Masters Running


Wednesday's Daily, 1.21.15 (Read 35 times)


    Mornin' everyone,


    While I always feel horrible, and incredibly sad when I hear/read about people who die from heart attacks while running/racing, I also hope that they were doing something they loved, and that their passing was quick and painless. However, the shock to their families must be immense, and there is no upside there.


    Like probably everyone else here, my diet is pretty healthy, I exercise regularly, and I try to be attentive to any signs of stress and distress in my body. I go for annual physicals, but they are pretty low key unless I voice some concerns or the doc sees something he doesn't like. So, while I may be healthier than the average Jay, that is no guarantee that I'll keep chugging along for years to come. I like what Stumpy said: "Run [walk] joyful today. Enjoy the gift." I might add that, whatever you do today, enjoy the gift.


    I got a Garmin 220 about a month ago (thanks to a great discount at the local running store), and I like it a lot. It has a much lower profile than my old 405, and feels a lot better on my wrist. It acquires satellite signals a lot faster than the old one. I get a light, beep and vibration at each mile, so when I'm out before dawn, and am layered with gloves, mittens, etc. I can still easily track my distance. Also, the screen is larger, as are the numbers, so I can even read them at times!


    I was flat-out exhausted by the end of the day yesterday, and I slept like a rock last night. I got up twice to head out for a workout this morning, and both times I saw greater wisdom in getting some more rest. The second time, it stuck and I didn't get up again until it was time to get the rest of my day moving. So it goes.


    Have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      A gifted 7 mile run in the falling snow this morning.


      Woke up to 1/2 on the ground...wet heavy and still coming down. Felt refreshing.


      I was able to get the knot out of my back by taking my Gel Pack that normally keeps my lunch cool and tossing it in the microwave at work yesterday afternoon. A hot compress is what it needed.


        The 220 was one of my top choices.  I almost clicked the "buy" button on that one a few times.  I think the "con" on that was battery life. I don't like having to charge things all the time and it was shorter than the 910.  It is a nice looking watch though.


        I got up and dressed to go to the gym.  After a 30 minute argument with myself about how much I really wanted to go work out, I finally made it to the gym.  Little bit of a warm-up on the ARC trainer and then some weights.


        Wow! Look at this kid. I almost don't want to post and make other jealous of my granddaughter.   Not even 5 months yet.







          Dave - adorable pic

          Nice run for Slo and rest for Coastwalker


          Went out for a short run before the window man arrived this morning - good thing I made it short because he came 45 minutes before I expected him.


          Have a joyful gifted day!


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            "Run [walk] joyful today. Enjoy the gift."

            I'm in the Japan 100-Marathon Joyful Running Club over here.

            their motto is "run-run / run-po / po-po for a good time not a good time".

            It's easy to understand in Japanese with different kanji for "good time" and "good time"

            ps - run is the same and "run-po" is "run-walk" with "po-po" being really walk.


            i'm sorry to hear that dave and jeanne are as laissez faire about eating as I am.

            We should be more like ribs and amy but i have to get away from this culinary heaven for fish lovers I'm enjoying way too much in Japan right now. Is there a sumo forum I could join for a while?

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Dave your granddaughter is adorable!!  I have had my little Maria since yesterday and I love it -- such precious time!!


              Sorry I have been MIA - hard not running right now.  Getting in a lot of swimming, biking and cross-training.  Have a PT appt tonight finally to try and figure out if it is PF or something else.


              Yesterday tough day in Boston yet again.  A cardiac surgeon was shot at the hospital where I work and the suspect then shot and killed himself in a bathroom.  The surgeon was in the best of hands right from the start, but eventually died last night due to the extent of the wounds.  So tragically sad for this brilliant doctor and his family and horrifying for all my Brigham co-workers.   My heart also goes out to the suspect's family who I am sure are grieving immensely as well.


              Tet - I love the motto of your running club.


              Definitely enjoy the gift as you are out there today and every day my friends.


              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Good morning everybody!  Great picture Dave!


                I am a dope!  Say it with me, "I am a dope!"  Wait...I just had you all call yourselves a dope.  Let's try this again.  "Mike E is a dope!"  Everybody, this time, "Mike is a dope!"


                Last week, Jlynne and Slo_Hand reported that they were doing the Cellcom Greenbay Half Marathon.  Well, those are two people who I have wanted to meet for a very long time.  So, I figured this was my best chance.  It fit just perfectly between my marathon in May and the Senior Games in July.  Then, I thought how fun it would be to have a couple of my kids come with me.  I was thrilled when Ryan and Larva both agreed to come and we all signed up.  This was going to be really fun.  I was going to get to spend time with two of my kids and hang out with Jlynne and Slo_Hand.


                Last night, I was at a church meeting and we were planning an all-church cleanup day in the spring.  We decided on Saturday, May 16th.  I checked my calendar and jokingly said, "Sorry, I'm going to the Billy Joel Concert."  "Ha ha", everybody laughed, knowing that the concert would be in the evening and I would have no problem helping out during the day.  As the meeting continued, I thought about that concert.  I remembered how I jumped on the phone as soon as tickets went on sale and purchased 3...1 for Ryan...1 for Eric...and 1 for me.  I remembered how excited they both seemed to be when I gave them to them as Christmas gifts.  Me and my boys were going to spend an evening the concert...on Saturday...May the sweat started beading up on my forehead...I checked my calendar in a panic...yep...Cellcom Half Marathon...May 17th.


                Okay...everybody now..."Mike E is a dope!"


                What am I going to do?  I have ruined both events.  Even if we do as Ryan suggested, "Well, we'll just go to the concert then head to Green Bay."  And, that's probably what we'll do.  But I won't enjoy my evening with the boys thinking about having to get to that race and I won't get to hang out with Jlynne and Slo_Hand like I was hoping to.


                I am a dope!


                Okay--that's it--thanks for listening.


                  Unless I read your post wrong Mike...In the words of a great Green Bay QB...R E L A X


                  The Cellcom is May 17th.

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    I meant May 16th and May 17th...I told you I am a dope!


                    Very sorry, Denise.


                      Deez, I immediately thought of you when I heard of the shooting at Brigham and Women's hospital and wondered if you were there that day, knew the doctor shot, etc.  I'm so sorry. 

                      MikeE - how come I have a feeling you'll probably end up running one of your best marathons. You'll still have Billy Joel beats running through your body when you run. It's be great! You'll have fun! yeah . . . just keep telling yourself that over, and over, and over. . . 

                      intervals tonight. 5x1000m.


                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Deez - how awful!  And scary...


                        Dave - adorable!




                        4 easy-paced miles for me this morning in 36 degrees.


                        I have something exciting planned for this evening.....

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Good morning! Behind again.  The Brigham hospital shooting was awful, very scary. I used to go down there for rheumatology appointments but switched doctors a couple of years ago to someone  in Concord. I know the area well. Hugs to Deez and all the hospital staff.


                          I agree with enjoying the gift, whenever possible. Sometimes my body does not want to cooperate with that concept... sciatic nerve seems to be quieting down with a bit lower mileage lately, but I sure am tired a lot for no good reason. I have been trying to be better about backing off when I seem to need to. Monday after a horrific icy drive home the night before, I just could not get up in time to run, and my legs were tired from hiking/running/skiing on the weekend, so I slept in a bit then swam at lunch. Probably would have been icy anyway. Yesterday, I did get out the door, but I  felt very tired and some roads still had way too much ice to be safe, so I cut it short after 5 miles of frustration and also swam at lunch.  This morning was much better, coldish at about 15, but not windy, and the ice had receded somewhat.  I felt better too, though pretty slow. I ran about 8 miles. Our schedule this week is a bit different because DS has mid terms rather than a regular school schedule; also, no ski races nor practices until Friday. On Friday afternoon, he goes for an interview at a prep school/ski academy he is looking at for the second half of high school, then he will train with their ski team. Back to the races Sunday and next week.


                          Tammy, your son is great! What a wonderful thing he takes the time to write out a schedule. Great to be able to share the running.


                          Still Garmin free here after almost 40 years of running... wow that makes me feel old.


                          Not sure what Holly is up to, but I hope it is fun!


                          Hugs to all who need them.

                          Sayhey! MM#130

                            Deez, did you know the surgeon who was killed?  I heard about the shooting at the Brigham yesterday of course and have been thinking about it; seems as if the shooter was set upon that particular doctor.  Really sad all around.  Can't imagine all the people who worked on him who knew him.  That has to be difficult.


                            Speaking of doctors, I agree with Erika, as far as how far testing can be pursued.  OF course, I'm sort of a medic-phobe.


                            Leslie, I love TAL, the Ted Talks and Radio Diaries too.  Up north, I would often get myself out the door on cold days by telling myself I would have some entertaining company along for the run.


                            Slo, glad you fixed that back with heat.


                            Is twocat home yet?


                            Why does JetBlue think that someone would opt to fly from Florida to Boston or NYC and change planes there in order to fly to one's destination in DC?  Do people not know geography, or do they not care?   (Fortunately found nonstops both ways for cheap by buying one ways from 2 airlines.)


                            Speaking of DC (I'm visiting my college roomie in March), I'm thinking of putting in for Marine Corps marathon lottery.  I've done it a few times but it doesn't get old, does it?  And I have a place to stay, providing I behave myself in March.  Anyone else have it on their radar screen?


                            Well, I have to run long mid-week starting very soon, but I figure with the marathon last Sunday, I should still go easy, so just 6 for me again.   And I had a "good time," in the tet sense.


                            BTW, what can you be eating in Japan that is bad for you?  I guess my understanding of Japanese cuisine is way off the mark!


                            Happy runs, everyone!





                            ps: Holly, don't DO that, tell!  Forgot to say how much I enjoy Dane's photo and Tammy's coach tales.  AND, Mike E, it will all work out, and you'll make a grand adventure/story out of it and that is why God invented coffee.

                    (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              Deez - I was horrified to hear about that shooting, but until your post, didn't know it was at the hospital where you work.  I, too, feel not only for the surgeon's family, but for the perpetrator's family.  There are victims all the way around.


                               AND, Mike E, it will all work out, and you'll make a grand adventure/story out of it and that is why God invented coffee.


                              Truth!  And what Tammy said about running the next day with Billy Joel still in your system.  It's for certain a recipe for a PR.


                              There's no history of heart disease on either side of my family, but there definitely is in Shorty's.  His dad died of a heart attack at  49 (of course, he was overweight, a heavy smoker, heavy drinker, and ate like crap), and his mom recently died from congestive heart failure (also a heavy smoker and drinker for years and inactive).  That's one of the reasons we need to get him insured, so he can get a physical and see how things are going.  He's been off his blood pressure and cholesterol meds ever since he quit drinking and lost weight, but he also hasn't had a complete physical since then either.


                              45 min of stat bike this a.m.  15 min warm up, 15 min hard, 15 min cool down.  Keeping the intensity for that middle 15 min was tough.  I wavered up and down in that respect, but I did my best and my legs kinda felt like jello when I was done.  Also did my planks afterward.  The 1 min flat is getting easier, so it's time to up it 2 min.  The sides - I still struggle a little to get through 1 min.


                              The Hub and I had a nice evening last night.  Found cupcake pans at Target for $4.99, so I got him two.  He was ecstatic over the pans.  He was actually happier about the pans than the book.  Guess that means my office mates have some cupcakes in their future.


                              Okay - Off to work.  Enjoy your Wednesday ~~

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance





                                we'll just go to the concert then head to Green Bay."  And, that's probably what we'll do.  But I won't enjoy my evening with the boys thinking about having to get to that race and I won't get to hang out with Jlynne and Slo_Hand like I was hoping to.




                                You are NOT a dope! We'll just have to hang out after the race.  The bad thing is you'll all have to wait for me to come in.  And hey - if you stick around, I'll buy you a beer and a brat  We'll make something work - and Billy Joel has the best concerts. I think you got the best bang for your buck for the whole weekend!


                                What are you up to Holly???


                                Your granddaughter is beautiful Dave. Those eyes!


                                Good luck with the PF issues Deez.


                                Hey Tammy - ask David if he wants to come up with a training plan for an "older" lady!


                                5 miles on the elliptical this morning with 30 minutes of weights and core. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are "active older adult" days at our Y, and there's some classes for them, then they stick around after for coffee and cookies. I think the youngest person in the group is like 71. They are just the most kind, cheerful people you could ever hope to meet. Of course, they're all retired and have all the time in the world. Hopefully that will be me someday....
