Masters Running


Thundering Thursday, May 12 ...... (Read 530 times)

    Oh you people are hopeless! Wink


    A spoiler if you haven't seen the movie yet.  Black Swan Meaning.



    ...thanks enke// just saved me $4.99..


    ...........all I needed was another PsychoDancer yarn.....


    .I'm still trying to recover from PulpFiction.

    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

      Hi all! 


      Just checking in after a week's absence and haven't had time read all the posts.  Busy days at work due to vacations, and busy days at home due to sunshine.  Spring finally arrived in MN, and then it was summer for two days this week 85☺  I was glad I got up early and biked before work one of those days.  I donated blood last Thursday and have been sluggish since then.  I had a carpy run last night, literally!  The carp were spawning near the lakeshore, flopping all about, sometimes calming swimming near the surface looking like mini sharks.


      It's good to see Dove and Mustang Sally here, and I smile whenever I see Mari's profile picture of her getting that medal. (((Leslie))), you are still in my thoughts.


      Good luck to Esther and all the other racers.  A friend of mine who is my recovery group is running Green Bay, so looked up his number to get emails.  Our high school track team one 1st place in the sectional "Tru team" event and are headed to state.  There are some outstanding athletes and I hope they do well.  I have some more cross-training to do in the flower gardens, and hopefully the veggies to plant this weekend if the rain stops.

      “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Hey, Starr--one of your Worthington boys runs on my son's track team at Augustana--Aduo Omot.  Yeah, he's pretty good--NCAA DII Indoor National Champion in the 800--I'd say that high school produces some pretty good track athletes.


        Well, I didn't do quite that good in my 1 miler, tonight.  I haven't seen the official results but I think it was 5:24.  With the year I've had, I'm not going to complain...besides, you guys don't want to hear my whining...


        Both men and women's winners won the $10,000 Time Bounty, tonight.  Sara Hall went under 4:32 and David Torrence went under  4:00.  Wasn't there a day when people actually believed that it was impossible to run a mile under 4 minutes?  They thought you would die!  David didn't look dead as he came by on his victory lap and slapped my hand!  (I hope he doesn't have a cold, or anything)


        Anyway--it's been a long night.  I definately had fun hanging out with the guys on the team.

          Hey, Starr--one of your Worthington boys runs on my son's track team at Augustana--Aduo Omot.  Yeah, he's pretty good--NCAA DII Indoor National Champion in the 800--I'd say that high school produces some pretty good track athletes.


          Well, I didn't do quite that good in my 1 miler, tonight.  I haven't seen the official results but I think it was 5:24.  With the year I've had, I'm not going to complain...besides, you guys don't want to hear my whining...


          Both men and women's winners won the $10,000 Time Bounty, tonight.  Sara Hall went under 4:32 and David Torrence went under  4:00.  Wasn't there a day when people actually believed that it was impossible to run a mile under 4 minutes?  They thought you would die!  David didn't look dead as he came by on his victory lap and slapped my hand!  (I hope he doesn't have a cold, or anything)


          Anyway--it's been a long night.  I definately had fun hanging out with the guys on the team.


          Yeah, Mike, our team is quite well rounded.   We do have alot of newcomers from other countries that came here to work at the Swift pork plant.  I think I heard that there are over 60 different languages/dialects spoken here in SW MN!


          Great race tonight and I don't think you should complain about your time at all!  Good job, Mike.

          “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


            Well, I didn't do quite that good in my 1 miler, tonight.  I haven't seen the official results but I think it was 5:24.  With the year I've had, I'm not going to complain...besides, you guys don't want to hear my whining...




            I think that's pretty darn good!  I haven't even come close to that, and that's running downhill as fast as I can. Smile


            Hi, Starr.  I was wondering where you'd been.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Marathon Maniac #957



              Well, I didn't do quite that good in my 1 miler, tonight.....I think it was 5:24......I'm not going to complain...





              Given that you may be the only one in this group who can actually run a 5:XX mile (save Hermosaboy), yes, you're right - no complaining allowed.  Joking


              Dove - I'm still waiting my my 14yo DS to grow into his size 14 feet.  I think he's still about 5'9", so those feet look mighty big on him...

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
