Masters Running


Steamy Tuesday, June 19 (Read 476 times)

    Sounds like tough love, Holly.  Hope it goes well.


    A couple of you asked about an update on the judge application.  I'm meeting with our Executive Director today or tomorrow to ask his blessing and to serve as a reference.  I hate to go over the head of my immediate boss but I don't have a choice and our ED has been around while I've had 3 or 4 different immediate bosses.

    "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


      Esther...   I know, I am counting on his family throwing the stick for him as soon as they stopped filming!    What a smart dog!  Sorry about the job.   I won't shop there either!       Take care of yourself.... 


      I won't try to catch up.                     well, I'll probably try but won't manage it....


      Did I tell you all that Opie changed my running for the better?    Well, he did!    My polar stride sensor stopped working,.  Initially it just lied to me, but then it decided to not even bother doing that.    The river route is great & I know the mileage my heart but I've just about lived on it for years because it's pretty flat and that's all I've been able to a lot of the time.    Opie sent me his Garmin 205!   So right around the same time my knee (etc) let me start adding hills, I was able to run all kinds of different routes, and to be spontaneous about it.   It's been a lot of fun, and really changed the flavor of running, if that makes any sense.   I look pretty geeky because I still wear the polar for HR data, but figure this way people will think I'm serious about this.  ;-).   

      Opie, thanks again.


      Right now I'm having a week or so off (grabbing a Denise hug) because of another fall last week.   I ran Tuesday a.m., then decided to run in the evening with a local track club.   I'm pretty chicken about that kind of thing... I've been a member for almost a year and this was my first time running with them.    It was 86F & I thought it would be good for me to get used to the temps & the doubles & the people.   It really went better than I expected until I tripped over a tree root.   This time I got my right knee (Enke I though of you... we're in serious competition here)   and my right palm, but also bruised the bone on the tip of my right toe.   It seems so silly, but hurts quite a bit, so I've given it some time.    Yesterday I biked & ellipticalled, couldn't before because of my knee (& so I feel like a blob)  so that felt good.   Did some weights.  If I had to stop for a little bit this is a really good time for it!      can't wait to get back out there.


      Hi everybody.   hugs all around.  

      one more video... this one is longer but worth it i think.



        Good luck, judge Opie!


        Holly, interesting dilemma.  Maybe you can suggest you both give up the oreos and chips and fried food together. Or maybe just give up alcohol for a short time to show support.  When I was trying to get pregnant, I gave up coffee and alcohol, and DH did too to show support. But once I was pregnant, he started up again, which was OK with me.  There was no need for him to give them up long term.  Nor is there a need for you to give up alcohol.


        We never seem to get squirrels in our bird feeder - not sure why not. Maybe they just eat all the seeds that the birds spill on the ground.  We did see a woodpecker trying to drink at the hummingbird feeder, though. 


        dg, cute dog video! And the whale one was cool too. Sorry to hear about your fall - ouch!


        Hot again today in Denver.  Planning a trail run after work, as usual.

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          Opie, I really hope you get that position. What a wonderful opportunity! I know at one time you were looking for job possibilities out here. is that something you are still keeping an eye out for, or have you decided that it's no longer something you're interested in?


          a suicidal chipmunk eh? never heard of a chipmunk falling out of the sky right into a dog's mouth. he must have had a tough life.


          holly, i don't get your dh's logic at all? I can see if your dh was an alcoholic that he would ask you to also quit (like a smoker who wants their spouse to quit to help them kick their habit), but if neither of you are daily drinkers, I don't get how "if you love me, you'll do this" attitude. and if he's just an occassional drinker, how does he think that's the root cause of his diabetes? how about you say "if you love YOURSELF, you'll change your eating and exercise habits" and "because I love you, I'll help you in that regard".


          unlike 90% of the U.S. we are having unseasonably cool/wet weather. About 3 days of rain now and low 70's. I even got in a late afternoon run yesterday of 6 miles and it was mild and rainy out. It felt great. Supposed to clear up this afternoon though and then start getting back into the 80's this week. Normally we would be in the upper 90's to 100's at this time of year and be in the middle of our 3 months with no rain season. I loved the lightening/thunder/rain storm we had last night. And my garden always explodes after lightening storms - but now I just need some heat to fatten up all those tomatos!


          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Thanks for the cool video, dg--now I know who took my red swim trunks...


            Yeah--I was going to make a comment on your dilemma, too, Holly--but I'm sure no marriage expert--but Tammy said it like I would have.


              DH called me at lunch to say that he has suddenly decided that, due to his diabetes, he wants to quit drinking completely.  This is good.  However, he has decided that, if I love him, I will quit drinking completely as well.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.  I don’t drink a lot, but on LR day I do enjoy a couple glasses of wine, and sometimes at other times as well.  I do want to support him, but don’t think I need to spend the rest of my life alcohol-free to do this.  And, truth be told, he rarely drinks anyway, so that is not really causing problems re his diabetes.  It’s the Oreos, and chips, and fried foods and eating out every day during the week, and being 65 lbs overweight.  So, giving up drinking is not exactly a hardship for him anyway.  I wonder if he would be able to give up eating out, you know, to show his love for me.  I suspect that this is going to create a big fight tonight.    Undecided


              Here's my two cents...


              I think that this is going to be an opportunity for dialogue between you and your DH.  I would not go into it as a discussion of your stopping drinking.  It is more of a discussion of why he feels that he should stop drinking and how you can support that.  I have MANY friends who have chosen not to drink over the years (some due to alcoholism and some due to just wanting to be healthier) and it is not mandatory for their spouses not to drink.


              As someone who recently put a cork in the bottle for myself (still haven't decided if it is permanent or not), I don't look for my signficant other not to drink.  That is her choice.  We still have wine and other beverages in the house and she is welcome to have some anytime.  We have had friends over and I made a batch of scratch magaritas for them and was glad that they enjoyed them.  My choice was to drink lemonade...


              So, look for the common ground of how you can support him and leave your consumption of alcohol (or non-consumption) out of the discussion.

              And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



              Mike E

              MM #5615

                And when you have this discussion, make sure you start it with, "Well, my Running Ahead friends said..." he'll like that...


                  And when you have this discussion, make you sure you start it with, "Well, my Running Ahead friends said..." he'll like that...



                  And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




                  Trails are hard!

                    And when you have this discussion, make you sure you start it with, "Well, my Running Ahead friends said..." he'll like that...


                     He HAS met some of us, so I' not sure if that's a good or bad thing.  Evil

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      Hey All!


                      Sorry about the job OM - I think we should all boycott the place!


                      Leslie - whatever's going on, hang in there!


                      dg - saw that video a couple days ago - very cool!


                      Holly - I like the Tamster's take on it.  If he loves and respects HIMSELF, he'll change.  I'm willing to help too!  You can send me the Oreos!


                      I did yesterday's planned route. No THUNDER-cell today, just lots of heat and humidity.  11.7 miles at 8:13 pace of mostly soft trails w/ a nice dose of hills tossed in.


                      BTW - I tried the dryer sheet trick for the deer flies and I think it really helps.


                      Stay hydrated out there.



                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        BTW - I tried the dryer sheet trick for the deer flies and I think it really helps.


                        I've been thinking about trying this trick too .... but not sure where to put it as I don't wear a hat.   I thought I could tuck it into my pony tail and look like a deranged bride running down the road.  Smile


                        Holly - I like Tammy's answer too.  




                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                          Here's my two cents...



                          So, look for the common ground of how you can support him and leave your consumption of alcohol (or non-consumption) out of the discussion.

                           Most excellent response! 

                          Also using a food log, I like to us  for a month or two may help him realize where the true problem of his weight is coming from. Now this is something he has to want to do, not you for him. Good luck.


                          Slow-hand, have fun at RAGBRA, I did look at the website, what a great fun!

                          SkipAZ, I really enjoyed the description of your epic run yesterday!

                          Enkie, if I ever go to a Mariner's game I want to do it your style!!!! Wink

                          WoodsLady, so nice to see you here. Enjoy your new bark dust!

                          Denise! 13 days off...enjoy it sistah!

                          Heme, so how many miles did you ran yesterday?

                          OrangeMat, with your new skills in sales you can find another outfit who would benefit from employing you! Butterfly hugs sistahhh!!!!

                          Erika, I am saving your RR for a nice quiet time to really enjoy every work in the RR.


                          Speaking of quiet time, it may be a while before I get it since my DH and I decided that it is time to change the flooring on the first floor of the house. Some of the work will be outsourced, but we will do some of it! Over the weekend we went to HomeDepot and left there a handful Shockedof remodeling units $$ like twocat would say it (remodeling is not cheap!). So now my DH and I just hope we survive the next couple of weeeks without k***ing each other. 


                          About running, I did 4 over easy  miles at 5am before I spent over one hour of moving books from the bookshelves (how on earth did we ended up with some many books!, but then again I am a book-aholic!). I guess this is the only work the boys will allow me to do this week since I  have a marathon to run on Sunday, but after that! no mercy on this poor girl!...and I am loving it!


                          Ok, time for a nap now before I go back to work. 

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          MM #6177

                            Here's a +1 for all the responses so far, Holly, but I've got a couple more thoughts for you, albeit terse ones:


                            • Why stop drinking? Because it's the lesser of two evils (the other being the unhealthy diet) and so it's "easier" in theory.
                            • Why make you stop too? Because misery loves company.

                            Hey, I said they were terse, didn't I?




                            Just got back from the doctor's and now that I have the drain out, I feel SO much better!! My one-week post-op appointment was supposed to be tomorrow, but since the doc was there (I was only supposed to see his assistant today for the drain removal), he checked me out and said all was looking good, quite good actually. Blush Oh and the best part? He said I can resume running now! Well, as long as I don't move my arms much... Confused


                            Tonight's the group workout in the park, so I will WALK there, socialize a bit, and then WALK home, about 3 miles in total. And I will let my arms do what they will.

                            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                              Yeah OM - that is greta news!!!   Smile


                              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                                Good luck Holly. As much as I dislike arguing with DW, some times it's what it takes for one of us to see the light.


                                Good luck Opie.


                                We love you DG, (listen up Enke), tripping over tree roots isn't a competition unless there is an entry fee, age groups and t-shirts with an Tec upgrade option. Thanks for the video


                       to take a (Oreo) bullet for the good of all human kind....amazing...


                                The fog was very think this AM. Tag and I hit the trails early. Lots of critters scared up. The dog gets disappointed with the partridges. Going after the animals that run up trees is futile enough. With the birds taking off, you can see all glimmer of hope leaving the dog's expression.

