Masters Running


Monday July 9 Daily (Read 391 times)

    Troy—that’s interesting about moose being hard to find.  I grew up in NH where they were everywhere and moose hunting was not much of a challenge, to say the least.  I’d assumed Alaska would be similar.  Isn’t the obvious solution to visit Erika and protect her garden?  No hauling necessary afterwards. It could go right into the freezer.

    Holly—the slumber party girls stayed up half the night?  I’m shocked.  SHOCKED!  Who could have anticipated that?  Big grin


    Crept up to 102 yesterday…violent storm last night…trees still down this morning…hot and humid…blah, blah, blah.  I know, I sound like a broken record.  5.2 easy miles with plenty of branch-clearing and tree-dragging breaks.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Mornin' all!


      I hope that those of you who got in a 'Jay run' yesterday benefited both from enjoying the cool part of the day, and from getting your workouts done before the day got going. Holly, with the sleep-over you had to deal with, I sure wouldn't have gotten up at 4 either!


      Stumpy, I'm sorry we missed you on your drive-by yesterday. But at the hour you were going by, it was too early to eat, and we certainly would have put you to work in the kitchen.


      ETA there are still a lot of moose in NH. Although most are north, in the mountains, I saw one on a workout about 3 years ago. Fortunately, racewalking will even scare a moose off!  Big grin


      5.8 racewalking miles at 4:05am: Beautiful morning at 61F, dry air and a nice breeze. The 3/5 moon was still high in the sky and it dappled the road with its light filtering through the trees - a beautiful morning for a moon dance! My 2 miles up the coast was before the sunrise, but I still enjoyed the pre-show glow. By the time I got back home, the sun was up, and was dancing on the tops of the trees. It was nice to be able to watch the full transition from night to day.


      This morning was just too nice not to ride my bike to work, so I had a nice little post-workout workout.


      I hope you all get off to a good start this week.  -  Jay

      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        ETA there are still a lot of moose in NH.

        A few  years back, I was visiting family up north and was stunned to discover that some budding entrepreneur had set up "Moose tours," charging tourists 10-bucks a head to pile onto a small bus, drive a few miles up the river and watch the moose.  The very same moose, mind you, that are out there every dawn and dusk, in plain view of anyone driving by.  It was hilarious.

        Be safe. Be kind.

        King of PhotoShop

          I went fishing in Canada some years ago on the French River, and our guide was an Ojibwa.  I asked him what he did after fishing season and he said he guided hunting parties for moose.  I asked him if there is any technique to hunting moose.  He said, "Shoot them very close to your truck."


          2.4 easy miles this morning.  This entire week will be short easy runs. Big race Sunday.  Spareribs


            Spareribs, does Riblet resembles you when you were young? Great pictures, btw.


            No dancing moon watching around here. With the last long run yesterday, some home-caring and yard work I did last night my wings were too tired for running today. 


            NH is sure lovely. I ran the Reach the Beach relay with my relay team, Rosie Ruiz last year. We started at Cannon Beach and ended at Hampton Beach. I really, really enjoyed driving through the country side and seeing the different communities. No moose sighting, though. 


            Tamster, how is the kiddo doing this week? 

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            King of PhotoShop

              Riblet probably looks more like I did when I was young than the other two. Thanks for asking.


              Ek gave me the idea about mugging for the camera as a fun theme for the DMN blog, so I used the headline "how to take 30 seconds off your race time".  Here it is:



                Jay- Well done on the double today. Glad you could enjoy the moon.


                Tramps- Thanks for clearing all that debris, I was waiting for someone to do that before I ran today.


                Ribs- I enjoy reading your blog for the Dallas Morning News, and the picture (even with the Bozo) was priceless.


                Only three miles today, but again pain free!


                  Good morning all!


                  Nancy, he's doing well actually. We are able to talk about Jasmine, make jokes about her, etc. and he chuckles along. For instance, we always get some bees that hang around by their outdoor water dish on real hot days. Jasmine would snap at the bees and/or eat them, despite us constantly telling her to "don't eat the bees!". . . well, yesterday, it was blazing hot and there were about 12 bees swarming around the hose trying to get some droplets of water. I joked about how the bees probably said to all their bee friends "hey, that crazy dog that used to try and eat us is gone so let's go get some water". David laughed at that. So we are able to laugh at some of her goofy memories.


                  David and I ran a 5K at the last minute on Saturday. Wasn't planning to as we just ran one the previous wknd, plus I'm running SOB this wknd, but the RD is a friend of mine and she was doing my nails on Friday and mentioned she had very few registrants for the 5K only race. It's a duathlon, so the competitive people are all doing that. when I told david that night about how there weren't many people in the 5K race (the RD told me she had 10 preregistered), David wanted to do it as he figured he'd have a good shot at 1st AG.  Well, he got a new 5K PR of 21:30, plus hardware for 1st OA male and a ribbon for 1st AG.  I took 2nd place OA, 1st OA female and 1st AG. There was one other woman in my AG who was ahead of me most of the race and with about 3/4 mile to go I started picking up my pace, hers seemed to slow (it was a very warm morning!) and I passed her.  There were two other kids in david's AG also. We both got doorprizes also, so I guess it was a good outing for mom and son.


                  When we got home, we saw that our dogs had a good time while we were away also:

                  Bailey (who I suspect is the instigator of this) just laid in the background, not moving a muscle, probably thinking if she closed her eyes and didn't move, we wouldn't notice her.



                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Wow, tammy, that sounds like the race of your life, and probably David’s too even when he’s like us.  I love it too when dogs have the “who me? air. The bigger the mess, the better the air. 
                    That yesterday’s scenic trail in the sunshine and forested shade was the second slowest 5K in my life got me wondering if that first sub-sixer of the year I’m still looking for after last month’s 6:10:09 in the RnR might evade me again in this weekend’s Light-at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon with mariposai, dove, and maybe dive chief so I panicked for an early morning hour-long training run, the second one of the year and third since February 2009. 
                    Not quite the two hours I would have done back in my training days pursuant to the Winter 1978 issue of the now-defunct The Runner Magazine that being able to run non-stop for two hours is good enough to run all the way too for a non-competitive, fitness marathon too. However, maybe with yesterday’s trail run, I hope it helps.
                    Rhoon - it wouldn’t seem to account for the disparate moose populations in your areas but about the only difference I can see for moose between you and erika is all the birch trees she has up there. What gives? At least there was a reason transplanted ones never got along very well in SE because their extensive, five-foot, palmate antlers were too big to deal with travel through lush rain forests.
                    Mariposai - I don't think it will work for me but when I see you this weekend, do you know how to use photoshop?

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      Nice racing Tammy and son.  I need to find a race with 10 entrants then I can claim to come in the top 10!

                      Congrats to Perch's 1 mile PR.

                      Congrats to Holly for surviving a slumber party.

                      Nice photos Ribs.

                      I have a moose story, secondhand, better left unsaid if you want to eat lunch today.


                      We took the neighbour's kid with us to the cabin this weekend.  I know my DD and him spar pretty bad, and I was expecting that, and we dealt with it, but I didn't realize that this kid could talk nonstop (except when he was asleep) for 60 hours, a lot of it somewhat argumentative and pushy.  Anyway, lesson learned.  Even when we got back, I thought he would be so happy to get home, nope, he just stood in my driveway talking non-stop still and asking when he can come over this week....yikes.


                      It was hot relatively for us, so I switched my LR to the cooler day (Saturday) and did 7.4 miles on a freshly graded road, which made the gravel loose and hard to run on and my pace was affected.  Found a cold stream to splash water on me half way, so that was niice.


                      Sunday I did 2.6 easy miles on a better road, but it was 10 degrees hotter when I set out 67!!! so it was not very sproinky either, and I actually felt a bit sick the rest of the day, I think either from the heat or from picking up my DD's stomach virus that had her using the bathroom 8 times the previous night.  Since it will be hitting 80s all week, I hope to be acclimated by the next LR.  You have to have some sympathy, no one has air conditioning here, so sleeping is a little yucky.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        I should probably clarify because my post above makes it sound like I ran some stellar race. Roll eyes  When a 5K time of 26:22 earns you 2nd place OA and 1st Female, you know you've done a good job of cherry-picking! and there ended up only being 5 people in the 5K race. Not sure what happened to the others - if they upgraded to the duathlon or decided it was too warm out.  I'm just glad that the one other adult in the race was in my AG, otherwise it would have been a win by default only.



                          We both did (almost) Jay runs this morning- about 5:30am. I did 2.8 and my "recovering" knee felt good-no pain. Then we did a Jay double- 6 mile cycling round trip to senior classes at Boston U. Beautful warm dry weather.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Tammy - cherry-picking is fine, and you still ran well, and David, well, yowza, that boy is FAST!


                            Enke - sounds like an exhausting weekend - you have my sympathies.


                            Ribs - I laughed out loud.  Smile


                            No moose around here.....


                            No run for me today, just about 30 minutes of light weights and core.


                            DD is now in a jewelry-making frenzy, using my headlamp to see the tiny beads.  I came home from work to a new necklace and a pair of earrings.  Smile

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              An hour of the slow running for me.  The cooler weather aided me in having my best low heart rate run yet.  (5 weeks into the current experiment.) 




                              MM #6177

                                No moose, radio... or something like that...


                                Cross-training day. Basic yoga class this morning, where we focused on keeping our heads aligned properly. Yeah, I could've used that last week, knowing how to keep my head on straight... then 50 minutes on the stationary bike at the gym. Lat pulldowns and chest press there, then come home to finish my PT regimen with the bands, tubes and dumbbells, oh my!
