Masters Running


Turkey Trots and Thankfulness (Read 44 times)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!


    Happy Birthday, Tammy!!!


    After some grocery shopping this morning, I got in a two hour, 20.5 mile bike ride, battling an incredible headwind most of the way. Lord have mercy! At times I was pedaling hard as I could, but barely moving and trying to not get blown over. I wanted to cruise through Old Town, but about 3/4 of a mile away (and 16 miles in), I just couldn't take the wind anymore, turned away from it, and headed home.


    On one stretch of the Hikshari Trail (a paved path), I passed 2 couples outward and inward bound, and on the return it was into the %^&*$ wind. I was pedaling hard, I could barely hear the podcast I was listening to because of the wind, and as I passed the group, one of the husbands tried to talk to me and I just had to yell, "Sorry! I can't hear you!"  I couldn't hear him, and there was no way I was going to stop my forward momentum struggle to go back and see what he what wanted.  Sorry!


    On the grocery shopping front - We both like to grocery shop, and we usually shop on Sundays together.  It's our "date". 


    Now it's time to take a shower and work on dinner.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      Happy Birthday Tammy!

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Happy Birthday, Tamster! Love the turkey tracks card from Carolyn!


        Econo! So good to hear from you and yes what a year you've had! Congrats to you (and Herr W) on all fronts.


        How do these kids get older so fast? Oops, I guess we're all getting older. Claire is 16 and beautiful! Nate is 1 and adorable! Oh my.


        Mike, of course we miss you when you're gone! You, too, Bioguy! I frequently wonder where some former regular posters have gone off to, but then remember that I post maybe 5-10% of what I used to. But where the heck is Twocat??


        We're home. Nice to have the first class upgrades the whole way but still had a lot of hip pain that made it hard to sleep. Got about 2 hours of sleep on the flight over from Lihue. Both flights got in about 25 minutes early. We're all unpacked and a quick load of laundry (first of a few) is done. We're going over to DS1 and DIL's to have dinner around 4, so about an hour to go. I'm sure we'll keep it short, come home and crash.


        Next trip is to Anchorage next month to get this damn hip fixed. I think my timing was pretty good, as it's mainly been the last 2-3 months that it's caused major problems in my daily life (well, besides ending my running life 23 months ago).

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Erika - welcome first class home.  By the time you get back, it's probably close to the 9-10 hour transPacifics to Japan where upgrades were such a blessing. Do they still give caviar?


          In addition to still just being here, call me thankful for everyone's grace herein when I occasionally have to disavow some inadvertent vow I may have inadvertently made at one time or the other.  Thanks.  Ed note: e.g., never walk in a marathon, quit running if 26.2 miles ever takes longer than five hours, . . . six hours,  . . .7, etc., never fall on a sidewalk, only post about running, never/ever move to sr. housing. never live highr than 2nd floor, never complain about running in the rain (oh, I'm still good on that one), etc.


          Dave - sorry your desired improvements aren't coming along as fast as you'd like. Enjoy 'em, though, whatever they are, as pretty soo, . .  I mean, one of these days they won't at all.  Good luck.


          Tramps / RCG - you guys not doing small talk is like me being fast, especially tramps' recent Verizon classic that would have been me about Xfinity if I could only do small talk like that.  Thanks.

          ps RCG - if tight underwear means being "fat,"

          I'm sure I'm not the only one in trouble here.

          ppps - for the record, it doesn't.


          Jay - glad you got to NM okay, I guess, but venturing out to local tourist attractions, no matter what, is just downright cra, . . . I mean very impressive. .


          ps (KSA's' Ken and Centex too) - thanks for the doses or reality about my own upcoming knee replacement surgery. Yeah, thanks a lot.

          pps - did anyone have general anesthesia or was it all just spinal?


          for sure about everyone's GK's growing up so fast.  As for me, take me back to the days when the birthday girl used the hot tub ploy to subdue us into her early RA (nee Boomers-and-Beyond) postings.  Glad we were dup, . . I mean saw the light. Happy Birthday.


          Surly - I'm no sesquipedalian but how was the guilty epicaricacy about the uncle's Burning Man?  When I googled it, I got "Eva Cassidy," "evil acid," "Eppie-in-the-toal hole" until I figured out that ii was the English equivalent of the German "schadenfreude" I have to look up every time too when used by the erudites on NPR and elsewhere but I won't even try on today's multiples sesquipeds. .

          ps - are you thinking of the Pacific Coast Trail sometime?


          whoops, something going on in the kitchen.

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Tet-  Ken had general anesthesia (which he didn’t realize he was going to have, even though he was told to (and did) fast.  He also had a leg block.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            Trails are hard!

              Happy Birthday, Tamster! Love the turkey tracks card from Carolyn!


              Econo! So good to hear from you and yes what a year you've had! Congrats to you (and Herr W) on all fronts.


              How do these kids get older so fast? Oops, I guess we're all getting older. Claire is 16 and beautiful! Nate is 1 and adorable! Oh my.


              Mike, of course we miss you when you're gone! You, too, Bioguy! I frequently wonder where some former regular posters have gone off to, but then remember that I post maybe 5-10% of what I used to. But where the heck is Twocat??




              Well, Erika had many of the themes anyway  But I want to know how the absentees are fairing, too 


              Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!


              Welcome Centex runner, too!


              We did 2 major wwalks today--One Lake and one Breakheart.  Breakheart was a knarly trail at first, and I very much LIKED it!

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                Perfect birthday card! thank you! And thanks for all the bday wishes friends!

                had a nice day here. Got in a 4 mile run this morning - not part of a turkey trot - just my own run. A bit with my dogs and a bit on my own. then I spent the rest of the morning, early afternoon prepping food. I hosted the day/meal and made everything so I felt overly busy timing everything just right, but all turned out good except my pumpkin bar dessert. blech.  So I'm glad my friend Barb brought me over a box of chocolates for my bday so i had some little sweet treat to enjoy this evening.


                David arrived about noon so it's been great having him home, visiting, just having his presence here in the home feels much more complete.


                Old Coyote

                  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

                  I went on a group run this morning up a hill just outside of town. The trail is Turkey Trot Trail. People turned around at different points, I ran about 6.5 miles. We say "run", but the average incline was over 10%. A lot of fast hiking involved. Near the midpoint of the run the clouds broke up some, and it warmed up a bit. More importantly, visibility expanded to 50 miles plus at the top of Mt Falcon. The scenery was immense.

                  I'm a strong downhiller, so despite being slow going uphill I caught the main group 100 yards from the parking lot.


                  Oh, and my 60th birthday was last month. So I got that going for me,.


                  Hope everyone survived the feasting!






                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    With no turkeys in Japan or even Thanksgiving like ours, our once-a-year turkey menu isn't enough to get DW used to it so but, this year, I got a nine pound young roaster that, unlike the big two year olds, didn't have much tryptophan smell and DW actually kind of liked it, saying "this doesn't even taste like turkey." She was more impressed with how thin I got the scalloped potatoes, . . . until I showed her the box they came from.


                    Without any of the nearby Turkey Trots including Thanksgiving t-shirts I wanted after getting rid of the decades I had of them in boxes in the garage in the summer's purgings, I filled the old packsack I recently replaced with the nifty, waterproof REI one with bananas, raisins, pastries, canned stuffs the nearby supermarkets sometimes drop off at our sr. housing and left it at the encampment down at the cityside park and then went back to watch the 12th day of the 15 day sumo tournament before watching all the Thursday football games that are usually only on Premium Peacock, etc.


                    The imaging clinic in our nearby network hospital four blocks down the street didn't get it yet but I confirmed on Wednesday that my Medicare Advantage health plan with Mutual of Omaha (Wellcare) had approved the non-exercising heart imaging needed before my 12/6 knee replacement surgery so, if I can get the timely appointment my PCP thinks is on track, so will be the surgery.  Not sure I hope so, though, anymore but, no matter what, better to get it over with.


                    Shoulders now relieved of anymore lingering sidewalk pain which, somehow seems to have slipped down on the left side right where I got the flu shot about three weeks ago so, of course, no connection. I guess it was hurting so much the other day, it seemed that my knee pain had totally gone away, . . . until I realized it was the left knee that wasn't hurting, . . . instead of the surgery destined right one.


                    RCG - so sorry about granddaddy.

                    So very easy to imagine and very unsettling

                    for those of us at that stage too.


                    Knowing well the answer, I like to ask DW if she ever ate turkey in Japan and she never tires of telling me, ""no, . . . luckily."

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Old Coyote - hiyah!


                      Erika - Glad you made it home okay. I sure hope that hip surgery brings you back to good.


                      Tet - I Don't always fully understand your posts but I read them everyday with joy and a smile

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Sorry I never made it here yesterday. So good to see so many checking in!

                        Belated happy birthday, Tammy! It was my twins' birthday yesterday, too.

                        Bio, Nate is adorable.

                        Econo, so happy to hear all of your excellent news! I will have to see if I can run with my mouth closed. I think it will be hard...

                        Tomwhite, Clare is lovely.


                        We had a very nice day, but I really am terrible at this whole Thanksgiving thing. I try my best to stay on track, but I have darndest time trying to get everything done at more or less the same time. All of the stopping to greet everyone arriving at different times keeps distracting me! The food was a success, but by the time we sat down, half of it was already cold. Just one epic fail: a gluten-free cranberry curd tart that didn't set (but would have been spectacular had it not been so soupy!). Oh well, my pumpkin pie was the best in years, so that made up for it.


                        No run for me yesterday, but heading out soon. I weighed myself this morning and was up 5 lbs from two days ago!

                        Old Coyote



                          No run for me yesterday, but heading out soon. I weighed myself this morning and was up 5 lbs from two days ago!


                          I weighed myself yesterday morning and won't again until Monday. I don't need to know...






                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Exactly!  But I am actually not going to weigh myself until a week from Monday. Any extra weight you have right now is probably mostly bloating anyway.


                            Moeno - you know that is not actually real weight! It's impossible to gain 5 lb in 2 days...

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
