Masters Running


Tues Feb 19 Daily Runs (Read 638 times)

The Jogger

    Morning Gang Out for a little 3 miler, was feeling cold here 0C 32F just when you think it's warming up for Spring, mind you, those temps would be for some of you guys. Myself and Woody went along a reasonably flat trail. Anyway 3m 32:29 @ 10:50 pace AHR 151 71% Currently doing the Hal Higdon intermediate plan 1 for my marathon but March 2nd change to a 12 week plan devised by my mate in work, I've mentioned him before. He's the 62 yo that has represented England in the 60's He said he would have loved to have been a good marathon runner. I asked him what his best time was, he told me 2:28 (i think or there abouts) he won the 1974 Paris Marathon and he's telling me he wished he had of been a good marathon runner. He is ranked 12th UK for his age. So, good coach....... Good Runs All Roy
      Good guy to know, Roy. Too bad he's not a good marathon runner. Five recovery/easy miles for me this morning, with a few striders thrown in. My hard workout this week is tomorrow rather than the normal Thursday, so I wanted to make sure I didn't overdo it. Workout: 4.1M, 8:44/mi, AHR 140 Overall: 5.1M, 44:36. Have a great day!

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Nice of that "not a good marathon runner" to help you train for your marathon Roy. That's very cool of him. WRFB, good way to get the week started off nice and easy. Me too. An easy 6.1 miles at 9:21 min/mile pace to clear out some cobwebs and build up my amnesia. Ran strictly easy by feel and the avg. HR was 140. 70 degrees 64% humidity. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Pretty humble coach, Roy Smile 6.2 mi GA in 49:44 (8:01, AHR 159, target 160). Started with 2.2 mi at 8:43 pace with Tory then 4 mi at 7:38. Have great runs!

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Very nice co-worker Roy!! Awake at 4 a.m. - finally got up at 4:40 a.m. and out the door at 5 a.m. I think my "run" was more of a "trudge" through 4-5" of fresh snow. My DH did a nice job plowing a path out to the main road for me and then it was a search for fresh tire tracks the rest of the way - of which there were few. 4.5 miles overall - 16 degrees, snow and light wind. Happy 2s'day! ~Mary


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              For absolutely no good reason, I had light feet and speedy legs today. I had expected to still be somewhat wiped out from Sunday's 20 miles. Go figure. 5.06 miles in 46:30 - 9:11 pace. Last mile was 8:37. I even kept up with WRFB for the first half mile or so (his recovery is my tempo, so we don't do that often).

              aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

              Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                Good morning all. Some good runs already. I think I am spoiled in regards to running and can't imagine getting up and out this early to run in snow like Hopeful4ever. Good job as you put in a good amount of miles here early in the year. Perchcreek.....How are you feeling? Any further discomforts as you are running or are you holding back a bit to try not to push it? I still have never figured out why a person feels SO good at times when you least expect it. I am more likely to know on some occasions, why I am feeling horrible for a run. Since I always feel good for races, I expect that adrenlin has something to do with it. I also have always performed better in sports under pressured situations, so expect this is somehow related. Anyway, good run Predawnrunner. Can anyone give me some ideas on the pro's and con's of running once a day, as opposed to breaking the same mileage up into a couple of shorter runs? I am not training for anything right now, so I am only wondering how the benefits compare between the two styles. My current busy schedule does not allow for a period of time for longer runs, but the shorter ones have been working. I do get in a long run over the weekend. This only is necessary during the week. Thanks.

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Morning all, Needed to rest my running legs, so I rode my cycling rollers last night for 1.5 hours, alternating easy and hard efforts...felt good to be on my race bike, but as a treadmill it's boring also. Roy - the temps drive me nuts, especially this time of year. It was 61 degrees last Sunday, and today it is 5 degrees with -25 to -35 degree windchills. I am starting to be one of those people that are sick and tired of the cold and wind. Way to go with your highly regarded coach...that's cool man Nice runs Mr Beer Man, Bill, Perch, Mary, and early morning runners are rockstars Heres a pretty cool event I can look forward to in March...does anyone one know what 100 floors on LifeFitness Stepper is??? ....I'm not much of a gym rat. Have a great day of running or whatever you do today. Tim

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                    Good Morning from Atlanta, My first appointment isn't until 9:30, so I have much more time than usual----luxurious almost. Got out there at 6:15 AM to run after reading Soundrunner's lyrical race report. I can't say I had a running within myself run as she did, but it was a fine run. 35F degrees and clear with birds chirping. I had to wear gloves, but no wool cap and light layers----and NO SNOW (sorry....had to do that). I did a "dyno" or dynamic run which is sort of like a structured or more fluid fartlek---see description in my log if you wish. All good---9 miles worth in 1:19 or so. I ran loops around Centennial Olympic Park and the Georgia Dome as people were getting to work and a boot camp fitness class was chanting in the distance. Good start to the day all in all. Enjoy it CNYrunner

                      Morning Boomers. The snow has finally moved through and the sun is out! The roads are still not plowed so I headed back to the Y for yet another run on the dreadmill. 4.5 miles in 39:10. No sproink - for some reason I just felt tired and never fell into a good rhythm this morning. Roy, I wish I could find a personal trainer for me! I'm sure your friend will be a good source of advice helping you get ready for your marathon. Nice runs WRFB and PDR. I think it's great that you both share the same passion (???) for running. Mary - way to keep cranking out those miles in the snow. The forecast for this weekend is sun and temps in the 30's. Looking forward to doing some outside running. Maybe that will help my motivation. CNY Runner, enjoy that warm, Atlanta weather, especially the sound of birds chirping. It's been a while since we've seen or heard any around here. Good Tuesday runs, everyone Jeanne
                        My TP and I were supposed to hit 11 miles today. She, however, managed to put together a route that ended up being 12.43mi@9:05. Worked out fine. Tomorrow I plan to do 6 with her and then another four on my own. Alas, like Roy C I am forced to deal with somebody that is not a very good marathoner. She "only" finished second in her AG at the MCM last year. Tongue btb1490 my DW also gets hits with sinus infections every now and then. If she does not get on antibiotics it just does not clear up. With antibiotics it disappears right away. Hopefully yours will too. Thanks Soundrunner, enkephalin, and tetsujin209 for the Vancouver running advice. I will certainly make a beeline out to Stanley Park when I arrive on Thursday. vista suppose you plan on doing 10 miles in a day. A single 10 mile run is more stressful on your body than a 6 mile run in the morning and 4 mile run in the evening. If you are looking to build stamina for a HM or M the 10 will help you do that. After all you need to get used to running non-stop for a long period of time. However, if you are trying to add miles to help build your base (so that you are in shape to run non-stop for a long period of time) but your schedule needs you to include a relatively easy day then the 6 in the am and 4 in the pm is way way to go.

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Perchcreek.....How are you feeling? Any further discomforts as you are running or are you holding back a bit to try not to push it?
                          Vista, thanks for asking. I had some soreness in the front of my knee and my foot/ankle so I backed off last week (ran easy) and those sore spots are gone now. Planning on 20K race Saturday. I think the problem is my favorite 13 mile loop has some very banked sections of the road which are terrible on the knee and ankle.

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Good Morning! Posting a little late because I wanted to read over yesterday’s thread first. Deez4boys – I’m excited for you! Judging from the soreness in my glutes and hams today, I probably need to reduce the reps of my new lower-body routine. Even without weights included, it’s quite a demanding collection of exercises. I found the single-leg bridge-ups particularly torturous challenging: And yet, like Predawnrunner I had strangely energetic legs today, not speedy so much as just a very “fit” feeling, as if I could go on for miles and miles, just running like a machine, in spite of the cold and the sore muscles. Maybe all this marathon training is starting to have an effect. 10.10 miles for me today in 14(feels like -2) degrees, with 25-30mph winds. Included in this run were 8 hill repeats, where I charged the hills (or tried to) and pounded back down them again. 5th grade science project due today. I drove DS to school so that his tri-fold project board didn’t get messed up on the bus. Monday night I helped him put it together (i.e. did the lettering due to my neater handwriting, did some typing for him, and printed out a graph he made up on the computer). It’s hard to find that middle ground between helping and doing too much, but I think we did okay this time. My parents never helped me with this stuff, and I'm glad to do it for my kids.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              morning everybody just a short report, I"ll try to catch up at work. .). this is hard to post, but you that know me will know that at this point it's progress. First TM attempt last night in quite a while... the last time was a disaster, & then the dental stuff kept me down for a month. anyway, just a walk/run mix, 2.04 miles. The main thing is that I don't think it hurt. awareness, but not quite pain. this morning, pilates workout 1, a little yoga, & some planks. a few things I remember... happy belated anniversary, dromedary! dale, yay. you're welcome. soundie, thanks for the dune quote!! it's been so long I'd forgotten it, but it came right back. all you sickies, listen to Sarge. hope you all are better soon. Doug, I'll be interested to see what you do & how it works as you return to running.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                The main thing is that I don't think it hurt. awareness, but not quite pain.
                                Oh, Debbie, I am SO pulling for you to heal up and be able to run again pain-free. Just remember, be careful, ease back into it, and by warmer weather hopefully you'll be back in full swing.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
