Duh! Blush Leslie can you send me your mailing address to I can't find the envelope you sent me for your book. Arla

      Ex runner

        Hey, Gang - Arla - Address sent. Smile Joe - Glad it's gonna warm up for you. It got to the high 60s here on Tuesday - very weird - but we're back to our normal low 30s overnight and high 40s to low 50s during the day. Although, some rain is suppose to be coming in today, thankfully. Was suppose to do 4 miles this morning, but I got to my cool down spot, looked at the ole Garmin, and it read 3 miles. Wha . . .?? I actually stood there for a few seconds trying to figure out what had happened. The light bulb finally went on, and I remembered turning around at the 1.50 mark. What a bonehead! Oh well - it was a good run: Av/Best/HR 1. 10:01/8:56/136 2. 9:22/7:56/151 3. 9:15/7:47/159 Went to my first HS basketball game in, oh, 24+ years last night. Had a great time, and the last period was fantastic. Unfortunately, the team we were rooting for lost by 1 pt at the buzzer. Black eye

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          Nice race Arla and Sr Smile. Very nice of you to stick by your friend! Just a quick drive by ask a question. Confused I want to know who replaced my legs with stiff painful lead appendages? Do the leg snatchers come out at night and perform this surgery? Hoping someone brings my old legs back before another long run on Saturday, because these things are not going to be able to haul my fat *&& around that far Blush! Hope the leg snatchers have not gotten to anyone else. Based on a quick glance at the posts it doesn't look like it. Keep up the good work 40's!
          Progress Trumps Pefection

          Queen of 3rd Place

            Carol - this is gonna sound strange but often I find that the best thing for leadleg is a super-short, super-slow run, maybe even just a mile or two. I know - makes no sense whatsoever. Maybe it just gets the juices flowing! What's your long run schedule for the weekend? Arla

            Ex runner

              Hey there 40's...... Joe, way to get out there in cold and snowy conditions. Glad you had the extra undergear to change into. 2 runs in one day! Glad the weather will be warming up a bit for the weekend. Sounds like you had fun at the H.S. basketball game Leslie.......dang they lost by 1 measly pt. Did all of the parents behave? Dang, I just got a call just a second ago from my hub as I was typing nephew who I just married 2 weeks ago has been having headaches and a burning sort of feeling in his head. He had an MRI today and was told he has a brain tumor. Jesus........please say a prayer for him guys! Jewels
              But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee
                my nephew who I just married 2 weeks ago has been having headaches and a burning sort of feeling in his head. He had an MRI today and was told he has a brain tumor. Jesus........please say a prayer for him guys!
                Wow, Jewels. Not much can be said except my thoughts and prayers to him and his new wife and family. Carol - What kind of workouts/rests do you have? A very slow, very short run just might do the trick, and maybe try getting the DH to give your legs a good rub down. Better yet, go treat yourself to a massage. Very beneficial . . . oh, and it feels quite nice, too. Wink

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                flatland mountaineer

                  Jewels so sorry bout the nephew, hopefully its not as serious as it appears. Carol the dead legs hit me when i push the miles also but the gals gave u good advice. Nice double header Joe. Stood around at an auction of farm equipment today and am so stoved up I could hardly walk by tonight and my back was spazzing out in a different spot. I skied and snowshoed all weekend and didn't feel this old. Did the weights thing this morn, Lynda had a little tendonitis in the elbow so skipped out on me. scrap iron squat rack note the John Deere green rod weeder gear plates bar and bench, was using an old axle for a bar and bent it so bought a better grade of steel bar and made the collars, base of the bench is part of a retired irrigation system leg machine dumbell rack made after my 2003 atv wreck with all new steel Big grin vs broke college kid above MTA easy 4.5 this morning in Spring conditions.

                  The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                  Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                  Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                    Yep, I'm not going to jump to conclusions on the nephew. Just hope it is operable. Will find out soon....... Another chilly morning this morning. Hovering right around 42*. Yesterday didn't quite break a record but did get officially to 31*. Warmed up to only 55*. Warming trend on its way.........predicted high for Sunday is 77*.......I'll be long done by the time that temp hits. Thank gawd.......should be between 55*-65* during my half. Jim, love the hodge podge pics......... Have a nice day everyone and make each day/run count.........Jewels
                    But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee


                      Hey Jewels- more prayers going out for your nephew. Really hope he's ok. Jim- nice going on the gym setup! Carol- hope you found your legs!







                        Jewels - Good luck with your half! Will be sending good thoughts and vibes to that knee of yours. Jim - Nice setup! Do have to say that the top 3 pics are my favs. Now that's some ingenious recycling. Smile Rest day today, Clam Beach Run tomorrow. Found out last night my one of my buddies is doing the 5 /34 mile walk. We were talking creek crossing strategy. Told her she needed to get one the cute Coasties to carry her across (she's 62 yo). Big grin Had to give wormer pills to my cats last night. Roll eyes And since they're all good size, they each get 1 1/2 pills. Actually, 2 of them went much better than I anticipated. With the 3rd, I got one pill down, but it was a battle to get the second one down. Cornered him in the bathroom. Tonight we have to figure how to give them to our no-longer-feral-but-still-sketchy kitty. I think it might require thick gloves and a thick towel to make a "kitty burrito." I am definitely NOT looking forward to it. All this reminds me of the ole "Twenty Steps to Giving Your Cat a Pill."

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Queen of 3rd Place

                          Jewels - sending good vibes for your nephew. The same thing happened to a neighbor and they told him he didn't have good prospects and now it's been 2 years so you never know. Jim - cool garage gym, especially the squat rack!! Leslie - have fun at Clam Beach! Feel lazy today, gray and rainy does it, definitely need a good afternoon run. Hopefully the afternoon meeting gets wrapped up fast. Arla

                          Ex runner

                            First, good luck to our RACERS, Jewels and Leslie this weekend! Probably Sr. Lopez as well??? Anyone else?? You guys have a blast! Jewels, so sorry to hear of your nephew's news...what's his first name? Such scary news, and each case is so different. Even if inoperable, he may live a long time. One of the brothers who started the co. I used to work for had a brain tumor. At diagnosis, they didn't think it likely he would live long. But with some aggressive treatment, he had a couple of really long remissions and went on to have a beautiful family and life. Finally did pass away, but after 20 more years he thought he'd never have. As for the legs, thanks for the suggestions! Short runs are all I could manage towards the end of this week. Taking a rest day today, and did part of a yoga tape this morning, so hoping for the best tomorrow. Tried hitting hubby up for a massage (told him you said so), but he wasn't buying it, LOL! May be about time to hire a professional. You asked, so here's my workouts lately: Last Week: 1/25 rest / walk 1/26 5.01 @ 11:02 1/27 rest 1/28 4.87 @ 12:09 1/29 6.05 @ 11.28 1/30 rest / walk 1/31 10.01 @ 11:01 This Week: 2/1 rest / walk 2/2 5.59 @ 10:45 2/3 3.1 @ 11:10 2/4 3.13 @ 15:50 (planned 6, but wheels fell off after 1 mile...walked after that) 2/5 4.94 @ 12:14 (walked last mile of this) 2/6 rest / yoga 2/7 planning on 9 or 10 Guess I should start using the log here and save some typing Wink. Go 40s!
                            Progress Trumps Pefection
                              Carol - It looks to me like you need to incorporate real rest days; read: no exercise at all. Your body does need the time off, and I would highly recommend that you (1) incorporate at least 1 strength training/alternate cardio days (like biking), as well as at least one rest day. Running 4 days a week should be sufficient for you to get your mileage in and be prepared for the 1/2. I'd be happy to forward to you a copy of one of my training schedules so you can understand more of what I'm talking about. You can email me at fatozzig at yahoo dot com. Just keep in mind that the mileage, etc., is geared toward ultras and trail running. If you do want this, please email me by early Monday morning. I have all this information on my computer at work, and I will need to email it back to you Monday morning. I will be out of the office the rest of today, and will be gone all of next week starting Monday at 10:30 a.m. MTA: And yes, start a log so we can comment on your training on a regular basis!! Big grin

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                              Top 'O the World!

                                {{{{Jewels!!}}}} eerily enough, I just got sent this in an email: I have some family dilemma's (always) going on here....will bounce off of you later....gotta go tend to clients just now.... Ciao! Cindy
                                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group