Masters Running


Taco Tuesdaily, 12.19.23 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Thanks for all the thoughts, stories, recipes, and photos about mushrooms yesterday - who knew?


    Very sorry to read the news about your friend, Dave. Yes, cancer still sucks.


    Twocat, as others have said, mice can get in through incredibly small spaces. We've never been able to figure out where they get into our basement, but they do. Sorry, but we're not above using poison, and it works (they eat it and then go someplace else 'cause we rarely find them).


    Deeze, I'm glad you don't appear to have a meniscus issue. A lot of what I do for my knee are leg lifts (raise and hold each for 10 seconds: front lifts - 3 sets of 10; side lifts - 2 sets of 10; back lifts - 1 set of 10 - do for both legs), 'dead bugs' (2 sets of 30 each), toe stretches (lying down, ankles on a foam roller - stretch up and down, both feet, 2 sets of 60). I also do planks, bridges, and hamstring and hip flexor stretches with a rope.


    Speaking of all that stuff, I dd 80 minutes of knee and core work, weights, and stretches this morning. No ankle weights today because I'm suspecting that might add a bit too much strain on the knee. I didn't get out for a walk yesterday because of the day-long rain and wind, but hope to today, but I have 4 meetings and some errands to do, so finding time may be tough.


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Morning Jay and all to come.


      80 minutes of PT every day. Great work there Jay.


      Got a quick ride before heading out to Louisville for meetings. Should be a nice sunny day for a drive and run when I return.


      Nice mushroom pics Steve.



      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Jay - well done!


        Dave - that is so sad for your friend.


        C-R - safe driving today.


        I got a new credit card yesterday (Capital One Visa) for the 75,000 frequent flyer miles, and I have to say, it is the heaviest credit card I have ever had.  Why is that, I wonder. Are all the new cards going to be this way?


        45 minutes of weights and core for me today.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Good morning, Jay. Thanks for the start.


          FWIW, we do the same with a timer/coffeemaker/carafe with an old Behmor model we’ve had for years. We’ve only had one mess in the morning after one of us—probably me—didn’t seat the carafe properly. Small price to pay for ready hot coffee.


          Deez—good news on the no meniscus issues diagnosis.

          Tammy—yay on finding the certificates.  TriBee misplaces stuff all the time and I have to prompt her to do the “Where did you see it last?” etc. thought experiment. We joke that this is only going to get worse as we age.


          I noticed two PBS programs on tonight that might be of interest, given recent discussions here…check your local listings, as they say. One is “America at a Crossroads,” an exploration of “the forces driving Americans apart and what might be done to reverse these trends.” The other is a Frontline episode on “The struggle between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and multiple U.S. presidents over Middle East peace, his turbulent relationship with the Palestinians and the road to war in Gaza.” DVR material.


          Speaking of DVR material…I watched a CBS broadcast of Willie Nelson’s 90th birthday celebration concert that I’d recorded. I generally don’t watch country music on TV, which tends to feature the type of slick, overproduced artists that I don’t care for.  This show, though, had some excellent performances and lots of laughs. Definitely worth a look, if you’re a fan. It’s available on the CBS site now.


          Our flood waters have receded and the road’s reopened, so I should be able to get a ride done. But I’m heading out of town and will have to do that later today. Are pre-workout posts allowed?


          Have a good one.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Tramps, thank you!  America at the Crossroads looks interesting to me.  It comes on here a little later than I want to be awake but I suppose it will be available to watch another time.


            A rest day of sorts today. I’ll be at the food pantry all afternoon and consider it mild cross training.

              coastwalker I know most people do the little things in. But I cannot. If I had a farm it would be filled with pet chickens, hogs, and cattle. But, maybe consider not poisoning the mice. Birds of prey and other predators often catch the dyeing mice and get poisoned too.


              SteveP I am scheduled to give blood tomorrow. I sure hope music over a tinny speaker system is not part of my fate.


              deez4boyz congratulations on the relatively good orthopedic news. While you are not fixed yet, hopefully soon.


              TammyinGP my memory is so bad that I lose stuff all the time. Stuff I had just 15 minutes prior!


              I ran 3 miles today. I am now waiting for Microsoft OneDrive to download all of the photos I did not want it to upload. Then I plan to delete them all from OneDrive. I am downloading them, since I am worried that once I delete them from OneDrive, Microsoft will reach into my phone and delete them there as well. I turned off photo sync with OneDrive, but I do not trust it to work. Once I have the space freed up, I can let OneDrive sync with my OneDrive app on my phone, which is all I want it to sync with.  PITA

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



                SteveP I am scheduled to give blood tomorrow. I sure hope music over a tinny speaker system is not part of my fate.



                The way the staff reacted last night, you’d think that they had never seen a guy slip on a pair of blood shot googlie eyes before.


                  How heavy can a credit card be to where you'd notice it? Seems like it could weigh 10x as much and still weigh next to nothing.


                  Tramps, I caught part of that Willie Nelson special and what I saw looked like the participants just came out of an old folks' home! Willie himself never looked older to me and I thought that his duet with Cheryl Crowe didn't come off well at all (probably a lack of rehearsal, as they seemed to be out of sync most of the time). And of course this rare photo: 


                  When doing my Christmas wrapping, most gifts seemed to fit into two categories:

                  (a) Gifts that I remember buying but can't remember where I stored/hid them, and

                  (b) Gifts that I find when looking for (a) that I forgot that I had bought.

                  It's not entirely unknown that my DW will receive a gift for her birthday in May that I found while puttering in my shop after Christmas.


                  I rode 17.7 miles on the trainer this morning on two separate routes that happened to be on opposite sides of the St Lawrence River up Quebec way. It was a good session and I was pleased with my power output even though both were relatively flat.


                  Yesterday when I was walking out to the pool I caught a glance of myself in the mirror -- something I generally avoid -- and thought that I saw a good bit more flab around my middle than usual (that's where I always put it on). Getting on the scale after my ride this morning confirmed that I'm up 5 lbs from my unofficial goal and there's still two weeks to go in the holiday sugar-overload season. I'm going to have to do something about that even if it means disposing of some of the goodies. Maybe I'll take some into the library this week.

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                    I like Willie Nelson and I didn't realize until a PBS country music documentary how many hit sings he wrote (that other people sang.)  In the early days, people bought the song rights from him for pennies and then made a bunch of money off his work. Then someone tipped him off to stop doing that.


                    I ran an easy 3 miles this morning.


                    Not much else to say about that.



                      Holly, I have a Capital One Visa and agree with you - the card is thicker than most.

                      However, MBE has an Amazon Prime card, and that one is really thick and heavy!

                      Will go for a run in the afternoon once the rain lets up. I can never decide whether to do some kind of structured workout, or to just jog and enjoy.

                      Exciting Seahawks game last night. Good for Lock!

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        Good morning, all.  I'm rushing off to a lunch, so quick post.  Thanks for the start, Jay.  Good news, Deez.

                        I watched part of the Willie Nelson special, too.  Apparently, Luke Combs is the real deal.  Jordan Walker, one of the singer-songwriters we saw last week, talked about writing Luke's first hit with him (When it Rains it Pours).  He said Luke showed up in Nashville to try to "make it" as a singer wearing cargo shorts and crocs.  Jordan had to buy him drinks because he was out of money.  Luke is a big guy, and Jordan said he was ruining their "vibe" out on the town trying to pick up girls!  Anyway- once he heard Luke sing (at Jordan's apartment, which he was sharing with another songwriter) he went to his roommate and said "Hey- you need to get out here and help us write.  The fat guy on the couch is incredible."  The roommate declined since he was working on another song.  "When it Rains it Pours" became a huge hit and Jordan Walker didn't have to split it 3 ways- just two- since the roommate declined!  He thanked the roommate at the gold record party.  Jordan said Luke Combs is completely down to earth- hasn't changed a bit- and is just the best person there is.


                        7.1 miles in 23 degrees, which is very very cold for us.  I went over to the path.  It was sunny and I did OK, but it took my legs a bit to get going.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Mornin', Glories -


                          Nice workout, Jay.  I'm sure you're your PT's #1 pupil.


                          I love mushrooms that have been sauteed in butter with garlic and onions.  So many things are better with butter, garlic, and onions.


                          Got in a 40 min core/ST workout after work yesterday since I didn't get up in the a.m.


                          And it was pouring down rain when I got up this a.m., so I headed to the shed for a 45 min stationary bike instead of the dark, mean streets of Eureka for a run.


                          We've decided to up the quality canned cat food to see if it helps with the cat stomach issues, so I ordered 24 cans of Blue Buffalo Tastefuls off Amazon yesterday.  They offered a one-time 50% off the order with a scheduled re-order, which can be canceled at any time.  Well, thank you very much!  Scheduled the re-order, will cancel once I receive my shipment.  Wonder how many times I'll be able to do that . . .


                          Okay - Lots of work to do.


                          Enjoy ~~

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            Jay - I’m definitely a long way from doing any of your dead bugs but your initial sets and repeats are pretty much what I’ve been doing as much as possible for the last 12 days. However, following it up with 80 minutes core stretches, weights, etc. are as unimaginable as being fast. No way.


                            Twocat - maybe do a super-sanitizing, decontamination-level cleansing of all the places the mice have been or could be and then start putting out food for them in a selected, far corner for, when they get used to it, your live traps. Good luck.


                            ps - happy OneDrive and OneDrive app. My cell phone pics go to a miniSD card that’s 75% full and, I guess, I can just exchange when it gets full instead of having to delete pics and/or apps I otherwise like. Othewise, I’ll have plenty of time in the next few months to delete, delete and delete as necessary. We’ll see.


                            pps - speaking 90th birthdays, there was one earlier in the week for a gal right down the hallway where, to my surprise when we moved in, the first Eskimo yoyo I’ve seen since moving down here from the Great Land and that I’m pretty good at doing too was hanging on her door as I later found out she’d been a ticket agent for ten years in the seventies for Alaska’s first (now defunct) airline in several places that I was flying in and out of at the same time so, kind of like finding runners who I’d run the same marathons with in decades past, we have a lot of shared stories that DW can now finally believe.


                            Roch - I was walking towards the up escalator in a department store and saw this old, fat guy walking toward it (and me too) from the opposite direction but, when I moved a little to the right to avoid him, he did too, . . . until we reached the elevator and I realized it was me in mirror.


                            Scheduled the re-order, will cancel once I receive my shipment.  Wonder how many times I'll be able to do that . . .

                            Leslie - sounds like Holly's airline miles.

                            Holly - I thought you had to get a Delta or other airline card to get their company mileage credits. How do you find out that Capital One and other cards also provide mileage credits on the airlines that fly to the places you like to go to?


                            Although the 30 page, indexed “joint Journey” and 21 of instructions I received on discharge indiates that “swelling is normal . . . for a few months after surgery” and there’s plenty of references to not hesitating to take the PK dosages “as needed,” other than three of the dozens medicals who attended to me in one way or the other during the hospital overnight (when all the anesthesias still had any pain under control) saying that I should expect some pain after the anestheias wear off that typically requires the PK’ers, none of the materials make a mention of the duration of it at all but, finally, after last night’s dosages (1) at 8:00 pm now 12 days after discharge before I went to sleep after struggling to stay awake for the unbelievable last minute end of the football game that Seahawk fans are getting used to losing and (2) again at midnight that worked so well through the night to 6am that, for the first time, the pain level is almost gone, if at all so, I guess, I won’t have anything to complain about, after all, at tomorrow’s first follow-up appointment. Yippee!


                            ps - Starbucks thanks all the lost and never used gift cards that gifted them an additional $164,500,000 of pure profit in 2020, to say nothing more than a billion dollars of interest free loans on ones that might eventually get used some day.

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                              Here's a suggestion for what TwoCat could do with his mice:

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                                Tet! I stil have some Eskimo yo-yo's around here somewhere. I wonder where they went. And you're talking Wien Air Alaska? Richard Wien used to live up the hill from us. My GF bought his house when they moved and uses it for a rental. I have one of their daughters' dressers that I got many (many) years ago, refinished and still use. She's still a friend, too!


                                Sorry, but when that Willie Nelson 90th birthday party show came on after 60 Minutes, we changed the channel. Just not into that.


                                Jay, a lot of your work sounds like things my hospital PT gave me, too, although many of them I'd been doing in bed before getting up for quite a while. Those stretches do feel good!


                                Capital One is a pretty good card. They keep offering me an upgrade to the miles-earning card but I keep the one with cash back. Don't use it much, and I already have a mileage card so keep my old one that I've had for years. Mine weighs the same as any other.


                                Steve, those mushroom pics are fantastic! We get Lions' Mane mushrooms from a local shop that grows them domestically. That way = no bugs. And yes Leslie, not much out there that can't be improved by garlic, onions and butter. Except liver. Nothing improves liver.


                                So today is day #7 (surgery was last Wednesday) and I'm trying an experiment today: no heavy drugs, meaning nothing 'controlled' or with narcotics. So no Percocet (none yesterday either), no Tramadol. I took 3 Tylenol (975 mg total) this morning and will take 2 in 5 hours, see how things go after that. Pretty much done with the walker and usually forget where I leave the cane. I'm still under restrictions of no crossing legs, no extending right leg behind me and no twisting outside with that leg, but other than that since it's bear weight as tolerated, well I seem to be tolerating it pretty well. We'll see how it goes. Getting off those pain meds is key to driving again! But most people seem to take up to 4 weeks to get there, not 7 days, so again we'll see. Feeling pretty good though!


                                (Tet, I still have swelling around the operation site though, so can't wear my jeans yet.)
