Masters Running


What, No One Started the Wednesday Daily Yet? (Read 471 times)


    Where is everyone?!  5 miles this morning in absolutely beautiful weather, but I noticed that at 4:30 it's taking a little longer for the sun to come up over the horizon. Good news for me yesterday! I got the clearance from my doc to start using the eliptical and stationary bike again. Can't have any resistance on it, no lap swimming or regular biking yet but hey - it's a start!


    When does Mary get back from vacation? Where are Slo and Nono these days?


    Thanks for your post yesterday Bill. I hope you can come up with a nice plan for me when I start back running again.


    Saw on the national news last night how so much of the country is sweltering in heat and humidity the past few weeks. Hang in there everyone, at least it's not snowing Smile

      ...jlynne//..........I hadn't posted


       I'm going down to SocialSecurity Office


       see if my Nickname on my Original SS card,


      my GivenName with which I have been paying Taxes

       are going to

      BITE ME when it's time to retire......



      not running related, but do any of us know about these types of things??


      PM me if you do.






      and then I'm going for a run............I'll be the one Screaming///////

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

      Avenger Doggie

      protector of my dad

        Derrick...Was there ice cream?? I would have not worried about wearing pants.


        JLynne, tell Will that I can be his dog. Mom and Dad are getting difficult to be with. I have to do "tricks" before I can have any ice cream. I would have digged a hole in the yard for John Doe. Your Dr makes me happy.


        Mariposai, it's nice that you and DH gor run run run!!!


        Ilenne, we have a ladder that Dad wants me to go on..It is right into a great big huge bath!! Mom and Dad get in there and kids come over and play in it too. What's the matter with them?


        Fatozzig,  I can come over and chase your cats.



        .  Nature count - saw many birds, 10 bunnies (a record), 1 hunting cat, several barking dogs, one chipmunk, and two flies (accidentally swallowed).  A number of deer flies feasted on me as well.  Consider it a hobby hazard.

         Get 'em!!! Get 'em!!!


        TW, having a sekrit identity can be a lot of work!!!!



         Running with Dad

        Makes me sad

        He's really fat and slow.

        Kinda limps along like an injured buffalo

        Even his Dr. thinks he's crazy

        And my momma calls him lazy.

        We went 2 buggy stinky miles along my favorite stream.

        As soon as he quits weezing, he better spoon over ice cream.

        Sniffing Butts, Tag


          Oooh Avenger Doggie, that sounds like a very fun ladder!  Smile

          I went and ran on a giant hill last night.  Up and down and up and down the hill, and it was hot and I ran for 6 and half miles, up and down, and up and down, and did I remember to mention that it was hot?   Blush


          Runners run

            Hey folks----been traveling and I have more coming up, so I haven't been posting as much. All this travel means I'll get to see Holly next week, so that's cool!


            Ran 6 miles this morning at 7:27 pace---must have been the happy to be home feeling, but felt light on my feet and just went with it. No structured plan right now---just running some fast, some slow, some hills and sometimes long.





            Hope that works...we just love Hudson!

            Avenger Doggie, he's itching (or maybe that's scratching?) to get his own account here as well---maybe soon!


              Nice today.  15° cooler than the last few mornings.  I ran 6 miles in the same time that I ran 5.5 yesterday.  I threw in a few 5 minute segments at 5k effort (with 2 minutes easy in-between.)


              Avenger Doggie - I hope your Dad would not jeopardize a major project with deadlines mandated by the federal government by taking off work when you aren't feeling good.  I'm dealing with that now and not feeling too good myself.


              I'm frustrated with my weight gain and lack of motivation, so I decided to make the Crim 10-miler a bigger deal.  It's 45 days away so it is close enough to give me a kick in the behind.  I registered for it this morning.  I may even stay down in Flint the night before so I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn and drive there, secure a good parking spot, walk a mile to pickup my packet, wait in line for it, walk a mile back to my car, walk another mile back to the starting line, wait in port-o-potty lines....   I like to run.  I don't enjoy the stuff that comes with bigger races.




              Marathon Iowa 2014

                Tag - what does your dad think of your poem?


                Liftin', steppin', spinnin', sweatin'.

                  CNY cool Hudson pictures!  By the way, all the photos are dated 7/29/2011.  Maybe that should be June?


                  Well, I decided to practice what I preach and ran a Wave run this morning.  Miles 3, 5, 7, and 9 are the "On" miles.  4, 6, 8, and 10 are the "Off" miles.  I tried for "Comfortably Hard" - somewhere around HM pace.  10K pace isn't likely to happen this time of year.  For comparison purposes, my current fitness Easy pace is about 9:30 or so, current fitness HM pace is 8:00 and my current fitness 10K pace is 7:39.


                  Mile Avg. Pace Avg. HR


                  1 10:49 111 Warm up mile
                  2 9:33 125 Another warm up mile
                  3 8:21 144 Slow.  Not fully warmed up yet!
                  4 9:33 136  
                  5 8:02 153 HM pace finally.  153 has always been my Tempo HR point
                  6 9:30 145  
                  7 7:55 159 A little under HM.  Working hard.  HR going up.
                  8 9:50 149  
                  9 7:54 162 A little under HM.  Really working hard.  Too hard maybe?
                  10 9:47 151 Cool down mile.  Notice the HR is still almost Tempo HR.  I did the right amount of "On" miles


                  Can someone tell me how to add a new Workout Type ("Wave Run") in the RA Training Log?  I know I've done it before, but I can't seem to find it.



                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



                    Byll, nice wave run!  I liked your explanation yesterday.  But I have the same issue as Erika - not the "always run too fast" issue, but the hills issue.  Sometimes when I run in the flatlands in cooler weather I do wave runs, but they really don't work well on mountain trails.


                    To add wave run to your log, go to options>>manage my activities>>edit activity (running)>>new workout type


                    After two days of afternoon thunderstorms that prevented running, yesterday I managed 5.5 trail miles after work. There was distant thunder to the east and bright sunshine to the west.  Really nice run, but the trail is starting to get badly eroded from all the rain we've had lately.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      Hi Gang!   


                      I am back from vacation and was welcomed with a desk full of work and a bad head cold.    UGH!     Needless to say, I have not run since last week, which was miminal at best.     We had a great time though, with super weather, lots of Lobstah, good drinks and great stories ..... well worth the cold which I will kick soon (hopefully).


                      I don't know what is going on around here, so I am just jumping back in ..... hope to get out for a short one tomorrow if I can get my large, butter enlarged arse, out of bed!!


                      Gotta love that Avenger Doggie and his poems!     Can't wait for Hudson to start chiming in too.   Wink




                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Bill, I liked your post about the wave run as I'm someone who has chatted here about it without the proper introduction.  I entered mine as a tempo run but it looks funny like I did the whole run at tempo pace so maybe I should do like you & add wave to my log.  I'll do a RAW, outside if the humidity is low enough and there's a breeze or on the treadmill otherwise.  We got some much needed rain yesterday.


                        With the cute dog pics going around, I really need to take a new picture of Maddy the crazy puppy.  She's gotten huge.

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Bill, I should probably put this over on the wave run thread, but notice how your approach to the wave run is similar to the comment made by Dave59.  There is no need to be precise about these miles, and you seemed to have figured out the effort that was warranted.  My idol, Arthur Lydiard, rarely sent his athletes to the track.  They knew what pace they were supposed to run.   Spareribs


                            I'm glad Bill clarified over on the wave thread that he was running by effort, because when I read the post above, I pictured him checking his watch after each mile and trying to pinpoint a pace.  I didn't realize he was just doing an "after the run recap" of how it went.


                            Not that there is anything wrong with checking your watch and trying to adjust your pace, especially if you are specifically trying to get a feel for pace.  My point was that trying to hit a pace can be discouraging.  You can get depressed about a run that was actually a good effort because your pace wasn't what you wanted.  (I speak from experience from days past where I was loosely following a training plan that called for "pace runs" on a regular basis.)



                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Ran 10 this morning as a wave except not real fast on the HM part. And
                              it was colling off during the run from 69-64 and low humidity. Nice!
                              9:18, 8:56, 8:20, 9:04, 8:03, 9:18, 8:12, 9:13, 8:15, 9:00

                              The 2 mile mark from the hotel is exactly in front of the Hanson's
                              Running store in Royal Oak where Desi Davila is based

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                 All this travel means I'll get to see Holly next week, so that's cool!







                                Yay!  And the link works, and Hudson is adorable!  Too bad you can't bring him with you to run with us!  Smile


                                5.2 untimed miles this morning.  Similar conditions to yesterday, but somehow it felt better.  Maybe the problem was me...Roll eyes

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
