Masters Running


Snowy Thursday daily (Read 454 times)



    Good morning!

    I'm gonna get some serious cross training today- we got over a foot of snow.  DH also gets to really use his monster plow truck for the first time!

    I hope to get out and get to work at some point, and the storm only dumped rain down in the flatlands, so I hope to get a run in later.


    Happy Thursday!

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


      Wildchild...Sounds like your DH is going to have a good time today ! A foot of snow Shocked


      This weeks training schedule is way off target but I did get a very good 50+min tempo run in. 7:28 avg pace over 7 miles. the return half into the wind.


      Not much else going on...Keep running!

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        A foot of snow!!!!   I'm sure your DH is excited Carolyn.


        Nice run this morning Slo.


        Last night we made a 3.45 hour round trip to DD#2's college to haul her car back.   She is using Dad's car while her's is fixed.   It is something to do with the transmission, I am praying nothing too serious!   On top of that it looks like our home computer is toast.   We have been exploring a new one but haven't decided on a lap top or iPad.    From what I understand we might still need a computer if we got an iPad??  I dunno ..... computer at home is just something we check e-mail with and get on the internet.    In the meantime, I won't be able to start the daily very often .... I know a collective sigh is heard all around RA land.  Wink


        4.5 miles in the drizzly rain this morning.   A tad warmer though so it wasn't all that bad - probably 42° with a pretty good head wind my last 2.5 miles.    


        Happy Thursday!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



        Trails are hard!

          I think I'm over wanting snow.  The Daffodils that we planted last fall are starting to show flowers and that close enough to Spring for me.


          20 minutes and 2 miles on the elliptical this morning.  I've been resting the knee and don't want what little fitness I have to disappear totally.


          Looking forward to the Master's meeting on Saturday.  Sure is a privilege to be in Boston and have all these wonderful folks come to visit each year.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Marathon Maniac #957

            Erika – adorable reindeer baby (fawn?)!


            Wildchild – snow?   I am so ready to not see any of that around for a lonnnggg time.


            Mary - we recently got a great deal on a new computer at  $438, including tax and shipping, with 1 terabyte hard drive.


            7.1 frisky miles for me today (ave 9:22) in 42 degrees. 


            I’m still at the house waiting for the air conditioner repair man to finish and tell me the damage.


            Track meet for DS again tonight.  He is annoyed to have been relegated to 400m instead of the 200m he loves.  “400m is HARD!” he said to me.  That’s what he gets for running them in 1:04.  (MY son, who knew?)  His two events (distance medley and 400m relay) are 2nd and last on the roster, so I’m bringing DD’s softball bag and an extra glove and she and I will practice softball outside the stadium in between DS’s events.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              WildChild a foot of snow?  In the middle of April.  I can't imagine ...

              Erika even your Reindeer look "hardy" up there.  Cool pic!


              Mary I hope the car doesn't cost you much to repair.  Those unexpected expenses are the killers.


              Holly your DS will learn to Love the 400m really quick if he does well at the distance!  Keep up the encouragement!


              Today I transferred a bunch of $$$ to keep Uncle Sam happy for another year.  And now it sounds like the Prez wants even more.  I could rant and rave about the stupidity of this but I will hold myself back since y'all don't want to hear it anyway.


              I had a really good GA run this morning in 74° weather.  Acclimating slowly but surely.  I was going to run easy but decided I needed to push myself a little.  9 miles in 1:21, avg HR 144.


              Mile 1 = 10:08  124 HR (warm up)

              Mile 2 = 9:09  137

              Mile 3 = 8:59  139

              Mile 4 = 8:52  145  (finally loose)

              Mile 5 = 8:47  148

              Mile 6 = 8:55  148

              Mile 7 = 8:56  149

              Mile 8 = 8:34  155  (picked it up just a little)

              Mile 9 = 9:02  152 (cool down)



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Renee the dog

                Bill,  I'm filing my extension today.  I'm earlier than usual.Surprised  It's sheer roulette, but I'm figuring since my dh changed jobs last year, worked a couple weeks less, and took a paycut, we should be OK this year. If not, I am planning to have the taxes in by the 30th anyways, so if we owe some, the interest won't be much to write home about...


                Didn't sleep well, and have an eye twitch now. I'd say taper is progressing nicely.  Once I get school done and some chores, it's out for some miles in what might turn out to be nice weather today.

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  Did you see the day old reindeer in photo evanflein posted yesterday?  Did you know reindeer are born with antlers!  Either that or they grow real big in one day!  Wow!  Who would have guessed.  [editor:  You do realize that only the top picture is of a day old reindeer?  Roll eyes  Twocat:  Oh, never mind. Blush]


                  Hemerocallus so you think that looks like fun?  Confused  Man even when I was 100% that muddy trail would not look good to me!


                  C-R best wishes in what is clearly a difficult time for you and your family.


                  perchcreek I am impressed that you make it to mile 20 before wondering why you are running a marathon!  Me?  About mile 15!  Smile


                  fatozzig it is good to hear you have quite a bit of support among those you know.  I am sure they will be a great help in the time to come.


                  hallar I do not know, I think you should give yourself a break here.  You spent the gas on getting somewhere so that you can enjoy doing something.  What is a better use for it?


                  hopeful4ever I hope it is not a serious transmission problem.  Those are rarely cheap.  My DW is thinking about getting an iPad.  Apparently what, if any, e-reader, tablet or whatnot portable device has been a major topic of conversation at her office.  They seem to have decided that the iPad wins.  But then they all have desktop computers at home too, so they are not really facing the same question as you.


                  wildchild a foot of snow!  Does your mountain top realize it is April?  It is really, and I mean really, not supposed to snow now.  I would call nature up and lodge a complaint.  Big grin  On a positive note, this is about the first time I have heard a winter like weather report that was actually more impressive than whatever evanflein posted!


                  All right then, enough procrastinating.  Off to work.  Well off as in off of RA as working from home is my only option for now.  Later on I am heading over to my PT for my first "ankle is a wreck" appointment.  We will see what she can do.  The doc gave me a list of stretches and exercises that is so long it looks like a full time job to complete.  He said to start when I can.  I am not actually 100% sure when that would be.  It is a bit scary to think about moving my foot around very much.  More hopefully though, this morning when I took the cast off to shower the size of the purple areas had shrunk quite a bit!  Still, I got a pretty colorful set of patches on my leg from about mid-calf down!

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    hey, cute avatar twocat, even dough I much rather see one of you running!

                    Byll, great run there. Keep taking deep breaths!

                    Nono, have a blast in Boston. Your first one, right?


                    No run today, but sure have a lot of paper work and talking to do.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      And now it sounds like the Prez wants even more.  I could rant and rave about the stupidity of this but I will hold myself back since y'all don't want to hear it anyway.



                      I know….it’s hard for me to take hearing, “It’s time for us to tighten our belts,” coming from the guy who added 700 TRILLION DOLLARS to our national debt….sorry, I know this isn’t the place for this, but it burns me up....




                      Leslie – I agree with SteveP – You are a blessing to Us….


                      DG – I know today will be a tough day for you, so here’s some extra {{{hugs}}} for you.


                      {{{Mariposai}}}....just because.....


                      Nono - eye twitch?.....Big grin   You're right, you must be doing taper right.....


                      Back at work now, so I'd better get to it...

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Byll, I am waiting until the LAST MINUTE to send my $ to Uncle Sugar -- he NEVER says thank you, which really annoys me.


                        Running a bit behind this morning, so had to cut my run to 2.85 miles.  Rosie was happy to get out though.


                        Easy runs until Saturday when I get to be pace bunny for a friend and my girlfriend in the same half marathon.


                        6:38 pace for 10 miles.  Jump back to mile 8 and run 9:35 to the finish.  Should work out to 19 or 20 miles all told.


                        Snow forecast in the next few days -- I AM SO OVER THAT STUFF!!!

                        And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                          A funny, true story from my Tax Accountant:


                          Last Saturday night, she and her DH were at a bar having dinner.  As it happened there was an IRS Agent sitting next to her who overheard her saying she was a Tax Accountant.  Well, apparently he got really obnoxious and loud after a few too many, essentially saying that "Everyone Cheats, everyone" and "We're gonna get 'em and make 'em pay more".

                          So, my Tax Accountant held off as long as possible and then basically told him to "Shove it up his A--.  And that the IRS should quit picking on people who work hard and pay their taxes and go after the 50% of the people who pay nothing whatsoever and just take".  She told me she easily could have ended up in jail if she wasn't careful.  Big grin




                          PS:  by the way, I don't completely agree with her comment about the 50% but you get where she's coming from.  And, coincidentally she had been working on my taxes all day Saturday and she knew she had to give me the bad news on Sunday, so she was already frustrated before meeting this dude.

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                            No snow here, but there is a 30% chance of seeing some in the air on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.


                            I went to the gym this morning for what I planned on being an easy day.  I did some ellipticaling, some stuff with weights, and then I was going to run a couple miles to wrap-up, but both calves (calfs?) cramped up, especially the right leg.  So it turned out to be a .3 mile run.


                            I went to see the podiatrist today that did my surgery last July.  The idea was to discuss possible custom insoles.  We decided against them since they would probably rub on the lump on my arch.  So, I am going to just keep doing what I am doing: if my heel/arch starts to hurt, take some time off and switch to bike/elliptical for a while.  Keep my distances down (I am focusing on 5k and 10k this year.)  If the lump gets bigger or starts to hurt I can get it removed.  It just isn't worth the effort right now, especially having to stay off the foot for 3 weeks.


                            He also agreed with what the guy at the shoe store told me, that I was buying too much stability.  The shoe store put me in some Brooks Infiniti's that I really like.  I was wearing shoes like the Brooks Trance.  I need to find something else like the Infniti though because Brooks is discontinuing them.




                              no time to really read, just wanted to pop in for a moment.    8 miles around my neighborhood this morning.    forget if I posted, Tuesday was 6 miles with intervals, Monday 9 at the gym.


                              Holly, thank you.  that is just exactly what I needed.   I leave here at about 12:00.              deep breath.


                              I'd talk about it more... you are all  such good supportive friends!!!!  but I just can't right now.


                              Marathon Iowa 2014

                                No snow here - 60s and sunny.


                                Now Boston looks like rain on Saturday night and Monday.  But I'm sure  the forecast will change again.


                                10 plodding miles this morning on the TM in the cardio cinema.  I was so confused watching "Alexander" that I thought the title role was played by Brad Pitt (until I saw the credits).
