Masters Running


It's Not Monday Anymore--Tuesday June 21 (Read 593 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    I'll be heading back to Portland tomorrow morning for work meetings. I think we're going to stick pretty close to home for July. All this travel is wearing me out!

     So...Pacific Crest, this weekend?


      Perch...Nice job. You caught me !  Bunny


      Now I better get busy.


         So...Pacific Crest, this weekend?


        I can't hear you.

          Going to walk or run on the high school track for a summer solstice event for a 15 yr. old who had a wreck with an ATV, and broke his back.  I feel so sorry for his family - he probably will not walk again.  Anyway, the good thing for me is that I have not had the opportunity to run on a real track before except at the very end of a race for half a lap.  It is billed as a walk/run.  Hope I am not the only one who wants to run!

          Avenger Doggie

          protector of my dad

            Going to walk or run on the high school track for a summer solstice event for a 15 yr. old who had a wreck with an ATV, and broke his back.  I feel so sorry for his family - he probably will not walk again.  Anyway, the good thing for me is that I have not had the opportunity to run on a real track before except at the very end of a race for half a lap.  It is billed as a walk/run.  Hope I am not the only one who wants to run!

             I will!! We'll run run run!!! Then have ice cream and do tricks and let kids rub our tummies and chase critters and go for bye bye rides!!!

            Sniffing Butts, Tag



              Details to follow.


                Trent, nice marathon with PR.  Tammy, congrats on your almost PR marathon.  lame, sorry to hear about your daughter's car accident but glad to know she's ok.  PBJ, it sounds like your son's team made a valiant effort in their champtionship game.  derrick, that was a moving story about your dad.  Sometimes, something that doesn't sound like a big deal results in the most significant memories.  hermosa, good job in pacing your son and thanks for the great pictures.  CNY, thanks for the relay comments.  I'm looking forward to more from the other team mates.  There have been a number of neat dog (and cat) pictures.


                Nice long runs for PBJ, Mike, Tramps, henrun, and PBJ (another).


                This morning, it was in the mid 70s, almost calm, and humid.  I got in 8 miles in about 1:21:30 for a 10:11 pace.


                A good day and good runs for all.



                  4.5 miles on a hotel treadmill in Richmond, VA at 5:00 pm. Hi Tramps! No time for a meet-up this trip---flew in early this morning (alarm at 3:30 am) and went right to client campus and I fly out at zero dark thirty tomorrow for two days of work in CA.  Good sweat fest on the treadmill and 7:38 pace overall. I get SO bored on the dang thing, so kept playing with paces and will call it a fartlek. Felt good to shake it out, but now I am tired and will be snoring soon.


                  Neat photos Steve.


                  Congratulations on the marathon PR Trent.

                  Marathon Maniac #957


                    I seldom seem to get going early enough to do that long on a week day, unless I break into two runs.


                    I had visions of doing a double today, but I think, with this job, I need to let go of that possiblity.  I'm getting home too late and too stressed, and all I really want to do is drink my dinner.....(sigh)...I know I will get better at this, eventually, but the learning curve is very stressful right now.  This stuff isn't THAT complicated, I'm just so slow at it because I'm new, and I'm not keeping up with the workload.  Can anyone order up a couple 27-hour days for me?....Undecided

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Lovely Ladies' slippers!  We saw a couple of them last weekend on our hike but not as many as on some trails. Have to find out where the flower stashes are and hike there.  Reminds me of a funny story; when I was nearly  9 months pregnant with DD 17, we hiked with some friends who are bastions of both the NH Bar and the hiking/skiing community. We were doing a traverse of the Moat range, a low but beautiful range in the North Conway area. 


                      Tons of ladies slippers and they are protected here. Our friend wanted some in her garden so she dug up a couple and carried them home. Acted like she was going to jail.. very funny!


                        Nice 10 the hard way MikeE


                        Miss Rosie miles are kewl.


                        Ran intervals last night in the heat!  Summer is definitely here now!  Happy Summer Solstice to all you sweet master runners.


                         Hey!! What about me??


                        Nice Paul!


                        What's with bosses lately Opie?? Sheesh.


                        You've tackled tougher things Holly. You set the bar high as an endurance athlete. You rock as a mom and a wife. You still have a social life. Not a person here has any doubts you'll excel at this position. I suspect that you know you will. If you were looking for easy, you would have stuck with the last job until your boss retired. 


                        Lamerunner, the plants are protected here as well. If any part of the root is bruised, the plant dies. They are uncommon in our area, however, Noah, Avenger Doggie and I went to Mesick, 8 miles south, and they were all over the joint. We are going back for ripe goose berries. We did 30 or so dirty hilly root covered minutes. Noah would run and want back in the jogger for a few step, then try and jump out while it's in motion. At the top of the steep hill on the last loop, we ditched the jogger. After a bit, Noah wanted me to carry him. As soon as we took a few steps, he wanted back down. With the end nearing, I didn't pick him up. I yelled, "You got this Noah!". His reply was, "Grampy! Pick me up! PLEASE!".

                        "Little Dude, you've got this!"'You can do it!" 

                        I passed him.

                        He caught up.

                        Then he beat me.

                        He had it.



                        DW and I celebrated 5 years last Friday by hauling the camper for a romantic weekend. DD#1, SIL and Noah invited themselves to the lot next to us. Sister-in-Law and her family also joined us for our romantic weekend. DD#2 and DD#3 also joined us. Tag had a ball.


                        About a month ago, some one who runs a blog, or what ever you call them, asked for some in put. By co incidence, it posted on our anniversary. What's posted is 50% of what was submitted and the last line was taken out of context. 




                          Intervals in rain, wind and humidity -- oh my!!!


                          5 x 1k with 5 recovery -- 12.1 total miles.


                          Now I'm hungry...


                          Night all

                          And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Hey Mary..I went out at 5 am, no rain.... but really warm and humid.. like NC!

                            10 sweaty miles in 1:30:45 .... I guess I was virtually runnng with SLO Smile (nice to be in the top 25!)

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              Holly, listen to me! most employers do not expect their newly hired staff right away. I am sure if you were to ask your boss (which I strongly suggest for you to do) how HE thinks your performance is going he will say that he is very pleased. He knew that this field is a new one for you, but he took the risk to hire you anyway because he saw the gem in you! Relax girl. Give yourself some time to be performing your best.



                              1 hour of hot gym date with my DH. Man, that gym was hot!!! as hot in  high temp! 2 miles on the TM, then some upper body and core XT. Then to a meeting, then now home getting ready for a nice chat with my sistahh Enkie.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Hang in there, Holly.  I think you are putting a whole lot of pressure on yourself because you want to be so dang good.  I'm not saying that's a bad thing--I think that's, probably, just you.  Steve said it very well, though--if you wanted easy--you woud have stayed where you were at. 


                                No run for me, today.  I lifted some weights and did some stretching after our soccer game, tonight.  There was no way I thought we would get the game in with all the storms rolling through but, except for a brief shower, everything was fine.


                                Yeah--I am really excited about my first Ragnar Relay coming up--especially after reading the reports that have come in so far.  I can't wait to read the rest of them--and see more pictures!  It's been fun seeing the faces behind the words typed on the screen after so many months.
