Masters Running


Tuesday January 3 Runs and Workouts (Read 541 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    MikeE - so glad no one was hurt in that accident.


    SteveP - great pics!


    Back to work and school today, but at least we have a short week. 


    No run for me today, 56 minutes of P90X Core Synergistics instead.  This is really a great whole-body workout.


    Enjoy the gift!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Forced myself to the gym for 3 miles on the TM and some weight stuff.  No New Year's people that I could tell, but there were some evening regulars in the gym who said it is so crowded in the evening that you can't get a treadmill.  I guess the resolution work outers are all evening people.


      So far I have been able to sign into work like nothing has changed.  I have been out since last Tuesday and we are supposed to be under new ownership starting today.  I have never even been told if I have the same job or even "a job."  The last few weeks have been very strange.  I haven't been able to contact my manager who is staying with the old ownership, and I don't know who I work for now.


      I dropped all project work and have just been helping whoever needs help (and with so many people on vacation that has kept me pretty busy.)




      Rose Colored Glasses

        0532. 28F. Breezy on the way back. Our Tuesday 5 miler; a simple out to Wawa and back. A starry, cold morning with 5 for 5.


        Dear Runner of Rochester1 (since there are now 2),

        No bets have been made re: Hokies v. Wolverines. But think about it. It would be quite an accomplishment if a turkey could beat a wolverine. My allegiance is forever to the Hokies of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and state university... but I must say that we have a healthy respect for Denard Robinson and the University of Michigan.


        I do hold a glimmer of hope after watching a little duck beat a mighty badger last night... 


          30 min of core and push-ups this morning. Kettlebells on Thur. Time to add to the daily running.


          Mike - so glad no one was hurt. Scary stuff.


          Avenger Doggie sure looks to be having fun in his winter wonderland.


          Dave - I don't belong to a gym anymore but I recall when I was at the Y that Jan - Mar were busy busy. Then things returned to normal. At least until May when people realized they were headed to the beach. Heh. Fun to watch.


          Pool cover got stuck open on Sat (long story) and now I am almost ready for backyard hockey. Why do these things happen on holiday weekends?


          Make it a great day.

          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



            I do hold a glimmer of hope after watching a little duck beat a mighty badger last night... 


            That was a great game, and Oregon played so well. Lots of offense and not-so-much defense, but the Ducks held 'em when they had to.


            So glad that Ryan and his friends weren't hurt Mike. That car looked pretty bad.


            Dave - sounds like you're staying under the radar. Good luck with your job situation.


            5 miles on the eliptical this morning, 3 on the bike. Lots of new faces at the Y today, but like C-R said, they'll be gone by the end of March.  It's 4° here. At least the sun is out and the wind died down. Trying to mix things up, I signed up for a class to learn how to swim better and it starts tonight. They better have that water at a nice warm temperature!


            Hey Holly - where did you get your P90X DVD's? We just put furniture in our family room and got a TV and DVD player for down there. Would love to get that set to work out at home. Is it really expensive?

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Good Morning!


              It was the coldest morning to run so far here in Western Michigan.   16 degrees with wind chills in the single digits.  I had to dig out my tak traks and found a few springs had sprung, so I will have to get out some new ones for tomorrow's run.   4 miles by myself, I think tomorrow B'Nellie will get to go run, run, run with me.


              Michigan State won yesterday in 3 overtimes!   I almost had to stay late at work to see the ending!!


              Hudson is out running now!  Big grin   B'Nellie's trot is approximately a 9:30 m/m pace.  I don't dare let her run-run.  Love your new avatar too Karin!!   I will check out the twitter page.  Smile


              MikeE - So happy that Ryan was okay!     I can't believe your wife makes you help with stuff around the house - geech!


              Loved the Avenger Doggie post yesterday.   He has so much fun and Honey is pretty darn cute.


              Have a great day everyone!!


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                A belated happy new year to everyone.  I’ve got plenty of catching up to do and will try to take at look at those end-of-the-year threads I missed.  I hope everyone had a nice holiday.


                The legs were still on holiday today.  Sluggish 14.2 miles (8:45).

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  ..CR//.....Good luck with your HockeyRink...............''aak'' indeed


                  25min poolrun

                  the usual NewYearsResolutions Crowd was there


                  kind of like

                   the April Guys

                   you see on the Track and Doing SitUps in the Infield,


                  30-days later you never see 'em again.


                  but with water.



                  ..............good running guys...........Enjoy the Gift.......

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                    ((((deez4boys}}}sorry about the cats missing their playmate.

                    Perchcreek, is the family nestled in their new home?

                    Dave59, sorry about the job situation. I hope all work out for you. How strange!

                    Hallar, good to see you again!

                    C_R, pool cover being uncovered is not a good thing to happen, but backyard hocky sounds like fun.

                    Twocat, I knew that you and your DW met while skiing, but how romantic that your first few seconds alone were while snowshoeing...and I am not surprised about that 100 yards Clown story.


                     I stayed up way too late last night working on a project. My plan was to sleep-in, but my internal clock woke me up at my usual time (I must be growing old, or something). So, I got up out of bed, polished the kitchen sink and then went out for a soothing 2 easy miles. My legs are still feeling the extreme workout I had yesterday while snowshoeing, so running more would have been foolish. We sure had a blast yesterday! I am already longing forward to the weekend so I can do some more. 


                    Ohh, I forgot to mention the splendid sunrise I welcomed this morning! The whole horizon was red! Just beautiful.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Good Morning all!


                      91 minutes of running this morning for me and all was well. Hills tomorrow afternoon after a client meeting (and perhaps the arctic chill won't be so bad by then). No snow still and that makes me nervous for when the shoe (or boot rather) drops.


                      Hudson would love to sprint all out when we run, but we worked hard on pacing these past weeks. I use a leash that goes around my waist (our vet runs with her dogs and got it for me---very cool) I also have his favorite treats in my right hip pocket when we run and that's nose height for him.....he's a smart and treat-happy doggie!  A few chase the leaf or squirrel sprints, but I am always alert for those---yikes!


                      Great photos SteveP and Hudson wants to know where Tag shops! Rocking dog-vest/coat.

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Good morning!  I just spent 2 hours on the road--picking Eric from my XW's (ex-wife--is there a different abreviation?) house, transporting him from our northern suburb, through the city of St. Paul, into a southern suburb for school, and then back home along the sam route.  Hopefully, he's only got 3 more weeks before he has earned all of his credits so I don't have to keep doing this.  I don't have any idea how we would be working this out if I had a job, right now.  It's weird how things work out.


                        I can't believe your wife makes you help with stuff around the house - geech! 

                        I know!  I mean--she has 3 jobs--I have none--what's up with that?


                        I sure picked the right day to take off from running.  It's close to 0, this morning but it's supposed to be warming up and be in the 40's by Friday.  We sure are cheating winter, this year.  (OOPS!  Now I did it.)


                        After hearing some more of the details of Ryan's accident, it is amazing nobody was seriously injured.  The truck driver said that if Ryan had been up a little further, the car would have gone under the truck instead of bouncing off the wheels.  Ryan said he doesn't even know how the car went from the semi over to the ditch, right side up, and stopped.  It really is amazing.  I know that I've been dealt with a lot of stuff, lately, but ther is no doubt in my mind that God is watching over my family.


                        Okay--that's it--I have to do something productive, today. 

                          Mike E! Forgot to say how relieved I am to hear that Ryan and his friends weren't hurt. Scary stuff! 


                            Good Morning!


                            MikeE - that sounds very scary! Glad Ryan is okay.


                            I haven't been around since the 23rd. Just logged in all my runs for the past week or so (Hey! I actually had runs to log in for a change!). Nothing major, but at least I was out there every day except one. And instead of running that day, we went on 2 walks instead.  My year end mileage was pretty poor though. The first half started out great, the 2nd half stunk.


                            CNY, glad to hear Hudson is doing so well on pacing and leash running!  B&B are not so good at that and I know it's partly, okay, ALL , my fault. It's just been so much easier and less stressful for me to run the trails on our property, where I don't have to leash them, they can run at their pace, do whatever they want, etc. I haven't put on a leash on them in couple months or maybe more now. On the one hand though, they are excellent at voice recall and if/when they do get too far ahead of me, I change directions I'm running and as soon as they notice, they turn around to catch up with me. But it's just been so much to watch them play and chase each other and sniff out whatever they want in the woods, that for the time being I'm content with leash free running.


                            I know I've missed so much news and running and racing from you all over the past 10 days or so since I last logged in. Wish I had the time to catch up.


                            here's a couple pics from our trail running:

                            heading back down the mountain to home




                            MM #6177

                              Welcome back Tammy!


                              4 EZ miles for me this morning. Should've been 30 seconds slower per mile to be officially recovery pace, but it was too cold and windy to go that slowly. Temps and wind speed were pretty much the same, now that I think about it, 25ish for both.


                              Almost done with all the pre-packing laundry (yes, all the sheets and towels have to be washed as well, don't ask), and hopefully will be done with the packing tonight. Flight is 6:15pm tomorrow. Looks like we'll be getting to Orlando just as their cold snap is ending, which I'm quite pleased about.


                              OK, back to the grind....


                                Almost done with all the pre-packing laundry (yes, all the sheets and towels have to be washed as well, don't ask), .

                                 I like to wash our sheets before I go on a trip too.  Don't always fit it in, but it's nice to come home to a clean bed.  I also unpack as soon as I get home, unlike Cindy who may go a week or more before she unpacks her bag(s).  I don't get it.


