Masters Running


Monday Post Holiday Runs and Stuff (Read 511 times)

aka FlyingFinn

    Leslie, that soup sounds delicious. Roasted vegetables are awesome.

    Jlynne, I like the beet broth boost in your recipe.

    I leave out the meat and use vegetable stock in my recipes. I made this today and it turned out well.

    It's great to have leftovers, and I also think soups are even more flavorful the 2nd day.

    Twocat, DH rode all around town on a unicycle as a teen. Today he remembered how to go backwards smoothly.

    Now we have blue duct tape lines on the floor marking the race course so the boyz don't run into any poles. Black eye

    The cats didn't like all the action in their territory and were happy to see the boyz go home tonight.

    Instructions for living a life:

    Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver

      Karin, I'm curious why you're running by time and not by miles this year?


      For the last few years, I review the year of running and racing toward the end of December with my x-c and track coach from college. Even though she lives in WI now, she kindly coaches me via e-mail and phone and puts together a training plan for me.


      When we reviewed my running in 2011 we both agreed that I peaked too early for my fall marathon and definitely didn't execute race strategy well for the spring marathon. She also worried aloud that I got too wrapped up in counting mileage and drove it up too high.  Correct again! So.....we are trying a new approach where I'll have time ranges to shoot for on my plan ("run for 35-40 minutes at recovery pace---choose a flat route" or "run 60 minutes at tempo pace and choose a hilly route").  The overall mileage will likely hit the 70 mpw range, but she wants my focus on quality of workout and not quantity of miles. We are also working within 10 day blocks since the 7-day count-your-mileage framework is fine, but not gospel. Just another way to skin a cat and I needed to get unstuck from the constant 18 week training cycle approach. My base is really deep, so the really intense marathon specific prep will only be 10 weeks this time. I have some prep races that will allow me to test pace per mile and that's enough.


      More than you wanted to know I am sure, but that's the deal. It looks weird in the log here, but I don't really care about that so much. 

      Marathon Maniac #957



        More than you wanted to know I am sure, but


        No no no, I love hearing about this.  You are such an amazing runner, I am all ears to hear about what you are trying and how it is working for you.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



          Thanks, Karin, that's interesting, and not more than I wanted to know!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          MM #6177

            Thanks, Karin, that's interesting, and not more than I wanted to know!



            I remember reading about 10 day running "weeks" in Running Times a couple months ago and being very interested by that concept. Hope it fares well for you, CNY!


            My next (and hopefully final) surgery date is March 5. That's almost exactly a year since my initial diagnosis. Man this process has really dragged on... and mostly because I've had to postpone procedures due to personal commitments (i.e. races). Well, I have my next major race on April 15 (the More HM in Central Park), but it'll be whatever it'll be. I'm just happy to be able to train with my running gal pals and spend time with them in the next number of weeks.


            Oh, and the doctor wants me to continue physical therapy, so I'm actually happy about that. Today we started on pushups. Smile

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Good evening!  Busy day.  Both on here and with me.


              This morning, we had to get up and go have our wills finalized...gee that was fun. 


              Then I went for a 10.2 mile run (18o and 22 mph wind) in 1:17:56. 


              Then, when I got home, DW told me that Ryan totaled his car on his way back to school.  He hit a patch of ice, side-swiped a semi, and ended up in the ditch.  He had three other kids in the car and nobody was hurt.  They were all pretty dang lucky!  One of the kids posted a picture on Facebook...


              Anyway--then I had to figure out where Eric was going to live.  It ends up, my ex-wife has agreed to let him stay with her.  Oh, boy--this is really going to be fun.


              Then DW made me help her take down all the Christmas decorations and put everything away.  That was a ton of fun.


              So--I guess that catches everybody up with my day...I know that you've all been waiting to hear...


              By the way--Larry--I remember you.  You were a regular on here when I first came aboard.  I remember always looking forward to your posts.  I'm glad to see you're back.


              Hey--where's Tim?


              Ribs--I was thinking about that half marathon on my run, today.  I'll bet you guys had fun coming up with ways of using that one...I know I did.


              Okay--I guess that's all I have.  I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

              Avenger Doggie

              protector of my dad

                That sounds very fun Jay. Did every one get ice cream later?


                Lucy is a lucky dog. Do you have pictures of her?


                Oh good, Brinkley got to go out!


                I don't want to go to Disney. Those big stuffed animals freak me right out and I'm not big enough to go on the bye bye rides there. And the bye bye ride don't really go any where.


                I'd like to make James T Kirk go run run run!


                I hope you get better soon Rochrunner.


                Mom hollers on me when I eat her daffydills.


                A pool is like a great big huge bath Holly...Don't do it!


                It's good you got to go run run run Two Cat


                Hudson got to go run run run too! Wow! what does "slow down" mean? Dad tells me that at races and he doesn't get it.


                Tazzie and Ladybug too!!! Very fun!


                That sounds very fun Opie.


                I had to get away from Honey today. She's just a bad dog to me. 



                Me and Dad went run run run when it was all snowing out!



                Me and Dad went back and then went out again! This time Mom and Anthony went too!



                I had to have dry cloths



                No one can run run run fast as me. To trick me, every one went to hide.



                I came back and had to find them all?





                They kept hiding



                I had to protect every one from a mouse too!




                I had to show them the way out!


                Sniffing Butts, Tag



                  Wow, Mike, I'm so glad Ryan and his friends are all okay!  Scary stuff. How did they get the rest of the way to school?


                  ETA: nice pics, Taggy!  Tazzie and Ladybug say woof!

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                     I am starting to understand my new cat, James T. Kirk.  After he uses the litterbox, he sprints laps around the house like a mad terror afterwards.  Some cats will announce their triumph by meowing...Captain Kirk celebrates by racing.


                    Perhaps this is TMI, but I also visit my "litter box"  before heading out for a workout. Was I a cat like JTK in a prior life?


                    Leslie - Trader Joe's has terrific fire roasted tomatoes at some, if not all of their stores.


                    Twocat - DW is one of 14, and most now have kids and grandkids. DW's mom was one of 7, and their kids also have kids and grandkids. Let me know if you want the full rundown...Shocked  I know Garmins are not perfectly accurate, but I also didn't feel as fast as my official time said I was going, so I'm trusting the Garmin this time around.


                    Karin - Thanks for the explanation of miles vs time - fascinating stuff!


                    Mike - Wills are never fun, but they are important, especially if you've got a wife and kids. What a scary crash! I'm so glad that no one got hurt, but they must have been terrified.



                    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                    MM #6177

                      Whew Mike! So glad no one was hurt!


                        Holy Smokes Mike! I'm glad every one is un hurt.


                          Mike - Thankfully, nobody was hurt!


                          An Avenger Doggie sighting!  Love the pics.


                          Jay- Unfortunately, the closest Trader Joe's is 4 hrs away.  I'll just keep checking back at the Outlet.  Stuff comes and goes there all the time.  It's a treasure trove!


                          Well, I didn't do any core work, but I spent the last 4+ hours cleaning up our CD collection.  I figure crawling all over the floor and getting up and down a hundred times counts as a core workout (it's not a lie if I believe it!).  Anyway, counting all the CDs here in the house, then thinking about what I have at work and in my car, I figure we have somewhere around 700 CDs.  Everything from ABBA to AC/DC, Mozart to Neil Young and Trisha Yearwood.  Judas Priest (Shorty's) sits directly above The Judds (mine). Smile

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            Mike, glad everyone was ok.  Black ice, you can never be too careful.  I totaled a car that way too (not with a semi though!).  The policeman called it a no fault accident.

                            Karin, interesting and it makes a lot of sense, but it would drive me crazy not knowing the actual miles.

                            Advenger - lovely pictures.


                            3 easy miles, doing one of my loops in reverse, which was fun as the second mile is all downhill.  52F and raining.  Now it is really pouring and extremely windy, so I got out just in time.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Leslie is thinking about mowing and Enke has daffodils sprouting?  You must live on a different planet or something.




                              MikeE - Glad the kids are OK - pretty scary!


                              Karin - thanks


                              Welcome back Hallar!


                              Woods Lady - nice, very nice!


                              An easy 9.4 in the hills for me today.


                              Peace Friends.



                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                How did they get the rest of the way to school? 

                                One of the other kid's parents came and picked them up.  They, probably didn't trust me to go get them...since I helped teach Ryan how to drive.
