Masters Running


Terrific Thursday 4/7/11 -- Daily (Read 535 times)


    Thought I would take a shot at starting the daily thread since it's still open.


    3.5 Rosie Run miles for me -- protecting my two blackened toenails the whole way.


    Almost Friday, Y'all!

    And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



      Good morning Rob.  Watch those toenails!


      6 easy, tired miles this morning.  I've been building up pretty quickly and the body is feeling it.  Next week's cutback week is timely!


      Today marks 27 years that my DW has put up with me.  That alone makes her very special!



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Thanks for the start hermosaboy. Vampire’s Passion nail polish on my toenails and what black toenails? Can’t see ‘em. Time to get out the glitter polish for Boston.


        Happy Anniversary to the Regers! Very cool and so glad the running build-up is going well.


        Interesting conversation about training and racing yesterday. I love to race---the adrenaline rush at the start, the focus and intensity of trying to hit certain splits or a finish time, and the great camaraderie at races large and small.  I race against my own times, I race to get true leg speed after weeks of solo speed workouts.  I race so I can cheer for my running club friends and for the sheer fun of it.  I also love training and get excited when I move into a new training cycle---testing my limits, trying out new workouts, meeting up with friends and covering lots of therapy miles, setting my day right with a morning run that helps ease the tension and stress of the prior day. I’ve been running and racing in one shape or form since I was 12 years-old and don’t wish to put an end date on any of it.  The fitness, health, and friendships derived from all this running?---priceless.


        9 hilly miles today at steady 8:20 pace, 30º and partly sunny, pretty perfect. Rest day yesterday.


        Now an egg sandwich and potato chips (thanks Mary!), that sounds fabulous! No chips, cookies, sweets or alcohol until April 19 (and since March)---may need to add a glass of wine and chocolate Hob Nobs to an egg sandwich and potato chips post- marathon meal. The faster the run, the sooner I can realize that day dream…roar.

          Rest day yesterday.


          Shocked  Does this mean your streak is over?



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Shocked  Does this mean your streak is over?




            Streak ended awhile ago---in February I think. All good and no fanfare. Cool

            Renee the dog

              Oh, and on the race/train discussion, I have to say that marathons have filled a void in my life.  I do marathons to replace all the first dates I can no longer go on seeing as my husband and family would frown on them. Big grin


              Seriously.  I LOVED first dates. It is great fun getting to know people!  (I never went in looking for Mr. Right -- just a chance to get to know someone and their views a little).  Being a marathoner in the 4-5 hr range, I get about 4-7  "first dates" a race.   And I just LOVE that!  Runners are cool. Cool


              So far, just a yoga session for me today.  Going to run after I get Renee over to the vet for her annual. 


              Run fun everybody!

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                Granddaughter is running a fever and not feeling well.  I feel a little rundown too.  Must be something lurking around the house.  I'm going to take the day off any workouts or running.


                #Ramble On


                I'm not real sure why I run.  Or why I do anything for that matter.  When I was a freshman in high school I had to come to school a few days early for marching band practice.  I was sitting on the curb with a friend, waiting for our ride home when the cross country team ran by.  My friend suggested we try it and here I am.  (That was in the fall of 1973.)  My life is directed by suggestions and then carried along by inertia. 


                I run now to offset the effects of being a computer programmer for the past 30 years, it gives me time to listen to podcasts that I would never get to otherwise, I enjoy the feeling of "being in shape", a good run can clear your head on a bad day, and stuff like that.  I'm not competitive but I like to reach certain marks.  (Finish certain distances in a certain time.)  I like races for the chance to push harder than normal.  (I say I'm not competitive, but I hate to lose to people of similar abilities.  I don't mind getting smoked by the fast guys, but it drives me crazy to finish behind someone who is in my sphere of fitness.  I'd rather my lungs explode than be passed by certain local runners. Roll eyes)


                #Ramble Off



                Marathon Maniac #957

                  No black toenail here, but only because I stick a needle into my cuticle to drain it…..DD said she showed her stitches to her classmates and they were grossed out.  I told her, “you should tell them about my toenails,” and she said, “Eeewwww!”


                  Byll – Happy Anniversary!


                  7.3 easy-paced (ave 10:08) miles for me today in 47°.  Legs are still a little creaky, but sproink is slowly returning.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Today marks 27 years that my DW has put up with me.  That alone makes her very special!



                     Congrats Byll!  That is truly awesome!!!

                    And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                    Marathon Maniac #957

                        I'd rather my lungs explode than be passed by certain local runners.




                      Big grin

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      MM #6177

                        Whew! Brightroom photos are finally up, and with a bit of detective work, I was finally able to find a finish photo of myself.

                        I know I started about 5.5 minutes after the gun, so I'm sticking with my Garmin time of 2:05:14. I've been rather bummed this past week that for my very first time with a big race like this, my D-tag was defective and my results didn't register. It was like I didn't even do it. Sad But ha, now there's finally proof!


                        Oh, and here's a little video snippet that MrOM's cousin took of me as I passed by them the second time around the park (mile 11.5 or so). Goofball much?? Well, y'all told me to have fun... Joking


                        Last night was the running club's monthly meeting and there was a presentation about ChiRunning. I tend to run like that already and have always found that stuff to be intuitive to begin with, so I didn't really learn all that much... except of course how those concepts are taught to people who don't find it intuitive like I do. I thought that part of it was fascinating. I also why it is I have pain when I walk and not when I run, i.e. what I need to do for ChiWalking. You'd think if you can run, you can walk, right? Nope. Considering I'm walking 39+ miles for the Avon Walk in October, I need to get my chi on and good. So it was a good meeting all around.


                        Here's another photo of me mid-stride and mid-smile, doing my chi thing. I really love this running thing. Smile


                        MTA: Happy Anniversary to Mr & Mrs Byll!!

                        Petco Run/Walk/Wag 5k

                          short hit - two days no run. Went back to sleep for 1 1/2 hrs this morning... almost out of the funk... more later, from the storefront

                          bob e v
                          2014 goals: keep on running! Is there anything more than that?

                          Complete the last 3 races in the Austin Distance Challenge, Rogue 30k, 3M Half, Austin Full

                          Break the 1000 mi barrier!

                          History: blessed heart attack 3/15/2008; c25k july 2008 first 5k 10/26/2008 on 62nd birthday.


                            Good morning. No black toenails here, yet. Boston is definteily a black toenail course though. Have to stock up on the dark purple nail polish.


                            Pretty morning here. I ran an easy 4 miles and will do a light speed workout at lunch.


                            I run for all sorts of reasons. Racing is less a part of it now, though I may try some trail races.


                            Karin, your discipline is amazing. I am not a huge junk food eater, but I do like my wine. ... don't want my system to go into shock before SmileBoston..

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Orange Mat - great photos, great smile!  You looked so fresh in that clip.   Smile


                              Lamerunner - my DS told me after Boston that I needed to make a shirt that said, "Boston Marathon: Surrender Your Toenails!"

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                OM//.....I love it.......


                                ............please don't hurt yourself.




                                .......25min out and back..

                                ..........I think I'm getting used to the street impact again


                                eased off till after I get back from Vacation....




                                ...................good running guys...............Remember When You First started Racing

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
