Masters Running


Wed Feb 17 Runs and Workouts (Read 611 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! Some tough runs/workouts already. Not for me though – easy pace day on my schedule. PDR – what’s your goal MP? Tim – hang in there. RunninginDC – well-said. I think we all know exactly what you’re talking about. Vista - congratulations on your 2000! 7.15 miles for me this morning in 19 windy-but-not-too-bad degrees and a new light layer of unbroken snow – a sparkling winter wonderland, made all the more magical by the sure knowledge that I only have to put up with this crap for a little bit longer. Smile

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Good morning Boomers from windy (and not warm by their standards, but a heat wave for me) Florida. We're staying with my sister for a week of vacation. It was so cool to get off the plane and see green grass, palm trees and no snow! This morning I threw on running clothes and went out the door at 6:00 AM. Not sure of exact mileage, but going by feel and my normal pace, I figured 6 miles in 55:10. Even though it was only 45F and really windy, what a treat! No YaxTrax, no gloves, no hat and coat. I'm really looking forward to running outdoors all week, and also playing a lot of golf. Sorry to hear that we still have boomers under the weather and dealing with injuries. Good luck to all. Good runs,everyone, Jeanne

        All you lucky short-wearing Arizona bound runners, have safe travels over the next couple of days! RoyC- I'm glad your daughter is feeling better. I see the bug has hit the other side of the ocean as well. 12 miles in the trails sounds wonderful, you're lucky to have that at your disposal. Marj, Henry- sorry to hear about both of your knee woes. You guys REALLY do EVERYTHING together, don't you! Keep us posted on the MRI results. Tim- when you get back to running, your batteries will be recharged and you'll tear it up out there. But be patient, these bugs can take some time before you get back to feeling 100% Thanks for the post, even though you aren't running at the moment. Feel better! fbgrrl- you will have a blast doing the tri!!! Cool! I'll bet after that one, you'll be wanting more! For many people, it's the swimming that's the tough part. See if you can hook up with people for that, it really helps. Good luck, and good deal on the shorts run yesterday. munchkn- {{{your tailbone}}} Sad Feel better! E.T. eliz- let us know what that hard earned bloodwork turns up. Anemia? Thyroid? And I've never heard of fingerprints getting rejected before! Hang in there, June is coming and you'll be seeing those sunrises soon enough. If I recall, you are at the Jersey Shore? Awesome place to see the sun come up! Have fun Footloosing it tonight. PDR- they're waiting for 50 years of combined years to give you guys the mother of all door prizes! enke- woohoo on the mile PR! It sounds like you gave it your all! Keep at it, that sub-8 will come! wildchild- I just celebrated 19 years at the same job too. Although there wasn't a celebration. Still loving it too. Congrats on your longevity. Hope you get your shorts trail run in today. halllar- good luck with your Bayshore quest! I've heard great things about that race. Slow and steady and consistent wins the game with the marathon. It seems like you have the right stuff, based on your sqeezing your runs in when you can. deez4boyz- a hard half marathon effort will leave you sore, hills or not. Keep up the foam rollering. And I LOVE the on demand TV stuff, I've gotten most of my yoga and pilates stuff from there. charleygross- rest is best Holly- I don't know how you can go that long without shaving your legs. After a week, mine get so itchy and feel awful under the sheets that I can't stand it anymore. But then again, I'm part grizzly bear. jjj- I think you have the job longevity record here! Good to see you putting in some runs again too. Craneium- awesome story and great job inspiring the students, and their families like that! Very well done! PJH- Good to hear the speedwork went ok. You'll get your mojo back, don't worry. Happy birthday to your son! And you will love yoga! There are different kinds though. Think about what you want to work on... strength, stretching, relaxation... and take the appropriate one. WRFB- Another solid workout! You're on a roll! Seems your speed put you into a time warp though, be careful or you'll end up in a previous century. dtoce- hopefully that light keeps getting closer and not farther away. breger- not too fast, not too slow.... just right! Well done! PDR- you're doing fine, no worries ok? You're still out there, thats what counts. CNY- yet another inspiring "get it done no matter what" run for you. You seem to have recovered nicely from your race. It's scary to think how turbocharged you will be when you actually taper. Way to torture your son. Could be worse, you could've been in curlers and a nightgown with facecream all over your face. Ribs- oye what an ordeal. I got one of those GPS map things for the car this year, and it's been a Godsend when travelling. I'll plug in all my destinations ahead of time, fire it up at the airport and the ladies voice gets me where I need to go. Liz- being able to go on the types of runs that you miss is so often taken for granted by those who can do those runs. I'm sorry you are at the wrong end of that situation. Regarding the swimming... I know it's not possible this time of year, but during the summer, if you can, get OUTDOORS to swim, either in an outdoor pool, or in open water if possible. No, it still isn't running, but it helps to just be outside. Hang in there and thanks for sharing your blog entry with us! Twocat- there's always the treadmill.... pick your poison. vista- congrats on 2k! Here's to many more! Waking up in an airport in Rochester NY sounds like a nightmare to me! (Sorry Rochrunner!) Wink Speaking of rochrunner- you are an inspiration to US! Thanks for continuing to post during your downtime, and great job keeping at it with the crosstraining. Tramps- nice solid midweek run. perchcreek- I need to remember to do those strides too. They're so important. Thanks for the kick in the butt. Holly- I guess no shorts today? Jeanne- enjoy your week in Florida! Isn't it great seeing all that green? 6 recovery miles this AM. It was a struggle. Like Twocat, I was gonna head out for a few more later at lunchtime, but I think a siesta would be the smarter choice. Day 9 of antibiotics, one day to go, still waiting for them to kick in. This too will pass, I'm very thankful to even be out there. I wish I had some funny or interesting or inspiring stories to share like many of you, but alas I don't. Keep 'em coming gang! Have a great Wednesday! Smile RoyC,SteveP- thanks for the comments. Smile
          9 easy cruise miles at an 8:11 pace,in shorts...gotta love it...
          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
            I wish I had some funny or interesting or inspiring stories to share like many of you, but alas I don't.
            Bob - After the daily wrapup, you need to add more. Yeah, right. This post is just to note how much your comments are appreciated.

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Bob - After the daily wrapup, you need to add more. Yeah, right. This post is just to note how much your comments are appreciated.
              Ditto Smile Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                Ribs, I would have considered rent a car and driving to Minn.
                NYrunner asked about traveling and getting up in the middle of the night. This reminded me of the time back when I was traveling, that I woke up needing to use the washroom. I laid there in the dark and tried to figure which place I was in and when I figured that out went to swing myself out of the bed only to find it was not the location I thought and I hit head first into a wall, basically knocking myself out until morning. Another time I had been flying from city to city around the country for days, and had fallen asleep in one airport while waiting for my flight. I woke from the sleep with a start and couldn't figure out what airport gate lounge I was in and panicked that I might miss my flight. I had to pull my ticket (in those days that was the way it was done) out of my jacket and see which boarding pass had not been used yet in order to determine that I was in Rochester, NY. Traveling does give some interesing stories.
                I couldn't find the washroom in the middle of the night, and I was home. When I worked in a hotel, one guest would only get a room with the head of the bed to the north wall so the rest room would always be on the same side of the room. Now I know why I'll be in New Prort Richie this time next week Jlynne. No Yak Trax, 5K from the beach and 1/2 an hour from a Chuck E Cheese!!!!!! Life is good. I'm on the Bob Band Wagon as well. I'm trying to figure out how to post dirt about others in the forum with out it getting back to them..."Hey!! (insert name), don't read this part as I'm typing smack about you." probably wouldn't work. I may not run today. I've got to go to Mom's and do some rework for insurance companies. Before that, I'm following up on a solid job lead. It could mean tuition covered for the kids.


                  You can type smack about me Steve...It inspires me!!!
                  Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                    I miss running. Yes, I am able to do 3 miles, cautiously most times, and that does feel good. But I miss running. The kind where you can just go out and not worry about is this going to hurt this or that. The kind that allows me to do 10 miles instead of the planned 6 if I so feel like it. The kind that lets me run for hours on the weekend, when I have extra time to run. The freedom. I miss the freedom. The physical exhaustion, the breathlessness, the sweat. Yes, I even miss the sweat.
                    Well said. I hope you have a full recovery. I think it would be easier if you knew how long it would take, right? Enjoy the sweat everyone... Non-runners just don't get it. My DH keeps asking me if I'm going to keep on running after I switch to full time employment. He doesn't get it. I'll just get up earlier. Well, I was looking forward to my 12 miler today in 50F and rain, but my 5yr old DD injured her leg last night and doesn't seem to be able to put weight on it. That or she is faking it. I'm giving myself one day to "catch her out" walking before I take her to the doctor. She is prone to embellishment (just like her Dad Wink ) So 12 treadmill miles for me tonight, which I will look forward to now that I've thought about the above quote.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                      Ah, Steve... a job in higher education? Works for me. My problem is by the time my kids are college-age, they'll be so sick of Alaska winters they'll want to do like DH and go to school in Arizona! Holly, yes, only a little bit longer... a little bit longer for some of us though. I tell ya it did NOT hurt my feelings to see the local weather forecast for this weekend! Saturday's "high" is -20, lows of -30, Sunday not much better. I'd probably be doing a 20 miler in the basement if I stayed here. I'm trying to talk myself into getting up early on Sunday and hitting the canal for a 20 miler after the relay. DH says I'm insane. Well, that helps with this whole nonsense anyway, right? I've never run along the canal and I hear it's "the" thing to do down there... and I'll be in shorts!! Really hard to pass up. I just have to get up early enough... after the relay and whatever celebrating we do at the end of that... Dead Liz, I so know what you mean. When I had that horrible year of injuries in 2006, I remember hating all the runners I'd see along the road as I was driving to the pool... I can remember thinking I'd never be able to just go out and run 10-12 easily. But it happened. It'll happen for you, too. (and Roch!) Thanks for posting though, I like to hear from all you guys! 10 miles on tap tonight after work, will try to do the last 5 at MP. Shouldn't be hard, I'll have to resist the urge to keep hitting the + button for speed. It does get addictive... Then a final packing of stuff... gotta remember my sleeping bag. Wonder where it is? Just thought of that detail last night....
                        Yippee! Finally a snow day! Big grin Every school in middle TN is CLOSED because we had a dusting of snow! I would ordinarily have headed to the gym for 3.1 on the dreadmill, but instead was able to do 6.7 or so around the salt covered town. Had breathing/asthma issues most of the way, not sure why. Back to the gym for what was supposed to be a mile swim but by this time breathing was really bad so only did a 1/2 mile. Liz, hang in there. Swimming is good, but running is better. Heal fast. Spareribs, what a story! I get stressed just flying N'ville to KC and back.

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Hi ya'll !! Just a quick fly by as my sister should be here soon to pick me up for the airport. Out for 11.25 miles this morning at 11:10 pace. Lovely morning and it felt good. Did the trick too, as I'm ready for a nap - so hopefully I can get some rest on the airplane. I did pack some running gear - so now we'll see if I use it or not out there. I'll try to check in over the weekend. Cheers! ~Mary


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            A snow day in TN but spring like weather in Colorado!!! Hmmmm. WHat's that all about? A 3 mile run/walk with the dogs and an additional two fast run after dropping them back at home. 5 total. I used to travel like crazy when I was with the Ski Assoication... never knew where I was going to be the next day - they all looked the same...big ski hill out of the window with loads of white stuff. Glad not to be doing that anymore!!! Lots of good runs and great posts lately. I really appreciate everyone's knowledge on this forum. I learn so much from all of you - wheather it's about injuries, tapering, motivating or just tips. It's all good!!
                              PDR – what’s your goal MP?
                              I dunno. 9:20 is my BQ pace, but I haven't decided yet what I want to do in Boston. I always said that if I ever did qualify, I would take it easy and enjoy the experience. I want to fully stop and hug my daughter along the way, because she's one of the reasons I was so keen to get to Boston this year before she moves out west. Plus - hills are not my friend, and I don't think I could manage my Hartford BQ time in Boston even if I was really trying. How 'bout you?

                              aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                              Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                                We've got some spring going on here (just 6 hours northeast of Denver, or thereabouts) so I headed outside (was dutiful and did the elliptical yesterday)--just over 5 miles at a 8:30 pace--I'm with you Liz, on wishing I didn't have to be so careful, but at least we can run. Lou and broger, you guys are inspiring. Holly, you made me lol--yes, if we have no more crap snow this year, I won't be sad. CNYrunner--my friend here, who walks to work in red sneakers, used to threaten to carry a sign when her son would roll his eyes at her that read "Yes, I'm Chris's mom!" If it helps, use it..... And finally, why IS Chicago an airport hub when the weather almost always sucks there? (I missed two running trips last year, one to NYC and one to West VA because of weather in Chicago. In March and in May or June.) grins, A
                                Masters 2000 miles